

单词 蘭酒

External sources (not reviewed)

再者,西式蒸餾酒(如 拔 蘭 地、威 士 忌蘭 酒、伏特 加、琴 酒 )和其他酒精飲品(如日本清酒、蘋果酒和強化酒), 亦沒有個別消費量數據。
Lastly, individual consumption data for Western distilled spirits, such as brandy, whisky, rum, vodka, gin, and other alcoholic beverages, such as sake, cider, fortified wine, were not available.
在各種以穀 物或水果釀製酒和烈酒中,核果 蘭 地 對 攝入量高的消費者的影響值 得關注。
Among the various wines and spirits of grain or fruit origin, [...]
stone fruit brandies were found to be of particular concern for high consumers.
假設飲用蒸餾烈酒的消費者飲用的蒸餾酒全為水果蘭地,氨基甲酸乙酯的攝入量估計會增加 20 倍,計算出 的暴露限值約為 102。
If the distilled spirits consumed solely consisted of fruit brandies, the estimated exposure would be increased 20 folds, giving a calculated MOE of around 102 .
很 多海外司法管轄區,例如澳洲、歐盟、日本、新 西 蘭 、 新 加坡和美國, 都是採取這個方法。
This approach has been adopted in a number of overseas jurisdictions such as Australia, European Union, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore and the USA.
研究文件把上述數項香港教資會的特點,與英國和新 西 蘭 相 關 機 構的特點加以比較,並似乎認為香港的情況有不足之處。
The research document contrasts several of the above features with those in the UK and NZ and appears to suggest the features in Hong Kong are somehow lacking.
假如司機酒後駕 駛而導致交通意外,並引致他人死亡,當局可 控告司機危險駕駛引致他人死亡。
If a traffic accident is caused by drink driving and causes the death of another person, the driver can be charged with causing death by dangerous driving.
周淑敏女士講述加拿大、美國、澳洲和新 西 蘭 等 國家在規管納米食物和加入納米材 料的食物接觸材料方面的立場。
Ms. S. M. CHOW presented the stance of other countries, such as Canada, United States of America, Australia and New Zealand, in regulating nanofood and food contact materials.
國際間(例如澳洲、歐洲聯盟(歐盟)、日本、中國內地、新 西 蘭 、新 加坡和美國)對食物中殘餘除害劑的規管已發展得十分完善。
The regulation of pesticide residues in food was well developed in the international arena, such as Australia, European Union (EU), Japan, the Mainland, New Zealand, Singapore and the United States of America.
過去多年,各國採取以下兩個方 法,大幅減少氨基甲酸乙酯這種污染物的分量,就是(i)減少食物或飲品 中主要前體物質的含量;以及(ii)減少這些物質產生化學反應形成氰酸 酯的情況,例如避免瓶裝核果蘭地 接 觸光線。
Internationally, major reduction in the level of EC contamination over the past years has been achieved using two approaches: i) by reducing the concentration of the main precursor substances in the food or beverage; and ii) by reducing the tendency for these substances to react to form cyanate, e.g. by the exclusion of light from bottled stone-fruit brandies.
歐盟和日本把設定值訂為 0.01 毫克/ 公斤,而新西蘭食 物管理局則訂為 0.1 毫克/ 公斤。
The European Union and Japan have adopted a default value of 0.01 mg/kg whereas the New Zealand food authority has adopted a default value of 0.1 mg/kg.
根據總供應協議,濰坊德高同意每年提供而漢高愛 蘭 同 意 每年購買該等產品及特殊 等級產品。
Pursuant to the Master Supply Agreement, Weifang Dekel agreed to supply and Henkel Ireland agreed to purchase the Products and Special Grade Products annually.
6項現行調查令,分別爲《普查及統計(工業生產按年調查)令》(第 316A章
[...] )、《普查及統計(批發、零售、進口與出口貿易、食肆酒店按年調查)令》(第 316C章 )、《普查及統計(屋宇建築、建造及 [...]
地產業按年調查)令》(第 316E章 )、《普查及統計(銀行、接受存款
公司、有限制牌照銀行及外地銀行代表辦事處按年調查) 令》( 第 316H章 )、《普查及統計(倉庫、通訊、財務、保險及商用服務按 年調查)令》(第 316I章 ),以及《普查及統計(運輸及有關服務按年 調查)令》(第 316J章 )。
It also repeals the six existing survey orders, namely, Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Industrial Production) Order (Cap. 316A), Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of
Wholesale, Retail and Import and Export Trades,
[...] Restaurants and Hotels) Order (Cap. 316C), [...]
