

单词 旅游


旅游业 n

tourism sector n
tourism industry n
travel trade n

External sources (not reviewed)

消委會亦把相關個案上載 於該會專為內旅客而 設的“精明消費香 游 ” 網 頁,讓內旅客提高警惕。
The CC has also uploaded the cases concerned onto
[...] its "ShopSmart" homepage which is set up for tourists from the Mainland to increase their awareness.
一位成員引用海外城市的經驗,提議 旅 遊 巴士的運作需要提 供豁免。
Citing experience from overseas cities, a member suggested exempting tourist coaches for their operational needs.
我們已就此採取適當 的措施,讓殘疾人士可在與其他人平等的基礎上參與文化 生活,並確保他們可以使用各類文化、休閒 旅 遊 和 體育 設施。
In this regard, we have taken suitable measures to facilitate persons with disabilities to take part on an equal basis with others in cultural life, and ensure that cultural, leisure, tourism and sporting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities.
只要敏感到每個人 都在不同的屬旅程便可以了。
Simply be sensitive to the fact that each person will be at a different stage in their spiritual journey.
在此次活動收集到的大部份意見均支持露天廣場的計劃 (例旅遊業 界,油尖旺區議會 等),然而,有些意見則主要關注到該區的車輛和行人的交通安排。
A majority of the views collected in this exercise support the piazza project (e.g. the tourism sector, the Yau Tsim Mong District Council, etc.), although some are concerned mainly about the vehicular and pedestrian traffic arrangements in the area.
(丙 ) 如屬附設於會所或酒店內的持牌按摩院,則須存放有關當局
[...] 為該會所或酒店簽發的有效合格證明書、豁免證明書 旅館 牌照副本。
(c) In respect of licensed premises inside the premises of a club or hotel, a copy of valid Certificate of
Compliance, Certificate of Exemption or Hotel Licensed issued by the relevant authority in
[...] respect of that club or hotel.
在与主要赞助者(会员国、联合国和学术界)围绕编制一 份关于气候变化的全球伦理原则宣言进行磋商的过程中,人们清楚地认识到,需要做大量的 工作,游需要澄清基本的伦理原则(包括但不限于气候变化问题的伦理原则),而 游则 需要制定实际的政策工具。
In the course of consultations with key constituencies (Member States, United Nations and academia) around the desirability of preparing a draft universal declaration of ethical principles in relation to climate change, it became clear
that significant work
[...] is needed on the upstream clarification of basic ethical principles, including but not limited to climate change issues, along with downstream development of [...]
practical policy tools.
应在 A 组份和 B 组份流量计游的供料管路上 安装流体调节器,以保证正确的压力控制并尽量减少泵 [...]
To obtain proper pressure control and minimize pump pulsation, install a fluid regulator on the A and
[...] B supply lines upstream of the meters.
z 舉例來說,博物館的「虛擬導遊」可以提高教與學的效果 旅 遊 景區的 「虛擬導遊」可以向遊客推介香港;政府部門(例如:中小企支援與諮 詢中心)所舉辦的講座的串流版本,可以讓不能出席活動人士重溫內 容,盡用資源。
z For example, “virtual tours” of the museums can enhance the efficiency in teaching and learning; “virtual tour” of scenic spots can promote Hong Kong to visitors; and streaming video of seminars organized by government department (e.g. Support and Consultation Centre for SMEs can benefit the public who could not attend the valuable seminars and save government expense in organizing repeated seminars.
(b) 我們與香旅遊發 展局合作,現正在全港多個地點舉辦大型巡迴展覽,推廣 文旅遊。
(b) In partnership with the Hong Kong Tourism Board, we are staging a large-scale roving exhibition at various locations across the territory to promote heritage tourism.
(d) 在香港特別行政區成立以前或以後持有 旅 行 證 件進 入香港、通常居於香港連續 7 年或以上並以香港為永 久居住地的非中國籍的人。
