单词 | 來 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:來源n—sourcen 外來adj—extraneousadj
一般來說,玻璃窗及玻璃墙系统须符合《建筑物(建造) 规例》订明的效能要求,以及《建筑物(规划)规例》就照明 [...] 及通风所订明的规定。 bd.gov.hk | In general, windowandwindow [...] wall systems should satisfy the performance requirements stipulated in the B(C)R and the requirements [...]on lighting and ventilation stipulated in the Building (Planning) Regulations (B(P)R). bd.gov.hk |
陈蓉蓉女士說,这 项风险评估研究的目的,是检测动物源性食物的多溴聯苯醚含量;估计本港中学生可能 从这些食物摄入多溴聯苯醚的情况;以及评估多溴聯苯醚对健康带來的风险。 cfs.gov.hk | Ms Melva CHEN said that the RA study aimed to measure the levels of PBDEs in food of animal origin, to estimate the potential dietary exposure to PBDEs of secondary school students in Hong Kong from these foods and to assess the associated health risks. cfs.gov.hk |
这项研究的结果对本港及国际社会同样具有价 值,不但可就本港市民日常食用的本地发酵食物氨基甲酸乙酯含量提供 第一手资料,而且可用作评估本港市民从膳食摄入的氨基甲酸乙酯量对 健康所带來的风险,还可列作污染物數据,提交专家委员会载入相关的 數据库。 cfs.gov.hk | The study would be of value to both the local and international community, for providing first-hand information on the level of contamination of EC in the commonly consumed local fermented foods in Hong Kong, for assessment of the associated health risk of dietary exposure to EC of the local population, and for submission of the EC contamination data to the JECFA database. cfs.gov.hk |
(h) 与任何高层、市级、地方或其他层次的政府或机关订立看來有利本公司任何 宗旨的任何安排,及从任何此等政府或机关取得本公司认爲宜取得之任何权 利、特权及特许权,及执行、行使及遵守任何该等安排、权利、特权及特许 权。 wheelockcompany.com | (h) To enter into any arrangement with any government or authority supreme municipal local or otherwise that may seem conducive to the Company’s objects or any of them and to obtain from any such government or authority any rights privileges and concessions which the Company may think it desirable to obtain and to carry out exercise and comply with any such arrangements rights privileges and concessions. wheelockcompany.com |
(b) 订立任何保证、弥偿保证合约或担保,尤其是(但不影响上文的一般性)在有代价 [...] 或无代价的情况下,透过个人义务或抵押或质押本公司全部或任何事业、财产及资 产(现在及未來)及未缴股本或兩种该等方法或任何其他方式,保证、支持或确使 [...]获得任何人(包括(但不影响上文的一般性)当时为本公司附属公司或控股公司或 [...]本公司控股公司的另一间附属公司或在其他方面与本公司有連系的公司)覆行任何 义务或承担,及偿还或支付应就任何证券或债务支付或与其相关的本金额及任何溢 价、利息及股息及其他款项。 sisinternational.com.hk | (b) To enter into any guarantee, contract of indemnity or suretyship and in particular (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) to guarantee, support or secure, with or without consideration, whether by personal obligation or by mortgaging or charging all or any part of the [...] undertaking, property and assets (present and future) [...] and uncalled capital of the Company [...]or both such methods or in any other manner, [...]the performance of any obligations or commitments, of, and the repayment or payment of the principal amounts of and any premiums, interest, dividends and other moneys payable on or in respect of any securities or liabilities of, any person including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) any company which is for the time being a subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or another subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or otherwise associated with the company. sisinternational.com.hk |
尽管 该等交易乃根据上市规则第 14A.25 及 14A.26 条予以合并计算适用百分比率(定义見上市 规则第 14.07 条),董事会预期,常州中科來方购买协议、成都茵地樂购买协议及现有购 买协议项下拟进行之交易之年度上限的适用百分比率(定义見上市规则第 14.07 条)合共 将超过 0.1%但低於 5%,以及常州中科來方购买协议及成都茵地樂购买协议须遵守上市 规则第 14A.45 至 14A.47 条的申报及公布规定,以及上市规则第 14A.37 至 14A.40 条的 年度审阅规定,惟可豁免遵守上市规则第 [...] 14A 章的独立股东批准规定。 aactechnologies.com | When such transactions are aggregated for the purpose of deriving at the applicable percentage ratios as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules pursuant to Rules 14A.25 and 14A.26 of the Listing Rules, the Board anticipates that the applicable percentage ratios as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules in respect of the annual caps for the transactions contemplated under the Changzhou ZKLF Purchase Agreement, [...] Chengdu Yindile [...] Purchase Agreement and Existing Purchase Agreements, in aggregate, will exceed 0.1% but will be less than 5% and the ChangzhouZKLF Purchase Agreement and Chengdu Yindile Purchase Agreement are subject to the reporting and announcement requirements set out [...]in Rules 14A.45 to [...]14A.47, annual review requirements set out in Rules 14A.37 to 14A.40 but exempt from the Independent Shareholders’ approval requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. aactechnologies.com |
