

单词 更生

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,健全的綜援受助 人在自更生綜合 就業援助計劃下亦需積極尋找工作,以達致自更生。
Furthermore, able-bodied CSSA recipients are also required to actively seek employment under IEAPS in order to move towards self-reliance.
我們會繼續研究其他重建計劃和 改善工程,以解決設施老化的問題,並配合羈押在囚人士更生服務的需要。
We will continue to explore other redevelopment projects and improvement works to address the problem of ageing facilities and meet the custodial and rehabilitative service needs of offenders.
有建議要求當局豁免合作社社員遵從綜合社會保障援助(綜援)受 助人在自更生支援 計劃的規定(包括需要尋求工作、參加培訓課程 [...]
There have been requests for co-operative members
[...] to be exempted from Support for Self-Reliance [...]
measures required for recipients
of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) (including the need to find jobs, attend training courses and do community work).
我們又會透過加強 和整合培訓和各項就業服務,提升弱勢社羣自 更生 和 適 應經濟 轉型的能力。
We will also strengthen and integrate employment and training/retraining services to enhance the ability of the disadvantaged to achieve self-reliance and adapt to economic restructuring.
該署會繼續促成類似的合作計劃,使 更生 人士 得以受惠。
The Department will continue to facilitate similar collaboration for the benefit of rehabilitated persons.
文物古 蹟保育在市更生過程 中的重要性愈見明顯,有關當局必須認真對待處理。
Against this background, the Government is bound  to be looking  into issue of heritage preservation seriously in  the course of urban regeneration.
該課程會介紹一般社會服務,更生 人 士特 別適用的機構的資訊,包括簡介社會福利服務和社區服 務設施,提供可協更生人士尋找工作的政府和志願機 構的資料,以及教授求職面試技巧和講解勞工法例。
It includes, for example, a brief introduction on social welfare services and
community service
[...] facilities, information on government and voluntary agencies which offer assistance to rehabilitated persons in finding jobs, job interview skills, and labour legislation.
4.關於發生無法回收債權的可能 因秋田爾必達申請開始公更生程序 ,本公司對於秋田爾必達的下列債權,有 [...]
As a result of the filing by Akita
Elpida of the petition for the commencement of
[...] corporate reorganization proceedings, [...]
now there is a possibility that the following
claims of Elpida against Akita Elpida may not be collected.
新系統將結合為社署自更生支援組、特別調查組及風 險管理組研發的獨立電腦系統,方便不同服務單位/辦 [...]
事處的社會保障人員管理各項社會保障計劃,讓他們在 調查個案、計算援助金或津貼和授權發放款項時,可綜 合和共用個案資料。
The new CSSS will incorporate separate computer
[...] systems developed for the Support for Self-reliance [...]
Scheme Section, the Special Investigation
Section and the Risk Management Section of SWD so that case information will be integrated and shared by social security staff of different service units/offices for the purposes of investigation, assessment and authorisation of payment under various social security schemes.
為協助最年幼子女為 12 至 14 歲的綜援單親家長/兒童照顧者 提升能力,盡早透過就業自更生和 融入社會,社署推行了「欣曉 計劃」,由二零零六年四月一日起為這類單親家長/兒童照顧者提 供就業援助,以協助他們至少尋找非全職工作。
In order to empower CSSA single parents / child carers with the youngest child aged between 12 to 14 to achieve self-reliance and social integration through engagement in employment as early as possible, the SWD has launched the ‘New Dawn’ Project.
本報告希望發揮抛磚引玉的作用,可以為社會各界進一步探討市 更生 路 向的 討論基礎。
We  hope  this  research  report  can  create  a  common  ground  for  future  deliberation via which public can help formulate  policy  regarding directions of urban  regeneration.
懲教署會繼續留意各項重新融入社會計劃的成功率,並會視乎情況 需要而檢討各項計劃的成效及改善有關計劃內容,以期更有效地協 助在囚人更生。
The Department will continue to monitor the success rates of the various re-integration programmes, and review their effectiveness and enhance their contents as necessary, with a view to rendering more effective assistance in rehabilitating persons in custody.
