

单词 龟尾市

See also:



tail n
remnant n

horse's tail
sixth of the 28 constellations
pointed posterior section of a locust etc

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 持續發展,當局必須優化土地政策,復建適量的居屋,加快出售居屋尾,以及縮市民輪候上公屋的時間。
In order to maintain sustainable development of society, the authorities must improve the land policies, resume the production of Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats in an amount as
appropriate, put up the surplus HOS
[...] flats for sale on the market and reduce the waiting [...]
time for applicants of public rental
housing to be allocated a flat.
渔 发中心推广负责任的捕捞技术和做法,特别侧重于减少延绳捕捞 龟 副 渔 获物、 金枪鱼围网捕捞使用多重器械的副鱼获物以及拖网捕捞的副渔获物。
SEAFDEC has promoted responsible fishing technologies and practices
specifically focusing on several issues, such
[...] as mitigating sea turtle by-catch from longline [...]
fisheries, by-catch from the use
of fishing aggregating devices in tuna purse seine fisheries and by-catch from trawl fisheries.
在旅途尾声,海龟医院 高兴地宣布,耀中国际学校学生可以有一个独特机会放生一只海龟回到中国南海。
As the trip came to a close, YCIS students were delighted to be informed that they would have the unique opportunity to release one of the turtles back into the South China Sea.
[...] 堡处理具体客户的主要服务商,AML/ KYC(反洗钱与了解客户)的流程以市场时机把握/尾盘监测和声明也是 其主要职责。
Since they are the primary service provider in Luxembourg dealing
with the underlying clients, AML/KYC
[...] procedures, as well as market timing/late trading monitoring [...]
and declarations, are also
primary responsibilities of this party.
我希望新一屆政府不要再狗尾續貂了,希望可以真正處理好以 往的“尾”,為香市民帶 來更好的生活。
I hope the next Chief Executive will not continue with the bad practice, but will properly handle all the unaddressed issues, enabling Hong Kong people to lead a better life.
全环基金/环境署/粮农组织的“拖网捕虾替代方法”项目,使各示范国家 意外捕获幼鱼、龟和其 他副渔获物的数量减少达 30%至 70%。
The GEF/UNEP/FAO project on alternatives to shrimp trawling
has significantly cut the unwanted catch of
[...] young fish, turtles and other by-catch [...]
by as much as 30 to 70 per cent in demonstration States.
该《公约》所列海洋物种包括某些 龟、 大 鲸鱼、姥鲨和鲸鲨、各种海马和海豚。
Marine species are listed under that Convention, including some
[...] species of sea turtles, great whales, [...]
the basking and whale sharks, the entire
genus of seahorses and dolphins.
[...] 據市場供求而定,而按工人及其家庭的合理生活需求而定,便是徹頭 尾干 預市場, 根本性地摧毀了香港作為世界上最自由經濟體系的美譽。
If wages are not determined by supply and demand in the market, but according to the needs of a decent living of
workers and their families, that is
[...] an outright intervention in the market that will serve to [...]
destroy our reputation as the freest economy in the world.
南 部金枪鱼养护委通过了一项内容广泛的建议,以减轻捕捞南部蓝鳍金枪鱼对生态
[...] 相关物种的影响,包括建议实施保护海鸟和鲨鱼的国际行动计划和《粮农组织关 于在捕鱼作业中减少龟死亡 率的准则》,收集和报告数据,并遵守印度洋金枪 [...]
CCSBT had adopted a wide-ranging recommendation to mitigate the impact of fishing for southern bluefin tuna on ecologically related species, including recommendations to implement the international plans of action for
seabirds and sharks and the FAO
[...] Guidelines to Reduce Sea Turtle Mortality in Fishing [...]
Operations, collect and report data,
and comply with the IOTC and WCPFC binding and recommended conservation measures.
我 覺得政府在感到慚愧之餘,也要重視和以徹頭 尾 的 態 度回 市 民 的訴 求。
I think the Government, which should be ashamed, has to attach importance to the issue and respond to the aspirations of the citizens in a fully responsible manner.