(f) 申请、购买、或以其他方式获取任何授予独有或非独有或有限度的使用权的专 利、发明专利、特许、特许权等等、或看來能够用作达到本公司目的的有关发 明的任何机密或其他资料,或获取上述者看來可直接或间接惠及本公司,及 使用、行使、发展或以其他方式利用该等如此获取的财产、权利或资料,或 就该等财产、权利或资料给予特许。 wheelockcompany.com | (f) To apply for purchase or otherwise acquire any patents brevets d’invention licences concessions and the like conferring any exclusive or non-exclusive or limited right to use or any secret or other information as to any invention which may seem capable of being used for any of the purposes of the Company or the acquisition of which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to benefit the Company and to use exercise develop or grant licences in respect of or otherwise turn to account the property rights or information so acquired. wheelockcompany.com |
(a) 这个方案不涉 及 调整收费,所 以 应 该 对 使用者、政府及隧道 专营商带來最小的 财 政影响。 forum.gov.hk | (a) This option would not involve any toll adjustment, and thus should bring about the least financial impact to the users, the Government and the tunnel franchisees. forum.gov.hk |
指使用太阳能、风能、生物质能、水能、潮汐能、浪 潮能、地热能及废物能(包括土地堆填和污水气体) 或港灯与政府日後互相议定的常存在及用之不竭(意 思是无须担心储备耗尽的问题)的其他能源來发电的 系统。 hkelectric.com | means an electricity generation system employing solar, wind, biomass, hydro, tidal, wave, geothermal, energy from waste (including landfill gas or sewage gas) or such other energy sources that are secure and inexhaustible (in the sense that there is no problem of reserve being depleted) as may be mutually agreed by HEC and the Government in the future. hkelectric.com |
主席称自上届股东周年大会以來,公司并无根 据一般性授权发行任何额外股份。 swirepacific.com | He advised that the Company had not issued any additional shares under the general mandate since the last Annual General Meeting. swirepacific.com |
透过研习与实验标准,小孩可学习依 据因果关系來系统說明并验证预测的结果,区分观察结果与推論的不同,执行多个试验來测试其预测的结果,并且依据一系列书面指令來进行科学研究。 sfusd.edu | Through the investigation and experimentation standards, children learn to formulate and justify predictions on the basis of cause-and-effect relationships, differentiate observation from inference, conduct multiple trials to test their predictions, and follow a set of written instructions for a scientific investigation. sfusd.edu |
意見中主要的关注事宜是有关区内的車辆及行人交通、对天星小輪的业务可能带來负面影响、忧虑从尖沙咀天星码头到新的巴士总站距離远而带來不便。 forum.gov.hk | The key concerns raised are about the vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the area, possible adverse impact on Star Ferry’s business, and worries about the inconvenience of the long distance of the new bus terminal from the TST Star Ferry Pier. forum.gov.hk |
根据房屋条例第 26A 条的规定,任何人士若因违反是 项规 定而被法庭定罪,可被判令(a) 将所购得的樓宇转让予房委会或其提名人;或(b) 向房委会缴付一笔款项,數额相等於该单位原來买价与在判罪时十足市值的差额。 housingauthority.gov.hk | On conviction of such an offence, the court may, under Section 26A of the Housing Ordinance, order (a) that the flat so purchased be transferred to the HA or its nominee; or (b) that the offender pay the HA a sum equivalent to the difference between the original purchase price of the flat and its full market value as at the date of conviction. housingauthority.gov.hk |
指本协议任何订约方(除政府外)将來单独或与其他 人聯合成立的任何公司、合资企业或合夥业务,用以 经营发电、输电、配电或售电的业务,以满足香港的 电力需求。 hkelectric.com | means any future companies, joint ventures or partnerships that may be formed by any of the parties to this Agreement (except the Government) alone or in conjunction with others so as to carry on the business of generation, transmission, distribution, or sale of electricity for satisfying the demand for electricity in Hong Kong. hkelectric.com |
