

单词 卵巢癌

See also:


nest n

surname Chao


cancer n
carcinoma n

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,口服避孕藥更能降低患上乳房囊腫、卵巢囊腫、子宮內 癌 及 卵 巢癌 等 疾 病風險和病發機率。
The risk of breast cysts, ovarian cysts,
[...] endometrial carcinoma and ovarian cancer will also be [...]
對母親來說,母乳餵哺可以加快產後復原,恢復苗條身材,減少 癌和 卵巢癌的發病率。
For mothers, breastfeeding may speed up postpartum recovery, help mothers regain a slim figure, and
[...] reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
醫 學研究發 現 , 以
[...] 母乳餵哺的 母 親 較 少 在產後變得 過 胖 , 她 們 日 後 患 上巢癌和 乳癌的 機 會 也較低。
Medical research has confirmed that a breast-feeding
mother is less prone to post-natal obesity and her chance of
[...] contracting breast cancer and cancer of the ovary is lower.
中心目前提供癌和卵巢癌的臨 床及支援服務。
In the initial stage, the Centre will focus on clinical and
[...] support services for breast and ovarian cancer.
除研究各種方法以改善誘蚊卵器的 保安和設計外,食環署已 提醒分區防治蟲鼠人員,他們應檢討及仔細研究分區指數水平驟降的 地點,以瞭解指數急降是否與所採取的防治行動相符。
Apart from considering ways and means to improve the security and the design of the ovitrap devices, FEHD had reminded district pest control staff that they should review and take a closer look at localities where there was an abrupt fall of the level of AOI to see whether the sudden fall commensurated with control actions taken.
當然 , 母乳不 只 對 初 生 嬰 兒 有 許 多 優 點 , 對 母 親 亦然,例如 已 有
[...] 證 據 顯 示 餵哺母乳可減低 母 親 產後流 血 、 患癌 及 卵巢癌的 機 會 。
Of course, breast-feeding is not only beneficial to the baby, it also does good to the mother; there
is evidence showing that breast-feeding can reduce the chance of
[...] post-partem bleeding, breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
不管誘蚊卵器的 指數是多少,食環署會全年持續 進行滅蚊行動。
Anti-mosquito operations were an on-going exercise carried out throughout the year irrespective of the level of ovitrap indices.
政府同時亦應就漁護區的選址、管理和提升 漁業資源措施與漁民及持分者進行探討,以適當保護漁護區內的幼魚和卵魚。
Also, the Government should consult fishermen and other stakeholders on the locations and management of the FPAs, and measures to increase fisheries resources, in order to ensure protection of fish fry and spawning fish in the FPAs.
这项多中心研究的主要目标是评估OVA1对于适用人群的效果,重点是两类难度特别大的人群:一类是早期 巢癌 妇 女 ,她们中约有一半人CA125水平正常,另一类是绝经前妇女,她们的 巢癌 发 病率低,而良性囊肿的发病率高。
The primary objective of the multicenter study was to assess the performance of OVA1 in the intended use population with a focus on two particularly
challenging subgroups: women
[...] with early-stage ovarian cancer, where approximately half of patients have a normal CA125 level, and premenopausal women, where the incidence of ovarian cancer is low and incidence [...]
of benign cysts is high.
一位業界代表問,如已註明致敏配料(即大 卵 磷 脂 (Soy Lecithin)),是 否仍需在配料表上標示“大卵磷脂(大豆)”(Soy Lecithin (soybeans))或 “大卵磷脂(大豆製品)”(Soy Lecithin (soybeans product))。
One trade representative questioned if an allergic ingredient had already been indicated i.e. Soy Lecithin, was it still required to label as “Soy Lecithin (soybeans)” or “Soy Lecithin (soybeans product)” in the list of ingredients.
深入研究显示,LSD1抑制剂也可用来抑制许多癌症干细胞样的细胞,如 癌 和 卵 巢癌。
Further studies indicated that LSD1 inhibitors can also be used to
[...] inhibit many cancer stem cell-like cells such as breast and ovarian cancers.
在減低捕撈力量的同時,委員會認為應採取一些措施,以保護重要 的海洋和漁業生態環境,如魚類育苗和 卵 場 , 以及促進本港水域漁業資 源的恢復和增長。
While reducing the fishing effort, the Committee believes that certain measures may be adopted to protect the important marine and fisheries ecological environment, such as spawning and nursery grounds, and to promote the recovery and growth of fisheries resources in Hong Kong waters.
透過推行建議的控制捕撈力量和保育及增加漁業資源的方案及措 施,委員會認為可將現時在本港水域過大的捕撈力量控制至低於最大持續 生產量的水平,並保育本港水域重要的魚類育苗和 卵 場。
The Committee considers that through the above proposals and measures for controlling the fishing effort of capture fisheries, and conserving and increasing fisheries resources, the currently excessive fishing effort can be reduced to a level below the maximum sustainable yield, and important fish spawning and nursery grounds in Hong Kong waters can be conserved.
委員會建議透過建立法定機制,將本港水域內重要的魚類 卵 及育苗場指定為漁護區及在漁護區內加強管理措施(如成立禁捕區及實施休漁 期),保護魚苗和正在繁殖的魚類免受過度捕撈。
The Committee proposes that a legal mechanism be established to designate important spawning and nursery grounds within Hong Kong waters as FPAs and management measures in these areas (such as setting up “no take” zones and implementing a “closed season”) be strengthened in order to protect the fish fry and spawning fish from being over-exploited.
現時有超過 220 種魚 類在人工魚礁內覓食、棲息、卵和 育 苗,當中包括多種高價品種的魚類如 石班、鱲魚、笛鯛科魚類和細鱗等。