大众喜欢喜欢纠缠于他作为一个拯救鱼的毁灭性洪水马努头像,作为一个 龟 恢 复 从神和人的海洋深处的珍贵遗物作为野猪,提高以上的地球表面淹没水域,但作为神人拉玛和Krishna,从每个人提供了一个暴君枷锁人民最。
Popular fancy loved to dwell on his avatar
as a fish to save Manu from the
[...] devastating flood, as a tortoise to recover from the [...]
depths of the sea precious possessions
for gods and men, as a boar to raise the submerged earth above the surface of the waters, but most of all as the god-men Rama and Krishna, each of whom delivered the people from the yoke of a tyrant.
反正可以順便逛逛威靈市區, 所以我 尾 隨 著 他尋找威靈頓咖啡。
If I got a chance to
[...] look around around the city, why not I follow him to [...]
explore and find Wellingtonians’ coffee in Wellington at the same time?
政府若是畏首尾,我相信市民會 感到很失望。
I believe that, if the Government beats a retreat, the public will be very disappointed.
明年聽聞也更少,原預計比今年少於2 000個單 位落成,有機會進一步推高樓價,故此自由黨認為政府應在年底新一期
[...] 居屋貨尾出售後,立即研究明年加快推售屆時尚餘四千多個居屋 尾來 應市。
We have heard that the number will be even less next year, as the production is originally estimated to be 2 000 units less than this year's, meaning that there is a chance for property prices to be further pushed up. In this connection, the Liberal Party considers that after completing the sale of surplus HOS flats in the coming phase to be launched at the end of the year, the Government should immediately
conduct studies on expediting the sale of the remaining stock of 4 000-odd surplus HOS flats to
[...] meet the needs of the market.
在堪薩市設計週尾聲, 美國建築師協會當地分會舉行一場活動,由HDR Architects事務所代表摩爾(James [...]
Moore passionately believes that cities will be a key force [...]
in providing a better future for the planet, presenting his
views on how technology can not only make smarter cities, but focus development on city centres.
加強在用車的年檢和上 路抽檢,強化在用車的監督管 理,確保區域內市機動車尾 氣達標率在二零零五年達到 90%以上 已於二零零五年七月一日起實施國 II 型排放標準,自二零零六年七月 一日起施行符合國 III 型排放標準 機動車型推薦目錄,鼓勵及支持銷 售、進口、購買和使用推薦目錄上 機動車型。
A recommended catalogue of motor vehicles complying with the National III emission standard has been introduced on 1 July 2006 to encourage and support the sale, import, purchase and use of motor vehicles on the catalogue.
Caribex 贸易公司出口的龙尾不能登陆美 市 场 ,龙 虾 尾 在 美 国是免关税 的,而在欧洲、加拿大和中国市场,关税分别为 4.3%、5%和 10%,这也就意味 着 Caribex [...]
贸易公司会因此损失 573 100 美元。
The company Comercial Caribex has been affected by the
inability to gain access to
[...] the United States market, where there is no tariff on lobster tails as opposed to 4.3 [...]
per cent, 5 per cent
and 10 per cent tariffs in Europe, Canada and China, respectively; this translates to a loss of approximately US$ 573,100.
尾,镍市场的 前景似乎并不确定,特别是因为2009年11 月的库存量 达到了 铅
At the end of 2009, the
[...] outlook for the nickel market seems uncertain; [...]
particularly with stockpiles of up to 132,661 tons
in November 2009 – their highest level in at least 14 years.
作为更轻、更透气的夏日必备鞋款,kALALAU是您在一天 市 探 险 后到 尾 酒 时间的完美过渡。
Light, breathable
[...] shoes ideal for urban adventures, the Kalalau moves easily from a day hike to cocktail hour.
近 期一連 串 的重大環境事件 相 繼 發生,例如九廣 鐵 路 ( “ 九 鐵 ” )落馬 州 支 線 方 案 罔 顧 對 塱 原 濕 地 的 損 害 、九號貨 櫃 碼頭工 程
在 南 中國海 傾 倒 高 度 污 染 的 淤泥、 竹 篙 灣 迪 士 尼
[...] 填海工 程 引 致大量 死 魚、策 略 性 污 水排放 工 程 “尾 ” 和市 區 地 陷 、市廢 物 焚 化 建 議 忽 略 二 噁 污 染 和 對 公 眾 資 源 的 破壞等 。
Recently there has been a spate of incidents concerning the environment, for example, the Lok Ma Chau extension project of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation (KCRC) is proposed at a total disregard of the damage to the Long Valley wetlands; the dumping of highly polluted sludge in the South China Sea by the Container Terminal No. 9 project contractor; the massive dying of fish caused by the Disney theme park project at Penny Bay; the fiasco of the Strategic
Sewage Disposal
[...] Scheme projects and the settlement incidents in the urban areas; the failure of the urban waste incineration [...]
proposal to deal
with pollution caused by dioxin emission and the damage done to public resources.