然而,我们无法确定能吸引多少人入行,因为 这方面受多项因素影响,例如当时的经济环境、建造业和其他界别的就业机会、未來數年公私营界别发展项目的數量和工资趋势。 devb.gov.hk | However, we are not able to estimate the number of new entrants that could be attracted to the industry because it will be affected by a number of factors such as the prevailing economic climate, job opportunities in the construction and other sectors, volume of public and private sector developments and wage trend in coming years. devb.gov.hk | 业务宣传意指由牙医本人或由他人代表或容许他人 对该牙医的专业服务、其牙科业务或其团体作出宣 传,包括以任何方式在本港或其他地方为该牙医或其 牙科业务进行宣传(包括在需小心谨慎的情况下未有 采取足够措施阻止该等宣传活动),而此举客观來說构成对其专业服务的推广,不論他是否实际上因有关宣 传而得益。 dchk.org.hk | Practice promotion means publicity for promoting the professional services of a dentist, his dental practice or his group, which includes any means by which a dentist or his dental practice is publicized, in Hong Kong or elsewhere, by himself or anybody acting on his behalf or with his forbearance (including the failure to take adequate steps to prevent such publicity in circumstances which would call for caution), which objectively speaking constitutes promotion of his professional services, irrespective of whether he actually benefits from such publicity. dchk.org.hk |
除非法律另有规定,否则任何人不得获本公司承认以任何信托方式持有任 何股份,而本公司亦不受任何股份中的衡平法权益、或有权益、未來权益或部分权 益,或任何零碎股份中的任何权益,或(但根据本细则或其他法律另有规定的除外) 任何股份中的任何其他权益所约束及不得被迫承认该等权益或权利(即使本公司已知 悉有关事项),但登记持有人对该股份全部的绝对权利不在此限。 epro.com.hk | Except as required by law, no person shall be recognised by the Company as holding any share upon any trust and the Company shall not be bound by or required in any way to recognise (even when having notice thereof) any equitable, contingent, future or partial interest in any share or any fractional part of a share or (except only as otherwise provided by these Articles or by law) any other rights in respect of any share except an absolute right to the entirety thereof in the registered holder. epro.com.hk |
(45) 发起任何其他公司,以收购本公司之全部或任何部分业务或财产及接管本公司 之任何负债,或接管任何看來有助或有利於本公司或增加本公司任何财产或业 务之价值之任何业务或营运,以及配售或担保配售、包销、认购或以其他方式 收购上述任何该等公司之全部或部分股份或证券。 ckh.com.hk | (45) To promote any other company for the purpose of acquiring the whole or any part of the business or property and undertaking any of the liabilities of this Company, or of undertaking any business or operations which may appear likely to assist or benefit this Company or to enhance the value of any property or business of this Company, and to place or guarantee the placing of, underwrite, subscribe for, or otherwise acquire all or any part of the shares or securities of any such company as aforesaid. ckh.com.hk |
透过研习与实验标准,小孩会产 生一些可试验的问题,依据这些问题來计划并进行研习,选择适当工具,使用科学证据 得出结論,并且写出研究报告。 sfusd.edu | Through the investigation and experimentation standards, children develop testable questions, plan and conduct investigations based on the questions, select appropriate tools, draw conclusions from scientific evidence, and write a report of an investigation. sfusd.edu |
在此背景下,我们相信,我们的有纪律面对的价值及资本理念,以及我 们的具优势产品及地区业务网络,均将继续为我们的股东带來相对出色的表现。 prudential.co.uk | Against this backdrop, we are confident that our disciplined approach to value and capital coupled with our advantaged product and geographic business footprint will continue todeliver relative out performance for our shareholders. prudential.co.uk |
10.1.3 为控制预算,所有个别支出分项的实 际支出最多可超出原來预算支出的 15%,惟该支出分项超出预算後不得增 加核准项目的整体总成本及所申请的 设计支援计划拨款总额,且所有支出 必须遵照本指南载列的有关规定。 hketa.org.hk | 10.1.3 For budget control purpose, the actual expenditure for any individual item may exceed at most 15% of the original budgeted expenditure for that item if this does not result in any increase in the overall total approved project cost and in the total amount of CSI project funds requested and that all expenditure follows the relevant requirements set out in this Guide. hketa.org.hk |
於订立常州來方圆补充协议、旧常州光电租赁协议及瑞声精密制造租赁协议之时,即使根 据上市规则第14A.25及14A.26条合并计算各自之年度租金,就本集团根据常州來方圆补充 协议、旧常州光电租赁协议及瑞声精密制造租赁协议项下应付的年度租金之适用百分比率 (定义見上市规则第14.07条)仍低於0.1%,故根据上市规则第14A.33条,常州來方圆补 充协议、旧常州光电租赁协议及瑞声精密制造租赁协议均豁免遵守申报、年度审阅、公告 及独立股东批准规定。 aactechnologies.com | At the time of entering into of each of the Supplemental Changzhou LFY Agreements, Old Microtech Changzhou Lease Agreement and AAC Module Lease Agreement, the applicable percentage ratios as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules in respect of the annual rent payable by the Group under each of the Supplemental Changzhou LFY Agreements, Old Microtech Changzhou Lease Agreement and AAC Module Lease Agreement, even if required to be aggregated with each other under Rules 14A.25 and 14A.26 of the Listing Rules, were less than 0.1% and therefore, the Supplemental Changzhou LFY Agreements, Old Microtech Changzhou Lease Agreement and AAC Module Lease Agreement were then exempt from the reporting, annual review, announcement and Independent Shareholders’ approval requirements in accordance with Rule 14A.33 of the Listing Rules. aactechnologies.com |
