单词 | 參數 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 參數 noun, plural —parameters pl
(b) 要 另 訂不涉 及 主觀成分的釐定方法及相關的參數, 實 際上並 不可行; 以及 legco.gov.hk | (b) it is practically not feasible to devise an alternative methodology that does not involve a degree of subjectivity, particularly over the determination of the relevant parameters; and legco.gov.hk |
有關部門 將會在口岸開通後,繼續密切監察交通情況,並根據最新的 規劃參數,檢討交通安排。 legco.gov.hk | Relevant departments will continue to closely monitor [...] the traffic upon the [...] commissioning of SBP and review the traffic arrangement according to the latest planning parameters. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 如是的話,就任何建議的收費模式,用以訂明最高收費 的參數。 legco.gov.hk | (b) if yes, the parameters for setting the prescribed maximum in respect of any proposed fee charging model. legco.gov.hk |
與此同時,該發展項目亦沒有將美孚新邨第八期的地段 面積,用作計算該項目的發展參數。 devb.gov.hk | At the same time, the development project has not used [...] the lot area of Phase 8 of Mei Foo Sun Chuen in the calculation of the [...] development parameters of the development [...]project. devb.gov.hk |
雖然普遍意見 認為總樓面面積寬免會增加建築物高度和體積,但部分持 份者表示締造優質和可持續建築環境的另一個重要因素, [...] 是在分區計劃大綱圖,以及土地契約條款和設計大綱中列 明發展參數,例 如新發展項目的地積比率、高度和體積等。 legco.gov.hk | While GFA concessions are acknowledged as exacerbating the height and bulk of buildings, some stakeholders have expressed that, in achieving a quality and sustainable built environment, another key factor lies with the process of setting out in the Outline Zoning Plans (“OZPs”) in conjunction [...] with lease conditions and design briefs the [...] development parameters such as plot [...]ratio, and height and bulk of new developments. legco.gov.hk | 對於市民要求採用有科學數據支持的規 劃 參數 , 委 員會建 議政府考慮在規劃過程中納入更多科學化的考量,例如收 集和應用都市氣候圖、空氣流通評估結果等科學數據,輔 以三維立體模型,以釐定合適的地盤/地區發展/設 計參 數。 legco.gov.hk | To respond to the call for planning parameters being supported by scientific data, the SDC recommends that the Government should consider incorporating more scientific considerations in the planning process, e.g. collection and use of scientific data such as the Urban Climatic Map, AVA results, etc with the aid of 3-D modeling in prescribing site/district-specific development/design parameters where appropriate. legco.gov.hk |
因此屋宇署在考慮該項目本身 的發展參數是否 符合《建築物條例》及《建築物(規劃) 規例》(第 123 章,附屬法例 F)(《規例》)時,亦須考 慮美孚新邨第八期的發展參數,確保這些樓宇仍能符合 1974 年建築圖則的情況。 devb.gov.hk | It was covered in the 1974 building plans. As such, the BD, in [...] considering whether the [...] development parameters of the development project is in compliance with the BO and the B(P)R, is also required to take into account the scale of development of the existing buildings of Phase 8 of Mei Foo Sun Chuen to ensure that [...]these existing buildings [...]still complies with the conditions of the 1974 building plans. devb.gov.hk | 為了在釐定規劃和建築參數時納 入更多科學化的考量,委 員會建議政府引入適當的建築設計標準作為基準,例如空 氣流通評估、建築物生命週期碳審計等。 legco.gov.hk | For the purpose of incorporating more scientific considerations in prescribing planning and building parameters, the Government is recommended to introduce building design standards where appropriate e.g. air ventilation assessment (“AVA”), building lifecycle carbon audit, etc for benchmarking. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 我們可改 變釐定方法的參數和變 數,使計算所得的資產限額 接近現行資產限額。 legco.gov.hk | (c) we could massage the parameters and variables under any of the alternative methodologies with a view to producing asset limits close to the existing ones. legco.gov.hk |
