单词 | 龟鳖类 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 龟鳖类 noun, plural —turtles plSee also:龟 pl—turtles pl 龟—tortoise 鳖—freshwater soft-shelled turtle
无论是蜥蜴,龟鳖类及昆 虫或是甲壳类动物-SERA爬虫类系列的护理产品为新手和有经验的爱好者在此迷人的爬虫爱好上提供了最佳的帮助。 sera.de | Be it lizards, turtles, insects or crustaceans – the [...] care products of the sera reptil range provide optimal support for [...]beginners and experienced hobbyists in the fascinating terrarium hobby. sera.de |
此完整体系免费赠送一瓶生物过滤的50毫升的SERA过滤器生物起动剂以及专为所 有 龟鳖类 动 物 日常饲料SERA浮水性条状水龟饲料。 sera.de | As a free addition, the complete system contains 50 ml sera biostart for biological filtration as well as 100 ml sera raffy P food for the daily feeding of all terrapin species. sera.de |
从氨基酸残基数和分子量看,鳖肝脏 MT与哺乳动 物 M T 类 似 ;而从氨基酸组成和结合金属离子的量看,又与低等生物蚯蚓及酵母菌的MT类似。 actazool.org | However, the other properties (including the amino acid composition of MT and the capability of binding metal ions) are similar to the MT from the earthworm and yeast. actazool.org |
学生了解到大量不同种类的海龟,以 及牠们基本的生理结构,如何发现海龟以及如何放辨识标签。 ycis-bj.com | The students learnt a vast amount about the different species of turtles and their basic anatomy, how to identify them and place tags on them for identification. ycis-bj.com |
发现VE添加量为1 000和5 000 mg/kg的两组,能明显降低中华鳖幼鳖 的 生 长。 actazool.org | Growth in juvenile soft shelled turtles was depressed [...] in two groups that received vitamin E supplementation at 1 000 and 5 000 mg/kg of diet. actazool.org |
他们的家长往往会买带传统或怀旧色 彩的游戏给他们玩,如“抽乌龟”和 诸如 此 类 流行 了近 20 年的游戏。 cpsc.gov | Parents often buy traditional or [...] nostalgic games, such as [...] Old Maid and similar games that have been around for about 20 years or more, for this age group. cpsc.gov |
这里是美国占地范围最长的海洋水族馆,不仅有众多海洋哺乳动物,还有很多不同 种 类 的 鱼 ,鲨鱼, 海 龟 , 鸟 ,爬行动物和海牛等等。 abgcorp.com | In addition to the marine mammals, the Miami Seaquarium also houses [...] various fish, sharks, sea turtles, birds, reptiles and manatees. abgcorp.com |
本文研究了饲料中维生素C(Vc)对中 华 鳖 稚 鳖 冬 眠 前后Vc合成能力及肝脏中Vc含量的影响。 actazool.org | This work investigated the effect of dietary vitamin C (Vc) [...] supplementation on the turtle’s biosynthesis [...]of Vc and liver Vc concentration during hibernation. actazool.org |
胸腺是中华鳖免疫系统发育的第一个淋巴器官,来自卵黄囊的干细胞在此先分化成小淋巴细胞,然后再迁移至脾脏。 actazool.org | Within the thymus, stem cells from the yolk sac differentiate into small lymphocytes which subsequently migrate to the spleen. actazool.org |
结果发现中华鳖自身能够合成Vc,且合成部位在肾脏。 actazool.org | The results showed that Vc could be synthesized [...] in the soft-shelled turtle’s kidney. actazool.org |
关切据报因捕捞作业,特别是延绳捕捞作业和其他活动过程中的误捕,海鸟, 特别是信天翁和海燕,以及包括鲨鱼、有鳍 鱼 类 和 海 龟 在 内 的其他海洋物种,继 续在死亡,同时确认各国各自和通过各区域渔业管理组织和安排,为减少延绳捕 [...] 捞的副渔获物作出重大努力 daccess-ods.un.org | Expressing concern over reports of continued losses of seabirds, particularly albatrosses and petrels, as well as other marine species, including [...] sharks, fin-fish species [...] and marine turtles, as a result of incidental mortality in fishing operations, particularly [...]longline fishing, [...]and other activities, while recognizing considerable efforts by States and through various regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements to reduce by-catch in longline fishing daccess-ods.un.org |
完整系统的SERA爬虫类水龟群落 生境缸配备所有即时操作所必需的技术器材,特别是对于初学者来说简化了此迷人的爱好的第一步。 sera.de | The sera reptil aqua biotop complete system is equipped with all technical devices required for immediate operation: this simplifies the first steps into a fascinating hobby especially for beginners. sera.de |
