

单词 齐心协力

See also:


work as one
be of one mind


mental and physical efforts


unite in common effort


center of force

External sources (not reviewed)

我敦促在座各位继齐心协力、更 加紧密地协 作,以消除种族主义,使这个世界成为一个更安全、 更和谐的地方,从而造福所有人。
I urge everyone here to
[...] continue to speak with one voice, to unite in our efforts and to collaborate [...]
more intensively, in
order to combat racism and to make the world a safer, more harmonious place for all.
[...] 年,金伯利进程证书制度(金伯利制度)生效, 各国政府、民间社会和钻石行 齐心协力 , 以 求“制止”冲突钻石贸易。
With the backing of the United Nations,
the Kimberley Process Certification
[...] Scheme (KPCS) came into force in 2003 when Governments, [...]
civil society and the diamond
industry came together to “end” the trade in conflict diamonds.
全球金融危机表明,我们必 齐心协力 度 过这一 国际困境,以便维持在实现包括千年发展目标在内的 国际发展目标方面所取得的成果。
The global financial crisis demonstrated the significance of
weathering this international
[...] predicament through concerted efforts in order to preserve [...]
the gains that were achieved in
the realization of the international development goals, including the MDGs.
过去 20
[...] 年来,巴西举国上下都对艾滋病作出了反应,从而 促使各类国家和国际组齐心协力, 共 同控制和扭转这种流行病的传播蔓延。
Over the past 20 years, the Brazilian national response to HIV has brought together a highly
diverse group of national and international
[...] bodies in a joint effort to contain and reverse [...]
the spread of the epidemic.
但 是,单靠它一国,无法取得进展:要推进《条约》 最终目标的实现,需要所有国 齐心协力 , 当 然, 这不应成为不作为的借口。
It could not advance alone, however: progress
towards the ultimate goal of the
[...] Treaty required the concerted efforts of all, although [...]
that should not be a pretext for inaction.
[...] 棘手的问题,他敦促所有与会代表,不管结果如何,都要秉承二十五年前参加 《蒙特利尔议定书》谈判的前辈们所展示的果敢精神参与讨论,同时牢记所有 国家,无论大小和贫富,都有义 齐心协力 保 护 地球。
At the current meeting parties would again be discussing some difficult matters and he urged all delegates, regardless of the outcomes, to participate in the discussions with the bold spirit shown by those who had negotiated the Montreal Protocol twenty-five years
earlier, remembering the
[...] obligation of all nations, large, small, rich or poor, to act together for the protection of [...]
the planet.
齐心协力,把工作的重点放在了千年发展目 标(如“起立活动”)和其他一些旗舰活动上,如联合国就兴奋剂的预防和宣传内容对里约 [...]
Great emphasis and joint efforts were put on the MDGs [...]
(“Stand-up campaign”, for instance) and other flagship activities
such as United Nations collaboration for doping prevention and education contents for the recent Pan-American Games in Rio de Janeiro.
最后,我们要赞扬特别代表努力支持区域倡议与 合作,以便使所有区域行为 齐心协力 , 为 实现阿富 汗和区域稳定、繁荣与持久和平这一共同目标而奋 斗。
Finally, we wish to commend the efforts of the Special Representative in support of regional initiatives and cooperation in order to bring all regional actors together around the common goal of achieving stability, prosperity and lasting peace in Afghanistan and the region.
不过,经济及社会理事会关于联合国政府间森林论坛第六届会议的成果的第 2006/49 号决议第 5 段敦促各齐心协力,确保作出持久的高级别政治承诺,加 强执行方式,包括金融资源,提供支助,特别是支助发展中国家(包括小岛屿发 [...]
However, in Economic and Social Council resolution 2006/49 on the outcome of the sixth session of
the Forum, in paragraph 5, countries
[...] are urged to make concerted efforts to secure sustained [...]
high-level political commitment
to strengthen the means of implementation, including financial resources, to provide support, in particular for developing countries, including small island developing States, in order to achieve the global objectives on forests and to promote sustainable forest management.
安理会鼓励所有利比里亚人继续支持合法的政治进程,保持最大 限度的克制齐心协力促进 持久的和平与稳定,同时参与重要的和解努力。
The Council encouraged all Liberians to remain committed to the legitimate political process, to exercise maximum restraint, and to work together to promote enduring peace and stability and to engage in a meaningful reconciliation effort.
因此,我们共同起草国呼吁文件 A/C.1/65/L.61 所载修正案的主要提案国撤回其提案,加入共识齐 心协力支持《联合国行动纲领》。
We the co-authors therefore appeal to the main sponsors of the amendments contained in document
