单词 | 龙肝凤胆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 龙肝凤胆 —ambrosia (delicacy)rare foodSee also:龙胆 n—gentian n 龙胆—Japanese gentian (Gentiana scabra) • rough gentian 龙凤—dragon and phoenix
伯爵在颁奖典礼上大放异彩,凭借影片 《 龙 与 凤 》 (Dragon & Phoenix)在年度钟表广告大奖中问鼎电影/网络类创意奖。 piaget.com.cn | Piaget shone at the prize-giving, winning the Watchmaking Campaign of the Year award in the Film/Cyber Category with the film titled Dragon & Phoenix. piaget.com |
影片《龙与凤》( Dragon & Phoenix)在年度钟表广告大奖中荣获电影/网络类创意奖。 piaget.com.cn | Watchmaking Campaign of the Year award in the [...] Film/Cyber Category with Dragon & Phoenix. piaget.com |
由于舌头各部位分别与人体的肾、脾(胃) 、 肝胆 、 心(肺)等脏腑对应,医生可从检查您的舌头来分析您的健康状况。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Various parts of the tongue correspond to different organs, such as the [...] kidney, the stomach, liver and the gallbladder. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
当地产品,如Vacherin Mont d’Or 金峰奶酪、龙胆酒和湖鱼,都反映了这些点缀在山谷的各个小村庄居民的生活方式。 audemarspiguet.com | Local products like the Vacherin [...] Mont d’Or cheese, gentian liqueur and lake [...]fish reflect the lifestyle adopted by the inhabitants [...]of the various small hamlets that dot the Valley. audemarspiguet.com |
龙胆是一 种开花植物,生长在高山地区,以及被草或岩石覆盖的坡面上。 clarinsusa.com | Gentian is a flowering plant [...] that grows in all mountainous regions and on grassy or rocky slopes. clarinsusa.com |
招牌菜包括上等T骨牛排、纽约西冷牛排以及带骨肉眼牛排,以及烤波士 顿 龙 虾 、 亚历山 大 凤 尾 虾 和智利鲈鱼等名贵海鲜。 diningcity.com | The mouth-watering menu features the city’s finest grain-fed aged beef, such as the signature Porterhouse, New York Strip Steak and Bone-In Ribeye [...] Steak, plus fresh premium seafood – such as [...] the Whole Baked Maine Lobster, Colossal Shrimp Alexander [...]and Chilean Sea Bass. diningcity.com |
建立了龙胆泻肝丸(L ongdanxiegan pill,LDXGP)三波长融合高效液相色谱(HPLC)指纹图谱,以系统指纹定量法全面鉴定LDXGP的质量。 chrom-china.com | The three wavelength fusion high performance liquid chromatographic fingerprints (TWFFP) of Longdanxiegan pill (LDXGP) was established to identify the quality of LDXGP by the systematic quantified fingerprint method. chrom-china.com |
胆管癌是指源于肝外胆管,包括肝门 区 至 胆 总 管下端的恶性肿瘤。 asiancancer.com | Bile duct carcinoma originates from [...] extrahepatic bile duct and includes [...] malignant tumor located from hepatic hilar region to the lower end [...]of common bile duct. asiancancer.com |
充分的补偿,针对受害人的需要,包括赔偿和复原的情况,实在 是 凤 毛 麟 角,或 者完全依赖于私人实体或公民社会组织的有限资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | Adequate reparation, tailored to the needs of the victim including compensation and rehabilitation, is rarely provided or entirely dependent on the limited resources of private entities and civil society organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
手术切除是胆管癌患者获得长期生存的机会,胆管癌的治疗原则是可切除病例以手术切除为主,术后配合放疗及化疗,以巩固和提高手术治疗效果,对于不能切除的晚期病例,应施行胆道引流手术,以解 除 胆 道 梗 阻、控 制 胆 道 感 染、改 善 肝 脏 功 能、减少合并症、延长生命、改善生活质量。 asiancancer.com | Surgical resection can obtain long-term survival chance for bile duct cancer patients and the principles for bile duct cancer treatment is that surgical excision is given the most priority as long as it is feasible; postoperative radiotherapy or chemotherapy is also given to stabilize and improve the treatment effect. asiancancer.com |
消化内科将对食道、胃、大肠、腹腔 、 肝 、 胰脏 、 胆 道 系统等消化系统疾病进行广泛治疗。 chn.busanmc.or.kr | Gastroenterology treats broad digestive diseases such as esophagus, stomach, large [...] intestine, abdominal cavity, liver, pancreas, biliary teact, etc. eng.busanmc.or.kr |
为生动呈现这一卓尔不凡的腕表系列,伯爵表厂与“Le Truc”经销商共同打造出一个关于龙与 凤 的 传 说。 piaget.com.cn | To convey the vibrancy of this exceptional collection, the House of [...] Piaget and the “Le Truc” agency worked together to create a story that refers [...] to the legend of the Dragon and the Phoenix. piaget.com |
未来科学技术公用研究中心的后藤仓史教授、大学院医学系研究科现金外科的里见进教授、大学院医学系研究 科 肝胆 胰 外科的海野伦明教授等人的研究小组,针对因胰动静脉畸形引起急性腹膜炎从而施行胰脏全摘除手术的患者,通过对其施行自体胰岛移植手术成功地恢复了患者的胰岛素产生能力。 tohoku.ac.jp | A research group led by Professor Masafumi Goto at New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University, Professor Susumu Satomi at Division of Advanced Surgical Science and Technology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine and Professor Michiaki Unno at Division of Gastroenterological Surgery, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine has successfully increased insulin productivity by the pancreatic islet autotransplantation for a patient after undergoing an emergency surgery to remove the whole pancreas due to acute peritonitis caused by pancreatic arteriovenous malformation. tohoku.ac.jp |
