

单词 路砖

External sources (not reviewed)

这些努力将包括无害环境的施工技术(包括减少使用木材和 砖 ) 和 燃 料消 费(包括更多依赖太阳能)。
These efforts would include environmentally friendly construction
techniques (including less reliance on
[...] timber and oven-fired bricks) and fuel consumption [...]
(including more reliance on solar power).
與此同時,第二名乘客看護員被安排駐守渡線 MX10 的位置,確保乘客不會錯誤於上行 路 段 行 走,必須 沿著隧道下行線前往荃灣西站方向疏散。
Also at this time, a second PCO was posted at crossover MX10 to ensure that passengers would not cross to the up track by mistake and would only go in the direction of TWW along the tunnel on the down track.
有人表示,鉴于南非最近加入了所谓的 砖 四 国 (巴西、俄罗斯联邦、印 度和中国),应将其列入第 18.22(d)段。
The view was expressed that, given that South Africa had recently joined Brazil, the Russian Federation, India and China (the so-called BRIC countries), it should be listed in paragraph 18.22 (d).
为提高当地社区领袖、建筑和工程专业大学生以及专业人员对传统建筑和技术的认识并进行相 关培训,一本关于土结构建筑的修建或维修的传统技术的俄语培训手册被翻译成当地语言,并且印 发给教育机构和图书馆;对来自中亚国家和阿富汗的维护专业人员进行了关于维护土结构建筑的培
训;完成了遗址的维护(Fayaz Tepa 佛教遗址),还完成和/或修复了试点示范建筑物(博逊工艺培
[...] 训中心,包括一个博物馆;塔什干纺丝/天然染色车间建筑;修复后的 砖 中 心 以及在阿富汗马扎里 沙里夫的 Khiva 纺丝/天然染色车间的扩建)。
To sensitize and train local community leaders, architecture and engineering students and professionals on the value of traditional architecture and technology, a Russian language training manual on traditional techniques for the construction and repair of earth architecture was translated into local languages, published and distributed to educational institutions and libraries; training was conducted on the conservation of earthen structures for conservation professionals from Central Asian countries and Afghanistan; conservation was completed on historic sites (Fayaz Tepa Buddhist Ruins, Termez, Uzbekistan); and pilot demonstration buildings were completed and/or restored (Boysun Crafts Training Centre, which includes a museum; the Tashkent
silk weaving/natural dye workshop
[...] building; the restored brick-making centre and the [...]
extension of the Khiva silk weaving/natural
dye workshop in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan).
研 究結果所提供的科學資料,有助當局評估食用冰對公眾健康帶來的風
[...] 險、為零售店鋪制訂處理食用冰的衞生指引,以及決定日後管制食用冰 的製造和處理路向。
The results will provide scientific information to assess the risk of edible ice to public health and to assist in developing hygienic handling guidelines on ice for
retail businesses and in making management
[...] decision on the way forward for [...]
the control of production and handling of edible ice.
国际水文计划的国际试验和网络数据系列确定水流状态(FRIEND)计划和水文学为环 境、生命和政策服务计划(HELP)取得的经验教训,地区趋势和成套数据,国际地下水资 源管理中心(IGRAC)的设施和数据库都在为气候变化数据库 砖 加 瓦,以改进冻水、地表 水和地下水资源管理和适应全球变化对河流流域和地下蓄水系统影响的综合方法。
Lessons from the IHP programmes FRIEND (Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data) and HELP (Hydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy), regional trends and data sets, and IGRAC (International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre) facilities and databases have continued to build the climate change knowledge base allowing for improved integrated approaches for managing frozen water, surface and groundwater resources and for adapting to the impacts of global changes on river basins and aquifer systems.
