

单词 來源

External sources (not reviewed)

再者,從另一 發來源取得 電力供應的用戶,很可能要向本區的電力公 司支付額外輸電費。
Moreover, there would be transmission charges levied by the 'local' power company for transferring electricity supply obtained from the power company in another service area.
海外的殘餘除害劑數據顯示, 蔬果和穀類等農作物,是市民從膳食攝入殘餘除害劑的主 來源。
Overseas pesticide residue data demonstrates that food
crop, namely fruits, vegetables and cereals, is
[...] the major dietary source of pesticide residues [...]
for the general population.
脂肪在激烈運 動中是主要的能來源,因 此攝取肉鹼將可以幫助提升脂肪利用率並減少對儲存 肝醣的消耗。
Since during heavy exercise fat is a primary fuel, this is taken to enhance fat utilization and sparing of glycogen stores.
另外,閣下保證對用 於開立賬戶及存入賬戶的款項來源 的 合 法性。
Further, you are
[...] satisfied as to the source of the funds used [...]
to open the Account or passing through the Account.
(b) 在近日發生因進食含雪卡毒素的魚類而中毒的事故 中,雖然我們已立即根據進口商提供的資料追查問題 魚貨來源,但 無法即時強制回收和禁售有問題的魚 貨,也無法檢取和處置同一批次或來自同一供應商的 魚貨。
(b) In the recent cases of ciguatera fish poisoning, while we have taken immediate actions to trace the source of the problematic fish identified by the responsible importer, we do not have any immediate and mandatory means to recall the problematic fish from sale or to seize the fish from the same batch or the same supplier for disposal.
A6 使用從市面上或其來源購買 或取得的未經授權資料,而聲稱是自己的作品。
A6 Using unauthorised material obtained / bought from the market or elsewhere as his / her own work.
調查結果顯示,六成七 (66.9%)
[...] 的被訪者表示贊成如果學生被驗出曾經吸 毒,警方可以向該學生調查毒來源 , 一 成八 (18.1%) 表示不贊成,百分 之九 [...]
(9.5%)1 表示「一半一半」。
Survey results show that 66.9% of the respondents agreed that the police should question
those students with a positive drug test
[...] result about the drug sources, and 18.1% did not. [...]
9.5% answered “fifty-fifty”.
有關任務錯 綜複雜、社會意見紛紜,且鑑於法定最低工資可能引致的社會經濟
[...] 影響,我們在研究首個法定最低工資的建議水平時,採取審慎的態 度及反覆論證的審議方式,考慮了不 來源 的 證 據,並參照一籃子 指標、其他與法定最低工資政策相關的考慮因素,以及影響評估的 [...]
Given the complexity of the task, the diversity of views in the community and the possible socio-economic impacts of SMW, a prudent approach was adopted as we went through an iterative process in deliberating the recommended initial SMW
rate by taking into account evidence
[...] obtained from various sources and analysing them [...]
with reference to the Basket of Indicators,
other considerations relevant to SMW policy and assumptions for impact assessment.
A5 蓄意從他人的出版物或其來源抄襲 資料,不論是整份或部份,包括在自己作業 內提出別人的論點,聲稱是其本人的,而沒有說明出處。
A5 Copying deliberately from a printed work
[...] or from any other sources, either in its entirety [...]
or in part, including the presentation
of someone else’s argument in his / her own work and claiming it as his / her own without acknowledgement.
一位業界代表不同意黃先生的回覆,認為對於來自相同致 來源 的 不同 配料,在一種配料中標示致來源(例 如 牛奶朱古力、乳糖、乳清蛋白質)已能 達到目的。
They said that, for multiple ingredients
[...] of the same allergenic source, labelling of the allergenic source in one ingredient would [...]
serve the purpose e.g.
Milk chocolate, lactose, whey protein.
現在這數字已與工來源及非工業 來源 的 損 毀渠管的個案合併,並歸納在 “修葺/勘測損毀渠管"一欄內。
The combined figures are now reported in the “Defective drainage repair/investigation” column.
3.54 現時香港和廣東的聯網容量,可以支持有限度從內地
[...] 輸入(和輸出)的電力。當內地的供電情況改善,有大量 電來源可供 應香港的可能性出現時,我們需要對目前聯 [...]