[...] 等造成的DRAM產品價格急劇下落、泰國大洪水造成的DRAM需求低迷等原因,不 得不於本日申請開始公更生程序
Against such backdrop, as a result of the historic appreciation of yen, the sharp decline in DRAM prices due to the intensification of competition in the DRAM industry, the sluggish demand for DRAM due to the severe
flood in Thailand, etc., Elpida finally filed a petition for the
[...] commencement of corporate reorganization proceedings today.
四. 為使生更易融 入學校生活,外籍教師助理為「新生(NCS)適應班」設計適應 [...]
In order
[...] to enable new students to adapt the [...]
school life more easily, foreign teacher assistants has designed the New Student (NCS) Induction Course.
計劃不單令建築物的歷史價值受到保護,最 更 把 雷 生 春 這 幢歷史建築 物,改建成為區內獨特的歷史文化地標。
The project will not only protect the historical value of the building, but also transform it into a unique historic and cultural landmark of the district.
5.1.10 疏忽案中要求提出損害的證據,會 生更 大 的 難題,即難以 確定原告的受損害是由於醫生不透露實情所造成。
5.1.10 The fact that negligence requires proof of damage leads to yet a greater difficulty; that of establishing that the doctor's failure to disclose actually caused the plaintiff's damage.
(c) 重組筆試部分科目,使考試科目由20科改為13科,讓 生更 容易 掌握考試範圍及適當分配溫習的時間。
(c) regrouping the 20 subjects of the written examination into 13 subjects to make it easier for the candidates to understand the examination syllabus and allocate suitably their study time.
更進一步,生必須學習認知控 制變數實驗的必要性,以及科學知識的累積本質,整合一個領域以上的科學知識,研究 [...]
科學領域的問題,並瞭解到科學是人類努力的成果,偶而也會因錯誤甚至欺詐而出現瑕 疵。
Further, they must learn to recognize [...]
the need for controlled experiments and the cumulative nature of scientific knowledge,
integrate knowledge from more than one area of science, investigate science-based issues, and recognize that science is a human endeavor occasionally flawed by mistakes and even fraud.
4.2 除非本行與閣下另有書面協議,任何授權人員、簽字式樣或簽署安排的任 更 改 、 增加或 撤銷均不生效直 至本行已實際收到令本行滿意的關於上 更 改 、 增加或撤銷事項的文件 及/或書面授權及有足夠的時間就上述各項作出更新。
4.2 Unless otherwise agreed between you and us in writing, any change in, addition to or revocation of the Authorized Signatory and, the Specimen Signature(s) or the Signature Arrangement shall not take effect unless and until we shall have actually received such documents and/or authorizations in the form and substance satisfactory to us and reasonable opportunity to respond such change, addition or revocation.
這樣,能給予生更多的 學習機會,並使他們自行學會和欣賞科學過程。進行探究為本 實驗時,學生需要設計全部或部分實驗程序,決定記錄甚麼數據,以及分 析和解釋數據。
In such inquiry-based experiments, students have to design all or part of the experimental procedure, decide on what data to record, and analyse and interpret the data.
(B) 持有發行時附有優先或其他權利的任何類別股份的人,所獲授予的權利,除
[...] 非發行該類別股份的條款另有明文規定,否則不得當作因有 生 或 發 行 更多 與其享有同等權益的股份而有所更改。
(B) The rights conferred upon the holders of the shares of any class issued with preferred or other rights shall not, unless otherwise expressly provided by the terms of issue of
the shares of that class, be deemed to
[...] be varied by the creation or issue of further [...]
shares ranking pari passu therewith.