Census and Statistics (Annual Survey
of Building, Construction and Real Estate Sectors) Order (Cap. 316E), Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Banks, Deposit-taking Companies, restricted Licence Banks and Representative Offices of Foreign Banks) Order (Cap. 316H), Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Storage, Communication, Financing, Insurance and Business Services) Order (Cap. 316I) and Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Transport and Related Services) Order (Cap. 316J).
第 112號法律公告由關長根據該條例第2(2)(b)(ii)條作
出,以修訂《商品說明(原產地)(手錶)令》(第 362章,附屬法例 D),旨在使已根據香港與新西蘭於2010年 3月
[...] 29日簽訂的《中國 香港與新西蘭緊密 經貿合作協定》("《經貿合作協定》")或擬根 [...]
據該協定從香港出口往新西蘭、並根據該協定符合優惠關稅待 遇的資格的手錶,得以標明香港為原產地。
L.N. 112 is made by the Commissioner under section 2(2)(b)(ii) of TDO to amend the Trade Descriptions (Place of Origin) (Watches) Order (Cap. 362 sub. leg. D) for the purpose of allowing watches that have been exported, or are intended to be exported, from Hong
Kong to New Zealand under the Hong Kong, China-
[...] New Zealand Closer Economic Partnership [...]
Agreement (CEP Agreement) signed by
Hong Kong and New Zealand on 29 March 2010 and that are qualified for preferential tariff treatment under the Agreement to be marked as being of Hong Kong origin.
本集團之主要業務集中於基建之發展、投資及經營,分佈範圍遍及香港、內地、英 國、澳洲、新西蘭及加拿大。
The principal activities of the Group are development, investment and
operation of infrastructure businesses in Hong Kong, the Mainland, the United Kingdom,
[...] Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
出席者包括長江生命科技總裁及行政總監甘慶林先 生、長江生命科技副總裁及營運總監余英才先生、加拿大駐港總領事 Gerry Campbell 先生、香港加拿大商會主席 Bernard Pouliot 先生、加拿大駐港副領事暨 魁北克省政府移民部香港辦事處總監郭 蘭 女 士、屈臣氏大藥房藥劑師總監劉寶 珠女士及香港加拿大商會會員等。
It was attended by Mr H L Kam, President and Chief Executive Officer of CK Life Sciences; Mr Alan Yu, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of CK Life Sciences; Mr Gerry Campbell, Canadian Consul-General for Hong Kong; Mr Bernard Pouliot, Chairman of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong; Ms Brigitte Van Coillie-Tremblay, Vice-Consul and Director of the Bureau d’Immigration du Quebec in Hong Kong; Ms Margaret Lau, Chief Pharmacist of Watson’s the Chemist; and members of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong.
至於集團在其他市場(澳洲、印尼、新 西 蘭 、 菲 律賓、台灣及越南),則錄得強勁的新業務價 [...]
值增長達 28%,展示友邦保險在區內的強勁優勢及多元化地區分佈。
In the Group’s Other Markets (Australia, Indonesia,
[...] New Zealand, the Philippines, [...]
Taiwan and Vietnam), we delivered a strong VONB
growth of 28%, demonstrating AIA’s strong position and diversified footprint across the region.
另一方面,民政事務局亦可與廣 東省人民政府文化局合作,聯絡潮汕地區的劇團,安排每年 一次的香港蘭節盛會唱戲表演。
Furthermore, HAB should collaborate with the Bureau of Culture under the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government in liaising with the opera troupes in Chaozhou and Shantau areas to arrange for singing and performing activities in the annual Yun Lan Festival.
經濟合作與發展組織(經合組織)的一份報告(OECD, 2005),曾 對十九個經合組織國家進行研究,當中七個國家(即奧地利、德國、 日本、盧森堡、蘭、挪威及瑞典)為國民提供綜合的長期護理服務。
Of the 19 OECD countries examined in the OECD report (OECD, 2005), seven of them (i.e. Austria, Germany, Japan, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden) provide comprehensive coverage of LTC services to their people.
我 們亦留意到多個普通法司法管轄區(例如英國、澳洲、 新西蘭和愛爾蘭)的相關法例都訂有一般性和寬闊的豁 免條文或免責辯護以保障合理行為,但都沒有將新聞採 訪活動定為特定的免責辯護。
It is also noted that the relevant legislation of a number of common law jurisdictions (such as the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland) include a general and broad exemption or defence to cover reasonable conduct but do not specify news-gathering activities as a specific defence.
強 勢的品牌可以解譯蘭馨交流協會為婦女和女孩提供服務的能力提高、改善的會員資格、捐款提高、以 及更好的大眾意識。
A  strong brand will translate into Soroptimist’s in creased ability to provide service to women and g irls; enhanced  membership; increased donations; and improved public awareness.