虽然外国直接投资水平 的上升是由于加强了南南贸易以及巴西、中国和印度等新兴经济体一路领先的南
方新兴经济体国家之间的投资流动,但分析家们注意到“非洲雄狮”的崛起,即 博茨瓦纳、埃及、利比亚、毛里求斯、摩洛哥、南非和突尼斯(阿拉伯之春前)等 高增长非洲经济体,这些国家以人均国内生产总值水平来衡量,2008
[...] 年以来都超 过了巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国(金砖 四 国 )。
While the rise in FDI levels is attributable to the intensification of South-South trade and investment flows among southern countries with emerging economies such as Brazil, China and India leading the way, analysts have noted the rise of “African lions”, highperforming African economies such as Botswana, Egypt, Libya, Mauritius, Morocco, South Africa and Tunisia (before the Arab Spring) that have
outperformed Brazil, the Russian Federation, India and
[...] China (the BRIC countries) [...]
since 2008 as measured in terms of per capita GDP levels.
4.29 閣下及授權使用者(如適用)承認有責任自行透過其慣常之買賣渠道,獨立決定買賣之市 價、利率及兌換率;並有責任在依賴任何市場資料及/或報告或據此行事前,自行予以核證。 同時,閣下及授權使用者(如適用)亦有責任就使用 路 / 電 話 銀行服務、市場資料及報告、 本第 4 條條款及進行之任何買賣交易在所有適用法律下對閣下可能產生之影響,尋求法 律、財務、稅務及其他方面的獨立專業意見。
4.29 You and, where applicable, the Authorized User acknowledge that it is your responsibility to determine independently market prices, interest rates, exchange rates for trading purposes through your usual trading channels, to verify any of the Market Information and/or the Reports before relying or acting on it and to seek independent professional advice on legal, financial, tax and other issues in connection with the use of the Internet/Phone Banking Services, the Market Information and the Reports, the provisions of this Clause 4 and any transactions and dealings which may affect you under all applicable laws.
[...] 涂謹申議員會考慮動議議案,修訂將由地鐵公司訂立的《香港 路 (西 北鐵路)附例》第22(1)(a)條,訂明任何人不論何時在鐵路處所內"不得 [...]
作出喧嘩或擾亂秩序的行為,或使用恐嚇性、辱罵性或侮辱性的言詞, 意圖使他人破壞鐵路處所安寧,或其上述行為相當可能會導致鐵路處 所安寧破壞;"。
To this end, the Subcommittee notes that Hon James TO will consider moving a
motion to amend section 22(1)(a) of the
[...] Mass Transit Railway (North-west Railway) Bylaw [...]
to be made by MTRCL to the effect that
no person shall at any time while upon the railway premises "behaves in a noisy or disorderly manner, or use threatening, abusive or insulting words, with intent to cause a breach of the peace in railway premises, or whereby a breach of the peace in railway premises are likely to be caused;".
完成此操作後,Seagate Dashboard 會儲存您的登入資訊,從而使您無需再為該社交路服務輸入此資訊。
Once you do this, Seagate Dashboard saves your login information so you do not have to enter it again for that social networking service.
(8) 已登記的付運人(公司/機構)必須就所有由負責人及本登記表格第二部分的授權訊息簽署人在 路 貨 物 資料系 統內輸入的任何資料及其所引起的一切後果(包括民事及刑事)負上責任。
(8) A registered shipper (company / organization) shall be fully responsible for all information input into the Road Cargo System by the responsible person and message signatory(ies) as authorized in Part II of this Registration Form and all liabilities (civil and criminal) arising thereof.
4.47 本行可隨時暫停或終止所有或任何 路 / 電 話 銀行服務或閣下及授權使用者(如適用)之使 用權,而毋須給予通知或理由。
4.47 We may, at any time, without giving notice or reason suspend or terminate all or any of the Internet/Phone Banking Services or their use by you and, where applicable, the Authorized User.
