

单词 龙树菩萨

See also:


Nāgārjuna (c. 150-250 AD), Buddhist philosopher


Bodhisattva (Buddhism)

External sources (not reviewed)

2007 年,苏里南由美洲人权法院判决,需承认除其他以外 龙 部 落中 的萨 拉马卡具有对土地的集体权利。
In 2007 Suriname was judged by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to recognize among other things the collective rights to land of the Saramaccaners, a Maroon tribe.
1898年重植树大部分是菩提树,比 如洛桑历史博物馆外的那一株。
In 1898 most of the trees were limes: one example can [...]
still be seen outside Lausanne's Historical Museum.
质地清新的乳液——含有净化肌肤的阿尔卑斯山柳兰与纾缓肌肤 菩 提 树 , 能瞬间镇定受刺激的肌肤、收缩毛孔并改善T字部位的油光,带来清新粉嫩的肤质。
Refreshing lotion — with purifying Alpine Willow Herb and soothing Linden — instantly calms irritations, tightens pores and takes-down shine at the T-zone — ensuring a fresh matte complexion.
在这一时期 内,教科文组织向非洲(SIAO, 2002 年 10 月)、阿拉伯国家(2002 年 9 月)、拉丁美洲 (FIDAR,墨西哥,2002 年 11 月)和亚太地区(2003 年 3 月)获奖者颁发了教科文组织手工 艺奖,还在佛罗萨手工艺沙龙(2002 年 4 月)上举办了 1992 年以来教科文组织手工艺奖 全部获奖作品展,在总部举行了《设计 21》大赛 64 位获奖作品展。
Access to the international market for creative craftworkers and young designers was improved by awarding the UNESCO Crafts Prize for Africa (SIAO, October 2002), the Arab States (September 2002), Latin America (FIDAR, Mexico, November 2002) and Asia and the Pacific (March 2003), and also the exhibition of all the UNESCO Crafts Prizes since 1992 at the Florence Crafts Fair (April 2002) and the exhibition at Headquarters of the work of the 64 prizewinners of the DESIGN 21 competition (30 September-25 October 2002).
最后,各树立国家龙头企业的 倾向也常常影响到此种努力。
Finally, the tendency of countries to establish a national champion often impeded such efforts.
当然树枝并不是自己长成平行的,可能由于人们采 菩 提 花 (今天仍然用来制茶) 或树纤维(用来捆绑葡萄藤)所致。
Not that the
[...] branches of lime trees grow horizontal of their own accord: they would have been tied down by people harvesting the tree for its flowers (still used today in tea) or for bast (the stringy park of bark used to tie up vines).
在促进高质量的手工艺品的行动范围内,应当提及以下三项活动:(a)继 2000 年的一 次培训之后,在达喀尔举行的首次手工艺品国际博览会(2002 年 4 月 6--14 日)上,介绍 了一组西非女手艺人的最新作品;(b)在第三届国际陶瓷制作艺术电影节(蒙彼利埃,2002 年 4 月 12--14 日)范围内,向巴西一位女青年导演颁发了教科文组织奖,奖励她制作的纪 录片“粘土之色调”;(c)在佛罗萨 手 工艺 沙 龙 ( 20 02年4月20--30 日)展出了教科文 组织 1990--2001 年手工艺奖得主的作品。
In the context of action taken to promote high-quality craftwork, three initiatives should be mentioned: (a) the presentation of new creations by a group of women craftworkers from West Africa at the First International Crafts Fair in Dakar (6-14 April 2002), following training given in 2000; (b) the award of the UNESCO Prize to a young Brazilian film director for her documentary “Tons d’argile” at the Third International Ceramics Film Festival (Montpellier, 12-14 April 2002); and (c) the presentation of works by UNESCO Crafts Prize winners 1990-2001 at the Florence Crafts Fair (20-30 April 2002).
对此高专办菩萨省的当局及其他 伙伴进行追究,从而为患病的囚犯争取到一间病房。
OHCHR followed up with the authorities and
[...] other partners in Pursat province, and [...]
contributed to securing a hospital room for sick prisoners.
[...] 乐剧场和歌剧院(其中包括柏林爱乐音乐厅、德意志歌剧 院菩提树下柏 林国家歌剧院、喜剧歌剧院和音乐厅)的夜 [...]
During your stay you will visit evening performances in specially selected music theaters
or concert halls (the Philharmonic, the German Opera,
[...] the State Opera Unter den Linden, Komische [...]
Oper, Konzerthaus etc.).
森林资 源 较丰富的 省份有 桔井、上丁 、 拉 达 那
[...] 基 里 、 盟 多基里、 磅 通、 贡布菩萨和柬埔寨北部其他省份。
The provinces containing more forests are