3.54 While the existing interconnection capability between Hong Kong and Guangdong can support some level of power import from (and export to) the
Mainland, it would need to be reviewed if and
[...] when Mainland’s supply situation improves [...]
and the signs for possible substantive
sourcing from the Mainland emerge.
互聯網是一個寶貴的資來源,不少學與教的資源都可透過互聯網下 載。
It is an invaluable source of information, [...]
and very often there are learning and teaching materials which can be downloaded for use.
這個數字綜合了各土地供應來源,即 政府供申請出售和招標出售的土地、香港鐵路有限公司的鐵路物業發展 [...]
項目、市區重建局的重建項目、須修訂土地契約或進行換地的項目,以及無須修 訂土地契約的私人重建項目。
The figure has
[...] consolidated different sources of land supply, namely [...]
government land for sale by application and by tender,
railway property development projects of the MTR Corporation Limited, redevelopment projects of the Urban Renewal Authority, projects subject to lease modification/land exchange, and private redevelopment projects not subject to lease modification.
表達論據有助學生建立不同的技巧,包括從不同 來源 中抽 取有用的資料、清晰和符合邏輯地組織及表達意念、作批判性思考, [...]
Presenting arguments enables them to develop the following
skills: extracting useful information
[...] from a variety of sources; organising and [...]
presenting ideas in a clear and logical
way; thinking critically; and making judgments based on valid arguments.
z 第 51(6)條 – 任何人士如停止經營行業、專業或業務,或停止擔任職位或受僱工 作,或停止作為土地或建築物或土地連建築物的擁有人,而該等收 來源 均 為 應 課稅的項目,又或不再擁有任何按個人入息課稅計算的收 來源 時 , 須在此情況 發生後 1 個月內,以書面通知稅務局局長。
Section 51(6) - Any person who ceases to carry on a trade, profession or business, or ceases to hold an office or employment, or ceases to be the owner of any land or
buildings or land
[...] and buildings, of which tax is chargeable; or ceases to have a source of income in respect of which he is personally assessed must [...]
inform the Commissioner
of Inland Revenue in writing within 1 month of such cessation.
本行承認本行報告書中所概述由列明之資 來源 向 本 行提供之有關租借權、租約、租客所作之改善、規劃 [...]
We accept as being complete and correct the information
[...] provided to us, by the sources listed, as to details [...]
of tenure, tenancies, tenant's improvements,
planning consents and other relevant matters, as summarized in our report.
從小孩的觀點來看,科學是重要的,因為它是許多令人興 奮的科學發現來源。
From a child’s viewpoint, science is important
[...] because it is the source of many thrilling [...]
在「節目設定」中,選擇想使用的電視卡或裝置、影 來源 、 群 組及節目。
In the Program Setting section, select
[...] the device, video source, group and channel [...]
you want.
(3) 對供電規管框架實施任何更改前,政府將考慮所有
[...] 有關的因素,包括是否有新的可靠而環保的供來 源、安 全、可靠性、效益以及是否符合社會在環境 [...]
(3) Before implementing any changes to the electricity supply regulatory framework, the Government will take into account all relevant factors including the
availability of new reliable and
[...] environmentally sound supply sources, safety, reliability [...]
and efficiency, and compatibility
with the environmental and economic needs of the community.
如果單來源是 H MO,通常 會提供一個標準的鎖定計劃及付款服務計劃, 讓會員可用較高的費用,選擇 [...]
HMO 網絡以外的 護理。
If the sole-source option is an HMO, it [...]
will usually offer both a standard lockin plan and a point-of-service plan that
allows members to choose to get care outside the HMO network at a higher cost.
於釐定所用估 值方法的輸入數據時,會優先採用可公開自獨 來源 取 得的價格,但總體而言,會選擇定 來源 以 獲 得一種公 允價值計量方法,而該方法可反映出於計量日期市場參與者據以進行規範交易的價格。
When determining the inputs into the valuation techniques used priority is given to
publicly available
[...] prices from independent sources when available, but overall the source of pricing is chosen [...]
with the objective of
arriving at a fair value measurement which reflects the price at which an orderly transaction would take place between market participants on the measurement date.
高中的研習與實驗標準要求學生學習如何選擇並使用適當的工具與技術,識別造成誤差 與不一致結果來源因素 ,藉由邏輯與證據精確解釋,並且藉由數學來解決問題。
The investigation and experimentation standards for high school require students to learn how to
select and use appropriate tools and
[...] technology, identify sources of error and inconsistent [...]
results, formulate explanations
by using logic and evidence, and solve problems by using mathematics.
