单词 | 漏洞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 漏洞 noun —loophole n
(b) 如果認為應該堵塞漏洞,上 文所列四個方案之中,哪一個較為合 適 legco.gov.hk | (b) if it is considered that the loophole should be plugged, which of the four options set out above would be preferred legco.gov.hk |
金管局與中國銀監會的合作應包括致力協調監管政策與 執行,從而在兩地締造公平競爭的環境及減低出現監 管漏 洞的風險。 legco.gov.hk | Part of the HKMA’s cooperation with the CBRC should be to try to harmonise regulatory policies [...] and practices to produce a level playing field on both sides of the border and to reduce [...] the risk of regulatory arbitrage. legco.gov.hk |
6.9 個別工人未有嚴格遵守生物保安措施,可能造成「生物保 安漏 洞」, 並可能助長疫情從一個禽舍擴散到另一個。 legco.gov.hk | 6.9 Inconsistent observance of biosecurity by individual workers may have created “biosecurity breaks” and possibly helped spread the disease from one shed to another. legco.gov.hk |
若認為監管審查 程序不夠全面(例如因為這程序並沒有明確處理如風險資產質 素等項目),因而需要輔之以 CAMEL 評級制度,那麼最佳回 應可能是拓展監管審查程序,以堵塞其涵蓋範圍可能存有 的漏 洞(例 如次按危機所反映的風險類別),而不是同時運行兩個 制度。 legco.gov.hk | If it is felt that SRP is not comprehensive enough (e.g. because it does not deal explicitly with items such as the quality of risk assets) and therefore needs to be supplemented with CAMEL, the answer may be to develop the SRP to address any perceived gaps in coverage (such as the types of risk exposure revealed by the sub-prime crisis), rather than running parallel systems. legco.gov.hk |
7.02 在詳細考慮在公眾諮詢期間所收到的意見,以及有關 的法律問題後,現在政府提出的建議方案將可以在保 障市民的選舉權及被選舉權與有效堵塞議員隨意辭職 引發補選,以期在補選中參選和尋求再度當選這 個漏 洞之間取得了充份的平衡。 legco.gov.hk | 7.02 Having given detailed consideration to the views received during the public consultation period and the relevant legal issues, the proposal put forward by the Administration would be able to strike the right balance between protecting the rights to vote and the right to stand for election on the one hand, and plugging the loophole to effectively prevent Members from resigning at will in order to trigger by-elections in which they intend to stand and seek re-election on the other. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 如果認為應該堵塞漏洞,在《諮詢文件》第四章 所列的各個方案中,哪個(或多個)較為合適 legco.gov.hk | (b) if it is considered that the loophole should be plugged, of the following options identified in Chapter Four of the Consultation Paper, which one(s) would be preferred legco.gov.hk |
這或會導致執法漏洞,或 不慎鼓吹上述各類違規情況 出現的現象,因為業主或佔用人知悉屋宇署即使有合理理由懷 疑有違規情況出現,仍會因沒有方法進入處所而不能採取執法 行動。 legco.gov.hk | This may create enforcement loopholes, or inadvertently promote contraventions of these kinds as owners or occupiers would acknowledge the fact that BD would not be able to take enforcement action due to a lack of means to gain entry into the premises even with reasonable suspicion of the contraventions. legco.gov.hk |
有意見認為,政府當局在監察本地雞場方面未有 妥善履行職責,因為流行病學報告顯示有關農場在生物保安方 面存在一些弱點和漏洞。 legco.gov.hk | There was a view that the Administration had failed to do a good job in monitoring local chicken farms as the epidemiology report revealed some biosecurity vulnerabilities and breaches on the chicken farm concerned. legco.gov.hk |
6.05 因此,我們建議限制任何地方選區、區議會(第二) 功能界別或其他功能界別的辭職議員參與在辭職後六 個月內在同屆立法會任期內舉行的任何地方選區、區 議會(第二)功能界別及其他功能界別的補選,以堵塞 漏洞。 legco.gov.hk | 6.05 Therefore, we propose to plug the loophole by prohibiting a LegCo Member returned by a GC, the DC (second) FC or other FCs who has resigned from office from standing in any by-elections in all GCs, the DC (second) FC and other FCs in the same LegCo term within six months of his resignation. legco.gov.hk |