(a) 借取及筹集任何一种或多种货币的款项;担保或清偿有关任何事宜的任何债务或责 任,尤其是(在不影响上文一般效力的情况下)以将本公司目前及将來的全部或任 何部分业务、财产、资产及未催缴股本按揭或抵押的方式或以增设及发行证券的方 式。 sisinternational.com.hk | (a) To borrow and raise money in any currency or currencies and to secure or discharge any debt or obligation in any matter and in particular (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) by mortgages of or charges upon all or any part of the undertaking, property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company or by the creation and issue of securities. sisinternational.com.hk |
2) 所谓竞选、拉票或助选系指以任何方式之宣传、攻击、支持或反对候选人之直接或间接的行为,包括但不限於 请求选票或要求在未來选举中支持、分发文件或文宣资料,或其他任何具有促进当选扶輪选举职位之效果的活 动。 rotary2000.org | 2) Campaigning, canvassing or electioneering is any action seeking to promote, attack, support, or oppose a candidate, either directly or indirectly, in any medium, including, but not limited to, any action seeking votes, requesting support in a forthcoming election, distribution of literature or promotional materials or other overt actions intended to promote one’s candidacy for an elected Rotary office. rotary2000.org |
z 举例來說,博物馆的「虚拟导游」可以提高教与学的效果;旅游景区的 「虚拟导游」可以向游客推介香港;政府部门(例如:中小企支援与谘 询中心)所举办的讲座的串流版本,可以让不能出席活动人士重温内 容,尽用资源。 procommons.org.hk | z For example, “virtual tours” of the museums can enhance the efficiency in teaching and learning; “virtual tour” of scenic spots can promote Hong Kong to visitors; and streaming video of seminars organized by government department (e.g. Support and Consultation Centre for SMEs can benefit the public who could not attend the valuable seminars and save government expense in organizing repeated seminars. procommons.org.hk |
(2) 因股东身故、精神紊乱或破产而享有股份的人士,本公司可藉预付邮资的 信函及在信封或封套上注明其为收件人而把通告邮寄给该人士,或以身故者遗产代理 人或破产者受托人的称谓或类似称谓而享有股份的人士,本公司可把通告寄交声称如 此享有股份的人士就此目的提供的地址(如有),或(直至获提供地址前)藉如无发 生该身故、精神紊乱或破产时原來的方式发出通告。 epro.com.hk | (2) A notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a Member by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter, envelope or wrapper addressed to him by name, or by the title of representative of the deceased, or trustee of the bankrupt, or by any like description, at the address, if any, supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred. epro.com.hk |
4.19 按可能认为合适之条款向有关人士放贷及垫付款项或授予信贷,并保 证或独立担保任何第三方之责任,而无論该第三方是否与本公司有关 或其他及不論有关保证或担保是否为本公司带來任何好处,并为此目 的按可能认为对支持约束本公司之任何有关责任(无論或然或其他) 而言属权宜之条款及条件抵押或押记本公司的承担、物业及未催缴股 本或其任何部分。 gbinternational.com.hk | 4.19 To lend and advance moneys or give credit to such persons and on such terms as may be thought fit and to guarantee or stand surety for the obligations of any third party whether such third party is related to the Company or otherwise and whether or not such guarantee or surety is to provide any benefits to the Company and for that purpose to mortgage or charge the Company's undertaking, property and uncalled capital or any part thereof, on such terms and conditions as may be thought expedient in support of any such obligations binding on the Company whether contingent or otherwise. gbinternational.com.hk |
主席称自上届股东周年大会以來,公司已购回 5,966,885 股 A 股股份,但无购回 B 股股份,相等於在 上届股东周年大会举行时已发行 A 股股份的 0.6449%,而在扣除包括有待结算及交收以作注销的 562,885 股 A 股股份後,於会议举行日期的已发行股份 數目为 924,408,500 股 A 股及 3,003,486,271 股 B 股股 份。 swirepacific.com | He advised that since the last Annual General Meeting theCompany had repurchased 5,966,885 ‘A’ shares and no ‘B’ shares, representing 0.6449% of the ‘A’ shares in issue at the time of the last Annual General Meeting and that, after subtracting the repurchased shares which included 562,885 ‘A’ shares pending settlement and delivery for cancellation, the number of shares in issue as at the date of the Meeting was 924,408,500 ‘A’ shares and 3,003,486,271 ‘B’ shares. swirepacific.com |