

单词 參考

External sources (not reviewed)

一名成員建 議政府在制定應用於公共行政的數據標準時, 參考 開 放文 件格式。
One member suggested the
[...] Government make reference to the Open [...]
Document Format in defining data standards for application
in the public administration domain.
為方便業界在其食物中正確標示上述資料,中心會不時於網頁內上 載常見提問,以參考。
In order to facilitate the trade to label correctly the aforesaid subject in
their food products, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) would be uploaded on the CFS website from
[...] time to time for reference.
列出包裝內沒有提供的其他同類產品的營養資料,會視作供消費 參考 的額外資料。
The nutrition information of other
similar products that were not contained in the package would be regarded as additional
[...] information for consumers' reference.
家長可以藉由鼓勵 學生利參考書, 協助學生建立尋找各種不同資訊的習慣。
By encouraging students to use reference books, parents help establish the habit of seeking information in a variety of printed materials.
(b) 系統軟件及支援服務交易之全年上限金額 參考 於 本 集團內部推廣使用系統軟件之 進度及開發並引進新資訊科技產品之進度後達成;及
(b) the System Software and Supporting Services Transactions were
[...] arrived at with reference to the progress [...]
of promoting the use of System Software
within the Group and the progress of the development and introduction of new information technology products; and
(c) 發展局及其下部門設立和營運社交媒體平台時, 參考 政 府 內聯網所載供各 決策局及部門使用的《社交媒體使用指引》。
(c) DEVB and its
[...] departments make reference to the “Guidelines [...]
on the Use of Social Media” available on the Government Intranet
for use by all Bureaux and Departments in setting up and maintaining our social media platform.
由於版權所限,加上部參考材料涉及敏感事宜,故此 資料庫只供政府內聯網使用者作研究 參考 之 用
Due to copy right restrictions and sensitivity
[...] of some of the reference materials, the Database is only accessible to government intranet users for research and reference purpose.
假設的回報率並不反映經濟表現的任何週期性變化,且並 參考 目 前 資產估值釐 定。
The assumed rates of return do
not reflect any cyclical variability in economic performance and
[...] are not set by reference to prevailing [...]
asset valuations.
瑞聲精密製造租賃協議項下的租金乃 參考 瑞聲 精密製造就鄰近地區類似物業的租金估值所進行的市場研究而獲取的當時現行市場租金而釐 定。
The rental rates under the AAC Module Lease Agreement were
[...] determined with reference to the then [...]
prevailing market rental rates obtained by
market research on rental valuation of similar properties in the vicinity carried out by AAC Module.
認可人士/註冊結構工程師應建議其 委託人須向負責幕牆、玻璃窗或玻璃牆系統作全面檢查的人 士,提供一份保養手冊,以參考。
The AP/RSE should advise his/her client of the need for providing a maintenance manual for the reference of the persons responsible for full inspection of the curtain wall, window or window wall system.
因此本課程採用靈活的設計,旨在為教師提 供規畫課程參考,並 非是為所有學校開設的課程處方。
This curriculum has been designed flexibly with this in mind, and is intended to serve as a reference rather than a prescription.
(2) 港燈將秉承一貫致力增加透明度的做法,向政 府披露涵蓋核數檢討同一期間,關於其發電、 輸電及配電系統每年成本的個別數據,包括資 本及經營開支,以及固定資產淨值流向等資 料,惟此等資料僅供政參考之用
(2) HEC, as part of its continuing effort to increase transparency, will disclose to the Government for its information only the segregated annual cost data, which include capital and operating expenditures, and Net Fixed Assets movement pertaining to its generation, and transmission and distribution systems covering the same period as the Auditing Review.
在 進行檢討工作的過程中,顧問曾與各院校代表進行多次討論,又考慮院校書面提出的意見及建議,此 外,顧問不但仔細研究調查院校現時在使用校舍空間方面的情況, 參考 海 外地區的經驗,並考慮 「3+3+4」學制改革、全人發展、院校國際化等議題。
In the process of the review, the consultants met with representatives of the institutions, considered the institutions’ written submissions, performed a study on the space utilization situation at the institutions, studied experience in other overseas jurisdictions, and considered issues such as “3+3+4”, whole person development, internationalization, etc.
參考,附 錄六列出工作坊參加者在廣場發展及管理模式上為他們不同的選擇 所提供的理據。
For reference purposes, Appendix F provides a list of rationales for the different choices made by the participants of the brainstorming workshop.
請分參考《建 築物(小型工程)規例》附表 1 及《認可人士、註 冊結構工程師及註冊岩土工程師作業備考》APP-147 中有關小 型 工 程 項 目 的 一覽表及 簡 化 規 定 。
For the list of minor works items and the simplified requirements, please refer to Schedule 1 of the Building (Minor Works) Regulation and PNAP APP-147 respectively.
Join your children on trips to the public library to seek out reference books that contain the answers.
現時的基準與顧問建議基準之間的差異,已詳細表列於表 E-1, 以參考。
A detailed table showing the differences between the existing and the recommended standards is at
[...] Figure E-1 for reference.
i. 個別政府部門的電子服務相當出色,好像稅務局的「稅務易」及「物業電子
