单词 | 龋齿性 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 龋齿性 —caries-inducingExamples:低龋齿性—non-caries-inducing See also:龋齿—tooth decay • dental caries 龋齿 n—cary n 龋—dental caries • decayed teeth 齿龋—caries • tooth decay
过去25年的研究发现,氟化物用于抑制口 腔 龋齿 ( 蛀 牙)是安全、有效的。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Studies conducted over last 25 years have found fluoride to be safe and effective [...] in dental caries (cavity) control. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
由于其在预防龋齿方面 的作用,世界卫生组织已经认可了使用氟化物这种方式。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The World Health Organization has endorsed the use of fluoride [...] because of its effect on tooth decay. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
常规使用含有氟化物的复合物已被用于预 防 龋齿。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Fluoride containing compounds used on routine basis have been [...] used for preventing cavities. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
龋齿(蛀牙 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Dental caries (tooth decay) beijing.ufh.com.cn |
青年健康社指出青年人易患很多疾病和感染,包括肺结核、糖尿病、心脏 病、癌症、流感、肠胃炎、营养不良、皮肤病 、 龋齿 、 听力减弱和眼疾。 daccess-ods.un.org | YTYIH noted that young people were vulnerable to many diseases and infections, including tuberculosis, diabetes, heart disease, [...] cancers, influenza, gastroenteritis illnesses, malnutrition, skin [...] disease, dental caries, hearing loss [...]and eye problems. daccess-ods.un.org |
其他研究发现了母亲患严重龋齿和宝宝出牙后患早 期 龋齿 之 间 的关联。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Other research has discovered a correlation between mothers with [...] severe dental cavities and early cavities in babies after their teeth come in. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
当今,只有 Veeco [...] 有资格提供高级离子束源和组件(设计为具有高稳 定 性 和 齿 形 系 数以满足任何系统设计要求)以及整个蚀刻、离子束和 [...] MBE 沉积系统,从而以最高的资本效率提供最优质的光学薄膜。 veeco.com.cn | Veeco is uniquely qualified to supply [...] advanced ion beam sources and components [...] engineered for high reliability and form factors [...]to fit any system design, as well as [...]complete etch, ion beam and MBE deposition systems proven to deliver the highest quality optical films with the highest capital efficiency. veeco.com |
使用我们的合成基础油来调配高性能 的 齿 轮 油 以抵御因高温高速运转而导致的停机。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Use synthetic lubricant base [...] stocks to formulate gear oils that resist [...]breakdown from heat and high-speed operation. exxonmobilchemical.com |
随着整个行业的日趋成熟,温度对润滑油的作用和重要性得到充分认识,第一款具有热稳 定 性 的 An g la m o l 齿 轮 油添加剂随之面世。 cn.drivelinenews.com | The industry grew in sophistication, and as [...] the importance and effect of temperature on lubricants was fully recognized, the first thermally stable Anglamol gear oil additive was [...]introduced. drivelinenews.com |
任何人都可能因为龋齿、牙 周疾病、牙根感染或者外伤而缺失牙齿 sic-invent.com | Anyone can lose teeth, whether because of caries, periodontal [...] disease, inflammation of the tooth roots or as a result of an accident. sic-invent.com |
雌性尖头斜齿鲨肝 油22:6ω3的含量随着性腺的发育而逐渐增加,妊娠早期达到最高值(49.7±4.04,n=5),显著高于未成熟期个体(25.7±0.64,n=3)和卵巢发育期个体(33.3±3.46,n=4),妊娠结束期肝油22:6ω3的含量显著下降(25.6±8.08,n=3),提示 22:6ω3在尖头斜齿鲨胚胎的生长发育中可能起了重要作用。 actazool.org | Contents of 22:6ω3 in the liver oils in female increased during [...] the development of the fish and reached maximun at the pre-gestation [...]stage (49.7±4.04, n=5), which were significantly higher than that at the immature stage (25.7±0.64, n=3) and at ovary developing stage (33.3±3.46, n=4), respectively, and decreased remarkably at the end of gestation (25.6±8.08, n=3). actazool.org |
