单词 | 龙门 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 龙门 noun —gantry n龙门 —mythical Dragon gate where a carp can transform ina dragonExamples:龙门断层—Longmenshan fault line, a tectonically active thrust fault line at the northwest boundary of the Sichuan basin 龙门山断层—Longmenshan fault line, a tectonically active thrust fault line at the northwest boundary of the Sichuan basin 鲤鱼跳龙门—gain quick success See also:龙 n—dragon n 龙—imperial • surname Long
在中华人民共和国,集中精力对库姆图拉千佛洞进行了地形、摄像、地质和环境调查 和龙门石窟的工程调查。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the People’s Republic of China, efforts concentrated on the topographic, photographic, [...] geological and environmental survey of the Kumtura Thousand Buddha Caves and the [...] engineering survey of the Longmen Grottoes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
坚固耐用的三轴精密龙门为机 加工表面的全钢机构,附在经过三次加工、稳定性特别好的的T型轨上,易于安装到具有H型轨的任何混凝土表面。 esab-cutting.cn | The rugged [...] three-axis precision gantry features all-steel [...]construction with machined mating surfaces and rides on triple-machined [...]T-rails mounted to H-beam rail supports for a sturdy foundation and easy installation on any concrete floor. esab-cutting.net |
下支柱尾端的龙门架由导轮来支撑。 schaeffler.cn | At the lower [...] pillar end the gantry is supported by [...]guiding rollers. schaeffler.us |
连指手套,在工作室龙门,看 到博尔特不竹篙告诉她的母亲,她是多么想念螺栓。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Mittens, on a gantry in the studio, [...] sees what Bolt does not: Penny telling her mother how much she misses Bolt. seekcartoon.com |
根据不同的尺寸 [...] 模和所需的特征的准确性, 工作台可以设置为5轴龙门系统 或分开轴配置安装于机械基础上的X/Y/A/B和安装于 [...]Z轴的桥轴. aerotechgmbh.de | Depending on the size of the part and [...] required feature accuracy, platforms can be set [...] up as a 5-axis gantry system or split-axis [...]configuration with X/Y/A/B on the machine [...]base and a bridge mounted Z axis. aerotechgmbh.de |
主要用于生产纸箱、彩盒材料的复合工艺。 主要特点: 该机外型设计为龙门式, 从而决定了该机复合速度比传统复合裱纸机速度高。 sino-corrugated.com | Main features: The contour design of this [...] machine is of gantry type, which has [...]decided that the recombination velocity of [...]this machine is faster than traditional recombination laminating machine. sino-corrugated.com |
当鲤鱼终于到达山顶时,他发现神话中的 “ 龙门 ”。 iontime.ch | When the carp finally reached the top, he [...] found the mythical “Dragon Gate”. iontime.ch |
已实施三项关于修复和保护中国文化遗址的 大型日本信托基金项目,即“龙门石 窟 保护维修”项目、“大明宫含元殿保护维修”项目和 “库木吐喇千佛洞保护维修”项目。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Three largesize Japanese FIT projects on restoration and conservation of cultural sites in [...] China have been implemented, namely [...] “Conservation and Restoration of the Longmen Grottoes”, “Protection [...]and Conservation of Hanyuan [...]Hall of the Daming Palace” and “Conservation and Restoration of Kumtura Thousand Buddha Caves”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在提高质量和性能方面,加工大型板材的新一代G EM I N I 龙门 系 列 加工中心,由于采用了固定工作台设计,免除了重型板材在加工过程中的移动,从而在降低功率需求的同时,确保了更高的加工精度。 ficepgroup.com | In terms of increasing quality and performance, the [...] innovative Gemini series for manufacturing [...]large-sized plates ensures greater accuracy, [...]thanks to the adoption of a fixed bed and the reduction of moving heavy plates which implies the need of higher power. ficepgroup.com |