在政府與業主就保育方案達成共識下,業主 [...] 會在修復歷史建築後把景賢里全址交予政府,而政府會把毗鄰一幅與景賢里相若 面積及發展參數的人 造斜坡用地供業主使用。 devb.gov.hk | With the understanding between the Government and the owner, the owner will surrender the whole site of King Yin Lei to the Government after restoring the historic building, while the Government will make available an [...] adjacent site of man-made slope of roughly the same size and the [...] same development parameters as King Yin Lei [...]to the owner. devb.gov.hk |
2008-09 年度拉姆薩爾濕地生態 基線監察計劃 為拉姆薩爾濕地選定的生物及非生物 參數建立基線資料。 legco.gov.hk | Baseline ecological monitoring project for the Ramsar Site 2008-09 To establish the baseline of selected biotic and abiotic factors of the Ramsar Site. legco.gov.hk |
DN-02取得變頻器的 參數資訊及初始化一些特定 屬性。 delta.com.tw | DN-02 gets parameters information of the AC drives and initializes some Identity attributes. delta.com.tw |
與此同時,屋宇署亦會確保擬建建築物不會影響附 近已落成樓宇的相關參數。 devb.gov.hk | At the same time, the BD will also ensure that the proposed building will not affect the parameters of the completed buildings in the vicinity. devb.gov.hk |
由於油庫舊址的地盤於 1974 年與現時已落成的美 [...] 孚新邨第八期是作為同一個地盤(當時未分割的 NKML25)進行發展,並涵蓋於同一份批准建築圖則, [...] 因此屋宇署在考慮該項目本身的發展 參數 是 否 符合《建 築物條例》及《建築物(規劃)規例》時,亦要確保美 [...]孚新邨第八期的現有樓宇在項目落成後仍能符合當年批 准整個 NKML25 的圖則的情況。 devb.gov.hk | As the former LPG storage site and the now completed Phase 8 of Mei Foo Sun Chuen were developed as a single site (NKML25 which was not yet divided into four subsections) in 1974 and were included in the same set of approved building [...] plans, the BD, when considering whether the [...] development parameters of the development [...]project per se is in compliance with [...]the BO and B(P)R, will also have to ensure that, upon the completion of the development project, the existing buildings of Phase 8 of Mei Foo Sun Chuen will still be able to comply with the conditions shown on the then approved plans of the whole NKML25. devb.gov.hk |
然而,我們日後會仔細考慮將來所有 用途的發展參數,以 確保這些用途與附近地區相協調,而已規劃的基礎設施亦足 [...] 以支持有關發展。 devb.gov.hk | However, the [...] development parameters of all future [...]uses will be carefully considered in due course to ensure that they would [...]be compatible with the surrounding area and the development could be supported by the infrastructure planned. devb.gov.hk |
以即食 杯麫容器而言,在沒有美國標準的情況下,有 些 參數 採 納 了内地標準。 cfs.gov.hk | In the absence of US standards, Mainland standards were adopted for some of the parameters in the study. cfs.gov.hk |
上市規則》規定,在聯交 所買賣的證券應有公開及有秩序的市場,並根據多 項 參數 作 出 評估,其中包 括證券持有人最低數目及分布。 legco.gov.hk | The Listing Rules require securities trading on the Exchange to have an open and orderly market, and assess this based on parameters including, among other things, minimum number and spread of shareholders. legco.gov.hk |
其中,上述有關《建築物(規劃)規例》 的參 數均會因應擬建建築物的實際設計,如建築物高度、地 盤分類及地盤組合等而有所改變。 devb.gov.hk | In particular, the parameters prescribed in the B(P)R will vary in accordance with the actual design of the proposed building (such as building height, site classification and site composition). devb.gov.hk |
屋宇署所考 慮的因素包括建築物的發展參數、結 構設計,以及其他在規 劃、設計及建造方面的要求,例如逃生通道、耐火結構及天 [...] 然照明和通風的提供。 legco.gov.hk | Factors that the BD will consider include the [...] development parameters, the structural [...]design of the building as well as other [...]planning, design and construction requirements in such aspects as the means of escape, fire resisting construction and provision of natural lighting and ventilation. legco.gov.hk |
