单词 | 勞工 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 勞工 noun —labourBE nExamples:勞工处 n—Labour Department n See also:工 n—work n • laborAE n • worker n • craft n
此外,業界和相關的 組織,包括勞工顧問委員會和港口行動事務委員會,他們亦贊成擬制 定的法例。 legco.gov.hk | Further, the relevant industries and interested parties, including the Labour Advisory Board and Port Operations Committee, also supported the proposed legislation. legco.gov.hk |
為履行這項責任,勞工處採 取多管齊下的策略,透過立法 和執法、宣傳和推廣,以及教育和培訓,致力為本港工作地點建 [...] 立安全文化。 legco.gov.hk | In light of this [...] role, the Labour Department (LD) seeks [...]to inculcate a safety culture in Hong Kong’s workplaces through [...]a multifarious strategy of legislation and enforcement; publicity and promotion; as well as education and training. legco.gov.hk |
顧問亦指出,這個資歷組別所涵蓋的職位在市場上出 現勞 工短缺 的情況,可能進一步推高這些職位的市場薪酬水平。 legco.gov.hk | The Consultant also pointed out that [...] there have been shortages in labour for jobs covered [...]by this QG in the market, and the [...]market pay level for these jobs may be further pushed up. legco.gov.hk |
這些數據涵蓋了基本的重 要指標,例如本地生產總值、消費物價指數, 及 勞工 市 場數據(包 括就業、失業及職位空缺、工資分布和差距、就業收入及生產力 等)。 legco.gov.hk | These statistical data covered essential and important indicators such as gross domestic product, consumer price index and labour market statistics (including employment, unemployment and vacancies, wage distribution and differentials, labour earnings and productivity). legco.gov.hk |
當中,蒲魯 賢慈善信託基金和李寶椿慈善信託基金提供一筆過的撥款 給勞工處和 /或社署,以提供財政上的援助給有需要的人 士,包括殘疾人士。 legco.gov.hk | Among these trust funds, the Brewin Trust Fund and the Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund provide lump sum grants to the LD and / or SWD for providing financial assistance to persons in need, including persons with disabilities. legco.gov.hk |
勞工處會聯絡投訴人及有關的僱主 深入瞭解情況,並查究僱主有否違規。 legco.gov.hk | The LD will approach both [...] the complainant and the employer concerned to better understand the situation, and investigate [...]whether the employer has breached the terms and conditions for using the recruitment service of the LD. legco.gov.hk |
這些活動包括:透過不同媒體播放電視宣傳短片和 電台宣傳聲帶;在公共交通工具和不同刊物刊登廣告;印 製單張和海報以廣泛派發及張貼;在電費單和水費單加入 宣傳信息;在報章刊登特刊;派發法定最低工資的參考指 [...] 引;舉辦《最低工資條例》的簡介會;舉辦巡迴展覽,以 及在勞工處的網頁提供資訊。 legco.gov.hk | The activities include broadcasting television and radio announcements of public interest through different media channels; advertising on public transport and in various publications; publishing leaflets and posters for wide distribution and display; inserting promotional message in electricity and water bills; placing newspaper supplements; issuing reference guidelines on SMW; [...] conducting briefings on the MWO; staging roving exhibitions; and providing [...] information at the Labour Department's [...]homepage. legco.gov.hk |
應一些立法會議員的要求,勞工處出 版了一份單張,解釋 《修訂條例》中有關「無合理辯解」的條文,並為僱主提供良好 [...] 人事管理的建議,以加強僱主對相關條文的認識,及避免不負責 任的僱主藉詞拖欠裁斷款項。 legco.gov.hk | In response to some Legislative Council [...] Members’ request, LD has published a [...]leaflet to explain the “without reasonable [...]excuse” clause in the Amendment Ordinance and provide employers with good people management recommendations so as to strengthen employers’ understanding of the relevant provisions and prevent irresponsible employers from making up excuses for defaulting acts. legco.gov.hk |
