

单词 索求

External sources (not reviewed)

(iii) 擬要約提供或進行廣告宣傳的貨品、設施或
[...] 服務的類別(如美容產品、金融服務或電訊 服務)或索求捐贈 或貢獻的目的(如慈善、文 化或康體);以及
(iii) the classes of goods, facilities or services (e.g. beauty products, financial services or telecommunications services) to be offered or
advertised or the purposes (e.g. charitable, cultural or recreational) for which donations or
[...] contributions may be solicited; and
訂明如資料使用者擬使用(包括轉移)已收集的個人 資料(“現存資料”)(不論在新規定生效前或後收集得) 作直接促銷用途,而若在收集資料的同時或之前未 有遵守第 2(a)及 (b)段的規定,資料使用者應在使用 (或轉移)前遵守這些規定,惟若某些現存資料在新規 定生效前已在符合現行《私隱條例》規定的情況下 被用於某類別的貨品、設施或服務的要約提供或廣 告宣傳,或用於為某目的索求捐贈 或貢獻,我們 建議第 2(a)及 (b)段的規定並不適用於資料使用者繼 續使用( 但不包括轉移) 這些資料於同一類別的貨 品、設施或服務的要約提供或廣告宣傳,或用於為 同一目的索求捐贈或貢獻。
To stipulate that, if a data user intends to use (including transfer) personal data already collected (“pre-existing data”)
(whether before or after the
[...] entry into force of the new requirements) for direct marketing purposes, and if the requirements in paragraph 2 (a) and (b) were not complied with before or at the time of data collection, the data user should, before the use (or transfer), comply with the requirements therein.
(c) 索求用於 慈善、文化、娛樂、政治或其他目的的捐贈或貢獻, 而該等要約、廣告宣傳索求是藉 著以下資訊、貨品或通話進行 的
(c) the solicitation of donations or contributions for charitable, cultural, philanthropic, recreational, political or other purposes, by means of
3.26 若某些現存資料在新規定生效前已在符合現行 《私隱條例》規定的情況下被用於某類別的貨 品、設施或服務的要約提供或廣告宣傳,或用於 為某目的索求捐贈或貢獻,我們建議第 3.24(a) 及 (b)段的規定並不適用於資料使用者繼續使用 (但不包括轉移)這些資料於同一類別的 貨 品、設 施 或服務的要約提供或廣告宣傳,或用於為同一目 的索求捐贈或貢獻。
3.26 We propose to allow a data user, who has, before the entry into force of the new requirements, used pre-existing data for offering or advertising one or more classes of goods,
facilities or services and/or solicitation of donations or contributions for one or more purposes in
[...] compliance with the existing requirements under the PDPO, to continue to use (but not transfer) the personal data for offering or advertising the same class(es) of goods, facilities or services, or solicitation of donations or contributions for the same purpose(s) without complying with the requirements in paragraph 3.24 [...]
(a) and (b).
在法律許可的情況下,我們承諾對香港政府、其職員及代理人就與下列 (a)、(b)、(c)所載所有直接或間接關連、導致或以任何形式相關的下列情 況作出補償,以及免其遭受任何傷害:(1) 任何或全部對政府、其職員及 代理人所威脅作出、提出或確立的索償、法律行動、調查、法律責任索求、司 法程序或判決;及 (2)損失、損害賠償、費用、收費或支出(包 括法律費用
To the full extent permitted by law, we undertake to indemnify the Government, its employees and agents against and hold them harmless from (1) any and all claims, actions, investigations, liabilities, demands, proceedings or judgments, threatened, brought or established against the Government, its employees and agents; and (2) all losses, damages, costs, charges or expenses (including legal costs) which arise directly or indirectly in connection with or out of, or relate in any way to
該選擇可以是全部拒絶或全部不拒 絶的選擇;資料使用者亦可以容許資料當事人在所述
[...] 的選項中(即要約提供或進行廣告宣傳的貨品/設施 /服務的類別、索求捐贈 或貢獻的目的、受讓人的 類別及可以轉移的個人資料種類),挑選哪些拒絕和 [...]
The opt-out choice can be an all-or-nothing choice or the data user may allow the data subject to pick and choose among the various classes of goods/facilities/services to be offered or
advertised, purposes for which donations or
[...] contributions may be sought, classes of transferees [...]
and kinds of personal data to be
transferred stated by the data user.