新型PHOENIX龙门式数控切割机能满足 不同客户对多种切割尺寸的要求。 esab.com.cn | The new PHOENIX gantry cutting machine [...] is designed to meet the needs of job shops and manufacturers of different sizes. esab.com.cn |
满友公司每年开发新产品10多项,近几年先后引进意大利P4金属板材柔性多边折弯系统;德国L4050激光切割机;V320数控折弯机;5000冲切中心;大 型 龙门 加 工 中心3000SD;750吨、250吨压铸机;王牌机械吹塑机;日本马扎克生产的车铣组合加工中心;保加利亚进口卧式镗加工中心;瑞士“GEMA”全自动喷涂流水线等国际先进的加工设备以及高精度金切加工设备700余台套,建立了高标准的生产车间,现已成为全国现代化的柔性医疗器械生产线。 china-manyou.com | Over 10 new products are developed every year in our company. in recent years, we imported some world-leading machining equipments from aboard, including P4 medical plate multi-bending soft machine system from Italy, L4050 laser cutting machine,V320 numerical control bending machine, 500R punching machine and 500R punching machine from Germany, 3000sd Long men machining center, 750-ton and 250-ton die-casting machine, Brand Wang blow molding machine, GEMA automatic painting line from Switzerland etc. High-class-workshops have been built up. china-manyou.com |
此外,公司还拥有一流的加工和检测设备,有各种高精度、大型的加工中心、数控机床、和特种专用设备,如卧式加工中心,式加工中心 , 龙门 加 工 中心,大型球用车床、卧式镗铣床等;配备了PMI、拉伸试验、冲击试验、金相显微镜等材料检测设备,r-Ray、超声波、磁粉、液体渗透等无损探伤手段,以及三维测量仪、低温试验、防火试验、低泄漏试验、真空试验等专用试验设备;现正在建设一套阀门冷态和热态试验回路,用于模拟高低温工况条件对阀门进行试验。 sjv.cn | In addition, the company also has first-class processing and testing equipment, there are a variety of high-precision, large-scale machining center, CNC machine tools, and specialty-specific [...] equipment, such as horizontal machining center, [...] machining center, gantry processing center, [...]large-scale Ball Lathe , horizontal boring [...]and milling machine, etc.; equipped with PMI, tensile test, impact test, metallurgical microscope and other materials testing equipment, r-Ray, ultrasound, magnetic particle, liquid infiltration and other nondestructive testing methods, as well as three-dimensional measuring instrument, low-temperature test, fire test, low-leakage test, vacuum test, and other special test equipment; now under construction a valve cold and hot state test loop used to simulate the high and low temperature operating conditions of the valves tested. sjv.cn |
我们的天线产品组合包括各种 UHF RFID 应用中的天线,如龙门方案 、叉车、销售点和输送带/旋转 [...] RFID 系统。 hubersuhner.com | Our antenna product portfolio comprises antennas for various UHF RFID [...] applications like gate solutions, forklift, [...]point of sale and conveyer belt /carousel RFID systems. hubersuhner.com |
Levitator控制系统可以方便操作用于 龙门 式 或 悬臂切 割机,用来保持割枪和钢板之间的高度。 burny.com | The Levitator System makes it easy [...] for operators of gantry or cantilever shape cutting machines to [...]maintain an optimum cutting distance [...]between the torch tip and the steel plate. burny.com |
维尔维尔拥有各类精密模具及大型模具制造设备近80台,包括高速CNC加工中心、镜面火花机、慢走丝线切割、三坐标测量仪等精密模具设备,每月可制造精密长寿命模具30-40套;维尔还拥有大 型 龙门 加 工 中心、深孔钻、合模机、大型双头火花机等大型模具设备,最大可生产30T重的模具,每月可制造大型模具15-20套。 wellmold.com | Well also has large CNC tooling [...] machines, deep hole drilling mahines, [...] mold closing machines, large double-head EDMs [...].etc for making large molds and the max [...]tonnage of mold is up to 30T with the output of 15-20 sets per month. wellmold.com |
