

单词 鼻饲法

See also:


nose n
mouth n
forehead n


feed v


External sources (not reviewed)

用于治疗皮肤(包括电离子透入疗法/超声透入 法 ) 、耳 、 鼻 、 眼 、口、齿龈和肛周 科疾病的外用制剂不属于禁用,也无须任何治疗用药豁免。
Topical preparations when used for
dermatological (including
[...] iontophoresis/phonophoresis), auricular, nasal, ophthalmic, buccal, [...]
gingival and perianal disorders are
not prohibited and do not require any form of Therapeutic Use Exemption.
最后,丹麦指出,虽然需要进一步开展动饲 养方面的工作,但电子工作组法就 开 展这项工作 法 典 适宜机制达成一致。
In concluding the presentation, Denmark noted that although there
was a need for
[...] further work on animal feeding, the electronic working group could not reach consensus on a suitable mechanism for Codex to carry [...]
out this work.
Don’t believe the old wives’ tale
[...] that a child with a nosebleed should place his [...]
head between his knees or tip his head back.
其他代表团支持拟议工作并认识到动物饲养对安全食品生产的重要性;这些代表团 也强调需要评估与动饲养有关的相 法 典 文本中的缺欠,针 饲 料 中存在污染物的危险 性修订现有操作规范。
Other delegations supported the proposed work and recognised the importance of animal feeding to the production of safe food; these delegations also highlighted the need to assess the gaps in
relevant Codex
[...] documents in relation to animal feed and to amend existing codes of practice to consider the [...]
risks arising from
the presence of contaminants in feed.
这是食品法典委员 会推荐在一种食品、农业商品或动 饲 料 中 或表 法 定 允 许的或认为可接受的某种农药 残留的最大含量。
It is the maximum concentration of a pesticide residue that
is recommended by the Codex
[...] Alimentarius Commission to be legally permitted or recognized [...]
as acceptable in or on a food, agricultural commodity or animal feed.
食典委对讨论做出结论,全力支持开展动 饲 养 法 典 工 作。
The Commission concluded its discussion recognising the full support for
[...] further Codex work on animal feeding.
這些對商㆟的 嘉獎當然是實至名歸的,而本港的商㆟也向世界展示了當技術和勤奮與機會相配合時 所能夠產生的效果,以及不會對唯利是圖的 法 嗤 之 以 鼻 的 經 濟制度。
Such an accolade is of course deserved and our businessmen have shown the world what can be done when skill and hard work are linked to opportunity and the kind of economic system which has not regarded profit as a dirty word.
[...] 以下活动:世界动物卫生组织动物生产食品安全工作组;世界动物卫生组织关于沙门 氏菌和涉及动物生产的其它食源性疾病的工作,考虑到食品卫生委员会和世卫组织的 工作;成立一个动物饲养标准专家工作组;以及与粮农组织合作制定优 饲 养 方 法指 南
The Director-General of the OIE informed the Commission of the OIE activities relevant to Codex in several areas: the OIE Animal Production Food Safety Working Group; the work of OIE on Salmonella and other foodborne diseases related to animal production, taking into account the work of the Committee on Food Hygiene and WHO; the establishment of
an expert group on
[...] standards for animal feeding; and the development of a guide for good farming practices in collaboration with FAO.
在今㆝這個大日子,我們應該對政府所謂向立法局負責的 法 嗤 之 以 鼻。
Today of all days we should be pouring scorn on the Government’s so-called
[...] accountability to the Legislative Council.
其实法很简 单,例如生产沼气直接供农场使用,或回收农业 和畜牧业残留物当作能源原料、牲 饲 料 和 农业肥料。
They could be fairly simple, such as producing biogas for direct on-farm use, or rather sophisticated, with recycling of crop and livestock residues as energy feedstock, animal food and crop fertilizer.
These actions will not stop the bleeding.
市場上壁紙花色繁多,但材質也很多,其中紙基 PVC 壁紙 占一大半,原材料成本相對比較低,一些進口 PVC
[...] 壁紙標價很高,所以侃價時不要太客氣,這類壁紙可以通過撕(有明顯的兩層結構,表層有彈性)、燒(有黑色濃煙和 鼻 的 味 道)等 法 簡 單 鑒別出來。