(b) 使用( 包括轉移) 某類個人資料作資料當事人
[...] 已拒絕的貨品、設施或服務的要約提供或廣告 宣傳索求捐贈 或貢獻的目的,或轉移資料予 資料當事人已拒絕的受讓人類別;或
(b) uses (including transfers) a kind of personal data collected for offering or
advertising a class of goods, facilities or
[...] services, or for soliciting donations or contributions [...]
for a purpose, or transfers
the data to a class of transferees, from which the data subject has opted out; or
在考慮所得意見和參考私隱專員在 2010 年 10 月發出 的《收集及使用個人資料作直接促銷指引》後,我們建議 調整有關規定,要求擬把將收集的個人資料用於直接促銷 的資料使用者在收集資料的同時或之前- (a)
[...] 品、設施或服務的類別(如美容產品、金融服務、電 訊服務或醫護服務) 及/索求捐贈或貢獻的目的 (如慈善、文化或娛樂),無論是由資料使用者或受讓 [...]
人士(如金融服務公司或電訊服務公司)及 (iii)哪類個 人資料會被轉移。
(a) inform the data subject of (i) the classes of goods, facilities or services (e.g. beauty products, financial services, telecommunications services or healthcare services) to be offered or advertised and/or the purposes (e.g. charitable, cultural or
recreational) for which donations or
[...] contributions may be solicited, whether by [...]
the data user himself or the transferee(s);
(ii) the classes of persons (e.g. financial services companies or telecommunications services providers) to whom the data may be transferred; and (iii) the kinds of personal data to be transferred.
(a) 引起任何人針對政府而威脅會提出或實際提出的所有 以及任何申索、訴訟、調查索求或 法 律程序;以及 (b) 引起或令致政府可能蒙受或招致的一切法律責任( [...]
包括 支付補償及損害賠償的法律責任)、損 害、損 失、費 用 、 收費及開支( 包括政府就其提起的或遭他人提起的任何
申索、訴訟或法律程序而可能支付或招致的一切法律及 其他費用、收費及開支,並以十足彌償為基準) 。
(b) all liabilities (including liability to pay compensation and damages), damage,
losses, costs, charges and expenses which the
[...] Government may sustain or incur (including [...]
all legal and other costs, charges,
and expenses, on a full indemnity basis, which the Government may pay or incur in relation to any claim, action or proceeding instituted by, or against, the Government), which in any case arise directly or indirectly from, or as a result of, or in connection with, or which relate in any way to
[...] 《私隱條例》規定的情況下被用作直接促銷,上述規定並 不適用於資料使用者繼續使用(但不包括轉移)這些資料於 同一類別的貨品、設施或服務的要約提供或廣告宣傳,或 用於為同一目的索求捐贈或貢獻。
However, the requirements will not apply to the pre-existing data which the data user has, before the entry into force of the new requirements, used for direct marketing in compliance with the existing requirements under the PDPO, and which he continues to use (but not transfers) for offering or advertising the
same class(es) of goods, facilities or
[...] services, or solicitation of donations or contributions for the same purpose(s).
(a) 通知資料當事人(i)將要約提供或進行廣告宣傳
[...] 的貨品、設施或服務的類別(如美容產品、金融 服務、電訊服務或醫護服務)及/ 索求 捐 贈或 貢獻的目的(如慈善、文化或娛樂),無論是由 資料使用者或受讓人作出的;(ii)該等個人資料 [...]
可能轉移予何種類別的人士( 如金融服務公司 或電訊服務公司) 及 (iii)哪類個人資料會被轉 移。
(a) inform the data subject of (i) the classes of goods, facilities or services (e.g. beauty products, financial services, telecommunications services or healthcare
services) to be offered or advertised and/or the purposes (e.g. charitable, cultural or
[...] recreational) for which donations or contributions may be solicited, whether by the [...]
data user himself or
the transferee(s); (ii) the classes of persons (e.g. financial services companies or telecommunications services providers) to whom the data may be transferred; and (iii) the kinds of personal data to be transferred.
(iv) 轉移某類個人資料作貨品、設施、服務的 要約提供或廣告宣傳,或索求捐贈 或貢 獻 而該類貨品、設施或服務、索求捐 贈 或貢獻 的目的、該受讓人類別或該類個人資料沒有在 上文第 3.24(a)段所規定須給予資料當事人的 [...]