[...] 檢和上路抽檢,強化在用 車的監督管理,確保區域 內市機動車尾氣達標率 在二零零五年達到 90%以 上 [...]
二零零五年七月一日起實施國 II 型排放標準。
To strengthen the control of in-use
vehicles to ensure that over 90% of
[...] motor vehicles in the cities within the The National [...]
II emission standard was implemented in 1 July 2005.
3、流通环节:多数农产品仍以未加工或初加工的形式在农 市 场 、 街头 尾 直 接 销售 。
3. At distribution level: many food products that have not yet been
processed or that are only in the first phase of processing
[...] can be found in the markets or sold directly on [...]
street corners.
[...] 解圖,教育市民如何當一個精明的消費者,不致出現潘佩璆醫生所說 的以豬筒骨代替尾骨的事件,市 民 被騙後仍懵然不知。
What measures have been or will be put in place? Dr PAN Pey-chyou and I have planned to publish a colored exploded view of different parts of a pig in order to educate the public on how to be a smart consumer and
pre-empt the situation where pork femur
[...] bone is passed off as pig coccyx, as mentioned by Dr PAN [...]
Pey-chyou, such that people would not cheated unawares.
目前,随着中国led显示屏发展产业不断增加,在各大 市 街 头 巷 尾 的 LE D大屏幕显示屏慢慢多起来了,人们消费水平也日益增长,LED照明已逐步运用到家庭的日常生活当中,LED电子显示屏不但提升了城市形象,LED还丰富人们的文化生活,在这方面可以体现了LED产业的发展速度是如此快,在我们享受LED电子屏带来经济效益的同时,一些拥有LED电子显示屏的商家并未完全懂得LED电子屏操作和使用注意事项,以导致缩短LED电子显示屏的寿命。
At present, with the development of China led display
screen industry increases
[...] ceaselessly, in each big city streets and lanes of the LED big [...]
screen slowly built up, people's
consumption level is also growing, LED lighting has been gradually applied to the family's daily life, LED electronic display not only raised the level of city image, LED also enrich people's cultural life, in the it can reflect the development of LED industry so fast, when we enjoy the LED electronic screen brings economic benefits at the same time, some with LED electronic display of the businessman did not fully understand the LED electronic screen operation and matters needing attention, resulting in reduced LED electronic display life.
司 徒 華議員: 代 理主席,在 這兩三年來 , 打 “ 教育改 革 ” 的 旗 號,教育的 新 政 策 , 可 謂 五 花 八 門 、 層 出不窮 、 虎 頭尾 、 朝 令 夕 改 ;市民和家長眼 花 繚 亂 、 莫 名 其 妙 ;令教育工作 者 疲 於 奔 命 、 怨 氣 沖 天 。
Nevertheless, these policies have all ended in failure despite having a fine start because of constant changes, bringing puzzlement and bewilderment to the public and parents, and stirring up resentment among educators, who are all tired and exhausted.
新信荟智中标龙山中学网上巡查系统建设项目  尾市政府 采购管理办公室2010年5月4日发出陆丰市龙山中学“网上巡查系统建设”(招标编号:LFCGZX2010—12)项目中标公告:广州市新信荟智信息产业有限公司以人民币555280元中标该项目。
XinXinHuiZhi won the LongShan Secondary
School Web Invigilation System Project  
[...] 4 May 2010, ShanMei Municipal Government Procurement [...]
Management Office issued a tender
award notice : GuangZhou XinXinHuiZhi Information Property Limited won the LongShan Secondary School Web Invigilation System Project (Tender Reference: :LFCGZX2010-12) at RMB555,280.
