

单词 露台

External sources (not reviewed)

故此, 委員會建議應減露台和工作平台的總樓面面積寬免。
The SDC therefore recommends that the level of GFA
[...] concessions for balconies and utility platforms should be [...]
委員會認為儘管應繼續 鼓勵提露台和工作平台,但調 露台 和 工 作平台的總樓 面面積寬免應不會影響新發展項目提供這些設施。
While balconies and utility platforms should still be encouraged, it [...]
is considered that an adjustment to GFA concessions
for them should not constitute a major factor against their provision in new developments.
統一後的「實用面積」僅指單位的面積, 以露台和工 作平台(如有)的面積的總和。
The standardised definition of “saleable area” includes only the areas of the unit
[...] as well as balcony and utility platform, if any.
(c) 樓宇(1)部 由一名政府屋宇測量師/政府結構工程師(職銜 為助理署長/樓宇(1))掌管,屬下設有三名總屋宇測量師
[...] 執行與規管僭建物和確保現有樓宇安全有關的職務的地 區組別、一個負責對懸臂式平露台 採 取特別行動、對正 在施工的違例建築工程進行執法,以及清理以往累積下來 [...]
的命令(已發出但業主尚未遵行的命令)的專責事務組,以 及一個斜坡安全組。
He is underpinned by three CBSs and two CSEs supervising five sections, including three district sections responsible for duties related to the control of UBWs and safety of existing building, a special task section
responsible for special operations against
[...] cantilevered slab balconies (CSBs), enforcement [...]
against unauthorised works-in-progress
(WIPs) and clearing backlog orders (orders issued but not complied with by owners) as well as a Slope Safety Section.
標準價目表範本則列明單位的「建築面積」分項細節,包括統 一後的「實用面積」(其中再細分 露台 、 工 作平台(如有) 面積)、窗台、冷氣機房、獲分攤的公用地方,以及單位的其 [...]
The standardised price list template provides breakdown of the GFA of a unit in terms of the standardised “saleable
area” (with further breakdown into the
[...] areas for balcony, utility platform (if any)), [...]
bay window, air conditioning plant room,
apportioned share of common areas, and other areas of the unit such as roof and flat roof.
在 97 個獲總樓面面積寬免 的發展項目抽樣個案(包括 77 個住宅/綜合用途及 20 個非住宅發展項目)中,我們發現發展商傾向在 所有種類的住宅發展項目中,不論地盤的實際布局 和特點,都加入可提高市場定位及促銷的環保及完 善生活的設施(包露台、工 作平台、住客會所、 加闊的走廊及升降機大堂、公用空中花園及尊貴式 入口大堂等),而鮮有在發展項目中加入風斗、隔音 屏障及隔聲鰭等環保設施。
From a sample study of 97 developments (comprising 77 domestic/composite and 20 non-domestic developments) with GFA concessions granted, we notice that developers tend to include those same green and amenity features (including balconies, utility platforms, residents’ clubhouses, wider corridors and lift lobbies, communal sky gardens, and prestigious entrances) which would improve marketing and sale of flats in all kinds of domestic developments regardless of the practical layout and characteristic of the site, and seldom incorporate green features like wind funnels, noise barriers, acoustic fins, etc. into the development.
(b) 委員會建議政府檢討並降低現行一系列環保及完善 生活設施的總樓面面積寬免水平,例如住客會所露台、工 作平台、非結構預製外牆及樓宇管理設施 的總樓面面積的寬免等。
(b) The SDC has recommended that the Government reviews and reduces the level of a range of existing GFA concessions for green and amenity features, such as those for residents’ clubhouses, balconies, utility platforms, non-structural prefabricated external walls and building management facilities.
聯合作業備考》第 1 和第 2 號界定的環保設施包露台、加 闊的公用走廊、遮陽篷、空 中花園、平台花園、隔聲鰭、工作平台、設有郵箱的郵件派遞室、翼牆、捕風器及風斗、 非結構預製外牆及隔音屏障。
Green features, as defined in Joint Practice Notes 1 and
[...] 2, include balconies, wider common corridors, sunshades, sky gardens, podium gardens, acoustic fins, utility platforms, [...]
mail delivery
room with mail boxes, wing walls, wind catchers & funnels, non-structural prefabricated external walls and noise barriers.
