

单词 異性

External sources (not reviewed)

(e) 只為顧客提供面部、頭皮、頸、肩、手、手臂或腳部(上至膝)按摩, 或沒有由按摩員異性顧客提供全身按摩服務的按摩院
(e) a massage establishment where no massage other than face, scalp, neck, shoulder, hand, arm or foot
(up to knee) massage is administered or no full-body massage is administered to a
[...] customer by a person of the opposite sex
我們把《家庭暴力條例》的涵蓋範圍 擴大至包括前配偶、異性同居 者及其子女;以及其他直 系和延伸家庭關係成員。
The scope of the DVO was extended to include former
[...] spouses, former heterosexual cohabitants [...]
and their children; as well as other immediate and extended family members.
各槽所發散的光量與患 者血清中過敏原異性 IgE 的量呈直接正比。
The amount of light emitted by each well is directly proportional to the amount of allergenspecific IgE in the patient’s serum.
1 或以上的 CLA 等級值表示越來越高的過敏原異性 抗 體 濃度。
CLA Class values of 1 or above represent progressively increasing concentrations of allergen-specific antibodies.
異性全身 按摩服務的按摩院,尤其需要注意這些規定。
This is important on massage establishments whereby full body massage is provided to customers by staff of the opposite sex.
當小孩開始觀察並描述諸如黏土、布 料或紙張等材料的相似處、異性和 組成部分時(物理科學),他們就會學到有關於居 住於地球的各類型植物與動物(生命科學),並且研究地球如何由土地、空氣、與水組 成(地球科學)。
As children begin to observe and describe the similarities, differences, and component parts of materials such as clay, cloth, or paper (physical science), they will learn about different types of plants and animals that inhabit Earth (life science) and will study how Earth is composed of land, air, and water (earth science).
這些值構成了 OPTIGEN 過敏 原異性 IgE 分析的 CLA 等級過敏評定系統。
These values make up the CLA Class Allergy Scoring System of the OPTIGEN Allergen-Specific IgE Assay.
但基於目前的資 料,鼻發育不全很可能是一個在中孕期對篩查 21 三體敏感度及異性最高的標記。
Training is based on a theoretical course, practical instruction on how to obtain the appropriate image and make the correct measurement of NT, and presentation of a logbook of images.
因應這些 報告書,當局進行了以下的跟進工作:制定《個人資料(私 隱
[...] 例》、擴大前《家庭暴力條例》(現易名為《家庭及同居關 係暴力條例》)的範圍至涵蓋前配偶、 異性 同 居 者及其 子女及其他直系及延伸家庭成員,和現時及前同性同居 [...]
者及其子女,並引入對《私隱條例》的修訂,以授權個 人資料私隱專員為受屈資料當事人在法律訴訟中提供法 律協助。
In the light of these reports, the Administration has taken a number of follow up actions (including enactment of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“PDPO”), enactment of the Interception of Communications and Surveillance Ordinance, extension of the former Domestic Violence Ordinance (now renamed Domestic and Cohabitation
Relationships Violence Ordinance) to cover former
[...] spouses, former heterosexual cohabitants and [...]
their children, and other immediate and
extended family members, as well as existing and former same-sex cohabitants and their children and introduction of amendments to the PDPO to empower the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data to provide legal assistance to aggrieved data subjects in legal proceedings).
當免疫活性 B 淋巴細胞因暴露於過敏原而受到刺激後,會產 生過敏原異性 IgE 抗體,後者會與肥大細胞和嗜鹼性粒細胞上的受體結 合。
When immunocompetent B lymphocyte cells are stimulated by exposure to an antigen (allergen), they may produce allergen-specific IgE antibodies which bind to receptors on mast cells and basophilic leukocytes.
再者,研究結果顯示,相比二零零八/零九年的調查,在二零一零年六月的調 查發現,有較高比例的學生認為,(a)吸食毒品是很合潮流的事,(b)如果他們拒
[...] 絕吸食毒品,他們的朋友會笑他們沒有膽量,(c)如果他們吸食毒品,會玩得更開 心,會令他們和朋友更容易相處,及更受 異性 歡 迎
Besides, the research findings showed that in June 2010, a higher proportion of students believed that (a) taking drugs was trendy, (b) if they refused drugs, their friends would tease them for being timid, (c) if they abused drugs, it would bring
more fun, help them get along with friends better and become more
[...] attractive to opposite sex, as compared with [...]
評定患者血清中過敏原異性 IgE 含量連同基於患者病史和後續測試的臨 床評估,可以幫助醫師確異位性過 敏 ,並有助於治療該患者。
Assessing the level of allergen-specific IgE in a patient’s serum in conjunction
with a clinical evaluation based on
[...] patient history and subsequent testing can help a physician confirm a diagnosis of atopic allergy and assist in the treatment of the patient.