A/C.1/65/L.61 to withdraw their proposal, to
[...] join the consensus and to work together in supporting [...]
the United Nations Programme of Action.
建设和平需要无限的耐心,需要每一天、每一周 给予关心,需齐心协力,与 平民百姓连为一体,接 近他们,听他们倾诉,与他们沟通,使他们感到领导 人确实关心他们的疾苦、需求和梦想。
Peace must be built block by block, community by community, and it requires unlimited patience and care every day, every week, through working together, connecting with common people, being accessible to them, listening and communicating, making them feel that leaders do care about their suffering, needs and dreams.
被称为国难的艾滋病毒/ 艾滋病又加剧了这一状 况,需齐心协力应对该流行病。
This is compounded by of HIV-AIDS which has been declared as a national
[...] disaster, allowing for coordinated efforts against the pandemic.
最后,加勒比共同体强调有必 齐心协力 改善 全世界人民的命运,实现《千年宣言》的目标。
Finally, the Caribbean Community wished
[...] to stress that concerted action was needed [...]
to improve the situation of the world’s
people and to achieve the goals contained in the Millennium Declaration.
这个结果证明我齐心协力时可 以取得的成果是惊人的:在中国农村出生缺陷比例的降幅达85%,而学到的经验教训已成为全世界产前保健的金科玉律。
The results were as stunning as they were indicative of what we can accomplish when we work together: in rural China birth defects fell up to 85 percent, and the lessons learned have become the gold standard for prenatal care around the world.
在中国期间,丽贝卡将住在当地人家里,参观当地工厂,她自己拥有和希望拥有的很多东西(时装、手机、平板电视)都是中国制造,她还将亲眼见证一个人口大国朝着同一个目 齐心协力 所 取 得的成就:个人在大规模生产、组织和奋斗中取得进步。
While Rebekkah is in China she will stay with a host family, visit factories where much of the objects she owns or aspires to own (fashion clothing, mobile phones, flat-screen TVs) are produced and witness first hand what can be achieved when a
massive-scale, national population pulls
[...] together towards one common goal: individual improvement [...]
through mass production, organization and hard work.
这样长期的 心理创伤要求各国、民众社会和其他行为 齐心协力 地 解 决酷刑受害者的伸张正 义和康复需求。
He considers it an essential prerequisite for him to effectively carry out his mandate of assessing the situation of torture worldwide, through country visits, and formulating relevant recommendations to eradicate torture and ill-treatment.
[...] 法律约束力的明确承诺的框架内和一个与遵守情况直接相关的财政机制下,如 果所有地方利益攸关齐心协力,全 球性问题是如何得到解决的。
It had shown how global problems could be resolved if all local
stakeholders joined forces with a framework
[...] for clear, legally binding commitments and [...]
a financial mechanism that was directly linked to compliance.
显然,坎昆,坎昆会议正在迅速临近已不是秘密,我认为这次访问正是美国和中 齐心协力 、 设 法朝着在(坎昆)取得成果而工作的坚定努力的证据。
It's no secret, obviously, that Cancun, the Cancun meeting is approaching
rapidly, and I think this visit is
[...] evidence of the strong efforts that the United [...]
States and China are putting in together
to try to work toward a successful outcome there.
认识到不扩散核武器条约缔约国 2010 年审议大会在其《最后文件》5
[...] 中,鼓 励建立更多的无核武器区,并表示希望继这一鼓励后,国际社 齐心协力 , 在 世 界上目前不存在无核武器区的地区,特别是中东建立无核武器区
Recognizing that the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, in its final document,5 encouraged the establishment of further nuclear-weapon-free zones, and expressing the hope
that this encouragement will
[...] be followed by concerted international efforts to create nuclear-weapon-free [...]
zones in areas
in the world where they do not currently exist, especially in the Middle East
(c) 请秘书处与森林合作伙伴关系的有关成员以及标准和指标进程和其他 区域和次区域进齐心协力,编 写综合分析报告,还请秘书处与粮农组织在这 一方面进行协作和合作
Request the secretariat to develop synergies, with relevant members of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, as well as
criteria and indicator processes and other regional and subregional
[...] processes, to prepare consolidated analytical reports, and further request the secretariat to engage in collaboration and cooperation [...]
with the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in this regard
从现在到 2015 年,需要做的工作很多,但是只要我 齐心协力, 将会带来变化。