含氟的牙膏、漱口水、凝胶和保护膜等常见的氟化物产品,被用于在口中已经长出牙齿的情况下预 防 龋齿。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Topical fluorides such as fluoride [...] toothpaste, mouthwash, gels and varnish that are [...] applied to teeth already erupted in mouth to make them decay-resistant. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
传感器部生产具有无接触传感功能的霍尔效应传感器 [...] IC,以满足汽车、工业、消费类和便携式电子产品领域对方向检测 、 齿 轮 齿 、 速 度、 线 性 、 角 度、电流和位置感应等的应用需求。 digikey.cn | The Sensor group produces Hall-effect sensor ICs offering contactless [...] sensing for applications such as [...] direction-detection, gear-tooth, speed, linear, angle, current [...]and position sensing for automotive, [...]industrial, consumer, and portable electronics. digikey.ca |
二手烟对儿童和成人呼吸道的危害还远不止这些 , 龋齿 、 心脏病和癌症的患病几率也与二手烟的影响分不开。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Additional effects of SHS include increased rates of childhood and [...] adult cancers, dental cavities and even higher risk [...]of future heart disease. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
还值得指出,除 了 全 国保健方案和补救接 种运动的正常 实 施 之 外 ,正在学 校实行一项氟化物防止龋齿的方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also worth noting the implementation of a programme to prevent dental caries with a fluoridation campaign in schools, besides the routine implementation of the national health programmes and remedial vaccination campaigns. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国儿童口腔医学会和欧洲儿童口腔医学会建议大家使用含氟牙膏来做基本的 防 龋 工 作。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The American Association of Pediatric Dentistry [...] and the European Association of Pediatric Dentistry recommend the use of fluoride [...] toothpaste for basic caries prevention. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
分布单元组的物种组成比较和生态型分析表明:①在我国干旱地区的海拔较低地带,景观自东向西由草原、荒漠草原过渡到荒漠,地理分布单元组亦呈现相应的分布格局,喜湿的物种逐渐减少,耐旱的种类增加;②青藏高原、帕米尔高原寒漠与蒙新 温 性 和 暖 温 性 荒 漠 啮 齿 动 物 物种数和组成相近,物种多样性低;③阿尔泰山地及南麓平原啮齿动物组成较为特殊,寒湿啮齿动物成份最高;④东祁连山地及其北麓以及伊犁谷地、额敏谷地、伊犁天山、准噶尔界山及东麓山前平原的啮齿动物成份较为复杂,物种多样性较高。 actazool.org | They were ①ⅠAa:forest steppe and arid steppe in piedmont of Da Hinggan Mountain, east of Inner Mongolia Plateau and the area around, ⅠAb:arid steppes in Ningxia Plateau, Helan Mountain, center of Inner Monglia Plateau, Ordus Plateau and the area around, ⅠBa:Qinghai Tibet Plateau not including Qilin Mountain, and Pamir Plateau, ⅠBb:wide temperature desert from Alxa Desert to Tarim and Jungar Basin; ②ⅡA:east of Qilin Mountains, ⅡB:north slope of Qilin Mountain and its piedmont plains; ③ⅢA:Altay Mountain and the plains of south piedmont, ⅢBa:Emin Valley, boundary mountains of Jungar and its piedmont plains, ⅢBb:Tianshan Mountain in Ili and Ili Valley. actazool.org |
截面规格23 x 4 毫米的停经齿条穏定性 极高、抗磨损性好,其设计适用于各 种型号的停经架。 groz-beckert.pl | Extremely stable, wear-resistant contact bars measuring 23 x 4 mm are designed for all ranges of application. groz-beckert.pl |
当使用自凝塑料将磁性基台阴性体粘 结到 义 齿 时 , 占位硅橡胶圈可以起到保护牙龈的作用,同时可以防止自凝塑料将磁性基台阴性体和阳性体粘接在一起。 sic-invent.com | The silicone Positioning Cuff for Magnetic Abutment protects the gingival region during integration of implant magnets into the denture against the inflow of self-curing acrylic and prevents the acrylic sticking the two magnets together. sic-invent.com |