印花」服務透過一個網站,讓已登記用戶使用一系列的電子服務辦理薪俸稅 及印花稅的相關事宜,包括填寫報稅表、繳交稅款、查閱繳稅紀錄及所需 繳付的稅款、計算稅款等(參看
[...] www.gov.hk/etax)。稅務局的例子可供改革 其他政府服務參考。
They have provided registered users a wide range of electronic services and transactions in relation with their salaries tax and stamp duties account in one single portal, including filling tax returns, payments, checking records of payments and tax returns, and the calculation of an estimated tax return
(see www.gov.hk/etax). The examples from the Inland Revenue
[...] Department could serve as a model [...]
for the Government services.
估值報告內所述之尺寸、測量 及面積都是基於提供給吾等的文檔內的資料,因此均為約數僅 參考。
The dimensions, measurements and areas included in the report are based on
information contained in copies of documents provided to us and are therefore only
[...] approximations for reference purposes.
參考南聯 集團為編制截至二零一一年十二月三十一日止年度之經審計綜合賬目而使用的價值(以 [...]
仲量聯行有限公司於二零一一年十二月三十一日就南聯集團在麗晶中心之權益(包括構 成該物業的單位及車位以及將構成經分派業務一部分的麗晶中心的其他單位,即麗晶中
心 B 座的 505 至 510 單位)的獨立估值為基準),該物業的價值為 1,129,350,000 港 元。
The Property is valued at
[...] HK$1,129,350,000 by reference to the value used [...]
for the purpose of preparing the audited consolidated
accounts of the Winsor Group for the year ended 31 December 2011 which was based on an independent valuation of the Property by Jones Lang Lasalle Limited as at 31 December 2011 of Winsor Group's interest in Regent Centre, which included those units and carparks comprising the Property and other parts of Regent Centre, being Units 505-510, Tower B of Regent Centre, that will form part of the Distributed Businesses.
本預測是在根據本附表第(1)(a)分段而作的 現行兩年滾動預測以外誠意地作出,只供 政參考之用
This forecast is made in addition to the 2-year rolling forecast as stipulated in paragraph (1)(a).
供股章程 亦可在本公司網站(www.citictel.com)及聯交所網站(www.hkexnews.hk)查閱。待本 公參考相關 司法權區之法律顧問意見後,並在合理可行的前提下,將會向不合 資格股東寄出供股章程,惟此供股章程僅供彼 參考 , 但 不會向不合資格股東寄 發任何暫定配額通知書或額外申購表格。
A copy of the Prospectus will also be made available on the websites of the Company (www.citictel.com) and the Stock Exchange (www.hkexnews.hk). Subject to the advice of the Company’s legal advisers in the relevant jurisdictions and to the extent reasonably practicable, the Company will send copies of the Prospectus to Non-Qualifying Shareholders for their information only but will not send any PAL or EAF to them.
教統局將會編製和更新所建議的課本清 單,以方便學校為學生選擇課本 參考。
A recommended textbook list will be compiled and updated to help schools to choose appropriate ones.
提供給資助及私立學校參考用的 「教師聘書」及隨附的「服務條件」 以及「應聘書」樣本,可於本局有關聘任事宜的網頁下載。
A specimen letter of appointment for teachers, its accompanying sample conditions of service and a sample letter of acceptance for both aided and private schools are available from EMB webpage on Appointment Matters.
(vi) 本公司在包銷協議所載的聲明、保證或承諾在各方面於及截至包銷協議訂 立日期時及最後終止時間前任何時候均屬真實準確,且無誤導成份,猶如 該等聲明、保證或承諾已參考當時存續的事實與現況,方行發表及提 出
(vi) the representations, warranties or undertakings of the Company set out in the Underwriting Agreement being true and accurate and not misleading in any respect on and as of the date of the Underwriting Agreement and at any time before the Latest Time for Termination, as though they had been given and made at such time by reference to the facts and circumstances then subsisting
本經營狀參考聲明所依據的財務資料及本聲明附錄所載列的數據均未經審核,並且根據《2011 年報及 賬目》所述的滙豐會計政策編製。
The financial information on which this Interim Management Statement is based, and the data set out in the appendix to this statement, are unaudited and have been prepared in accordance with HSBC’s accounting policies as described in the Annual Report and Accounts 2011.
公平價值之基礎:上市(櫃)證券係資產負債表日之收盤價,開 放型基金受益憑證係資產負債表日之淨資產價值,債券係財團法人中 華民國證券櫃檯買賣中心資產負債表日 參考 價 ;無活絡市場之金融 商品,以評價方法估計公平價值。
The basis for determining the fair value of financial instruments is as follows: List stocks, closing prices as of balance sheet date; open−end bond mutual funds, net assets value as of balance sheet date; bonds, quotes in the OTC market as of balance sheet date; financial instruments without active market, fair value are estimated using valuation techniques incorporating estimates and assumptions that are consistent with prevailing market conditions.
台達電子工業股份有限公司已編製民國九十四年度及九十三年度之合併財務報表,並因部 分被投資公司及其子公司為其他會計師查核而經本會計師出具修正式無保留意見之查核報告在 案,備參考。
As described in Notes 1 and 3, effective January 1, 2005, the Company adopted the newly amended Statements of Financial Accounting Standards No. 7 “Consolidated Financial Statements”, which require consolidation of all majority owned subsidiaries.




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