Between now and 2015 much more needs to be done, but together we will make a difference.
技转中心在发展和推广技术转让、技术能力建设、建立信息网络和技能开 发的方法和做法方面拥有30多年的经验和专业知识 齐心协力 协 助 本区域的国 家创建一个支持创新和高效技术转让的环境,并将重点放在中小企业上。
With over 30 years of experience and expertise in developing and popularizing methodologies and practices for technology transfer, technology capacity-building,
information networking
[...] and skills development, APCTT is making a concerted effort to assist the [...]
countries of the region
in creating an environment that can support innovation and efficient technology transfer, with an emphasis on small and medium-sized enterprises.
不过,她相信,凭齐心 协力、承诺和奉献精神,能够克服眼前面临的困难。
However, she was
[...] convinced that, with concerted efforts, commitment and [...]
dedication, the difficulties that lay ahead could be overcome.
澳大利亚沃加沃加原族 (Wiradjuri) 代表阿马拉.格若姆
[...] (Amala Groom) 重点强调了所有原住民应齐心协力 , 利 用现有的关系网络来维护原住民的权利。
Amala Groom, representing the Wiradjuri people of Australia, [...]
highlighted the need for all indigenous peoples to work together
and use existing networks to further their cause.
中国教育部还承诺在其监管下,理工类大学数量翻两番, 齐心协力 提 高 理工类大学的研究实力、产出质量,尤其是商业适用性。
China’s national Ministry of Education has also pledged to quadruple the number of technical
universities under its supervision
[...] and is making concerted efforts to raise their research status, output [...]
quality and in particular,
their commercial applicability.
我们依靠杰出的制造团队协调公司在欧洲、亚洲和美国的运营 齐心协力 , 恪 守制造质优价廉产品的承诺。Parlex [...]
是全球动力相关业务领导者 Johnson Electric 的全资子公司。
We are anchored in our commitment to quality and cost
effective product by an exceptional
[...] manufacturing team that coordinates operations in [...]
Europe, Asia, and the U.S. Parlex is a wholly
owned subsidiary of Johnson Electric, the world leader in motion related businesses.
一些发言者欢迎厄瓜多尔的提议, 齐心协力 实 施 一种机制,根据多边贸 易规则,通过对替代发展包括预防性替代发展方案产生的产品采用全球通用印 [...]
章,刺激国际市场的活力,便利和保护已受影响和易受影响地区原产合法的增 值产品的生产、营销和消费。
Several speakers welcomed the proposal
[...] of Ecuador to join forces for the implementation [...]
of a mechanism to stimulate the dynamics
of the international market and to facilitate and protect the production, marketing and consumption of products of licit origin, with aggregate value, originating in affected and vulnerable areas, through a global stamp for products stemming from alternative development programmes, including preventive alternative development, in accordance with the rules of multilateral trade.
回顾不扩散核武器条约缔约国 2000 年审议大会在其《最后文件》中,除其
他外,重申深信建立无核武器区会增强全球和区域的和平与安全,加强核不扩散 制度,并有助于实现核裁军的目标,2 欢迎《中亚无核武器区条约》于 2009 年 3 月 21 日生效,建立非洲无核武器 区的《佩林达巴条约》3 于
[...] 2009 年 7 月 15 日生效,表示希望继这些重要的步骤 后,国际社齐心协力,在世界其他地区,特别是中东建立无核武器区
Recalling that the 2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in its final document, inter alia, reaffirmed the conviction that the establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zones enhances global and regional peace and security, strengthens the nuclear non-proliferation regime and contributes towards realizing the objectives of nuclear disarmament,2 Welcoming the entry into force, on 21 March 2009, of the Treaty on a NuclearWeapon-Free Zone in Central Asia and the entry into force, on 15 July 2009, of the Treaty of Pelindaba,3 which establishes a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Africa,
and expressing the hope that these important steps will
[...] be followed by concerted international efforts to create nuclear-weapon-free [...]
zones in
other areas in the world, especially in the Middle East
这几个字传达了 Glen Raven 的核心信念,即在一个充满信任、互相尊重和创新 的环境中,所有人才秉持相同的价值观并胸怀共同的目标,当他齐心协力工作时,一切皆有可能。
These four words express Glen Raven’s core belief that anything is possible when talented people with shared values and a common purpose work together in an environment of trust, mutual respect and innovation.




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