不管本協議在那日開生效,如果在本協議簽訂之日之後條例被廢除或 有任何修改 (除按照政府於 2007 年 12 月 17 日發出的立法會環境事務小 組編號 CB(1) 418/07-08(07)文件(“立法建議”)中建議修改條例以設置污 染物的排放上限及便利使用排放交易),或任何指明工序牌照有任 更新 或更改(對初始上限所作更改或按照立法建議而作 更 改 除 外),從而 對此機制或港燈的排放表現或遵守所有污染物的總許可排放量的情况造 成重大影響,則此機制不適用於 該適用年度及之後各適用年度,直至港 燈與政府達成協議,對本附表作必要的修改以令機制繼 生 效 爲 止。
Notwithstanding the date on which the
[...] Agreement comes into effect, if from the date of this Agreement there is any repeal or amendment to the APCO (other than pursuant to the Government’s proposal to amend the APCO to cap the emissions of the Pollutants and to facilitate the use of emissions trading as described in a Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs Paper reference CB(1) 418/07-08(07) dated 17 December 2007 (“Legislative Proposal”)) or any renewal of or change to any Specified Process Licence (other than to the amount of the Initial Cap or pursuant to the Legislative Proposal), which has a material effect on the Mechanism or HEC’s emissions performance or compliance with the Total Permissible Emissions, the Mechanism shall not apply to that Applicable Year and any subsequent Applicable Years until HEC and the Government have reached agreement as to the amendments to this Schedule that are required to give continued effect to the Mechanism.
有關規定將於二零零七年七月十生 效 ,要求預先包裝食物須 標示八種最常見致敏物質(如有的話),以及所使用食物添加劑的作用類別和其 本身名稱或在食物添加劑國際編碼系統中的識別編號,並在標示日期的格式 方面容更大彈性。
The new labelling requirements in prepackaged food products included declaring the presence of the eight most common allergy causing substances, labelling the functional class of food additive and its specific name or its identification number under the International Numbering System [...]
for Food Additives,
and labelling of date format in a more flexible manner.
由於可以控制自己的學習,學生將對自己的實驗 生更大 的興趣和責任感,大大提升他們的基本科學過程技能。
Because they are in charge of their own learning, students will show more curiosity and a greater sense of responsibility in their work, leading to significant gains in their basic science process skills.
展望 101
[...] 年,法規強制降價的腳步尚未歇止,但我們已經準備好要邁開數位匯流的大 步伐,強化所有業務的綜效,提供用戶全方位的數 生 活 , 更 為 股東創造最大利益!
For 2012, Ddespite continuing challenges fromon the regulatory front, Taiwan Mobile is well-prepared for the digital convergence age, ready to
enhance its business synergies, provide an
[...] all-encompassing digital life for its customers [...]
and create maximum returns for its shareholders.
香港及鄰近 珠三角地區的經濟近年快速增長,在這些蓬勃的經濟活動 下,帶來了相應的發電、交通、工商業等活動的需求增長, 因而生更多的 空氣污染物,這些都是影響粵港兩地空氣質 素的基本源頭。
The rapid economic developments of Hong Kong and the neighbouring PRD Region in recent years have brought about a corresponding increase in the demand for power supply, transport and industrial activities, leading to an increase in pollutant emission.
此外,生更獲邀請到無線電視「放 學 ICU」表演口琴合奏,「觀塘區智 [...]
Net 嘉年華民歌表演」的壓軸表演嘉賓,「少數族裔中 心開幕嘉年華」作民歌表演。
Besides, our students were invited [...]
to perform harmonica ensemble at TVB's "After School ICU", to give finale performance
at the "Kwun Tong District Be Net Wise Carnival Folk Song Show" and to perform folk songs at the "ISS HOPE Centre Inaugural Carnival".
(c) 整體而言,這個主題能配合特區政府及其他公營機構(如貿易發展局 和投資推廣署)在海外推廣香港品牌形象的工作,有助結合各方力 量,生更大協同效應。
(c) It is consistent with Brand Hong Kong, and synergises with the promotional effort of other public organisations, such as Trade Development Council and Invest Hong Kong.
而另一方面,文字單位數量最多的議題 與日生活更為相 關,例如強制性能源效益標籤計劃應用的擴展、氣候變化影響,逐 步淘汰能源效益較低的鎢絲燈泡以及電費單資訊。
On the other hand, those issues with the largest number of text units were those issues that are more a part of respondents’ daily life, such as the extension of the application of the MEELS, the impacts of climate change, phasing out energy-inefficient incandescent light bulbs, and the information on electricity bills.




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