Kratie, Steng Treng, Rattanakiri, Mondulkiri, Kampong
[...] Thom, Kampot, Pursat and other provinces [...]
in the north of the country.
(a) 2002 至 2006 年,地雷行动中心与四个国际和国内排雷组织,即柬埔
[...] 寨皇家部队、地雷行动中心、光环信托组织和扫雷咨询组合作,在以 下省份开展排雷行动菩萨省、马德望省、卜迭棉芷省、柏威夏省、 [...]
奥多棉芷省、磅通省、暹粒省、磅湛省、桔井省、拜林市和国家中部 一些其他省份
(a) From 2002 to 2006, CMAC authorities coordinated the four groups of national and international de-mining operators - Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF), Cambodia Mine Action Centre (CMAC), HALO Trust Organization, and MAG Organization
- conducted their de-mining operations in
[...] the provinces: Pursat, Battambang, [...]
Banteay Meanchey, Preah Vihear, Uddor Meanchey,
Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, Kampong Cham, Kratie, Pailin Town, and some other provinces in the centre of the country
世界银 行的一篇文章认为津巴布韦为基础设施建设筹集更多资 金的潜力会得到提高,“尤其是在国际制裁被解除后” (娜塔利亚·菩萨卡和西西莉亚·布里塞尼奥-迪亚: 《津巴布韦的基础设施:大陆视角》,政策研究工作论 文,5816,2011 年 9 月)。
A World Bank paper argues that Zimbabwe’s potential for raising additional funding for infrastructure will improve “particularly when the international sanctions are lifted”, Nataliya Pushak and Cecilia M. Briceño-Garmendia, “Zimbabwe’s Infrastructure: A Continental Perspective”, Policy Research Working Paper, 5816, September 2011.
班迭棉 吉省菩萨省和 柴桢 省 的 吴哥博 垒 博 物 馆 正在建 [...]
设 之 中,茶胶省博 物 馆 已经开放。
Angkor Borei Museums in
[...] Banteay Meanchey, Pursat, and Svay Rieng [...]
provinces are under construction and Takeo provincial Museum is also open.
分权有助 于增强各乡 的实力,其数量 从 1996 年的 20 家增加到 2001 年 11 个省 220 家和每个省会城市 318 家,包括以下各省: 卜迭棉 芷 省 、 马德望省、 暹粒省菩萨省、 拉 达 那 基 里省、 茶胶省、 磅湛省、 奥 多棉芷省和拜林市。
Decentralization supports communes during an increase in communes from 20 in 1996 to 220 and 318 in 2001 of 11 provinces and each provincial town: Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Siem Reap, Pursat, Rattanakiri, Takeo, Kampong Cham, Uddor Meanchey, and Pailin.
同时,树中,泡泡龙和叮当树的一 个分支,试图把一些毯子,但强风吹起来,叮当说,该计划不工作,泡泡龙解释说,刮大风,吹了毛毯之遥。
Meanwhile, at the tree, Bobble and Clank tried to place some blankets on a branch of the tree, but the strong [...]
winds blew them away,
Clank says that the plan isn’t working well and Bobble explains that the wind is strong and blew the blankets away.
以Marlan(混合矿物质的龙树脂)合 成物工艺制作的内部空腔 — 一个紧密地耦合于一个短小的导管之上的球体 — 吸收了大部分来自于驱动单元背面的声音,而以纤维填充物擦除最后的遗痕。
Crafted from inert Marlan® composite, the internal cavity – a sphere closely coupled to a short tube - absorbs most of the sound from the back of the driver, with the fibre filling mopping up the last vestiges.
格劳宾登州Scharans教堂外菩提树已 经 有700年的寿命。
The huge lime outside the church of Scharans, Canton Graubünden, is some 700 years old.
Surprising as it may seem,
[...] the village lime tree sometimes also served [...]
as a dance hall.
一气儿我们就跑出了五六公里,当时喊也喊不住他,他跑我也不敢停下,我怕把他累坏就加紧跑到他前边截住了他,刚坐到路边一棵大松树下想休息,没想到我们惊动了另一个在此休息的“人”— 树 上 的 一只 龙 , 当 飞 龙 “ 唋 噜”一声飞走的时候,我旁边坐着的张宁也“蹭”的一下又开始了特殊的逃亡,我因心里发虚也就在喊他停住的声音中开始了尾随逃亡,这次我们又接着跑了五六公里,也就到了检查站附近,这时我们俩也就累得再也跑不动了,躺倒在路旁的草地上就是两个多小时。
We ran out of the stretch five or six children km, was unable to call also call him, he ran I could not stop, I am afraid to step up his tired to go to him stopped in front of him, just sat down street I
wanted to rest under a large pine tree, did not think we alerted the other in the rest of
[...] the "people" - a dragon tree, when the dragon "Tu chatter" soon [...]
fly away, sitting