To date, over 220 species of fish, including many that are of high value, such as groupers, breams, snappers and sweetlips, have been recorded using the reefs for feeding and shelter, and as spawning and nursery areas.
不過,不得不注意的是,有些癌症正在影響一些年輕人士,其 中鼻咽癌、乳癌、甲狀腺癌、子癌 和 卵 巢癌 的 患 者,被診斷患有癌症時的 年齡中位數大多數只有五十多歲,有些甚至是四十多歲。
However, it must be noted that some forms of cancer are afflicting younger people. Of various types of cancer, the median age at diagnosis for nasopharyngeal cancer, breast cancer, thyroid cancer, uterine cancer and ovarian cancer was only 50 and some patients were even only in their forties.
主要癌症发病率情况如下:巢癌,每 100 000 妇女中 48 例;乳腺癌,每 100 000 妇女中 14 例;肝 癌,每 100 000 人中 32 例;前列腺癌,每 100 000 男子中 16 例。
The prevalence rates of the
[...] main types of cancer are as follows: cancer of the uterus, 48 cases per 100,000 women; breast cancer, 14 cases [...]
per 100,000 women; liver
cancer, 32 cases per 100,000 persons; and prostate cancer, 16 cases per 100,000 men.
乳腺癌、宫颈癌、子癌和卵巢癌占 2004 年所有恶性肿瘤 新病例的 18%,占癌症死亡的 13%。
Cancers of the breast, cervix, uterus and ovaries accounted for [...]
18 per cent of all new cases of malignant neoplasms in 2004
and for 13 per cent of the deaths from cancer.
[...] 但Zick和研究报告的作者还是对其前景感到欢欣鼓舞,“我们的初步研究成果表明生姜对 巢癌 病 人 可能具有显著的治疗效果”。
Although further testing is needed, Zick and the study’s authors are excited about its
prospects: “Our preliminary results indicate that ginger may have significant
[...] therapeutic benefit for ovarian cancer patients.
透過上列的建議方案及措施,委員會認為可將現時在本港水域過大 的捕撈力量控制至低於最大持續生產量的水平,並保育本港水域重要的魚 類育苗和卵場。
The Committee considers that through the above proposed options and measures, the current excessive fishing effort can be reduced to a level below the maximum sustainable yield, and important fish spawning and nursery grounds in Hong Kong waters can be conserved.
此 外 , 食環署於二零一一年四月引入誘蚊 卵 器 指 數快速通報系 統,對象包括位於 44 個監察地點內的住宅樓宇管理處、社 會福利設施和學校,目的是確保當某個地點的分區指數達到 20%的警戒水平時,滅蚊工作得以及時展開。
In addition, an ovitrap rapid alert system targeting at the management offices of residential premises, social welfare facilities and schools that fall within the 44 areas of surveillance has been introduced since April 2011 to ensure that anti-mosquito measures are taken promptly when the AOI of a particular area reaches the alert level of 20%.
全 年共有 14 個分區的指數至少一次達到或超過 20%的警戒水 平,地區專責小組機制及誘蚊卵器 指 數快速通報系統因而 啓動共 21 次,以加強協調政府部門的防蚊工作,並推動市 民積極參與滅蚊。
In response to these recordings, the district task force mechanism and the ovitrap rapid alert system had been activated for a total of 21 times to step up the co-ordination of government efforts in mosquito control and to mobilise community participation in anti-mosquito efforts.
食環署自2000年起推行登革熱病媒監察計劃,在選定地 點利用誘蚊卵器監測白紋伊蚊的分布情況,並提供監察資料, 以便當局能及時調整防治蚊患的策略和措施。
Since 2000, FEHD has put in place a dengue vector surveillance programme by the use of ovitraps to monitor the distribution of Aedes albopictus at selected locations and provide surveillance information for making timely adjustments to the mosquito control strategies and measures.
香港大學的研究人員聯合分別來自英國倫敦帝國學院、台灣中央研究院及美國密蘇里大學的國際研究小組共同鑒定出人 卵 細 胞 上的關鍵糖分子SLeX。
Researchers from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) together with research groups from Imperial College in United Kingdom, Academia Sinica in Taiwan and University of Missouri in the United States have identified the key molecule on the human egg as sialyl-Lewisx (SLeX).
在減低捕撈力量的同時,委員會認為應採取一些措施,以保護重要 的海洋和漁業生態環境,如魚類育苗和 卵 場 , 以及促進本港水域漁業資 源的恢復和增長。
The Committee also proposes certain measures to protect important marine and fisheries ecosystems, such as fish spawning and nursery grounds, and to promote the rehabilitation and growth of fisheries resources in Hong Kong waters.
為保護漁業資源的卵及育 苗場 和減低香港水域的捕撈力量,委員會建議政府應透過修訂法例禁止拖網漁 船(包括雙拖、單拖、蝦拖、摻繒)在本港水域作業。
To step up the protection of fisheries resources in spawning and nursery grounds, and reduce fishing effort in Hong Kong waters, the Committee proposes to ban all trawlers (including pair trawlers, stern trawlers, shrimp trawlers and hang trawlers) from operation in local waters through amending the existing legislation.
与普通单一的药物DOX相比较,这一载药模型可以更有效地被多药耐药性的 巢癌 细 胞 (OVCAR8-ADR 细胞)吞噬,并能更有效杀死该种细胞。
The HIONPs-DOX formula also has a pH-dependent drug release behaviour. Compared with free DOX, the HIONPs-DOX were more effectively uptaken by the multidrug resistant OVCAR8-ADR cells and consequently more potent in killing drug resistant cancer cells.




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