(b) 經營所有或任何作為船東、船舶代理、船舶經紀、證券經紀、船舶管理人 及船運財產、貨運承包商、水陸營運商、駁船所有者、駁船夫、碼頭工人、 船舶修理工、造船商、拆船商、船舶供應商、打撈及拖船承包商、其各領
[...] 域的工程師、貨運代理、製冷商、倉庫管理人及碼頭、倉庫管理人的業務 及進行路運輸及駁運所有類別業務。
(b) To carry on all or any of the businesses of shipowners, ships agents, ship brokers, insurance brokers, managers of ships and shipping property, freight contractors, carriers by land and sea, barge owners, lightermen, stevedores, ship repairers, ship builders, ship breakers, ship suppliers, salvage and towage contractors, engineers in all its branches, forwarding agents,
refrigerating storekeepers, warehousemen and wharves and godowns
[...] and to conduct road haulage and lighterage [...]
business of all kinds.
有關評估結果在協助當局制定未路 向時,將會是重要考慮因素之一。
The evaluation results would be one of the important considerations in facilitating the Administration to map out the way forward.
(b) 擬建的新界單車徑網絡主要包括兩段總長約 82 公里的主幹路段:(i)屯門 至馬鞍山段:路段由 西面的屯門開始,經元朗、上水、粉嶺、大埔和沙 田連接東面的馬鞍山;以及(ii)荃灣至屯門段。
(b) The proposed cycle track network in the New Territories broadly comprises a backbone with a total length of about 82 kilometres made up of two sections: (i) Tuen Mun - Ma On Shan section which starts from Tuen Mun in the west and connects via Yuen Long, Sheung Shui, Fanling, Tai Po and Sha Tin to Ma On Shan in the east; and (ii) Tsuen Wan - Tuen Mun section.
成員同意跟進附件 C 載列的優先處理事項,並就未路向 發 表初步 意見。
Members agreed to pursue the priority tasks at Annex C and expressed
[...] preliminary views on the way forward.
你在本表格提供的個人資料(和隨後更新的資料),以及以登記用戶身分透過 路 貨 物資料系統提交的個人資料(如有的 [...]
話),香港海關可能會為上文第 1 段所提及的任何一個目的,或因有關資料已獲授權披露,又或因法例規定,而向其他政 府部門/決策局或海外執法機關披露。
The personal data you provided in this form (as well as subsequent updates) and
the personal data, if any, to be submitted
[...] by you through Road Cargo System [...]
as a registered user may be disclosed to other
Government departments / bureaux and overseas enforcement agencies for any of the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above; or where such disclosure is authorized or required by law.
(6) 興建及維修或有助於或促使興建或維修 路 、 電車軌道、堤岸、橋樑、污水渠、 公園、遊樂場地、學校、教堂、市場、工廠、工場、閱覽室、浴室及其他本公 司可能認為直接或間接有助於本公司(無論以擁有人、承租人、承建商或其他 身份)擁有權益之任何物業發展之樓宇、工程及便利設施。
(6) To construct and maintain or contribute to or procure the construction or maintenance of roads, tramways, embankments, bridges sewers, parks, pleasure-grounds, schools, churches, markets, factories workshops, reading-rooms, baths, and other buildings, works and conveniences which the Company may think directly or indirectly conducive to the development of any property in which it is interested either as owners, lessees, contractors or otherwise.
(l) 建造、改進、維修、發展、改建、經營、管理、執行或控制任何看來旨在直 接或間接促進公司利益的路、路、 電 車軌道、 路 、 支線或側線、橋樑、 貯水庫、水道、碼頭、工廠、機械、倉庫、電氣工程、工場、貯物室、建築 物及其他工程及便利設施,資助或以其他方式協助或參與建造、改進、維修、 發展、改建、經營、管理、執行或控制該等項目,或在這方面作出貢獻。
(1) To construct improve maintain develop alter work manage carry out or control any roads ways tramways railways branches or sidings bridges reservoirs watercourses wharves factories machineries warehouses electric works shops stores buildings and other works and conveniences which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to advance the Company’s interests and to contribute to subsidize or otherwise assist or take part in the construction improvement maintenance development alteration working management carrying out or control thereof.