在已於2011年 3月底完結 的十年僭建物清拆計劃中,目標僭建物包括伸建物、鐵籠、大
[...] 型簷篷、大型玻璃嵌板外牆、大型電視屏幕、大型招牌、違反 消防安全規定的僭建物,以及簷篷和懸臂式平 露台 上 的 僭建 物。
Under the ten-year UBWs removal programme that ended at the end of March 2011, the targeted UBWs included projecting structures, steel cages, large canopies, large glass panel external walls, large TV
screens, large signboards, UBWs contravening fire safety requirements and UBWs on
[...] canopies and cantilevered slab balconies.
在自2001年起的10年間, 屋宇署清拆僭建物的行動(即向有關人士發出法定命令要求清拆該僭
建物,以及向不遵從法定命令的有關人士提出檢控),只限於須優先 處理的類別(主要包括對生命財產明顯構成威脅或即時危險、新建僭 建物或在個別大規模行動時所針對的目標如大型簷蓬、大型冷氣機支
[...] 架、單梯樓宇的天台僭建物,以及建於簷蓬和懸臂式平 露台 上 的僭 建物)。
These high priority targets included UBW which presents obvious hazard or imminent danger to life or property, newly built UBW or those targeted in large-scale operations, such as large canopies, large supporting frames
for air-conditioners, UBW on rooftops of single-staircase buildings and UBW on
[...] canopies or cantilevered slab balconies.
這項為期十年的執法計劃集中處理本港 當時最常見,而又對公眾構成迫切危險或有高潛在風險的僭 建物(例如位於樓宇外牆的鐵籠、大型簷蓬、大型冷氣機支
[...] 架、單梯樓宇的天台僭建物,以及建於簷蓬和懸臂式平露 台上的僭建物)。
This ten-year enforcement programme focused on UBWs that were then most prevalent in Hong Kong, posing imminent dangers or high potential risk to public safety (such as steel cages, large canopies and large supporting frames for air conditioners on external walls of
buildings, illegal rooftop structures on single-staircase buildings and UBWs on
[...] canopies and cantilevered slab balconies).
在實際 執行上,雖然
[...] 10%的上限亦適用於商業樓宇, 但由於部分環保和完善生活設施(如會所露 台等)只與住宅發展項目有關,因此商業樓宇 一般有較大空間按意願加入所有理想的環保設 施。
In actual implementation, since
several of the green and amenity features
[...] like clubhouses and balconies are only relevant [...]
to domestic developments, although the
same 10% cap is operative, commercial buildings will normally have greater room to accommodate all the desirable environmental features if they so wish.
(二) 政府推行的鼓勵措施,所涵蓋的環保設施包 露台 、 加 闊的公用 走廊及升降機大堂、公用空中花園、公用平台花園、隔聲鰭、遮 陽篷及反光罩,同時亦包括非結構預製外牆、工作平台及設有郵 箱的郵件派遞室。
(b) The Government's policy on provision of
[...] incentives covers balconies, wider corridors and lift lobbies, communal sky gardens, communal podium gardens, [...]
acoustic fins, sunshades
and reflectors, non-structural prefabricated external walls, utility platforms and mail delivery room with mailboxes.
為處理現有的違建工程問題,屋宇署在2009年繼續舉行其 "大規模清拆行動",一次過清拆1
[...] 202多幢樓宇的所有違建工程, 包括大型玻璃嵌板外牆、大型電視屏幕、大型招牌,以及懸臂式 平露台上的違建工程。
To tackle the problem of existing UBWs, BD continued its "Blitz" clearance operations, demolishing in one go all UBWs including large glass panel external
walls, large television screens, large signboards and UBWs
[...] on cantilevered slab balconies in some 1 202 buildings [...]
in 2009.
(g) 所有窗戶露台、陽台、樓梯、平台或與毗鄰高度距離超 過 600 毫米的任何地方,均應安裝安全圍欄,以盡量減少 [...]
個人或物件由高處墮下的危險;圍欄的高度應不少於 1.1 米,其結構應能防止超過 100 毫米寬度的物體在最窄處穿 過。
(g) at all windows, balconies, verandahs, staircases, [...]
landings or where there is a difference in adjacent levels greater
than 600 mm, protective barriers designed to minimize the risk of persons or objects falling should be provided at a height of not less than 1.1 m and constructed as to inhibit the passage of articles more than 100 mm in their smallest dimension.