但是只有同性戀者便受制於法律條 文第118F(1)條異性戀者 並不因陰道性交或非私下作出肛交而受制 於相類似的刑事責任。
However, homosexuals alone were subject to the statutory offence in section 118F(1), whilst heterosexuals were subject to no comparable criminal liability in relation to vaginal intercourse or buggery otherwise than in private.
在 性教育方面,主題則圍繞青 春 期 的 變 化 及異 性之間 的關係,例如如何分 辨 愛情與 友 情 等。
Sex education covers pubertal changes and relationships with the opposite sex, including [...]
how to differentiate between love and friendship.
陰性空白對照:陰性空白對照用來補償與任何非 異性 IgE 結合的可 能性。
Negative Blanking Control: The Negative Blanking Control compensates for any nonspecific IgE binding that may occur.
[...] 受害人的保障,將《家庭暴力條例》的涵蓋範圍擴大至包括前配偶、異性同居 者及其子女;以及其他直系和延伸家庭關係成員。
It amended the Ordinance to extend the scope of protection provided under the Ordinance in the form of injunction
against molestation to cover former
[...] spouses and former heterosexual cohabitants [...]
and their children; as well as other immediate and extended family members.
2.23 《家庭及同居關係暴力條例》(第189章)於2010年1月1日
[...] 生效,將前《家庭暴力條例》的保障範圍擴大,讓作為情侶在親密關係 下共同生活的兩名同居人士(不論 性 或 異性 ) , 通過強制令免受騷擾。
2.23 The Domestic and Cohabitation Relationships Violence Ordinance (Cap. 189), which came into operation on 1 January 2010, extends the scope of protection provided under the previous Domestic Violence Ordinance in the form of injunction against molestation to cover a cohabitation
relationship between two persons, whether
[...] of the same sex or opposite sex, who live together [...]
as a couple in an intimate relationship.
26.11 有評論員注意到,同性伴侶即使在其他司法管轄區合法
[...] 結婚,在入境政策中也未能享有“受養人"的身分,儘 異性 伴侶 在實質上相同的情況下,通常會獲得有關身分。
26.11 Some commentators noted that homosexual couples were not afforded “dependency” immigration status, in cases where such
status would ordinarily be granted to
[...] materially identical heterosexual couples, even [...]
where they were lawfully married in another jurisdiction.
1.3 法改會在《纏擾行為》報告書中提出多項建議, 當中包括當局應考慮,以向法院申請強制令*方式 提供民事補救,讓家庭暴力受害人免受另一方騷
[...] 擾的前《家庭暴力條例》是否應予修訂,使條例 的保障範圍並不限於家庭關係中的配偶、同異 性伴侶及其子女。
1.3 The LRC recommended in the report on “Stalking”, inter alia, that the Administration should consider whether the former Domestic Violence Ordinance (“DVO”), which provided for civil remedies in the form of injunctions to protect victims of domestic violence against molestation by the other party, should be reformed so that the protection provided by the Ordinance was not restricted
to spouses in domestic relationships,
[...] people cohabiting in heterosexual relationships, and [...]
the children of such persons.
若受訪者不理解“性傾向",請讀出:“性傾向係指一個人喺感情、愛情、性慾和情愛方面持久地被另一個人吸引,性傾向包括 性 戀 、異 性戀及雙性戀"。
If the respondent does not understand the term “sexual orientation”, please read “Sexual orientation is an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual or affectional attraction to another person.
[...] 14 與進行科學研究,評估資料,區分變數與控制項的 異 , 建構 線 性 圖 ,以及利用簡單的 數學公式。
Through the investigation and experimentation standards, students learn how to plan and conduct a scientific investigation, evaluate
data, distinguish between variables and
[...] controls, construct linear graphs, and manipulate [...]
simple mathematical formulas.
[...] 修訂附表1)公告》對條例 附表1 作出修訂,在該附表所指明的傳染病列表,加入“異株甲 型流性感冒(H3N2)”。
The Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 1) Notice 2012 amends Schedule
1 to the Ordinance by adding “Variant Influenza A (H3N2)” to
[...] the list of infectious diseases specified in that Schedule.
為此,署長認為有需要在條例附表1 指明的傳染病列表, 加入“異株甲型流性感冒(H3N2)”。
To this end, the Director considered it necessary to add “Variant Influenza A (H3N2)” to the list of infectious diseases specified in the Schedule 1 to the Ordinance.