上述结果表明:高剂量的VE降低了中 华 鳖 幼 鳖 的 生 长和血清皮质醇的含量;在一定剂量范围内,肝脏VE随着饲料中VE含量的增加而升高[动物学报 [...] 49(1):40~44,2003]。 actazool.org | These results suggest that high doses of vitamin E reduce [...] growth rates and serum cortisol levels in [...] juvenile soft shelled turtles, and that [...]liver vitamin E increases with increasing [...]dietary vitamin E within certain limits[ Acta Zoologica Sinica 49(1):40-44,2003]. actazool.org |
从卵出生鸟类,蛇类,鳄鱼,鱼,龟 , 以 及 类 似 的 陆地和水生(动物)。 mb-soft.com | From eggs are born [...] birds, snakes, crocodiles, fishes, tortoises, as well as similar terrestrial [...]and aquatic (animals). mb-soft.com |
该《公约》所列海洋物种包括某些海 龟、 大 鲸鱼、姥鲨和鲸鲨、各种海马和海豚。 daccess-ods.un.org | Marine species are listed under that Convention, including some [...] species of sea turtles, great whales, [...]the basking and whale sharks, the entire [...]genus of seahorses and dolphins. daccess-ods.un.org |
渔 发中心推广负责任的捕捞技术和做法,特别侧重于减少延绳捕捞 海 龟 副 渔 获物、 金枪鱼围网捕捞使用多重器械的副鱼获物以及拖网捕捞的副渔获物。 daccess-ods.un.org | SEAFDEC has promoted responsible fishing technologies and practices [...] specifically focusing on several issues, such [...] as mitigating sea turtle by-catch from longline [...]fisheries, by-catch from the use [...]of fishing aggregating devices in tuna purse seine fisheries and by-catch from trawl fisheries. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些参数包括:渔业管理所需的资源评价资料;由 生物构成的生境(珊瑚礁、海草、潮间沼泽和红树林);海洋哺乳动物、 海 龟 和 鸟 类 ;有 害藻类以及污染物。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Estas variables se seleccionaron sobre la base de las necesidades en materia de datos de los seis objetivos y del número de grupos de usuarios que aprovecharían los datos e informaciones. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在25℃、27.5℃、30℃、32.5℃和35℃条件下,分别研究了中 华 鳖 ( T r io nyx sinensis)卵的孵化和胚胎的发育。 actazool.org | We incubated a total of 302 eggs of the [...] Chinese soft-shelled turtle, Trionyx [...]sinensis, at 25℃, 27.5℃, 30℃, 32.5℃ and 35℃, [...]respectively, to investigate the effects of temperature on the incubation process and embryonic growth. actazool.org |
这期我们有目前炙手可热”Tapworthy: [...] Designing Great iPhone Apps" 作者 Josh [...] Clark和其中文译者脉可寻的产品总监包季真,及阿里巴巴国际站UED的非海归 土 鳖 型 设 计师高峰,和前Frog Design设计总监现Ark [...]Design联合创始人王心磊。 userfriendly.org.cn | Presented in this issue are Josh Clark, author of the bestselling “Tapworthy: Designing Great iPhone Apps”, BAO Jizhen, Chinese [...] translator of and Product Director of Maketion, GAO [...] Feng, non-sea-turtle UED designer of [...]Alibaba International Site, and WANG Xinlei, [...]ex-chief-designer of Frog Design and co-founder of Ark Design. userfriendly.org.cn |
鳖MT的特性介于哺乳动物MT与低等生物MT之间,体现 了 鳖 这 种生物进化的特点。 actazool.org | This result presents the distinguishing characteristics of biological evolution of MT in turtle. actazool.org |
本研究中华鳖卵的平均孵化期为45.5天。 actazool.org | The incubation length averaged 45.5 days. actazool.org |
采用常规孵化的中华鳖胚胎 为材料,对不同发育时期造血和免疫器官进行了组织学研究, [...] 描述了卵黄囊、胸腺、肝、脾、肾以及骨髓的形态结构变化。 actazool.org | The ontogeny of hemopoietic and immune organs in the [...] Chinese soft shelled turtle, Trionyx [...]sinensis , was studied and the morphological [...]characteristics of two to three embryos from each embryonic stage described with histological examination. actazool.org |