2001 至 2009 年,屋宇署每年均進行大規模清拆行 動,一次過清拆在選定的目標樓宇外牆的目標僭建物和樓宇 公用地方的僭建物,包括伸建物、金屬籠、大型簷篷、大型
[...] 玻璃嵌板外牆、大型電視屏幕、大型違例招牌、違反消防安 全規定的僭建物,以及簷篷和懸臂式平 露台 上 的 僭建物。
Such UBWs include projecting structures, steel cages, large canopies, large glass panel external walls, large TV screens, large
unauthorized signboards, UBWs contravening fire safety requirements and UBWs on
[...] canopies and cantilevered slab balconies.
該 12 項環保設施為-(a)露台;(b)加闊的公用走廊及升降機大堂;(c)公用空 中花園;(d)公用平台花園;(e)隔聲鰭;(f)遮陽篷及反光罩;(g)翼牆、捕風器 [...]
11 The 12
[...] green features are – (a) balconies; (b) wider common [...]
corridors and lift lobbies; (c) communal sky gardens; (d)
communal podium gardens; (e) acoustic fins; (f) sunshades and reflectors; (g) wing walls, wind catchers and funnels; (h) non-structural prefabricated external walls; (i) utility platforms; (j) mail delivery rooms with mailboxes; (k) noise barriers; and (l) communal sky gardens for non-residential buildings.
在 依從要求時,你應刪除或不露除資料當事人外,其他人士的姓名或可識別該些人士的 身分的資料。
In complying with the request, you should omit or otherwise not disclose the names or other identifying particulars of individuals other than the data subject.
於作出任何投資決定前,敬請投資者細閱及了解有關投資項目或產品的所有發售文件,以及其中所 載的風險露聲明及風險警告。
Investors should read and fully understand all the offering documents relating to the
relevant investments or products and all the risk
[...] disclosure statements and risk warnings [...]
therein before making any investment decisions.
此外,他們亦應在產 品出廠、運送以至貯存和零售期間採取措施,包括使用合適的容器和不透光的箱,避免 產品露在強光下;保持正確的低溫環境(盡量維持温度於攝氏20度或以下,切勿超過 攝氏38度),使用適當的隔熱貨櫃,並配合付運時間和適當的貯存設施,避免產品露 在高 溫下;以及按先入先出的原則處理存貨。
From production throughout shipment to storage and retail, they should also take measures to prevent products from light exposure by means of proper containers and covering boxes; and to minimise heat exposure by maintaining the correct cold chain, preferably at or below 20°C and critically not above 38°C, by means of appropriate insulated containers, to be coupled with shipping schedules and storage facilities; and to keep stock according to the first-in-first-out principle.
至於付運人、分銷商、批發商及零售商,在運送和貯 存發酵食品時,應盡量避免食品露 在 高 溫和強光下;以先入先出的原則處理存貨;以 及向可靠的供應商採購發酵食材。
For shippers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers, they should minimise heat and light exposure during transportation and storage of fermented food products, keep stock according to the first-in-first-out principle and obtain fermented food ingredients from reliable suppliers.
個人資料的規管事宜所提出的關注,署理副私隱 專 員 回應時表示,由於企業合併是普遍的商業活
[...] 動,條例草案建議,為商業合併作盡職審查而轉移 或露個人 資料,可免受第3保障資料原則管限, [...]
唯須符合下述情況:(a)將要轉移的個人資料屬必 需;(b)資料受讓人會與原先的資料使用者一樣,向
資料當事人提供相同的產品或服務;(c)儘管已採取 所有合理地切實可行的步驟,但仍無法取得資料當 事人同意轉移資料;以及(d)有關的資料轉移並不包 括售賣資料。
In response to Dr Priscilla LEUNG's concern about the regulation of the use and transfer of personal data in corporate mergers, Acting Deputy Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data advised that as corporate mergers were common commercial activities, the Bill proposed to exempt
from Data Protection Principle 3 the transfer
[...] or disclosure of personal data [...]
for use in due diligence exercises in connection
with mergers provided that (a) the personal data to be transferred were necessary; (b) the data transferee would provide the same products or services to the data subjects as did the original data user; (c) the consent of the data subjects to the data transfer could not be obtained despite the taking of all reasonably practicable steps; and (d) the data transfer did not include sale of the data.