建議方案是一個簡單直接地堵塞議員利 用辭職引發補選,以期在補選中參選和尋求再度當選這 個 漏洞 的 方 案。 legco.gov.hk | The proposal is a simple and direct response to plug the loophole of a Member resigning in order to trigger a by-election in which the Member intends to stand and seek re-election. legco.gov.hk |
而且,有關的改變必頇以堵塞議員 利用辭職引發補選,以期在補選中參選和尋求再度當 選這個漏洞為目的。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, these changes should only be made for the purpose of plugging the loophole whereby Members resign in order to trigger by-elections in which they intend to stand and seek to be re-elected. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 議員隨意辭職引發補選並再參選及補選耗用大量公帑,是否一個 需要堵塞的漏洞 legco.gov.hk | (a) whether Members resigning at will, triggering by-elections in which they seek to stand and involving a considerable amount of public funds, is a loophole that needs to be plugged legco.gov.hk |
3.02 本章綜合了在公眾諮詢期內黨派及團體所提出的書面 意見,不同大學、傳媒機構、團體和政黨的民意調查, 以及 31 120 份的書面意見,尌議員隨意辭職引發補選 並再參選,及補選耗用大量公帑的現象是否一個需要 堵塞的漏洞這議題,所反映的意見。 legco.gov.hk | 3.02 This chapter summaries the views expressed by different political parties/groups and organisations, results of the opinion polls conducted by the university, the media, organisations and political parties, as well as the 31 120 written submissions received during the public consultation period on whether the phenomenon of Members resigning at will, triggering by-elections in which they seek to stand and involving a considerable amount of public funds, is a loophole that needs to be plugged. legco.gov.hk |
政府資訊科技總監辦公室已定期向各局/ 部門發 出有關資訊保安的催辦便箋,提醒各員工留意軟 件 漏洞 和 保安 威脅,並就保護資訊資產提供指引。 legco.gov.hk | The OGCIO also issues reminders to B/Ds periodically to draw their attention to emerging software vulnerabilities, security threats and providing guidance in protecting their information assets. legco.gov.hk |
為了補救立法漏洞,專員建議根據第 50(1)條賦予專員明訂權力,讓他 [...] 指令執行通知內的有關資料使用者停止作出某作為或從事某行為,以消 除對專員的權力疑問。 legco.gov.hk | In order to mend the [...] legislative loophole, the Commissioner [...]proposes that explicit power be conferred under section 50(1) [...]for the Commissioner to direct the relevant data user in the enforcement notice to desist from doing an act or engaging in a practice in order to quell any doubt on the power of the Commissioner. legco.gov.hk |
因此,明智的做法是修訂法例,修補 漏洞 , 加入 條文,規定不需向投訴人披露所要求查閱的個人資料,直至行政上訴委 員會或法庭裁定投訴人勝訴為止。 legco.gov.hk | It is therefore advisable to undergo legislative amendment to close the loophole by building in a provision that personal data being sought in a DAR is not to be disclosed to the complainant until the AAB or the court makes decision in favour of the complainant. legco.gov.hk |
保安漏洞掃描軟件大致可分為兩種:應用於網絡的網絡掃描軟件,其次為應用於主機的 掃描軟件。 infosec.gov.hk | Vulnerability scanners can be divided broadly into two groups: network-based scanners that run over the network, and host-based scanners that run on the target host itself. infosec.gov.hk |
它對授權、認證以及數據系統的完整性提供詳 盡的保安分析,亦可以辨認出數據庫系統潛在的保 安 漏洞 , 包 括簡單的密碼、錯誤的保 安配置以及特洛依木馬。 infosec.gov.hk | It performs detailed security analysis of the authorisation, authentication, and integrity of database systems, and can identify any potential security exposures in database systems, ranging from weak passwords and security mis-configurations to Trojan horses. infosec.gov.hk |