此 外,可在現有功能組別中增加一 些席位,如勞工界等;(2)上議 院中不單可包括功能組別成 [...] 員,更可讓全國人大港區委員、 香港政協委員和一些香港的政 治人物加入。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, some existing FCs can be [...] augmented, such as allocating more upper house [...] seats to the labour groups; (2) members [...]from not only FCs but also Hong Kong [...]deputies to the National People’s Congress, Hong Kong members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and other former politicians of the HKSAR. legco.gov.hk |
(四 ) 鑒於現時土瓜灣區內不少舊樓需要清拆或進行維修工程,對 建築維修工人的需求因此增加,勞工 處 會 否全面監管,以確 保進行該等工程的註冊石棉承辦商向每名清拆石棉的工人 提供適當的訓練和指示,並保證他們具備清拆石棉所需的技 [...] 能及知識;若會,詳情為何;若否,原因為何? legco.gov.hk | (d) given that at present, quite a number of old buildings in To Kwa Wan need to be demolished [...] or maintained, thus [...] increasing the demand for construction and maintenance workers, whether the LD will exercise [...]comprehensive monitoring [...]to ensure that registered asbestos contractors who undertake such works provide each asbestos abatement worker with appropriate training and instructions, and ensure that they are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary for asbestos abatement; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? legco.gov.hk |
此海報除了透過 政府新聞處的渠道展示外,亦張貼於 勞工 處 勞 資 關 係科的分區辦 事處、勞審處及仲裁處,以提醒僱主故意拖欠勞審處或仲裁處裁 斷款項的嚴重法律後果。 legco.gov.hk | Other than arranging display through the channels of the Information Services Department, copies of the poster have been put up at the branch offices of the Labour Relations Division (LRD) of LD, LT and MECAB to alert employers on the serious legal consequences of wilful defaults of LT or MECAB awards. legco.gov.hk |
勞工處與 職安局會在今年 加強推廣職安健活動,包括舉辦重點主題活動,以喚起相關人士 [...] 以至社會各界對有關職安健推廣的關注;加強與業界商會及工會 合作,透過外展探訪直接接觸工友;以及不時更新職安資訊,以 保持工友的警覺性。 legco.gov.hk | LD and OSHC will strengthen [...] the promotion of activities on OSH this year by organising major thematic events to arouse the [...]awareness of stakeholders and various sectors of the community; intensifying the cooperation with industry associations and trade unions to reach out to workers through promotional visits; and updating safety information from time to time to maintain the alertness of workers. legco.gov.hk |
至於另一個案,因投訴人未能提 供有關職業介紹所的名稱及其他資料 , 勞工 處 未 能作出跟 進。 legco.gov.hk | For the other case, further investigation could not be made as the complainant was not able to provide details of the agency concerned. legco.gov.hk |
需注意的是,以上零售業及飲食業連鎖反 [...] 應的影響,除包括薪酬階梯連鎖反應的影響外,亦可能包括其他因素,例如與其他行業 的勞工需求所造成的互為影響。 labour.gov.hk | It should be noted that apart from the impact of knock-on effect related to pay hierarchies, the above impact of knock-on effect in the retail [...] and restaurant sectors might also be affected by other factors such [...] as competing labour demand among [...]different sectors. labour.gov.hk |
(二 ) 鑒於有業界人士指出,現時學院獲當局批准獨家提供多項因 應各有關條例規定的特別海事課程,但其部分課程卻與同是 職訓局機構成員的香港專業教育學院(“IVE”)或其他院校的 課程重疊,而較為專業的海員(遠洋及內河)牌照課程則開班 不足,是否知悉職訓局有甚麼機制維持其機構成員舉辦的專 業課程的發展,以及避免課程重疊,以確保更有效率地運用 資源; (三 ) 是否知悉,學院近年減少開辦航海訓練課程,是否因為政府 打算收縮航海業,抑或打算以外勞代替本 地 勞工 ;及 legco.gov.hk | (b) given that some members of the industry have pointed out that MSTI is at present the sole institution approved by the authorities to provide various specific maritime courses as required by the relevant ordinances and regulations, but some of its courses overlap with those offered by the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE), which is another member institution under the VTC Group, or other institutions, yet there is a shortage of courses for seafarer (seagoing and river trade) licence, which are more professional in nature, whether it knows what mechanism VTC has put in place to maintain the development of professional courses offered by its member institutions and to avoid overlapping of courses, so as to ensure a more efficient use of its resources legco.gov.hk |