坚固的龙门可配 备多达四个工作站,包括一台具有伊萨 m³ 精密等离子弧系统的等离子工作站,使机器运用同一等离子割炬完成切割和划线不同工艺。 esab-cutting.cn | The rugged gantry can be equipped [...] with up to four stations including one plasma station featuring ESAB’s m³ Precision Plasmarc [...]system that allows the machine to cut and mark with the same plasma torch. esab-cutting.net |
Aerotech生产运动控制和定位系统以及各种部件,包括自动纳米级定位工作台;平面和旋转浮云台;高 速 龙门 系 统 ;机械轴承直线/旋转云台和升降云台;无刷直线/旋转伺服电机和驱动系统;独立的基于软件的运动控制器;测角仪;以及平衡架/光学安装架。 renishaw.com.cn | Aerotech manufactures motioncontrol and positioning systems and components including automated [...] nanopositioners; planar and rotary air-bearing [...] stages; high-speed gantries; mechanical-bearing [...]linear/rotary, and lift stages; brushless [...]linear/rotary servomotors and drives; stand-alone and software-based motion controllers; goniometers; and gimbals/optical mounts. renishaw.com |
为英国Babcock Marine (Rosyth)船厂用户制造2台高要求的龙门 吊 , 将用于英国皇家海军建造新型航母。 ez.zpmc.com | UK Babcock Marine (Rosyth) 2 shipyard users create high demand for cranes will be used for the construction of a new Royal Navy aircraft carrier. ez.zpmc.com |
惠生(南通)重工有限公司分别在以下业务领域为客户提供优质的产品及服务:在海洋油气工程领域,为国内及国际客户提供海洋石油平台、海洋石油平台工程模块、平台导管架、海洋工程支持船舶等的设计、建造、安装服务,以及FPSO的新建及改造服务;在起重机领域,为客户提供岸边集装箱起重机(STS)、轮胎式集装 箱 龙门 起 重 机(RTG)、轨道式集装 箱 龙门 起 重 机(RMG)、大型造 船 龙门 起 重 机(GGC)、门座式起重机(PC/SLC)、大型浮吊(Floating Crane)等多种港口及海洋起重机械的定制服务。 wison.com | This includes fabrication and conversion of floating production units including FPSOs, FSOs, TLPs, Semis, and Spars, topsides facilities and module fabrication, marine and offshore supply and service vessels, and all types of crane products such as hip -to-Shore Cranes, Rubber Tyre Gantry Cranes, Rail Mounted Gantry Cranes, Portal Cranes, Ship Loaders/Un-loaders, and Floating Cranes. wison.com |
成套设备是Burny的专长,其中的所有元件都功率匹配,并兼容中型到小 型 龙门 式 切 割机的最准确的控制系统。 burny.com | Packaging is a Burny specialty where all of our [...] components are power matched and compatible for the most accurate control system on [...] mid-sized to small gantry cutting machines. burny.com |
枣庄锋锐数控机床有限公司是鲁南地区规模较大的铣床制造企业,近几年来,通过吸收国外先进技术,与大专院校合作和自行开发设计相结合,主导产品已形成 : 龙门 式 、立、卧式加工中心系列、数控铣床系列、卧式镗铣床系列、摇臂钻床系列、万能升降台铣床系列、立式铣床系列、铣钻床系列等八大系列九十余种规格,产品以其性能稳定、质量可靠畅销全国,远销以欧、美市场为主的50多个国家和地区。 zzfengrui.com | Ltd. is a large-scale milling machine Lunan area manufacturing companies, in recent years, by absorbing advanced foreign technology, with tertiary institutions and [...] self-development and design combine to form the [...] leading products: gantry-type, Li , horizontal [...]machining center series, CNC milling [...]machine series, horizontal boring and milling machine series, radial drilling machine series, universal milling machine series of lifts, vertical milling machine series, milling drilling machine series ninety eight series of specifications, the product of its stable performance, quality and reliable best-selling country and exported to European and American market-oriented more than 50 countries and regions. zzfengrui.com |
Quick CNC 快克数控木工雕刻机、数控龙门式加 工中心等产品满足不同客户群的生产需求。 kk-cnc.com | Quick CNC wood [...] engraving machine,CNC Gantry Type Machining [...]Center and other products can meet the needs of all different customer groups. kk-cnc.com |