透過學習在共價鍵內原子間的電性 差 異 , 學 生應能辨認極性分子和 它們帶著的部分電荷;鍵極性的知識將繼而幫助學生認識各種分子間引力 的不同本質。
By learning the concept of electronegativity difference between atoms in covalent bonds, students should be able to identify the polar molecules and their partial charges.
我們得知,遼寧、江蘇、浙江、上海、 福州和廣東等沿岸地區已啟動了監測系統,其中上海啟用了全球最先
[...] 進的超大流量氣溶膠採樣儀,每小時採集的樣本為1 000立方米,能 在最短時間內採集到樣本,測出大氣中是否含 異 常 的放 射 性 物 質
We note that the coastal regions including Liaoning, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Fuzhou and Guangdong have already activated their monitoring systems. In particular, Shanghai has activated the state-of-the-art "super high volume aerosol sampler" which is able to take
sample of 1 000 cu m per hour and take sample within the shortest
[...] time to test for abnormal radioactivity in the atmosphere.
期內於綜合損益表所扣除之遞延稅項包括(a)應課稅暫 性 差 異 所 引 致之遞延 稅項,主要有關(i)本集團於中國內地之投資物業及發展中投資物業之公允價 值增加,(ii)折舊免稅額多於有關的折舊,及(iii)由稅務虧損所產生的可扣 稅暫性差異;及 (b)截至二零一一年六月三十日止六個月期間,由於本集團 內支出對銷及資本化所產生的可扣稅暫 性 差 異 而 引 致之遞延稅項撥回。
Deferred tax charged to the consolidated income statement for the period comprises (a) the deferred tax arising from the taxable temporary differences mainly relating
to (i) the increase in fair value of the
[...] Group’s investment properties and investment properties under development in mainland China, (ii) depreciation allowances in excess of related depreciation, and (iii) the deductible temporary differences arising from tax losses; and (b) for the six months ended 30 June 2011, the reversal of deferred tax arising from the deductible temporary differences relating to the elimination and capitalisation of expenses within the Group.
就特定的結性產品 交易而言,如交易確認通知書的條文與其他 證明有關交易條款及細則的文件存在 異 , 以 交易確認通知書的條文為準。
In respect of a particular Structured Product Transaction, in the event of any difference between the provisions of the relevant Confirmation and the other documents evidencing the terms and condition thereof, the provisions of the Confirmation shall prevail.
該等前瞻性陳述乃反映中芯高級管 理層根據最佳判斷作出的估計,存在重大已知及未知風險、不確定性,以及其他可能導 致中芯實際業績、財政狀況或經營結果與前 性 陳 述 所載資料存在重大 異 的 因素,包 括(但不限於)與半導體行業週期及市場狀況有關的風險、全球經濟衰退及其對中國經濟 的影響、激烈競爭、中芯客戶能否及時接收晶圓産品、能否及時引進新技術、中芯抓住 在中國發展機遇的能力、中芯於加強全面産品組合的能力、半導體代工服務供需情況、 行業産能過剩、設備、零件及原材料短缺、能否有足夠的產能,終端市場的財政穩定、 中芯股價將來的變動和將來潛在的訴訟和索償。
These forward-looking statements are necessarily estimates reflecting the best judgment of SMIC’s senior management and involve significant risks, both known and unknown, uncertainties and other factors that may cause SMIC’s actual performance, financial condition or results of operations to be materially different from those suggested by the forward-looking statements including, among others, risks associated with cyclicality and market conditions in the semiconductor industry, the downturn in the global economy and the impact on China’s economy, intense competition, timely wafer acceptance by SMIC’s customers, timely introduction of new technologies, SMIC’s ability to capture growth opportunities in China, supply and demand for semiconductor foundry services, industry overcapacity, shortages in equipment, components and raw materials, orders or judgments from pending litigation, availability of manufacturing capacity and financial stability in end markets.
本系統運用不同之資訊技術與演算方式,將不同平台之行動網路元件整合於單一 系統架構下,透過系統提供之介面,完成手機局端之資源開通、資 異 動 、 簡訊 服務、地理位置資訊等等多性服務
This system uses different information technologies and performing algorithms, combine the mobile network components of different platforms under the single systematic structure, through the interface that the system
offered, such
[...] variety services as the resources activator, resource fluctuation, message service, position [...]
service, and so on.
如果閣下未有於上述期限內以書面提 異 議 , 則交易確認書、賬戶結單及月結單的內容均 被視作正確無誤及具終性並對 閣下具約束力。
Unless objection in writing reaches us within the said prescribed time limit, the transaction confirmation, the account statement and the monthly statement are considered to be correct, conclusive and binding on you.




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