(iv) transfers, for offering or advertising goods, facilities or services, a kind of personal data
如該個人資料將被售予他人以供用於直銷,而資料當事人已就要約提供 或進行廣告宣傳的貨品、設施或服務的類別 索求 捐 贈或貢獻的目的 表示反對,有關的罪行條文將同樣適用。
In view of the seriousness of the intrusion into personal data privacy and the gravity of harm that may be caused to the data subjects, we propose to make it an offence for a person who obtains personal data from a data user without the data user’s consent, and subsequently discloses the personal data
(c) 索閱個人資料
[...] 任何人有權根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》內所載的條款 求索 閱 及 修訂所提供的個人和其 他有關資料。
The consent
[...] form will also be made available for [...]
public inspection and all Hong Kong Identity Card numbers provided in the
form will be covered before the form is displayed.
[...] 已分居家長向學校、社會福利機構或入境事務處提出查閱資料 求 ,索 取其子女居處的資料。
A typical example is the case where the estranged parent makes
[...] a data access request to, for example, [...]
the school, the social welfare organizations
or Immigration Department for the location data of the child.
3.1.2 股東可隨時求索取本 公司的公開資料。
3.1.2 Shareholders may at
[...] any time make a request for the Company’s [...]
information to the extent such information is publicly available.
6.2 股東及投資人士可隨時求索取本公司的公開資料。
6.2 Shareholders and potential investors community may at
[...] any time make a request for the Company’s [...]
information to the extent that such information is publicly available.
4.46 除非引用上述第 4.45 條分條款,或由於本行、任何聯營公司、任何資料供應商及其各自之 職員或僱員之疏忽或故意失責所引致,否則閣下須承擔(及倘若屬非個人客戶,則閣下及 授權使用者須共同及分別承擔)賠償本行、任何聯營公司、任何資料供應商及其各自職員
及僱員因提供網路/電話銀行服務、資料及/或報告或行使或維持本行在本第 4 條條款下賦
[...] 予之權力及權利所招致之任何法律行動或訴訟而承受之一切法律責任 索 償 、 要 求 、 損 失、 損害賠償、訟費、任何形式之費用及支出(包括但不限於按全數彌償基準支付之法律費用)。
4.46 You and, in the case of a non-personal client, the Authorized User shall jointly and severally, indemnify us, any Associate, any Information Provider and their respective officers and employees against all liabilities, claims, demand, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses of any kind (including, without limitation, legal fees on a full indemnity basis) which may be incurred by us or any of the above persons and all actions or proceedings which may be brought by or against us or any of the above persons in connection with the provision of the Internet/Phone Banking Services, the Market Information and/or the Reports or the exercise or preservation of our powers and rights under the provisions of this Clause
4, unless due to the gross negligence
[...] or wilful default of us, any Associate, any [...]
Information Provider or their respective
officers or employees or unless the above sub-clause 4.45 applies.
任何人士均可求索取申 報 書副本,惟該人士須支付所釐定的複印費。
Copies of the returns will be furnished to
[...] any person upon request subject to a payment [...]
of a copying fee at a fixed rate.
沒收股份將涉及於沒收時取消該股份於本公司的所有權益及針對本公司 的所有索及要求及該股份所附帶於股份被沒收人士與本公司之間的所 [...]
有其他權利及責任(惟僅本細則明確保留或公司法所給予或施加予前股東 的權利及責任除外)。
The forfeiture of a share shall involve the extinction at the
time of forfeiture of all interest
[...] in and all claims and demands against the Company [...]
in respect of the share and all other
rights and liabilities incidental to the share as between the person whose share is forfeited and the Company, except only those rights and liabilities expressly saved by these Articles, or as are given or imposed in the case of past members by the Companies Acts.
任何人士可求 索閱本 職權範圍之文本,並毋須支付任何費用。
A copy of the terms of
[...] reference will be made available to any [...]
person without charge upon request.
被沒收股份的股東,仍有責任向本公司支付該等股份於沒收時到期未付的一切已催繳股款及一切 分期催繳股款,連同計至付款日期的利息,有關方式在所有方面如同股份未被沒收一樣,並且滿 足本公司於沒收股份時可能就該等股份強制執行的所有(如有 索 賠 和 要 求 , 而無須就股份於沒 收時的價值作出任何扣減或備抵。
A member whose shares have been forfeited shall remain liable to pay to the Company all calls made and all instalments due and not paid on such shares at the time of forfeiture and interest thereon to the date of payment in the same manner in all respects as if the shares had not been forfeited and to satisfy all (if any) — 11 — of the claims and demands which the Company might have enforced in respect of the shares at the time of forfeiture without any deduction or allowance for the value of the shares at the time of forfeiture.