(d) A person not of Chinese nationality who has entered Hong Kong with a valid travel document, has ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for a continuous period of not less than 7 years and has taken Hong Kong as his place of permanent residence before or after the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
另外,大会第六十六届会议就中美洲的可持续 游 业 和 可持续发展举行了第 一次讨论,并确认考虑到已宣布 2012 年为中美洲可持续游年, 有必要特别是 通过消费可持续游产品与服务来推动发展可持续 游 业 , 加强生态 游 业 的 发 展,同时应保持土著和地方社区文化和环境的完整性,加大对生态敏感地区和自 然遗产的保护力度,此外还需要推动发展可持续 游 业 和 能力建设,为此要考虑 到应对气候变化挑战和遏止生物多样性丧失等方面的需要(第 66/196 号决议)。
Also at its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly held its
first discussion on
[...] sustainable tourism and sustainable development in Central America and recognized the need to promote the development of sustainable tourism, in particular through the consumption of sustainable tourism products and services, and to strengthen the development of ecotourism, taking into account the declaration of 2012 as the Year of Sustainable Tourism in Central America, while maintaining the culture and environmental integrity of indigenous and local communities and enhancing the protection of ecologically sensitive areas and the natural heritage, and to promote the development of sustainable tourism and capacity-building, [...]
taking into
account the need to address, inter alia, the challenges of climate change and the need to halt the loss of biodiversity (resolution 66/196).
教師若只是指導學生採用固定的傳統運算方法來學習,學生好像 沒有經旅程而到達目的地。
Merely directing them to follow the traditional rules or algorithms in a fixed fashion is like expecting them to arrive without having made the journey.
另外,本局持續定期檢討所有提供服務的程序,按需要作出改善,同時,旅遊局網頁內及時公佈各項手續指南,使公眾更清 旅 遊 局所提供之服務及資 訊。
Besides, MGTO will regularly review the procedures of the services provided, and make improvement when needed.
至於有關冷氣不 足的問題,本局已就有關問題作出修理,確保室內空氣流通;此外,本局亦定期 按需要而作出改善,同時,本局亦會 旅 遊 局 網頁內 時公佈各項手續指南,使公眾更清 旅 遊 局所提供之服務。
Besides, MGTO will regularly review the rocedure of the services provided, and make any improvement when needed. eanwhile, MGTO will also publish the guidelines of each procedure in our der to make the public to be more clear to MGTO’s services.
(b) 大澳餘下的改善工程,旨在帶來新增或改善的元素,以期使區內的經濟、文化 和生旅遊可持續發展。
(b) The remaining improvement works at Tai O will aim to bring about new or improved elements for sustaining the local
[...] economy, culture and eco-tourism.
另外,數千旅遊業專業人士在 PATA 遍佈世界各地的 70 多家機構登記註 冊。
In addition, thousands of travel professionals belong to more than 70 PATA Chapters worldwide.
請注意:學童若只旅行簽證、雙程通行證或學生簽證來港,均不合符資格申請幼稚園 及幼兒中心學費減免計劃。
Please note that student-applicants holding visitor visas, two-way exit permit or student visas only are not eligible to apply for KCFRS.
網上提供的政府服務分成十大類別:罪案、審判及法律;教育與 學習;就業;環境與更綠化生活;政府、公民與權利;健康與福祉;家庭與 社區;金錢、納稅與利潤;駕駛; 旅 遊 於 交通。
Government services available can be categorized into ten different themes: crime, justice and the law; education and learning; employment; environment and greener living; government, citizens and rights; health and well-being; home and community; money, tax and benefits; motoring; and travel and transport.
如申請學生所持的身份證明文件屬(f) 或(g) 類 , 申 請人、申請人配偶及申請學生必須向學 資處出示其有旅行證 件的副本(包括持證人資料頁、由香港特別行政區入境事務處在有關 人士旅行證 件上最近期簽發及貼附在證件上的簽證標記之頁,及由入境事務處簽發顯示申 請人、申請人配偶及申請學生仍然有效的合法逗留期限的「批准逗留」蓋印之頁)。