Wallpaper a great variety in the market, but the material there are many, half of which is paper-based PVC wallpaper, raw material costs are relatively low, some imported PVC wallpaper list prices are high, so you don't be too polite kanjia, this type of wallpaper you can tear (there is a clear two-tier
structure, flexible surface), burn (with thick black smoke and the
[...] pungent smell of) simple methods such as identified.
當局再次向我們推介這隻已經絕種的動物,只顯 示政府最高層對即使是最溫和的民主模式也嗤之 鼻。
Again, in reintroducing an animal that had already become extinct, it only serves to show the abhorrence of even the mildest form of democracy at the highest echelon of the Government.
一開始的清純花果香,在飄散的瞬間 鼻 而 來 的是由洋梨、香橘與甜桃皮組成的前調,如同搖滾樂瞬間節奏的開場;漸入香調的核心,由忍冬植物、茉莉與荷花,帶來清新與誘惑的味道,就像旋律由內心釋放出來,引領聽者到更高的境界;而在香調的一連串音符譜出搖滾的高低起伏,最後演奏的,是由深切的木香所組成,雪松木、琥珀與香草,讓這首搖滾旋律散發能量,並以最溫暖的味道結尾,讓香味自己譜出一曲搖滾樂,讓聆聽者隨著樂曲的律動,感受ANNA [...] [...]
At the start of the pure fruit,
[...] in one moment the nostrils is made of pear, orange [...]
and peach skin consisting of top notes,
like rock and roll moment rhythmic opening; gradually into the core by scent, honeysuckle, jasmine and Lily, bringing fresh and enticing flavor, like the melody from the heart released, lead the listener to the higher level; and in accord with a crosstalk spectrum of rock ups and downs, the last play, is a deep woody composition, cedar wood, amber and vanilla, let it rock melody distributed energy, and the most warm smell of ending, let the fragrance spectrum out of a rock, let the listener with the music rhythm, feeling of ANNA SUI rock queen rock charm.
独特的“连续鉴定运法则”对整 饲 料 量在一天内进行分配,促进奶牛频繁前往饲喂站,养成本能、没有压力的进食模式。
The unique
[...] “continuous qualification algorithm” which provides for the full feed allocation to [...]
be apportioned throughout
the day, promotes frequent visits to the feed station and natural, stress-free eating patterns.
芬兰代表团代表欧共体出席本届会议的成员国发言时指出,动 饲 养 法 典 工 作组 原先的工作非常有效,显然需要重新成立该工作组以补充以下有关工作:(i) [...]
在饲料领 域应用 HACCP 系统;(ii) 在全球一级制定处理饲料紧急情况的详细规则;(iii)
尽量减 少饲料中不可取物质的良好规范和适当时确定最大限量。
The Delegation of Finland, speaking on behalf of the Member States of the European Community present at the current
session, indicated that former work
[...] of the Codex Task Force on Animal Feeding was very effective [...]
and that there was a clear need
to re-establish the Task Force to complement work on (i) application of HACCP system in feed area; (ii) development of detailed rules at the global level in dealing with feed emergency situations and (iii) good practices in minimizing undesirable substances in feed and establishing maximum limits where appropriate.
[...] 此决定增加雨水灌溉农业的产出,推动灌溉,将牲饲养方法现代 化并落实有力的环保政策。
As we believe that drought does not need to necessarily bring about famine, we have decided to increase the yields of rainfed
agriculture, to promote irrigation, to modernize
[...] livestock-raising methods and to implement [...]
a robust policy of environmental protection.
该公司支持科拉人民的农业经营活动;建造一个 5 万立升大坝 和灌溉池;通过颁发奖学金改进科拉青少年的教育机会;为土著社区提供金融服 务和实物服务;支持智利政府为合法化目的进行的土地测量,提供动 饲 养 新方 法培训;支持科拉人民的传统医药。
It supports the Colla peoples through agricultural business activities; the construction of a 50,000 litre dam and irrigation pool; improved educational opportunities for Colla youth by awarding scholarships; the provision of financial and in kind services to indigenous communities; support for land surveying
undertaken by the
[...] Government of Chile for legalization purposes; the provision of training on new methods of animal husbandry; and support [...]
for the traditional medicine of the Colla peoples.