此外,他們又建議其他宣 傳途徑,例如與勞工處在其舉辦的就業展覽中合作,在“openrice.com"等飲食網頁作 宣傳。 cfs.gov.hk | They also suggested other publicity channels, like collaborating with the Labour Department at the latter’s employment exhibition, website for gourmet such as “openrice.com”. cfs.gov.hk |
我們亦希望指出,只要有關的工作條件及規定並不遜於 勞工法例 及「標準僱傭合約」,外傭(一如本地工人)可與僱主自 [...] 由就僱傭條款及規定(例如工作時數、超時工作薪酬、假期安排等) 達成協議。 legco.gov.hk | It is noteworthy that, provided that the working conditions and work [...] requirements are not worse than those [...] specified under the labour legislation and [...]the standard employment contract, FDHs (same [...]as local workers) and their employers are free to negotiate on the terms and conditions of their employment, including the hours of work and compensation for overtime work, leave and holiday arrangements, etc. legco.gov.hk |
此外,由於巴士業是勞工密 集 的服務行業,為期十年的專營權有助專營巴士公司為員工建立 [...] 更穩定的工作環境,從而為乘客提供適當而有效率的服務。 legco.gov.hk | As a labour-intensive service industry, [...] a ten-year franchise is also conducive to a more stable working environment for [...]the staff of the franchised bus companies, and therefore the provision of proper and efficient services to the travelling public. legco.gov.hk |
受訪企業表示每月合約工時減少的主要原因是因實施法定最低工資而導 致勞 工成本上漲及勞工以外的成本上漲。 labour.gov.hk | Responding enterprises indicated that the main reasons for reducing monthly contractual hours were increase in labour costs owing to the implementation of SMW and increase in costs other than labour costs. labour.gov.hk |
英國經濟的增長前景 仍然黯淡,雖然勞工市場 已呈現活力,但歐元區 的狀況和消費信心疲弱,至少仍對當地經濟產生 一定影響。 hsbc.com.tw | The prospects for growth in the UK remain subdued as they are in part influenced by the situation in the eurozone and weak consumer confidence, although the labour market has proved to be resilient. hsbc.com.tw |
該項研究已考慮到建造業不斷轉變的人口狀況及業內的其他發展,其結果顯 示本地建造業正面對人手嚴重短缺/老化的問題(建造 業 勞工 約有 40%的年齡為 50 歲以上,而年齡為 25 歲以下的則只有約 6%),同時在個別工種可能有技術錯 配的情況(超過 60%在建造業註冊局註冊的工人為普通工人)。 devb.gov.hk | Taking account of changing demographic of the construction industry and other developments in the [...] industry, the study revealed [...] that the local construction industry is facing an acute shortage/ageing problem with about 40% of the construction labour aged over [...]50 and only about 6% [...]under aged 25 and possible skills mismatch in individual trades with over 60% registered as general workers under the Construction Workers Registration Authority. devb.gov.hk |
勞工處會 繼續與建造業的相關機構,推行多項以建造業為 [...] 對象的宣傳及推廣活動,包括全港性的「建造業安全獎勵計劃」、 與業界合辦研討會、透過大眾傳播媒介宣傳職安訊息以及探訪地 盤工人,講述地盤的意外個案等,藉此提高工人以至市民的安全 意識及培養安全文化。 legco.gov.hk | LD will launch a series of [...] publicity and promotional activities targeting the construction industry in collaboration with [...]the related industry organizations, including the territory-wide Construction Industry Safety Award Scheme, seminars co-organised with the industry, publicity campaigns through the mass media to disseminate the safety messages as well as visiting workers at construction sites to deliver case analyses in construction sector, in order to enhance the safety awareness of workers and the community, and to cultivate a safety culture among them. legco.gov.hk |