If the identity document of student-applicant belongs to category (f) or (g) above, the applicant, his/her spouse and the student-applicant have to produce their own valid travel documents (pages showing the bearer’s particulars, the latest visa label issued by the Immigration Department of HKSAR Government and the latest “Permission to remain” stamp issued by the Immigration Department indicating the latest period of lawful stay of the applicant, his/her spouse and the student-applicant) to SFAA as well.
的身高如少於附表第3 欄中與威威至激旅相對之處指明 的身高,則不得乘坐威威至激旅內 的機動遊戲機;或
(a) ride an amusement ride in the Whiskers’ Wild Ride if his height is less than the height specified opposite to the Whiskers’ Wild Ride in column 3 of the Schedule; or
董事亦應有權獲償付其就履行董事職務而合理引致之所有 旅 、 酒 店及其他 開支,包括因出席董事會會議、委員會會議或股東大會所引致之 旅 開 支或因從 事本公司業務或履行董事職務而引致之其他開支。
The Directors shall also be entitled to be repaid all travelling, hotel and other expenses reasonably incurred by them respectively in or about [...]
the performance of their duties as Directors,
including their expenses of travelling to and from board meetings, committee meetings or general meetings or otherwise incurred whilst engaged on the business of the Company or in the discharge of their duties as Directors.
除在登上或離開極速旅時外 ,在極速 旅 上 , 乘客須時刻保持 繫上為其座位提供的安全帶和保持鎖上為其座位提供的跨肩安全欄。
(1) A passenger shall keep the safety belt provided for his seat fastened and keep the over-the-shoulder restraint provided for his seat locked at all times whilst aboard the Abyss Turbo Drop except when mounting or dismounting from the Abyss Turbo Drop.
我們會旅遊發 展局聯絡,向內地和海 旅 客 重 點推介活化後的雷生 春,務求將雷生春變為遊客必到旅 遊 景 點;並積極和本地、內地和海旅行社聯繫,以引領更多遊客參觀雷生春,把雷生春變為區內獨特的 歷史文化地標。
We will liaise
[...] with the Hong Kong Tourism Board with a view to turning the revitalised Lui Seng Chun a must-go attraction for tourists from the Mainland and overseas. We will also keep in close contact with local, Mainland and overseas travel agencies so [...]
that they will take more
tourists to visit Lui Seng Chun, thereby turning it into a unique historical and cultural landmark in the district.
由於本地居民及訪旅客之消費均有所上升,「千色 Citistore」期內之營業額及盈 利貢獻,分別增加 14%至港幣一億八千二百萬元,以及 7%至港幣三千一百萬元。
Given the improvement in both local consumption and visitor spending, Citistore’s turnover and profit contribution for the period under review increased by 14% to HK$182 million and 7% to HK$31 million, respectively.
為協調當地的自然景觀,項目將包括低密 旅 遊 業 項目,以及 一系旅遊及 休閒度假配套設備,包括陸上及水上活動、會議、療養、文化及娛 樂等設施。
In harmony with the natural scenery, the development will feature low-density tourism property and a series of tourism and complementary facilities for leisure and vacation, land and water sports, conferences, recuperation, culture and entertainment.
惟所有經古物諮詢委員會列為第一級歷史建築物的廟宇(見附錄), 只會外借以進行拍攝紀錄片及有關推廣廟宇、傳統文化 旅 遊 或 宣傳香港 的影片之用,其他商業性質的拍攝申請均不會獲批准,以減低對這些具有 歷史價值的建築物造成任何損壞。
However, applications for location shooting at those temples which have been designated as Grade I historical buildings by the Antiquities Advisory Board (see Annex) will ONLY be considered for producing documentary and for promoting Chinese temples, traditional culture, tourism or Hong Kong, all location shooting for commercial purposes will NOT be entertained in order to minimize any possible damages to those structures of historical significance and disturbances to the worshippers.




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