next to me Zhang Ning also "rub" and click again a special flight, I was crying my heart that he made false will stop the sound in the start of the trailing flight, we went on the run five or six kilometers to the checkpoint will nearby, then we both will not run too tired, and lying on the grass by the roadside is more than two hours.
在乡村生活中菩提树有着 很重要的地位。
Lime trees in general played an important [...]
part in village life.
山坡,悬崖,砾石,有岩石地方; 500-1500米龙江,内蒙古 [哈萨克斯坦,蒙古,俄罗斯; 北美洲(加拿大,阿拉斯加) ].
Mountain slopes, cliffs, gravel, rocky places;
[...] 500-1500 m. Heilongjiang, Nei Mongol [Kazakhstan, Mongolia, [...]
Russia; North America (Alaska, Canada)].
该作品描写了丝崎的人们在探寻横渡大海传入日本的佛舞起源的同时,代代传承表 菩萨 和 仙女们喜悦之情的佛舞的故事和丝崎的自然风貌。
This film, in addition to tracing the roots of this hotokemai from over the sea, depicts the nature and
the people of Itosaki who have preserved the dance that
[...] expresses the joy of bodhisattvas and tennyo, celestial [...]
这里突然间响起 了庄严的 Tenzin Palmo 宣誓:“虽然在历史上没有女性作为宗教的领袖,也没有 菩萨 的 记 录, 但是女性想要修成正果,无论花费多少时间进行修行看起来都是很有可能的。
Suddenly Venerable Tenzin Palmo's vow to "attain enlightenment in the female form, no matter how many lifetimes it takes¨ seems perfectly possible despite there having been no historical female heads of religions, and no recorded female Buddhas.
m³ plasma™ 适用于多种切龙门, 伊萨 切 割 系统可为客户提供完整的等离子切割应用客户解决方案。
Since m³ plasma™ is available for a wide
[...] range of cutting gantries, ESAB CUTTING SYSTEMS can [...]
offer a complete solution for virtually
any plasma cutting application.
尽管多数恐龙为地面行走或奔跑 的动物, 但具树栖能力的龙在热 河生物群也有 发现(如小盗龙), 改变了人们对一些恐龙传统认识的 [...]
同时, 也支持了鸟类飞行的树栖起源假说.
Although most dinosaurs were terrestrial animals, arboreal dinosaurs [...]
have been recognized (e.g., Microraptor), which not
only significantly changed our view of the life of some theropods but also provided further evidence supporting the arboreal hypothesis on the origin of avian flight.
Patna Museum has pride previlege of preserving the holy relic casket of Lord Buddha containing his ashes and other associated materials discovered during excavation of a stupa belonging to 6th Century B.C. at Vaishali.
这些案件包括但并不仅限于以下这些:在蒙多基里省,Pichreada 区,Bousra 社区,弗农土著 社区的 800 户家庭和 Socfin-KCD 及其伙伴公司之间的争端;在桔井省,斯努区,Sre Char 社 区,224 户家庭和 CIV 开发公司间的争端;在磅 Speu
省,Tpong 区,Amleang 社区,1,000 户 家庭和金边糖业公司及磅 Speu
[...] 糖业公司之间的争端;菩萨省, Kravahn 和 Krakor 区,5,000 [...]
户家庭和 Pheapimex 之间的两起争端;在 Veal Veng 区,Thmar
Da 社区,57 户家庭和 MDS 公司之间的争端;在金边市,Boeung Kak 湖社区,3,000-4,000 户家庭与 Shukaku 公司间的争 端;以及在马德望省,Phnom Prek 区,Sampov Loun 社区,1,203 户家庭和 Soun Mean Sambath 公司间的争端。
These cases include but are not limited to the following: in Mondulkiri province, Pichreada district, Bousra commune, a dispute between 800 families of the Phnong (Bunong) indigenous community and Socfin-KCD and partners; in Kratie province, Snoul district, Sre Char commune, a dispute between 224 families and the CIV Development Company; in Kampong Speu province, Tpong district, Amleang commune, a dispute between 1,000 families and the
Phnom Penh Sugar Company and Kampong Speu
[...] Sugar Company; in Pursat province, Kravahn [...]
and Krakor districts, two disputes between
5,000 families and Pheapimex, and in Veal Veng district, Thmar Da commune, a dispute between 57 families and the MDS company; in the city of Phnom Penh, Boeung Kak Lake community, a dispute between 3,000-4,000 families and Shukaku Inc.




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