基於僱主的能力、市場及社會發展狀況,「家庭工資」亦必須按工人及其家庭生活需要、 經濟發展(通賬/通縮)、就業率及社會保障水平等定期作出調整,從而找出滿 足 勞工 及 社 會發 展的公道合理的「家庭工資」。 hkccla.org.hk | In light of employers’ capability, the market and the development of the society, we must make regular adjustments to the ‘family wage’ according to the living needs of workers and those of their families, the economic growth (inflation/deflation), the employment rate and the level of social protection, in order to identify a just, reasonable ‘family wage’ which can meet the needs of workers and the development of our society. hkccla.org.hk |
該專戶經台北市政府勞工局核 准,自民國九十六 年二月起至一○二年一月止暫停提撥。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | As approved by the Department of Labor of the Taipei [...] City Government, the Corporation suspended [...]contributing from February 2007 to January 2013. english.taiwanmobile.com |
香港從 生 產 為 本及勞 工 密 集 的經濟走 向 以服務 為主及 知 識 型 的經濟,市場上 需 要 更 多 專業及技 術 人員,取代低 技 術 及 體力 勞 動工人。 legco.gov.hk | The shift from a production-based and labour-intensive economy to a service-oriented and knowledge-based economy in Hong Kong has led to greater demand for professionals and skilled personnel [...] in place of [...]the low-skilled and manual workers. legco.gov.hk |
結果發現雖 然按人頭計,建造業有足夠工人,但個別工種可能面 對 勞工 短 缺 、人手老化 及/或技術錯配的問題。 devb.gov.hk | The review found that although construction workers would be adequate in head count, individual trades might face labour shortage, ageing and / or skills mismatch. devb.gov.hk |
零售業及飲食業受訪企業表示實施法定最低工資的其他主要影響包括招聘困難 [...] (例如行內人手短缺及較難聘請基層員工,主要涉及的職位包括廚房雜工、洗碗工及清 潔工),以及成本增加(例如勞工成 本上漲和擔心經營困難,尤其在經濟逆轉的時候)。 labour.gov.hk | The responding enterprises in the retail and restaurant sectors indicated that other major impacts of the implementation of SMW included difficulties in recruitment (for instance, labour shortage, difficulty in recruiting grassroots employees involving mainly kitchen general workers, dishwashers and cleaners), [...] and increase in operating costs (for [...] instance, increase in labour costs and worry [...]over difficulties in business operation, [...]especially in times of economic downturn). labour.gov.hk |
貨物處理規例將由《船舶及港口管制(貨物處理)(廢除)規例》 (第 [...] 192號法律公告)廢除取代,新規例將於經濟發展 及 勞工 局 局 長以憲 報公告指定的日期起實施。 legco.gov.hk | The Cargo Handling Regulations shall be repealed by the Shipping and Port Control (Cargo Handling) (Repeal) Regulation [...] (L.N. 192) on a day to be appointed by the Secretary for Economic [...] Development and Labour by notice published [...]in the Gazette. legco.gov.hk |
除適用於一般 僱主的審核準則及規定外,勞工處並 規定介紹所只可提供 與其客戶有直接僱傭關係的職位空缺,而其經營名稱亦必 [...] 須顯示於“互動就業服務”網站展示的相關空缺資料內。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, they are only allowed [...] to submit vacancy orders from their clients who hire employees direct, and that the name [...]of the agency concerned must be shown on their vacancy orders posted on iES. legco.gov.hk |
受訪飲食業企業表示僱員人數增加的主要原因是業務需 要和生意額增大;而另一方面,僱員人數減少的主要原因是員工流失加上招聘困難、因 實施法定最低工資而導致行內人手短缺,以 及 勞工 成 本 上漲。 labour.gov.hk | On the other hand, the main reasons for employing fewer employees were staff turnover [...] together with recruitment [...] difficulty and labour shortage owing to the implementation of SMW, as well as increase in labour costs. labour.gov.hk |