香港的發行人在必須遵守向公司註冊處呈交通知及報表存檔的法定責任的同 時,亦必須遵守《上市規則》的規定,以確保任何合理預期會對其上市證券 的市價有重大影響的信息以及讓股東及公眾人士可評估上市發行人狀況的信 息均即時露。
While Hong Kong issuers are required to comply with their statutory obligations to file notifications and returns with the Companies Registry, it is also important for them to observe the Listing Rule requirements to ensure that immediate disclosure is made of any information which is reasonably expected to have a material effect on market prices of listed securities and is necessary for shareholders and the public to appraise the position of the listed issuers.
你在本表格提供的個人資料(和隨後更新的資料),以及以登記用戶身分透過道路貨物資料系統提交的個人資料(如有的 話),香港海關可能會為上文第 1 段所提及的任何一個目的,或因有關資料已獲授權 露 , 又 或因法例規定,而向其他政 府部門/決策局或海外執法機關露。
The personal data you provided in this form (as well as subsequent updates) and the personal data, if any, to be submitted by you through Road Cargo System as a
registered user may be
[...] disclosed to other Government departments / bureaux and overseas enforcement agencies for any of the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above; or where such disclosure is authorized or required by law.
(K) 倘若在任何董事會會議上就董事(大會主席除外)權益之重大性或就
任何董事(主席除外)之投票權及應否計入法定人數而產生任何問題,而該等問 題並無因其自願同意放棄表決或不計入法定人數內而獲得解決,則該等問題應提
[...] 交大會主席處理,而主席就該其他董事之裁決應屬最終及不可推翻,除非該董事 知悉其權益性質或程度未有公正地向董事會 露 則 作 別論。
(K) If any question shall arise at any meeting of the Board as to the materiality of the interest of a Director (other than the Chairman of the meeting) or as to the entitlement of any Director (other than such Chairman) to vote or be counted in the quorum and such question is not resolved by his voluntarily agreeing to abstain from voting or not to be counted in the quorum, such question shall be referred to the Chairman of the meeting and his ruling in relation to such other Director shall be final and conclusive except in a case where the nature
or extent of the interest of the Director concerned as known to such Director has not been
[...] fairly disclosed to the Board.
(2) 港燈將秉承一貫致力增加透明度的做法,向政 府露涵蓋 核數檢討同一期間,關於其發電、 輸電及配電系統每年成本的個別數據,包括資 本及經營開支,以及固定資產淨值流向等資 料,惟此等資料僅供政府參考之用。
(2) HEC, as part of its continuing effort to increase transparency, will disclose to the Government for its information only the segregated annual cost data, which include capital and operating expenditures, and Net Fixed Assets movement pertaining to its generation, and transmission and distribution systems covering the same period as the Auditing Review.
如有關物業之 估值包含出租物業之收益,則除非本行收到相反之書面通知,否則本行將假設租客有能力履行租約下之財 務義務,且該等租客並沒有拖欠任何租金以及沒有未經 露 的 違 約事項。
Where properties are valued with the benefit of lettings, it is therefore assumed, unless we are informed otherwise in writing, that the tenants are capable of meeting their financial obligations under the lease and that there are no arrears of rent or undisclosed breaches of covenant.
我們∕本人*亦授權政府政策局及其他政府部門或私人機構向學生資助辦事處 露 我 們 ∕本人* 在其部門∕機構所儲存有關我們∕本人*的個人資料以便查核有關此申請的任何資料。
We / I* further give our / my* consent to any Government Policy Bureaux and Departments or private bodies to release our / my* personal data to the SFAA for the purpose of processing this application.
工貿署會對獲資助機構在有關申請表內提供的個人資料嚴格保 密,惟該義務和限制不適用於為上一段所述的必要用途而作的 任何露或獲 法律授權或規定而作的任何 露 ; 或 獲資助機構 /資料當事人所作的任何露。
The personal data that the applicants provided in their applications will be kept in confidence provided that such obligations and restrictions shall not apply to any disclosure which is necessary for the purposes
mentioned in the
[...] paragraph above, or any disclosure which is authorised or required by law, or any disclosure which is given by the applicant/data subject.




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