至於在東鐵綫沿綫車站加裝自動月台閘門,港鐵公司曾向立法會交 通事務委員會轄下路事宜小組委員會提交資料文件( 立法會 CB(1)1072/10-11(02)號文件),並於 2011 年 1 月 21 日舉行的會議上介紹相 關技術研究的結果和結論。
Regarding the retrofitting of APGs along the East Rail Line, MTRCL submitted an information paper (LC Paper no. CB(1)1072/10-11(02)) to the Subcommittee on Matters Relating to Railways (the Subcommittee) under the Legislative Council Panel on Transport and presented the results and conclusions of the technical studies at the meeting of 21 January 2011.
若以上項目均解決,但仍無法順利播放,請確認您的個人電腦、公司或路服務 提供者是否設有防火牆或是防毒軟體阻擋串流影音傳送。
If none of the above methods can solve the problem, please confirm whether your PC, the company or the Internet Service Provider has setup the firewall or Anti-Virus software to prevent streaming signal transmitting.
如果停用社交媒體路, 共 用或儲存螢幕中將不再將其顯示為登入選項。
If you disable a social media network, it no longer appears as a login option on the Share or Save screens.
我們現時認為,如果希臘、意大利或西班牙退 出歐元區,對滙豐的影響將較愛爾蘭、葡萄牙或 塞路斯為 大,原因是我們在該等國家的風險承 擔額顯著較少。
Our current view is that there would be a greater impact on HSBC from a euro exit of Greece, Italy or Spain than from Ireland, Portugal or Cyprus, where our exposures are substantially lower.
藉著這個機遇,港鐵公司會在這些新 路 項 目 的車站推出嶄新的設 施及設計,除了能為乘客帶來煥然一新的感覺外,站內的設施亦會更方便 及更能照顧乘客的需要,務求令乘客乘搭 路 時 有 愉快的體驗。
Taking advantage of this opportunity, the MTRCL will launch in stations of these new railway lines new facilities and designs that will not only bring a refreshing look, but will also provide passengers with greater convenience [...]
and better services, and therefore better experience.
本篇論文將探討行動通信路發生 重大障礙時, 如何有效率且精準地通報維運人員與經營層主管,並快速進行查修。
This paper will explore how to notify maintenance and operation staffs and management executives efficiently and accurately when critical faults occurred in mobile communications networks, and then inspect equipment quickly.
如果在 DHCP 喜好設定中選擇已 停用,則您必須輸入 IP 位址 (如果未由 DHCP 伺服器指派則輸入本機設定的 IP 位址)、子路遮罩 (用於將 IP 位址分割為路和主 機識別號)和預設閘道器 (系統預設閘道器的 IP 位址)。
If you choose Disabled for the DHCP preference, you must enter an IP address (the locally configured IP address if not assigned by a DHCP server), Subnet Mask (used to partition the IP address into a network and host identifier), and Default Gateway (the IP address of the default gateway the system uses).
行動電話通信業務、加值業務及固定 路 服 務之收入,係依約定費率計價,扣除 [...]
折扣後之淨額認列;訂戶基本頻道收入按約定之月租費認列;預付卡收入則依用戶實 際使用量認列。
Service revenues from wireless services, value-added [...]
services, and fixed network services, net of any applicable discount,
are billed at predetermined rates; the fixed monthly fees on the basic cable TV services are accrued; prepaid card services are recognized on the basis of minutes of usage.
本系統運用不同之資訊技術與演算方式,將不同平台之行動 路 元 件 整合於單一 系統架構下,透過系統提供之介面,完成手機局端之資源開通、資源異動、簡訊 服務、地理位置資訊等等多樣性服務。
This system uses different information technologies and performing algorithms, combine the mobile network components of different platforms under the single systematic structure, through the interface that the system offered, such variety services as the resources activator, resource fluctuation, message service, position service, and so on.




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