南 部金枪鱼养护委通过了一项内容广泛的建议,以减轻捕捞南部蓝鳍金枪鱼对生态 [...] 相关物种的影响,包括建议实施保护海鸟和鲨鱼的国际行动计划和《粮农组织关 于在捕鱼作业中减少海龟死亡 率的准则》,收集和报告数据,并遵守印度洋金枪 [...] 鱼委和中西太平洋渔委具有约束力的和建议的保护措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | CCSBT had adopted a wide-ranging recommendation to mitigate the impact of fishing for southern bluefin tuna on ecologically related species, including recommendations to implement the international plans of action for [...] seabirds and sharks and the FAO [...] Guidelines to Reduce Sea Turtle Mortality in Fishing [...]Operations, collect and report data, [...]and comply with the IOTC and WCPFC binding and recommended conservation measures. daccess-ods.un.org |
全环基金/环境署/粮农组织的“拖网捕虾替代方法”项目,使各示范国家 意外捕获幼鱼、海龟和其 他副渔获物的数量减少达 30%至 70%。 daccess-ods.un.org | The GEF/UNEP/FAO project on alternatives to shrimp trawling [...] has significantly cut the unwanted catch of [...] young fish, turtles and other by-catch [...]by as much as 30 to 70 per cent in demonstration States. daccess-ods.un.org |
行政当局面临若干糟糕的意外情况, [...] 包括许多管道已被腐蚀;发现含铅油漆、甲烷(来自以前 的 鳖 湾 废 物填埋场)、汞 残留物;墙壁不稳固;地砖损毁以及图纸有误。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Administration was confronted with several unpleasant surprises, including the corrosion of numerous [...] pipes, the presence of lead paint, methane [...] (from the old Turtle Bay waste site) [...]and traces of mercury, unstable walls, deteriorated tiles and false plans. daccess-ods.un.org |
中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)分别经皮下注射ZnSO4、CuSO4和CdCl2 溶液诱导后,取乙醇沉淀的肝脏无细胞提取液再经Sephadex G-50、DEAESepharoseCL-6B 及SephadexG-25凝胶过滤和离子交换柱层析分离, 自 鳖 肝 脏中分别获得Zn-MT、Cu-MT和Cd-MT,未经诱导 的 鳖 肝 脏 中无MT。 actazool.org | Each extract of Chinese soft shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) liver after induction with subcutaneous injection of ZnSO4, CuSO4 or CdCl2 was separated by gel filtration chromatography Sephadex G-50 column and subsequent DEAE Sepharose CL-6B, than Sephadex G-25 for desalination, respectively. actazool.org |
为探讨维生素E(VE)对中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)幼鳖的生 长、肝脏VE和血清皮质醇的影响,通过特定生长率、高压液相色谱法和放免法,我们测定了中 华 鳖 幼 鳖 的 生长、肝脏VE和血清皮质醇含量。 actazool.org | To investigate the effects of vitamin E on growth, liver vitamin E and the [...] serum cortisol level of [...] juvenile soft shelled turtles, we estimated the growth in juvenile soft shelled turtles by specific growth rate, analyzed liver vitamin E with a high pressure liquid chromatogram (HPLC) and determined serum cortisol content using the radiate [...]immune method. actazool.org |
大众喜欢喜欢纠缠于他作为一个拯救鱼的毁灭性洪水马努头像,作为一个 乌 龟 恢 复 从神和人的海洋深处的珍贵遗物作为野猪,提高以上的地球表面淹没水域,但作为神人拉玛和Krishna,从每个人提供了一个暴君枷锁人民最。 mb-soft.com | Popular fancy loved to dwell on his avatar [...] as a fish to save Manu from the [...] devastating flood, as a tortoise to recover from the [...]depths of the sea precious possessions [...]for gods and men, as a boar to raise the submerged earth above the surface of the waters, but most of all as the god-men Rama and Krishna, each of whom delivered the people from the yoke of a tyrant. mb-soft.com |
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 [...] 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 [...] 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据 ;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 [...] 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 [...] 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of [...] the country; the lack of qualitative and [...] quantitative disaggregated data by racial [...]or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle [...]of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities. daccess-ods.un.org |