单词 | 車牌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 車牌 noun —vehicle registration n
最近由運輸署按英文 字母須序編配的普通車牌號碼以 LS 開首。 legco.gov.hk | The OVRMs assigned recently start with the letters LS. legco.gov.hk |
另 外一 個例子 是 讓單、 雙 數 車 牌號碼的車輛在一星 期內輪 流使用海底隧道。 forum.gov.hk | Another example is to allow vehicles with [...] odd and even licence number plates to use [...]CHT on alternate days of a week. forum.gov.hk |
根據該項計劃的特色,車主可自行選擇喜歡 的 車牌 號 碼 ,經運輸 署審批及透過競投後,便可使用這些自 訂 車牌 號 碼。 legco.gov.hk | Under the Scheme, a vehicle owner can choose his preferred vehicle registration mark, apply to the Transport Department (TD) and use it upon approval following a bidding exercise. legco.gov.hk |
此 外,我們亦建議就該條例有關展示 車牌 號 碼 的現行技 術 規定,作出若干修訂,以確 保其執 行成效 不會受到影響。 legco.gov.hk | We will also propose a number of amendments to the existing technical requirements on the display of VRMs under the Ordinance to ensure that the effectiveness of enforcement will not be compromised. legco.gov.hk |
拍賣普通車牌號碼及特殊車牌號碼所 得的收入,仍 會 繼續撥入 獎券基金。 legco.gov.hk | The revenue generated from the auctions of OVRMs and SVRMs will continue to be credited to the Lotteries Fund. legco.gov.hk |
各間巴 士公司亦在其轄下大部份巴士上裝設其他設施,方便殘疾 乘客,如附設靠背及安全帶的輪椅停放處、降低車身功能, 並設有闊門、車廂內設有顏色分明及有紋理的扶手、特低 地台並鋪有防滑地板、伸手可及的按鈴、殘疾乘客優先座 位、車頭設有大字體終點站及路線編號的電子顯示、車身 側面及後面設有大字體路線編號的電子顯示、巴士出口設 有車門關閉蜂鳴器及提示燈及車廂內設有顯 示 車牌 號 碼及 顧客服務專線的點字板。 legco.gov.hk | Ancillary facilities such as wheelchair space with back rest and restraint lap belt, front kneeling capability with wide entrance, high colour contrast and textured handrail system inside compartment, super low floor covered with non-slippery floor material, easily reached bell; priority seats for passengers with disabilities, large electronic destination and route number display on the front, large electronic route number display on the side and rear, closing door buzzer and warning lamp at exit and Braille registration number plate and customer service hotline inside compartment are equipped in most buses to facilitate persons with disabilities in using bus services. legco.gov.hk |
無論這些限制是 對 於 某 種 車輛或單/雙 數 車 牌號碼的車輛,總 有一些駕駛者將會 [...] 不能在某 些時段 使用海底隧道。 forum.gov.hk | Whether the restriction applies to specific vehicle types or [...] to odd/even licence number plates, some [...]motorists will be barred from using CHT at certain times. forum.gov.hk |
不過,由於車輛可以公司名義登記,有人會把 特殊 車牌號碼配給 以公司名義登記的車輛,然 後 藉 出 售 公司全部股份 予 他人而把該特殊車牌號碼轉讓,以迴避有關的限制。 legco.gov.hk | However, as vehicles may be registered under the name of a company, some people have circumvented the restriction by assigning an SVRM to a vehicle registered under the name of a company and then selling all the shares of the company to another party, thus in effect transferring the SVRM. legco.gov.hk |
在警 務 處 、 民 政事務局 、其他適當的 部門及一位或以上 的 非官方人士的協助下,運輸署署長會按照上 述 準則(參 閱 第 8 段 )考慮自訂車牌號碼的申請。 legco.gov.hk | C for T will be assisted by the Police, the Home Affairs Bureau (HAB), any other departments as appropriate and one or more non-officials in his consideration of the applications. legco.gov.hk |
參 照適用於普通車牌號碼及特殊車牌號 碼 的規定,我們 建議獲編配自訂車牌號碼的人士,必 須在 12 個月內把車牌配予 於其車輛。 legco.gov.hk | In line with the requirement applicable to both ordinary VRMs and SVRMs, we propose that an allocatee will have to assign his PVRM to his vehicle within 12 months of allocation. legco.gov.hk |
政府會就收回 自訂車牌號碼的個 案,提供上訴渠道。 legco.gov.hk | An appeal channel will be provided for such recall cases. legco.gov.hk |
因此, 我們建議在適 用的範圍內盡 量遵循現時普通 車牌號碼及特殊車牌號碼的安排。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, we propose to follow as far as applicable the existing arrangements for OVRMs and SVRMs. legco.gov.hk |