例子包括: 在發展審批過程中,規定進行空氣流通評估及景觀影響評估; 逐步檢討《分區計劃大綱圖》,以加入樓宇高度限制和其他發 展參數;在 政府土地的賣地條款及個別地段的修訂契約中訂定 適當的發展參數。作為一項更針對性的措施,我們已承諾跟進 因西灣河內地段第 8955 號發展項目(又稱「嘉亨灣」)1事件 所引起的關注,即私人發展項目在計算總樓面面積時可獲批各 [...] 項寬免,而這些寬免會直接對樓宇體積及高度構成影響。 legco.gov.hk | In line with the Chief Executive’s pledge for progressive development in this term of the Government, we have introduced a number of measures to address these concerns, such as the requirement for conducting air ventilation assessment and visual [...] impact assessment during [...] the development approval process; progressive review of Outline Zoning Plans to impose building height restrictions and other development parameters; incorporation [...]of suitable development parameters in Government land sale conditions [...]and modified leases for specific sites, etc. More specifically, we have committed to follow up on concerns, as revealed in the incident of the Sai Wan Ho Development on Inland Lot No. 8955 (aka “Grand Promenade”)1 , that private developments are granted various concessions in the calculation of GFA and these directly contribute to building bulk and height. legco.gov.hk |
可能需要冗長 的協商過程去 訂定基本的參 數。 forum.gov.hk | Might entail a protracted negotiation process in determining the basic parameters. forum.gov.hk |
有關設定 「狀態列」 參數的詳細資訊,請參閱 「工作設定」。 acu-rite.com | See Job Setup for details on setting up the Status Bar parameters. acu-rite.com |
此估值方法所用的大部分參數可輕 易於市 場觀察到,因此毋須加以解釋。 prudential.co.uk | The majority of the parameters used in this valuation technique are readily observable in the market and, therefore, are not subject to interpretation. prudential.co.uk |
(三 ) 車輛的行車紀錄儀(即黑盒)記錄車輛的行車速度、距離及時 間等參數,主 要供運輸營辦商作車隊及服務管理之用,所記 錄的參數亦可輔助交通意外調查。 legco.gov.hk | The parameters recorded can also facilitate traffic accident investigation. legco.gov.hk |
有些代表則提議 以其他參數( 包括甲類消費物價指數的變動) 為依據的替代方 法。 legco.gov.hk | Some suggested alternatives [...] based on other parameters including the [...]movement of the Consumer Price Index (A) (“CPI(A)”). legco.gov.hk |
(d) 進行非侵入性的參數監測 (例如量血壓)。 legco.gov.hk | (d) non-invasive parameter monitoring (e.g. blood pressure taking). legco.gov.hk |
換言之,1974 年批准圖則上所顯 示的各建築物(即第八期樓宇及石油氣貯存庫)均已不 再存在,而建築事務監督亦無須再在處理美孚新邨第八 期的重建申請時考慮 1974 年圖則上的發展參數。 devb.gov.hk | In other words, the buildings (i.e. buildings of Phase 8 and the LPG storage plant) shown on the 1974 approved plans will no longer exist, and the BA will no longer have to take into account the development parameters shown on the 1974 plans in processing the redevelopment application of Phase 8 of Mei Foo Sun Chuen. devb.gov.hk |
委員察悉,當局已開始逐步檢討各區的分 區計劃大綱圖,並會適當地修訂有關的規 劃 參數 , 以減低發展的密度。 legco.gov.hk | Members noted that the Administration had commenced the review of Outline Zoning Plans of various districts in a gradual manner and would suitably revise the relevant planning parameters to lower the density of the development. legco.gov.hk |
為了降低因需求變更而增加的 研發成本及縮短後續修改程式的時間,本文根據軟體再利用理論改良傳統的網頁 表單設計架構,應用網頁表單元件彈性化 及 參數 化 設 計的概念,設計出彈性化表 單設計架構;讓資訊系統在面臨使用者提出網頁資訊需求變更時,可以在不修改 程式的前提下,短時間內完成網頁內容的調整與修改,以節省系統開發成本。 chttl.com.tw | In order to reduce the development costs of demand variation and to shorten the time spent on program developing, this paper designs an architecture of flexible webs based on the concept of software reuse theory, flexible web components as well as parameterized design. chttl.com.tw |
量,例如收集和應用都市氣候圖、空氣流通評估結 果等科學數據,輔以三維立體模型,以釐定合適的 地盤/地區的發展/設計參數。 legco.gov.hk | scientific considerations in the planning process, e.g. collection and use of scientific data such as the Urban Climatic Map, AVA results, etc with the aid of 3-D modeling in prescribing site/district-specific development/design parameters where appropriate. legco.gov.hk |