根據豁免項目第10項,如果未經烹煮、包裝在並無載有其他配料的容器內和並 無添加其他配料,下列食品屬於肉類及海產:鹿筋/ 尾 羓 / 鹿鞭、雪蛤膏、鱷魚肉、 海參(遼參/禿參)、海龍、海馬、螺頭、螺片、花膠、元貝、鮑魚、魚翅和魚翅骨。
Under Exemption No. 10, items belonged to meat and marine products if they were in a raw state, packed in a container which contained no other ingredient and to which no other ingredient had been added: Deer tendon, ‘Luk Mei Ba’, Lubian, Hasma, Crocodile meat, Sea cucumber, Sea dragon, Sea horse, Whelk, Sliced whelk, Fish belly, Scallop, Abalone, Shark fin and Shark fin bone.
工程計劃的核准範圍包括(a)在 11 個未敷設污水收集設施 地區( 即甲邊朗、南山、北港、新屋、沙 尾 、 太 平村、大水井、禾塘 江、龍窩村、碧水新村和飛鵝山道附近一帶) 敷設長約 12.8 公里、直徑 介乎 150 毫米至 300 毫米的污水渠;(b)沿順緻街至碧翠路之間的一段 [...]
清水灣道和在碧水新村一帶敷設長約 3.6 公里、直徑介乎 225 毫米至
450 毫米的無壓污水幹渠;(c)在碧水新村建造 1 所污水泵房;(d)為配 合上文(c)項的污水泵房建造工程,在碧水新村及沿清水灣道近井欄樹 和白石窩的路段敷設長約 900 米、直徑介乎 150 毫米至 350 毫米的雙管 加壓污水管;以及(e)進行附屬工程。
The approved scope of the project comprises construction of (a) about 12.8 kilometres (km) of sewers
ranging from 150
[...] millimetres (mm) to 300 mm in diameter for 11 unsewered areas, namely Kap Pin Long, Nam Shan, Pak Kong, San Uk, Sha Kok Mei, Tai Ping Village, [...]
Tai Shui Tseng,
Wo Tong Kong, Lung Wo Tsuen, Pik Shui Sun Tsuen and the area in vicinity of Fei Ngo Shan Road; (b) about 3.6 km gravity trunk sewers ranging from 225 mm to 450 mm in diameter along Clear Water Bay Road from Shun Chi Street to Razor Hill Road and around Pik Shui Sun Tsuen; (c) one sewage pumping station (SPS) at Pik Shui Sun Tsuen; (d) about 900 metres of twin rising mains ranging from 150 mm to 350 mm in diameter at Pik Shui Sun Tsuen (in association with construction of the SPS in (c) above) and along sections of Clear Water Bay Road near Tseng Lan Shue and Pak Shek Wo; and (e) ancillary works.
一開始的清純花果香,在飄散的瞬間撲鼻而來的是由洋梨、香橘與甜桃皮組成的前調,如同搖滾樂瞬間節奏的開場;漸入香調的核心,由忍冬植物、茉莉與荷花,帶來清新與誘惑的味道,就像旋律由內心釋放出來,引領聽者到更高的境界;而在香調的一連串音符譜出搖滾的高低起伏,最後演奏的,是由深切的木香所組成,雪松木、琥珀與香草,讓這首搖滾旋律散發能量,並以最溫暖的味道 尾 , 讓 香味自己譜出一曲搖滾樂,讓聆聽者隨著樂曲的律動,感受ANNA SUI搖滾天后的搖滾魅力。
At the start of the pure fruit, in one moment the nostrils is made of pear, orange and peach skin consisting of top notes, like rock and roll moment rhythmic opening; gradually into the core by scent, honeysuckle, jasmine and Lily, bringing fresh and enticing flavor, like the melody from the heart released, lead the listener to the higher level; and in accord with a crosstalk spectrum of rock ups and downs, the last play, is a deep woody composition, cedar wood, amber and vanilla, let it rock melody
distributed energy, and the most warm
[...] smell of ending, let the fragrance spectrum out of a rock, let the [...]
listener with the music rhythm,
feeling of ANNA SUI rock queen rock charm.
(5) 不得採用與現行許可證/牌照號碼相似的式樣,即不得 由英文字母“VV” 或“T ” ( 置於開端) 和一尾隨數字組 成,亦不得由英文字母“T ” ( 作為尾) 和一個前綴數字 組成。
(5) A personalized vehicle registration mark shall not be of similar pattern to existing forms of permit/licence numbers, i.e. should not consist of the
letters ‘VV’ or ‘T’, at the beginning,
[...] and followed by a number, or consist of the letter ‘T’, as the suffix, and preceded by a number.




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