单词 | 龈脓肿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 龈脓肿—gumboil
儿童接触大 量金属水银会出现中毒症状﹕牙龈红肿、唾液增多、体重下降、腹泻及/或胃痛,四肢痉挛。 hcphes.org | Kids exposed to high levels of [...] metallic mercury can exhibit symptoms of [...] poisoning: swollen red gums, increased saliva, [...]weight loss, diarrhea and/or stomach [...]pain, cramping in both legs and arms. hcphes.org |
严重的暗疮可能会变红和带来痛楚,甚至发展为脓疱或脓肿,治癒後可能会留下疤痕。 hsbc.com.hk | Severe acne may become red and painful, and develop into pustules or evenabscesses which heal but with scarring. hsbc.com.hk |
如因脓肿而引致肛门瘘,就应施以全身麻醉,进行手术切除脓肿及排出脓液。 hsbc.com.hk | If an abscess is the cause of an anal fistula, surgery involves cutting the abscess and draining the pusundergeneral [...] anesthesia. hsbc.com.hk |
轻微牙周病:牙龈轻微发炎(红肿),容易流血,并开始萎缩,出现牙周袋。 hksh.com | The gums show mild inflammation (red and swollen), bleedeasily and begin to recede with pocket formation. hksh.com |
肛门瘘的成因通常是脓肿未能痊癒,大概一半的脓肿个案都会引发肛门瘘,患者亦没有任何方法得知何时患上。 hsbc.com.hk | An anal fistula is usually the result of a previous abscess, which does not heal properly. hsbc.com.hk |
如果您的口腔卫生习惯不佳,且罹患牙龈炎(口内的牙龈组织发炎) 或牙周病 (牙齿周围的骨质流失,有时候会称为「脓漏」),就应该谘询牙医和牙周病专科医师,并与牙科保健员合作,改善牙龈炎及接受全面的居家口腔卫生指导。 colgate.com.tw | If you have poor oral hygiene and are suffering from gingivitis (inflammation of the gum tissuein your mouth) or have periodontal disease (bone loss around the teeth sometimes referred to as “pyorrhea”), consult your dentist and periodontist [...] and work with your dental hygienist [...]to improve gingivitis and thorough oral hygiene instruction at home. colgate.com |
包皮会出现红肿及感疼痛,亦可能出现脓泡,表示包皮已受感染,患者甚至因为包皮绷紧而小便感困难。 hongkongbankfoundation.org | This may mean there is an infection. The patient may not be able to pass urine because of the tight foreskin. hongkongbankfoundation.org |
应该选择使用哪一种美白方式,取决於您想要美白效果的速度、牙龈和牙齿的敏感度及您打算爲此支付的费用。 colgate.com.tw | Choosing which whitening system to use depends on how quickly you want results, how [...] sensitiveyour gums andteeth are, [...]and how much you want to pay. colgate.ca |
缴付您的家庭佣工因急性牙齿疾病而需接受口腔手术、治疗脓肿、X光检查、脱牙或补牙的费用,每次治疗最高可获三分二的赔偿额。 citibank.com.hk | Covers your domestic helper's emergency dental expenses, including oral surgery, [...] treatmentof abscesses, X-rays, extractions [...]or fillings, up to two thirds of the dental expenses per visit. citibank.com.hk |
应 用 於 胃 肠 自 家 中 毒 之 荨 麻 疹 , 及热 病 便 秘 而 谵 语 者 , 或 咽 喉 肿 痛 , 口 舌 生 疮 [...] , 其 人 因 便 秘 而 冲 逆 ,齿龈 肿痛,口 臭, 目 赤 , 头 痛 等 症 。 balancemedicalsupplies.com | It can be applied to urticaria induced by cyclic vomiting syndrome, delirium and constipation presenting in febrile diseases, swelling of the throat, sore throat, mouth or tongue sores, and symptoms related to surging [...] counterflow of Qi due to constipation such as [...] painfuland swollen gums, foul breath, conjunctival [...]congestion and headache. balancemedicalsupplies.com |