基于全混日粮(TMR)和部分混合日粮(PMR)的饲喂系统日益成为牛奶生产中备受青睐 饲 喂 方 法。
Feeding systems based on a Total
Mixed Ration (TMR) or a partly mixed ration (PMR) have increasingly
[...] become the chosen feeding method in milk production.
為支持癌症教育,本院綜合腫瘤科中心於2006年3月24日參與由醫院管理局臨床腫瘤科中央統籌委員會、香港防癌會及香港臨床腫瘤學會聯合舉辦之「透視廿一世 鼻 咽 癌新 療 法 」 活 動。
In support of cancer education in Hong Kong, the Comprehensive Oncology Centre (COC) of the Hospital participated in the programme "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: New Treatment Perspectives in 21st Century" jointly organized by the Hospital Authority's Clinical Oncology Central Coordinating Committee, Hong
Kong Anti-Cancer Society and Hong Kong Society of Clinical Oncology on 24
[...] March 2006 at the Hospital Authority Building.
在 沒 有 事 實支持的 情況下,堅持現行制 度較成立贍 養 費 局會更好的法,只 是 “ 口鼻 拗 ” 的 問題,法 有 理 性 的 辯 論 。
It is meaningless to argue without any substantial proof
that the existing
[...] mechanism is better than an alimony council; no rational debates could be conducted under [...]
such circumstances.
病人DIY治疗是自我管理的.通过一种便携式 L L N B 鼻 喷 枪放 进 鼻 子 , 使光线 法 可 以 交付墙上 鼻 腔。
The low level narrow band therapy treatment is self-administered by the
patient by clipping the
[...] applicator to the nose so that the low level narrow band therapy light therapy can be delivered in the walls of the nasal cavity.
86 萨米人理事会 建议芬兰:颁布立法,承认萨米人民的土地和自然资源权;实行立法,要求采掘
[...] 行业在他们的地区开展工业活动之前获得有关萨米族驯鹿放牧社区自由、事先和 知情的同意;并在涉及到土地和自然资源权的案件中向萨米族驯 鹿 饲 养 社 区提法律援助。
It recommended measures to re-establish a constructive dialogue with the Sami Parliament to bring a solution to the legal uncertainty over land rights in the Sami Homeland.86SM recommended that Finland: enact legislation recognizing the Sami people’s right to land and natural resources; introduce legislation that requires the extractive industry to obtain the free, prior and informed consent of concerned Sami reindeer herding communities before pursuing industrial activities in their areas, and
provide Sami reindeer herding
[...] communities with legal aid in cases pertaining to rights to lands and [...]
natural resources.87 56.
职权范围 (2011- ...): (a) 制订导则,为成员国政府如何将目前法典风险评估的 法 运 用于 与 饲 料 原料中污染/残留相关的各种危害,包括用于加工食品的动物饲料中的饲料添加剂。
Terms of reference (2011- ...): (a) The development of guidelines, intended for governments on how to apply
the existing Codex
[...] risk assessment methodologies to the various types of hazards related to contaminants/residues in feed ingredients, [...]
including feed additives
used in feedingstuffs for food producing animals.
優越的傳輸與體貼的設計,將保養成份做最有效的傳送100%純天然棉布材質,溫和不刺激,水滴狀與雙切割的設計符合人體工學,完美緊密地服 鼻 翼 柔 眼角外側,緊緻眼部肌膚,深入肌膚深處,快速有效地解決眼部肌膚問題。
Transmission and considerate superior design, the maintenance element of the most effective transmission of 100% pure natural cotton material, not to provoke a mild, water droplet-shaped and double-cut ergonomic design and
perfect service closely affixed to the
[...] outside corner Sophie nose, tight skin to the [...]
eye, in-depth skin deep, rapid eye skin
to effectively solve the problem.
研究團隊相信,如果將這種法應用 在早 鼻 咽 癌 患者身上,並同時進行標準化療及放射治療,患者的存活率將會進一步提升,不過此假設還需進一步驗證。
The study team believes that if this
treatment is to be offered to patients
[...] with earlier stages of NPC, accompanied with the [...]
standard chemotherapy and radiation,
it might further enhance the overall outcome of NPC patients in the future, yet results to be confirmed.




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