根據《守則》,求索取資 料的人士可向處理有關 申請的政策局或部門申請覆檢拒絕披露所索取的資料的決定。
Under the
[...] Code, a person who requests information may apply [...]
for a review of the decision of the bureau or department dealing with the request.
港鐵公司設有既定的程序,讓乘客就意外提出索償申請, 乘客可以書面形式向公司提出,提供意外事件的詳情(如日
[...] 期、時間、地點)和意外的過程及 求索 償 的 金額,並呈交 有關的證明文件,例如醫療報告及醫療收據等。
Passengers who wish to apply for compensation have to write to the MTRCL specifying the particulars of the accident (such as date, time and place of its
occurrence), the circumstances of the case and the
[...] amount of the claim, supported by [...]
the relevant documents such as medical report, payment receipt, and so on.
任何人有權根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》(第 486 章)的條文求索閱及 改正他所提供的個人 資料。
A person
[...] has the right to request access to and [...]
correction of the personal data he supplied in accordance with the provisions
of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).
4.4 倘若一名或多名或所有賬戶持有人去世,本行在有關人士去世後及實際收到有關的書面通 4 知前,根據授權人員或其中任何一位的 求 、 指 示或指令所作出的任何作為、事情、契據 或事項,將對賬戶持有人、其遺產及遺產代理人及透過賬戶持有人或其中任何一名或多名 人士進行索的任 何人等具絕對及終局性約束力。
4.4 When any one or more or all of the account
[...] holders or the users of the service die(s), any act, thing, deed or matter made or done by us pursuant to the requests, instructions or directions of the Authorized Signatory or any of them after such death but before the actual [...]
receipt of notice in
writing thereof by us shall be absolutely and conclusively binding on the account holder or the user of the service, his estate and personal representative and any party or parties claiming through or under the account holder or the user of the service or any one or more of them.
3.3 向本集團任何董事或僱員及任何附屬公司的董事會或委員 索 取 任 何所需資料,並有權查閱本集 團的所有簿冊、記錄及設施,而董事會指示所有集團公司的董事及所有僱員配合委員會提出的任 何求;及
3.3 seek any information that it requires from any director or employee of the Group, with access to all books,
records and facilities
[...] of the Group, and from the board or committee of any subsidiary company, and the Board directs that directors of all Group companies and all employees cooperate with any request made by the Committee; and
股東無權求披露或索取有 關本公司交易或屬於或可能屬於商業機密性質 或涉及機密程序的任何事宜,並可能與本公司進行業務有關而董事會認為如 [...]
No member
[...] shall be entitled to require discovery of or any information [...]
in respect of any detail of the Company‘s trading
or any matter which is or may be in the nature of a trade secret or secret process which may relate to the conduct of the business of the Company which in the opinion of the Board would not be in the interests of the members or the Company to communicate to the public.
如本行因轉 讓或出售證券、資產或財產及因與此直接或間接有關的事情;或因閣下未有
[...] 履行交收責任,而致招致、蒙受或承受任何損失、損害、利息、行動、 求、 申索、法 律程序等及所有本行合理招致的一切費用及支出,閣下須對本行作 [...]
You shall fully indemnify and keep us indemnified from and against all losses, damages, interest, actions, demands, claims, legal proceedings whatsoever which we may
suffer or sustain and all costs and
[...] expenses reasonably incurred by us as a result [...]
of effecting such a transfer or sale
and matters directly or indirectly relating thereto or otherwise to your default in performance of your settlement obligations hereunder; and
為方便調 查意外和該條例及其附屬法例所訂的其他罪行,亦建議賦權警 方索經認可記錄儀所儲存的任何數據,並訂明有關數據可在 任何刑事法律程序中獲接納為該數據所顯示的事項的證據,而 無須再作證明。
To facilitate investigation of accidents and other offences under RTO and its subsidiary legislation, it is also proposed to empower the Police to retrieve any data stored in an approved EDRD and to provide for the admissibility of such data as evidence of the matters appearing from the data without further proof in any criminal proceedings.




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