传统用法 [...] 桃仁是中国传统的草药,提取自成熟桃子内的果核,传统用作解决血行停滞等问题如:包括月经紊乱、腹痛、外伤口、胁腹痛和肠脓肿。vitagreen.com | Traditional Use Semen Persicae, a Chinese remedy derived from the kernels of ripe peaches, has been traditionally used to resolve problems associated [...] with blood stasis including menstrual disorders, abdominal pain, traumatic injury, flank pain [...] and intestinal abscesses. vitagreen.com |
固齿训练器上的凸部分可刺激嘴唇和牙龈,中孔把手可让幼儿稳固把持。 combi.com.hk | Projected parts [...] stimulate the lips andthegum. combi.com.hk |
若牙齿产生锐利的边缘,以石蜡(蜡)覆盖,避免割伤牙龈或脸颊, 然後立即就医。 colgate.com.tw | If the tooth has created a sharp edge, cover with paraffin (wax) to prevent [...] lacerationsto the gumsor cheek. colgate.ca |
不可以直接将阿斯匹灵放在牙龈上,否则会造成灼烧。 colgate.com.tw | Do not place directly on gum tissueas this [...] may result in a burn. colgate.ca |
不良的饮食会导致牙龈疾病与龋齿,高碳水化合物、糖分与淀粉的食物,会大幅增加侵袭牙齿珐琅质的牙菌斑酸性物质产量,最後这些酸性物质就会造成珐琅质崩解,形成蛀牙。 colgate.com.tw | A poor diet canlead to gum disease and tooth [...] decay. Foods high in carbohydrates, sugars and starches greatly contribute [...]to the production of plaque acids that attack tooth enamel. colgate.com |
口疮或口腔溃疡 - 口疮 是口腔内的脸颊、牙龈或舌头上的白色小型伤口。 colgate.com.tw | Canker or mouth sore - canker sores are small white wounds inside the [...] mouth on thecheek, gumsor tongue. colgate.ca |
任何自行漂白方式都有可能引起暂时性牙齿过敏或牙龈发炎。 colgate.com.tw | With any at-home bleaching method you run the risk of temporary tooth [...] sensitivity or gumirritation. colgate.ca |
如盲肠已爆破、感染扩散或出现脓肿,医生可能会进行开腔手术,目的是要清理腹腔内部。 hsbc.com.hk | The surgeon may perform traditional open surgery, using a single abdominal incision if the appendix has ruptured and infection has spread beyond the appendix or if anabscess ispresent, because the surgeon needs to clean the abdominal cavity. hsbc.com.hk |
其他原因包括胃部问题、窦感染或严重的牙龈疾病。 colgate.com.tw | Other causes include gastric problems, sinus [...] infections orsevere gumdisease,”says [...]Mark Wolff, DDS, Ph. colgate.com |
绿脓菌素(Pyocyanin)试验 取上述琼脂培养物,接种於绿脓菌素测定用 培养基斜面上,培养 24 小时後,在试管内加氯仿 3~5ml,搅碎培养基并充分振 摇。 cmchk.org.hk | Pyocyanin test: Takesome of the above agar culture and inoculate it onto the slant of [...] the medium specially for pyocyanin [...]detection, incubate it for 24 hours, add 3~5ml of chloroform into the test tube, crush the medium and shake well. cmchk.org.hk |
亚东创新研发团队所开发的牙龈保护树脂(图一)藉由专业的配方设计,不仅具有良好的生物相容性,且当此牙龈保护树脂涂布适当厚度於牙龈表面後,以光固化灯照射约15-20秒,即可快速地在牙龈表面形成一体成型之树脂保护层,待牙齿处理程序完成後,可轻易的将整块固化後的树脂取下,不留下任何残留物。 ord.feg.com.tw | The gingival protector will be cured in 15 to 20 seconds by dental curing light and form a soft thin layer on gingival area; as a result, it is a nice product for preventing gingival to be touched by chemicals. ord.feg.com.tw |
当革兰阴性杆菌、氧化酶试验阳性、绿脓菌素试验阴性,其硝酸盐还原产 气试验、42℃生长试验及明胶液化试验均为阳性时,应判检出铜绿假单胞菌。 cmchk.org.hk | When the Gram-negative bacillus and oxidase test results are positive, the pyocyanin test is negative, the results of nitrate reduction aerogenic test, 42℃ growth test and gelatin liquidation test are positive, it can be concluded that pseudomonas aeruginosa has been detected. cmchk.org.hk |