

单词 鼻血




See also:


blood n

External sources (not reviewed)

如果鼻血超过 15分钟并伴有严重的损伤或失血过多,请立刻就医或者挂急诊。
If a nosebleed lasts for more [...]
than 15 minutes, occurs following a serious injury or is accompanied by severe blood loss,
visit your doctor or the Emergency Room.
不要听信老太太的说法:让鼻血的 孩 子将头部后倾或埋在膝盖上。
Don’t believe the old wives’ tale that a
[...] child with a nosebleed should place [...]
his head between his knees or tip his head back.
These actions will not stop the bleeding.
在百草枯使用者中,经常发生局部皮肤受损或者皮 炎、眼睛损伤和鼻血。
Localized skin damage or
[...] dermatitis, eye injury and nose bleed occur frequently [...]
among paraquat users.
[...] 9日,機場空運中心一件重達 440磅的貨物突然由高處墮下,一名搬運工人走避不及,被砸傷頭部, 當場鼻噴血昏迷,傷勢非常嚴重。
He lost consciousness right on
[...] the scene, with blood spurting from his mouth and nose.
血劑有噴鼻式和口服劑兩類, 它們可以鼻膜血管收 縮,以達致通鼻塞的作用。
Decongestants is available as nasal spray and oral medications, they work by constricting the blood vessels in the mucosal lining of the nose to relieve nasal congestion.
登革熱本為輕微的疾病,且會自行消退,但會出現嚴重甚至致命的情況,稱之為登革出血熱:食慾不振、嘔吐、腹部劇痛、休克 鼻 孔 或 皮內 血。
While the disease is often mild and self-limiting, a more severe lethal form called Dengue haemorrhagic
fever can occur: Loss of appetite, vomiting, intense abdominal
[...] pain, shock and bleeding from the nose or under the skin.
鼻式抗充血劑的例子有麻黃鹼EPHEDRINE, 賽洛唑啉(XYLOMETAZOLINE)等,它們可在數分鐘內見效,較少會引起全身性的副作用。
Examples of Decongestant nasal sprays include [...]
Ephedrine and Xylometazoline.
这个警察用他右腿膝盖压住申诉人的背,并将塑料 袋向后拉,以致申诉人几乎透不过气,同 血 从 他 鼻 子 、 耳朵和脸上磨损的地方 流出来
This officer then forced his right knee into his back, and began to pull
the plastic bag backwards,
[...] suffocating him until he bled from his nose, ears and from [...]
the abrasions on his face (technique
known as “dry submarino”) before finally losing consciousness.
當局再次向我們推介這隻已經絕種的動物,只顯 示政府最高層對即使是最溫和的民主模式也嗤之 鼻。
Again, in reintroducing an animal that had already become extinct, it only serves to show the abhorrence of even the mildest form of democracy at the highest echelon of the Government.
鼻咽癌患者血清中EB病毒抗体水平与其他恶性肿瘤患者和健康人之间存在非常明显的差异,因 血 清 学 诊断可作 鼻 咽 癌的辅助诊断方法。
As the EB virus
[...] antibody level of nasopharyngeal cancer patients is obviously different from that of other malignant cancer patients and healthy people, serodiagnosis can be used as an assistant method to diagnose nasopharyngeal cancer.
主 治 陽 明 氣 分 熱 盛 、 壯 熱 面 赤 、 煩 渴 欲 飲 、 汗 出 惡 熱 、 脈 洪 大 有 力 而 浮 滑
[...] 、 胃 火 旺 頭 痛 、 齒 痛鼻 衄 、 牙 齦血 、 日 射 病 及 原 因 不 明 的 [...]
高 熱 等 。
Excessive heat in the Qi stage of Yang-ming meridian, marked by high fever with flushed face, irritable thirst with desire for drinking, profuse sweating, aversion to heat, strong large but floating and slippery pulse;
exuberant stomach fire resulting in headache,
[...] toothache, epistaxis and gum bleeding, sunstroke and fever with [...]
unknown causes.
接着他把我押到酷刑场,调查员 对我大施拳脚,殴打我的前胸后背,然后集中打我的下半身,直到我倒在地上血从我的鼻子和 嘴里流出来,人几乎昏迷。
He then escorted me to the torture yard, where the investigator fell upon me, beating me from in front and behind, before
concentrating on my lower body, until I
[...] fell to the ground, bleeding heavily from my mouth and nose and almost fainting.
一開始的清純花果香,在飄散的瞬間 鼻 而 來 的是由洋梨、香橘與甜桃皮組成的前調,如同搖滾樂瞬間節奏的開場;漸入香調的核心,由忍冬植物、茉莉與荷花,帶來清新與誘惑的味道,就像旋律由內心釋放出來,引領聽者到更高的境界;而在香調的一連串音符譜出搖滾的高低起伏,最後演奏的,是由深切的木香所組成,雪松木、琥珀與香草,讓這首搖滾旋律散發能量,並以最溫暖的味道結尾,讓香味自己譜出一曲搖滾樂,讓聆聽者隨著樂曲的律動,感受ANNA [...] [...]
At the start of the pure fruit,
[...] in one moment the nostrils is made of pear, orange [...]
and peach skin consisting of top notes,