應時刻留意與流動裝置有關的保安 漏洞 , 並 安裝最新的修補程式。 infosec.gov.hk | Stay alert on security vulnerability on mobile devices, and apply the latest patches and fixes when available. infosec.gov.hk |
(a) 多項民意調查的結果顯示,超過或接近50%的受訪者認為政府需 要立法堵塞現有法例的漏洞,即 議員利用辭職引發補選,以期在 補選中參選和尋求再度當選。 legco.gov.hk | (a) the results of the various polls indicate that over 50% or close to 50% of the respondents consider that the Government needs to plug the loophole in the existing legislation by way of legislative amendments. legco.gov.hk |
源於生產商:包括軟件錯誤、操作系統欠缺修補程式、服務出現保 安 漏洞 、不 安全的預設配置以及網上應用系統保 安 漏洞。 infosec.gov.hk | Vendor-originated: this includes software bugs, missing operating system patches, vulnerable services, insecure default configurations, and web application vulnerabilities. infosec.gov.hk |
社會亦有相當意見要求堵 塞漏洞,以防日後發生同類事件。 cmab.gov.hk | There is also a large body of public opinion that the loophole should be plugged to prevent occurrence of similar incidents in future. cmab.gov.hk |
因為 Web 2.0 應用系統的其中一樣特 點,便是鼓勵更多用戶參與其中,使個人用戶或客戶面對保安威脅 與 漏洞 的 機 率也提高 了。 infosec.gov.hk | Because one characteristic for a Web 2.0 application is to encourage greater user involvement, the exposure of the individual user or client to security threats and vulnerabilities increases. infosec.gov.hk |
(e) 是否有其他可行方案堵塞漏洞,或 其他相關 的建議。 cmab.gov.hk | (e) whether there are other feasible options to plug the loophole or other relevant suggestions. cmab.gov.hk |
許多執法人員向本人表示,現行法例 有 漏洞 , 故 此難以進行檢控,該等 傳銷公司因而可以持續及擴大。 legco.gov.hk | Many law-enforcement officers have indicated to me that as there are loopholes in the existing legislation, it is difficult to institute prosecutions and these multi-level marketing companies are thus able to continue to operate and expand. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 提出的機制能否有效地處理已出現的問題, 堵塞現有漏洞;以及 cmab.gov.hk | (c) whether it can effectively address the perceived mischief and plug the loophole; and cmab.gov.hk |
有鑑於此,調查組仔細考察了疫點 雞場的生物保安狀況,發現該雞場在生物保安方面存在一些弱點和 漏洞,問 題包括:防鳥網、某些地點可能招引野鳥,以及員工未有 遵守進入禽舍的生物保安措施(如手部/手套衞生)。 legco.gov.hk | The investigation revealed some biosecurity vulnerabilities and breaches on the farm, including issues with wild bird protection nets, presence of sites that are potentially attractive to wild birds and non-compliance by staff with biosecurity measures (including hand/glove hygiene) relating to entry into the chicken sheds. legco.gov.hk |
(一 ) 當局有何計劃堵塞上述的法例漏洞, 以 確保任何人士在發展 土地時,必須符合法定分區計劃大綱圖定下的土地用途要 求;及 legco.gov.hk | (a) what plans the authorities have to plug the aforesaid loophole in the legislation, so as to ensure that any person, when undertaking land developments, shall comply with the land use requirements set out in the statutory Outline Zoning Plans; and legco.gov.hk |
利用保安漏洞掃 描 軟件持續作保安評估,可以很容易辨認出網絡內外的保 安 漏洞。 infosec.gov.hk | By employing ongoing security assessments using vulnerability scanners, it is easy to identify security vulnerabilities that may be present in the network, from both the internal and external perspective. infosec.gov.hk |
假如使用開放程式軟件或是 API,則應查核及確 保該軟件的所有使用牌照是否有效,而且應及時修補這些解決方案已發表 的 漏洞。 infosec.gov.hk | If open source software or APIs are used, the software should be tracked to ensure that all licences are valid for use, and published vulnerabilities from these open source software solutions should be addressed in time. infosec.gov.hk |