龙门传奇 ”的表盘讲述了一个传说:一条鲤鱼看见一个山顶,并决定达到那里。 iontime.ch | The dial of the “Dragon Gate Legend” tells the story [...] of a carp that saw the top of a mountain and decided he was going to reach it. iontime.ch |
五面体龙门均采 用日本三菱数控系统和日本三菱主轴电机、台湾原装铣头,最大加工尺寸可达6米x2.7米x2米,加工精度达0.02mm,一次装夹实现五个方向加工,该批数 控 龙门 铣 还 配备了精密立铣头、万向数控铣头、侧铣头,可实现一次装夹多工序加工,完成铣削、钻削、攻丝等工序。 china-leshan.com | The pentahedralgantry adapts Japan's Mitsubishi CNC systems and Japan's Mitsubishi spindle motor and the original milling head of Taiwan, the largest processing size up to 6 [...] [...] m x2.7 m x m, and processing accuracy of 0.02mm, a fixture to achieve the processing of the five directions, the batch of CNC gantry milling machine is also equipped with precision vertical milling head, universal CNC milling head, side milling head can [...]be a fixture of [...]the multi-process machining for milling, drilling, tapping and other processes. china-leshan.com |
泥泞足球没有越位等球例,只要你把球踢 进 龙门 就 得 分。 visitfinland.com | The pitch is a swamp, there’s no offside rule and, as is customary, whoever scores the most goals, wins. visitfinland.com |
过去四十多年间,布鲁克的台阶仪研制和生产一直在理论和实践上不断实现创新性成果——首台基于微处理器控制的轮廓仪,首台实现微米测量的台阶仪,首台可以达到3D测量的仪器,首台个人电脑控制的轮廓仪,首台全自动300mm台阶仪——DektakXT延续了这种开创性的风格,全新的DektakXT成为世界上第一台采用具有单 拱 龙门 式 设计,配备全彩HD摄像机,并且利用64位同步数据处理模式完成最佳测量和操作效率的台阶仪。 bruker.com | Building on the knowledge and experience from more than forty years of stylus profiling innovations, the DektakXT incorporates a powerful combination of industry firsts, including a unique single-arch design and smart electronics for unmatched repeatability and performance, HD true color camera for enhanced image resolution and clarity, and a 64-bit parallel processing software architecture. bruker.com |
不同于必须建造龙门架来 安装的并联机器人,TP80 快速拾放机器人可安装在重量轻得多的基座上,从而大幅节约了成本,也使得其更容易集成在自动化单元中。 staubli.com | The TP80 Fast Picker can be mounted on a much lighter base than parallel robots, bringing substantial cost savings and making it easier to integrate into a cell. staubli.com |
八卦城最早出现在南宋时期,当时的道教全真七子之一 、 龙门 派 教 主“长春真人”丘处机应成吉思汗之邀,前往西域向大汗讲授治国扶民方略和长生不老之道,丘处机历时三年游历天山,途中被集山之刚气、川之柔顺、水之盛脉为一体的特克斯河谷吸引,便以此作为“八卦城”的风水核心,确定了坎北、离南、震东、兑西四个方位,于是形成了特克斯八卦城最原始的雏形。 roo.cn | Gossip City first appeared in the [...] Southern Song Dynasty, Taoism was one of [...] Seven whole truth, dragon martial art guru "Changchun [...]real" Chuji be Genghis Khan was [...]invited to teach Western country to help people sweat strategy and longevity of the road, three-year Chuji travel Tianshan mountains just the way the gas is set, Chuan supple, water-filled veins as one of the valley attracted the Turks, then as a "gossip city" the core of feng shui to determine the ridge north from the south, Zhendong , against the West, four directions, so the formation of the Turks the city's most original prototype gossip. roo.cn |
通 过在连接法兰或龙门框中旋转仪表可以利用偏振作用来降低干扰回音 的影响。 vega.be | The polarisation plane is the direction of the electrical wave component. By turning the instrument in the connection flange or mounting strap, the polarisation can be used to reduce the effects of false echoes. vega.be |