除了泰國以外,該地區的其他國家都曾經是英國、法國、 蘭 、 西 班牙、葡萄牙或美國的殖 民地。
Except for Thailand, all the other countries in the region were colonies of Great Britain, France, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal or the United States.
過去十年, 愈來愈多國家推行規管營養標籤的新法例,並可大致上分為兩類:(i)只有作 出聲稱的食物才須附上營養標籤,即食物如附有與營養素相關的聲稱,必須 加上營養資料(例如中國內地、歐盟國家、日本和新加坡);以及(ii)強制規定 所有預先包裝食物必須附有營養標籤(例如美國、加拿大、澳洲及新 西 蘭 )。
There are in general two approaches, (i) claim-based labelling, that is to mandate the provision of nutrition information wherever there are nutrient-related claims (e.g. the Mainland China, the European Union countries, Japan and Singapore), and (ii) mandatory nutrition labelling for all pre-packaged food (e.g. the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand).
我們現時認為,如果希臘、意大利或西班牙退 出歐元區,對滙豐的影響將較愛蘭 、 葡萄牙或 塞浦路斯為大,原因是我們在該等國家的風險承 擔額顯著較少。
Our current view is that there would be a greater impact on HSBC from a euro exit of Greece, Italy or Spain than from Ireland, Portugal or Cyprus, where our exposures are substantially lower.
濰坊德高授予漢高愛蘭一項 合同更新權,漢高愛蘭可在 總供應協議的初始期限及任何後續合同期限(取適用者)屆滿前至少提前一 個月向濰坊德高發出書面通知,將總供應協議的初始期限及後續合同期限另行更新三 年,惟須符合適用法律法規(包括但不限於本公司履行其根據上市規則應承擔的義 務)。
Weifang Dekel grants to Henkel Ireland the right to renew the initial term and any further term of the Master Supply Agreement by a further period of three years by notice in writing to Weifang Dekel no later than one month prior to the expiration of the initial term and any further term of the Master Supply Agreement, subject to applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to compliance by the Company with its obligations under the Listing Rules.
6 就 H 類機構及 E 類別而言,如屬直接向行政管理人提出的申請,交易截止時間為交易日的愛 蘭 時 間下午 4 時正及如屬所有其他申請,則交易截止時間為交易日的香港時間下午 5 時正。
6 For Class H institutional and E Classes the Dealing Deadline is 4.00p.m. Irish time on the Dealing Day for applications which are made directly to the Administrator and 5.00 p.m. Hong Kong Time on a Dealing Day for all other applications
於二零一二年十一月六日,本公司之非全資附屬公司濰坊德高與漢高愛蘭 訂立 總供應協議,據此,濰坊德高同意每年提供而漢高愛 蘭 同 意 每年購買 該等產品及特殊等級產品。
On 6 November 2012, Weifang Dekel, a non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Company entered into the Master Supply Agreement with Henkel Ireland, pursuant to which Weifang Dekel agreed to supply and Henkel Ireland agreed to purchase Products and Special Grade Products annually.
但是,MasterCard Worldwide 消費者信心指數TM 的結果則與上述有別,結果顯示紐西 蘭 的消 費者信心下跌 19.3 點至 37.1,成為 1998 年第二季以來最低的水平。
This is set against the backdrop of the results of the recent MasterCard Worldwide Index of Consumer Confidence for New Zealand which dropped 19.3 points to 37.1 points, bringing the index to its lowest level since the second quarter of 1998.
(c) 讓私營機構參與活化灣仔舊區:在得到灣仔區議會支持後,一家私人發展商 根據專責委員會推出的公私營機構合作計劃提交在聖 蘭 士 街和星街一帶 進行街景改善工程的建議,專責委員會現繼續跟進有關工程,預計有關活化 工程將於 2011 年年中展開。
(c) engaging the private sector in the revitalisation of old Wan Chai : With the support of the WCDC, the Special Committee has been pursuing streetscape improvement works around St. Francis Street and Star Street proposed by a private developer under a Public Private Partnership Scheme launched by the Special Committee.
主要例外情況涉及封閉型蘇蘭友好 保險基金(SAIF)及 本集團主要界定利益退休金計劃 — 保誠員工退休金計劃財務狀況的呈列處理方式(如附註 1(c)(vi)所述)。
The principal exceptions are for the closed Scottish Amicable Insurance Fund (SAIF) and for the presentational treatment of the financial position of the Group’s principal defined benefit pension scheme, the Prudential Staff Pension Scheme (PSPS), as described in note 1(c)(vi).




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