本人已查核本人、有關承建商及其他有關資 來源 處 (如有關人士及政府部門)所保存的記 錄,特此聲明上文所述及隨附的資料均為真確無誤。
I have checked from the records kept by myself, the Contractor
[...] and other relevant sources such as related [...]
persons and government departments and HEREBY
DECLARE that the information above and attached is true.
在審查申請人的家庭收入時,如有需要(例如申請人報稱長期失業),學資處可能要求申請 人提供上列不須填報的收入或解釋其用以維持日常生活開支的資金 來源 , 如儲蓄、借 貸,並可能要求申請人就有關款項提供證明文件,包括銀行儲蓄記錄、貸款人簽署的聲明 書等,如未能提供,學資處或會將該款項納入家庭收入計算。
In assessing the family income, if necessary (e.g. applicant claiming to be unemployed for a prolonged period), SFAA may require the applicants to provide documentary proof of items which is not listed above or seek further clarification for amounts that were used for maintaining the living of the family but have not been accounted for in the application such as savings, loans, and may request the applicant to produce documentary proof including bank savings records, duly signed declaration from the debtor, etc. In case no valid proof is provided, the amounts for maintaining the living of the family may be taken as part of the family income.
y 按可靠資來源3 被識 別為向恐怖主義活動提供資金或支持恐怖主義活動的國家(而如下 文所述,透過以風險為基礎的審查方法來鑒別存於金融機構中的恐怖主義活動資金是不可 [...]
[...] identified by credible sources3 as providing funding [...]
or support for terrorist activities. (While, as stated below,
a risk based approach to identifying terrorist funding in financial institutions is impracticable, considering those countries that support terrorist activities as an evaluating factor for determining country or geography risk may be appropriate.
互聯網與科技可以在不同的情況下幫助學與教,例如: y
[...] 為學習艱深的概念提供視聽教具; y 從各式各樣來源中提供搜尋資料途徑,並能處理大量資料和有助從中 [...]
抽取真確和有用的資料; y 讓學生按照自己的進度來學習,包括使用特別設計的軟件套裝;
y 促使學生之間、學生與資源或教師之間產生互動; y 增加學生之間和學生與教師之間的協作; y 有助獲取資料以培養批判性思考與建構知識的能力。
The Internet and technologies help learning and teaching in many different situations by: y providing audio-visual aids for the understanding of difficult concepts;
y providing access to information from a
[...] wide variety of sources, handling large [...]
quantities of information, and facilitating
the extraction of valid and useful information; y allowing students to work at their own pace, including the use of specially designed software packages; y promoting interaction among students, and between students and resources / teachers; y enhancing collaboration among students, and between students and teachers; y facilitating access to information for the development of critical thinking and the building of knowledge.
評估準則乃基於國際認可的 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD)企業管治原則和香港交易所制訂的企業管治常規守則,以及
[...] 受調研的公司之公開資料,包括公司年報、公司網站、組織章程細則、政府/法定 檔案、公告、股東周年大會會議記錄、投票決議、分析師報告及其他公開的資來 源。
The evaluation criteria used are based on the Principles of Corporate Governance promulgated by the internationally recognised Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Code on Corporate Governance Practices issued by the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, and the information studied is publicly available information on the subjects including the annual reports, company websites, the article of association, government/regulatory filings, public
announcements, minutes of annual general meetings (AGMs), voting decisions, analyst
[...] reports and other public sources of information.
能夠為短期和快節奏運 動提供能量的唯一食來源就是 碳水化合物,緩慢而穩定的有氧運動需要三種營 [...]
The only food
[...] that provides energy for short-term, [...]
fast-paced exercise is carbohydrate, while slow steady aerobic exercise
uses all three primary fuels but primarily fat and carbohydrate.
(a) 令該款提述另一名個人屬其資料當事人的個人資料之處,包括提述識辨該名個人
[...] 為有關的查閱資料要求所關乎的個人資料 來源 的 資 訊(但如該名個人在該等資 訊被點名或該等資訊以其他方式明確識辨該名個人的身分則除外)
(a) so that the reference in that subsection to personal data of which any other individual is the data subject includes a
reference to information identifying that
[...] individual as the source of the personal [...]
data to which the data access request concerned
relates unless that information names or otherwise explicitly identifies that individual




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