世界 遗产名录》上增加了几个新的小岛屿发展中国家的名胜,其中包括基里巴斯 的凤 凰群 岛海洋保护区和马绍尔群岛的比基尼岛核试验基地。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Several new SIDS sites were added to the World Heritage list, including the Phoenix Islands marine protected area in Kiribati and the Bikini Atoll nuclear test site in the Marshall Islands. unesdoc.unesco.org |
40多名业内人士倾情奉献,共同打造出生动传神的经 典 龙凤 腕 表 系列。 piaget.com.cn | More than 40 professions were indeed involved in giving life [...] to the emblematic Dragon and Phoenix. piaget.com |
在悠扬的小提琴声中,龙与凤翩翩 起舞,腕表因此而栩栩如生,呈现着纤纤雅态和古朴风韵。 piaget.com.cn | In a gentle dance performed to the tune of violins, these animals bring watchmaking products to life with a delightful blend of refinement and simplicity. piaget.com |
自古以来,龙胆一直 以其多种功效而被广泛使用。 clarinsusa.com | It has been used since ancient times for its beneficial effects. clarinsusa.com |
胆囊癌晚期则可有肝脏肿大、肝占位 、腹水、恶病质等表现易 与 肝 癌 、 胰腺癌 及 胆 管 癌 等相混。 asiancancer.com | The patients of late stages may [...] develop the symptoms [...] like swelling liver, space occupying lesion of liver, ascites, caahexy and so no, which are easily mistaken as liver cancer, pancreas cancer and bile duct cancer asiancancer.com |
经过国际培训的肠胃科医师可帮助患者处理各种可能影响胃、食道、肠及包括胰 、 肝 、 胆 囊 等相关内脏器官在内的消化系统问题或功能紊乱。 parkwayhealth.cn | Our internationally trained Gastroenterologist is available to help our patients deal with a wide array of issues or disorders related to the digestive system, which might be affect the stomach, esophagus, intestines, and many associated organs including the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder. parkwayhealth.cn |
在美容方面,龙胆尤其 常见于紧致肌肤的配方中。 clarinsusa.com | In cosmetology, Gentian is particularly [...] useful in skin-toning formulations. clarinsusa.com |
1978年实行改革开放以来,根据形势和任务的变化,中国共产党明确多党合作是中国政治制度的一个特点和优势,确立了中国共产党与各民主党派“长期共存、互相监督 、 肝胆 相 照 、荣辱与共”的十六字方针,提出了一整套关于多党合作和政治协商的理论和政策,使坚持和完善多党合作制度成为中国特色社会主义理论和实践的重要组成部分。 manchester.china-consulate.org | After the reform and opening-up policies were adopted in 1978, the CPC, in light of the changes in the situation and tasks, made it clear that the multi-party cooperation system is a basic feature and advantage of China's political system, and set forth the principle of "long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with sincerity and sharing each other's weal and woe" to guide its relations with the other eight parties. manchester.china-consulate.org |
在17世纪,人们非常流行食用龙胆, 据说可以延年益寿。 clarinsusa.com | It was very much in fashion during the 17th century when many people took it in the hope of becoming centenarians. clarinsusa.com |
黄疸:胆石永久地生长于胆总管,使 胆 汁 积聚 于 肝 脏 , 流入血液。 hsbc.com.hk | Jaundice: Gallstone becomes permanently lodged in the main bile [...] duct and bile backs up in the liver and spills into the blood. hsbc.com.hk |
但最常见是消化系统令肠道及胃部不适,包括:便秘、肚泻、溃疡、消化不良 , 胆 囊 、 胰腺 、 肝 脏 出 现问题,缺乏酵素可令消化力弱令丧失胃口。 daydaycook.com | Disorders of the [...] gall-bladder, pancreas and liver can be a source of slow [...]digestion from a lack of enzymes, and this in turn can cause appetite loss. daydaycook.com |
美国亚利桑那凤凰城 的霍尼韦尔公司(Honeywell)将为CSeries客机提供惯性参考系统以及辅助动力设备(APU)。 tipschina.gov.cn | Honeywell of Phoenix, Arizona, USA will provide the inertial reference system (IRS) and the auxiliary power unit (APU) for the CSeries aircraft. tipschina.gov.cn |
哈利在魔法部的前出血,袭击发生后的第二个到最后一个场景以前的电影中,哈利·波特 与 凤 凰 令 的结果。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Harry is shown bleeding in front of the Ministry of Magic, as the result of an attack that took place after the second-to-last scene of the previous film, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. seekcartoon.com |
产品包含 龙胆 clarinsusa.com | products containing Gentian clarinsusa.com |
龙胆 clarinsusa.com | Gentian clarinsusa.com |
一般认为当病变累及胆囊肌层时应该进行扩大清扫手术,包括切 除 胆 囊 附近 的 肝 脏 组 织及肝十二指肠韧带的软组织并对引流胆囊区域的淋巴结进行清扫,当怀疑 有 肝 外 胆 道 受累时可以考虑 行 肝 外 胆 管 切 除。 asiancancer.com | Generally it is thought that when the muscular layer of gallbladder is infected, the region has to remove should [...] extend, including liver tissues closed to gallbladder and soft tissues of hepato-duodenal ligament, and extra-hepatic and biliary excision should be performed when the extra-hepatic bile tract of a patient [...]is involved. asiancancer.com |