法案委員會察悉,根據擬議規例第 12L條,運輸署署長如在某 自訂車 牌號碼分配後發 現該登記號碼不 再 適 宜 分配,他 可收回 該號 碼。 legco.gov.hk | The Bills Committee notes that pursuant to proposed regulation 12L of the Regulations, C for T may recall a PVRM after allocation should it be found afterwards that the registration mark is no longer appropriate for allocation. legco.gov.hk |
請議員備 悉 政府有關推行自訂車牌號碼計劃的時間 表, 並就計劃的各 項建議安排提出意見。 legco.gov.hk | Members are invited to note the Administration’s plan to implement the new PVRM Scheme and provide comments on the proposed features of the Scheme. legco.gov.hk |
一些海 外 地方已推行與自訂車牌號碼相 類的計劃,這些 地方包括美國喬治亞州、 猶 他 州 、 蒙大拿州及 威斯康新 州 、 西澳 洲 、新西蘭及英國等。 legco.gov.hk | A number of overseas places including Georgia, Utah, Montana and Wisconsin in the United States of America, Western Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom also have in place a PVRM-type scheme. legco.gov.hk |
運輸署會向成 功 投得自訂車牌號碼的人士,發 出載有拍賣成交價 、編配日期 和 獲編配者姓名等資料的 證明書。 legco.gov.hk | TD will issue to the successful bidder a certificate of allocation of PVRM which will set out the auction price, date of allocation, the name of the allocatee, etc.. legco.gov.hk |
此 外,自訂車牌號碼在編配後的使用方 式如侵犯 知 識產權權利 , 知 識產權 的 擁 有人在現行的知 識產權 法 下 會 受到 保 障 。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, if after allocation a PVRM is used in such a manner as to infringe IP rights, the IP owners are protected by the existing IP laws. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 自訂車牌號碼組合不能讓合 理 的人以為配以該號碼的車 輛是屬於,又 或使用該車輛的人士是代 表 香 港政府、任 何 國家或其政府、香 港政府參加的任何國際組 織 、中央 政府駐香港 機構或 香 港的任何公共機構; (d) 自訂車牌號碼組合不得品味低俗或不雅 ,或造 成可妨礙 執 法的混淆或可危害交通安全 legco.gov.hk | (c) PVRM combinations must not cause any person to believe that the vehicles bearing them belong to or the persons using the vehicles represent the Government of Hong Kong, any country or the government of any country, an international organisation in which Hong Kong Government participates, the offices of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong, or any public body in Hong Kong legco.gov.hk |
由於自訂車 牌號碼會以拍賣方式售 予 某 人,日 後並可連 同獲 配予該號碼的車 輛一併轉讓,政府當局 擬 根據歐 洲 人 權 法 理學假定 , 自訂車 牌號碼屬《基本法》第 一 百零五條所指 的財產 ,因為自訂車 牌 號碼可能具 有一定 的經濟 價 值 。 legco.gov.hk | Since a PVRM will be sold by auction to a person and thereafter transferable together with the vehicle to which it is assigned, the Administration is prepared to assume on the basis of the European human rights jurisprudence that a PVRM is a property for the purposes of BL 105 because it may have a certain economic value. legco.gov.hk |
繼2012年取得商用車中 國重汽的總代理權外,我們將於2013年加入另一商用 汽 車 品 牌 D A F ,豐富品牌組合,保 持我們的發展動力。 dch.com.hk | In addition to adding the distributorship of SINOTRUK to our commercial vehicle portfolio in 2012, we will also represent DAF in 2013 to sustain our growth momentum. dch.com.hk |
至於已被 收 回 的自訂車 牌號碼的持 有人可否 向政府索償,政府當局 表 示 ,在分配自訂車 牌號碼後收回 有 關 號碼的權 力,是一項賦 予運輸署 署長的法定 權 力,而按一般 性原則而言 ,除非 有 關 法例訂有賠償的規 定 , 否 則合法行使一項法定 權 力是無 須作出賠償的。 legco.gov.hk | As to whether the holder of a recalled PVRM may claim damages against the Government, the Administration has advised that the power to recall a PVRM after its allocation is a statutory power conferred on C for T and as a general rule, no compensation is payable for the lawful exercise of a statutory power, unless the relevant legislation provides for a compensation. legco.gov.hk |