下表所列的测试可向终端用户保证齿 轮 油 的基 本 性 能 水 平。 cn.lubrizol.com | The tests indicated on the following table provide end-users the [...] assurance of a basic level of gear oil performance. lubrizol.com |
4个Power Jacks 100kN E系列公制丝杆运动式螺旋 [...] 升降机,联成H形结构,考虑到速度和工作制方面 的要求,配置双头螺杆和高性能齿轮 组。 powerjacks.com | 4 off Power Jacks 100kn E-Series metric translating screw jacks, linked in [...] an h configuration, fitted with two start screws and [...] high performance gear sets, to meet the [...]speed and duty requirements. powerjacks.cn |
Girard-Perregaux 利用极具独创性的行星齿轮传 动系统(其中一部分已获得专利),成功将动力储备显示装置设于有限的空间中。 hk.ashford.com | By means of an ingenious [...] system of planetary gears, one part of which [...]is patented, Girard-Perregaux has managed to integrate [...]the power reserve indicator into a limited space. ashford.com |
对于有多颗龋牙的 儿童而言,全身麻醉是一种良好的选择,这样就无需多次拜访牙医了。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | It is a good [...] option for kids with decay in multiple teeth [...]as it avoids multiple visits to the dentist. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
在对这些因素进行了彻底的评估之后,牙医可以为您推荐氟化物的正确用量和来源,来确保最大程度地实现 防 龋 效 果 和将氟中毒几率控制在最小程度之间的平衡。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Your dentist can help you recommend the right amount and source of fluoride after a thorough evaluation of these factors. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
因此,要进行换挡,就需要克服所有齿轮(而不是其中任一特 定 齿 轮 )的 惯 性。 cn.drivelinenews.com | As a result, the inertia [...] of all the gears – not any one particular gear – is overcome [...]in order to make a shift. drivelinenews.com |
磁性基台的义齿部分是指其阴性部分。 sic-invent.com | The denture magnet is the matrix of the magnet attachment. sic-invent.com |
在轿车、卡车和重型设备应用中,路博润的车 辆 齿 轮 油 高 性 能 添 加剂配方重点帮助减少摩擦和解决散热问题,而极压抗磨添加剂则可防止磨损、点蚀、层裂、刮擦及其他可导致设备故障和停机的问题。 cn.lubrizol.com | For passenger cars, trucks and [...] heavy equipment, [...] Lubrizol's automotive gear oil performance additive packages focus on friction reduction, heat removal and [...]extreme pressure anti-wear [...]additives to prevent wear, pitting, spalling, scoring, scuffing and other types of distress that can result in equipment failure and downtime. lubrizol.com |
花序腋生,很少顶生,,1.5-5厘米,具小柔毛,两性; 花序梗0.5-3厘米; 下部的雌花苞片,1或者2(-4),卵形,心形,在果期增大到 [...] 1.4-2.5 * 1-2厘米,具柔毛,边缘具圆齿;男性 部 分 远轴,短到几乎头状,纤细;苞片卵形,大约0.5毫米。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences axillary, rarely terminal, unbranched, 1.5-5 cm, pilosulose, bisexual; peduncle 0.5-3 cm; female bracts proximal, 1 or 2(-4), ovate, cordate, [...] accrescent to 1.4-2.5 × 1-2 cm in fruit, [...] pilose, margin crenate; male portion distal, [...]short to almost capitate, slender; bracts ovate, ca. 0.5 mm. flora.ac.cn |
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 [...] 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的 定 性和 定 量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶 性 循 环 ;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of [...] their positive [...] contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle [...]of poverty, unequal [...]access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们提供高标准的卓越的个性化的牙 齿 护 理 ,使我们能够提供优质的牙科服务,我们的病人应该。我们提供全面的治疗计划,并使用修复,美容牙科,以达到最佳的牙齿健康。 compareclinic.com | We offer high standard [...] of excellence in personalized dental care which [...]enables us to... compareclinic.com |