道路交通條例》(第 374 章 )及《道路交通(車輛登記及 領牌)規例》(第 374 章,附屬法例 E)訂 明 有關申請、編配及展示 普通車牌號碼及特殊車牌號碼的規定。 legco.gov.hk | The Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap. 374) and the Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations (Cap. 374 sub.leg. E) provide for the application for, allocation and display of OVRMs and SVRMs. legco.gov.hk |
3.4.1 你和你父母(若你已婚,則你和配偶)須申報所有(無論是部份擁有或完全擁有) [...] 的資產,無論資產是在香港、內地或在海外。資產計有住宅用或非住宅用物業 [...] 的市值(扣除未償還的按揭數額)、土地包括租約及甲或乙類換地證明書、股票的 市值、私人及商業車輛、可轉售的車 輛 牌 照 例如的士及公共小巴牌照、銀行存 [...] 款、有現金及紅利的儲蓄或與投資連繫的保險計劃、基金、遺產及經營業務者 以公司名義擁有的資產等。 sfaa.gov.hk | 3.4.1 You and your parents (or you and your spouse, if you are married) are required to declare the total assets whether in Hong Kong, the Mainland or overseas, in your / their possession (partly or wholly) in the form of landed properties including both residential and non-residential properties at current market value (after deducting outstanding mortgage amount, if any), land including lease agreements and Letters A or B entitlements, stocks and shares at current value, vehicles [...] including private and commercial vehicles, [...] transferable vehicle licences including taxi [...]and public light bus licences, bank deposits, [...]insurance policy(ies) (savings / investment linked insurance policy(ies) with cash value and dividends), unit trust funds, estate, and for those engaged in business, all categories of assets owned by the companies operating such business and other assets owned, etc.. sfaa.gov.hk |
5.2 除非情況特殊,左軚車的登記及領牌 申 請 不會被接納。 td.gov.hk | 5.2 Application for [...] the registration and licensing of a left hand drive [...]vehicle will not be accepted unless there are special circumstances. td.gov.hk |
假如擁 有車輛、船隻及∕或牌照的 數目是兩個或以上,請分別輸入。 sfaa.gov.hk | If the number of [...] vehicle, vessel and/or licence owned is more than two, [...]please list them separately. sfaa.gov.hk |
去年十一 月同日產汽車公司簽署的在浙江和江蘇省及在上海分銷日 產 牌 叉 車 的 業務,現已投入運 作,銷售成績尚可。 tanchong.com | The distribution of Nissan Forklifts in Zhejiang and Jiangsu Province and Shanghai, signed with Nissan Motor in November last year, is now operational and sales are satisfactory. tanchong.com |
一位成員認為,要達至改善空氣質素和藍天 行動的目標,每一分的努力同樣重要,因此在原則上支持立法 管制停車熄匙。 forum.gov.hk | A member opined that every single step counts in achieving the goal of clean air and blue sky and supported the ban in principle. forum.gov.hk |
此外,為使在指明毒品影響下駕駛罪行的罰則發揮最大 阻嚇作用,條例草案建議,如該人曾被裁定相同罪行,而法庭 經考慮犯罪情節和該人的行為後,認為不宜容許該人繼續駕駛 汽車,則 除可判處就相關罪行所訂的罰則外,還可判處該人終 身停牌。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, in order to maximize the deterrent effect for driving under the influence of specified illicit drugs, it is proposed in the Bill that, if the person has previously been convicted of the same offence and, having regard to the circumstances under which the offence is committed and the behaviour of the person, the court is of the opinion that it is undesirable for the person to continue to be allowed to drive a motor vehicle, the court may order driving disqualification for life in addition to imposing the penalties provided for the offence. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 與公眾的溝通-借助額外的設備如數碼資訊柱和巨型 [...] 顯示屏等加強與乘客溝通,以告知乘客事故的成因、 列車服務的改動及其他交通路綫/工具;全面檢討與 [...]乘客溝通的方式,以期作出迅速、準確及更加以客為 本的廣播。 legco.gov.hk | (c) Communication with the Public - To enhance communication with passengers with the aid of additional equipment such as digital stanchions and giant [...] information displays to advise passengers of the cause [...] of incident, loop service patterns [...]and alternative transport routes / modes; [...]to conduct a system-wide review of passenger communication to deliver swift, accurate and more customer-oriented public announcements. legco.gov.hk |