like rock and roll moment rhythmic opening; gradually into the core by scent, honeysuckle, jasmine and Lily, bringing fresh and enticing flavor, like the melody from the heart released, lead the listener to the higher level; and in accord with a crosstalk spectrum of rock ups and downs, the last play, is a deep woody composition, cedar wood, amber and vanilla, let it rock melody distributed energy, and the most warm smell of ending, let the fragrance spectrum out of a rock, let the listener with the music rhythm, feeling of ANNA SUI rock queen rock charm.
(c) 放寬對包含在標明作紓緩過敏鼻炎 症 狀之用的藥劑製品中 的氯雷他定及其鹽類的管制,把它們豁除於第一部毒藥(須在 [...]
註冊藥劑師在場監督下於藥房出售)以外,並改列為第二部毒 藥,使其除藥房外也可在藥行發售,並無需註冊藥劑師監售。
(c) relax the control of loratadine and its salts when contained in pharmaceutical
products labelled for the relief of the
[...] symptoms of allergic rhinitis by excluding them [...]
from Part I poisons, which can only be
sold in pharmacies in the presence and under the supervision of a registered pharmacist, and reclassifying them as Part II poisons, so that they can be sold by pharmacies as well as medicine companies, and their sale would not be required to be conducted in the presence and under the supervision of registered pharmacists.
(x) 穿着制服的警務人員可要求`未能通過'初步測試
[...] (即口腔液測試或行為反應測試)的人士提 血 液及 /或尿液樣本作化驗分析,從而確定其體內是否含 [...]
(x) A police officer in uniform may require a person who ‘fails’ the preliminary
tests (i.e. oral fluid test or impairment
[...] test) to provide blood or/and urine specimens [...]
for laboratory analysis with regard
to the presence and amount of drugs for determination of prosecution.
[...] 和照顾难民儿童;水、保健、环境卫生和防止 血 ; 男女平等、防止性暴力和基 于性别的暴力;难民登记;公众信息;公共部门投资;重新定居项目;研究、评 [...]
Global Programmes cover activities related to promotion of refugee law and advocacy; protection and care of
refugee children; water, health, sanitation
[...] and prevention of anaemia; gender equality, [...]
prevention of sexual and gender-based
violence; refugee registration; public information; public sector fund raising; resettlement projects; and research, evaluation and documentation.
根據在香港進行,並已在世界 生組織 (“世 ")SARS 工作坊發表的研究結果顯示,影響死亡 率的病人臨床概況包括:(1)年齡 ─ 年齡在 65 歲以上的 人的死亡風險,為年齡為 35 至 64 歲的人的十二點七倍;(2) 性別 ─ 男性的死亡風險為女性的二點五倍;(3)同時染 有其他病患 ─ 患有若干長期疾病而染有 SARS 的人的死 亡風險,為沒有同時染有其他病患的人的十點九倍;及(4) 病情的嚴重性 ─ 這些變項,血 氧 未 飽和度等對患有嚴 重疾病的病人影響較大,亦引致較高的死亡風險。
According to studies performed in Hong Kong and reported in the World Health Organization (WHO) workshop, patient clinical profiles which influence mortality include: (1) age — persons over the age of 65 have a 12.7-fold risk of death as compared to those aged 35-64; (2) sex — men have a 2.5-fold risk as compared to women; (3) co-morbidity — patients who have certain chronic illnesses co-existing with SARS also have a 10.9-fold risk of mortality as compared to those without co-existing chronic illnesses; and (4) severity of illness — patients with more severe disease inferred by such variables as oxygen desaturation also have a high mortality.
優越的傳輸與體貼的設計,將保養成份做最有效的傳送100%純天然棉布材質,溫和不刺激,水滴狀與雙切割的設計符合人體工學,完美緊密地服 鼻 翼 柔 眼角外側,緊緻眼部肌膚,深入肌膚深處,快速有效地解決眼部肌膚問題。
Transmission and considerate superior design, the maintenance element of the most effective transmission of 100% pure natural cotton material, not to provoke a mild, water droplet-shaped and double-cut ergonomic design and
perfect service closely affixed to the
[...] outside corner Sophie nose, tight skin to the [...]
eye, in-depth skin deep, rapid eye skin
to effectively solve the problem.
最近的一项研究发现:随着年龄增长,南方汉族人头宽、额最小宽、面宽、眼内角间宽、眼外角间宽、唇高、红唇厚度、头围、耳上头高、头长宽指数、头长高指数、口指数值呈线性下降规律 鼻 宽 、 口宽、形态面高、上唇皮肤部高度、容貌耳长、容貌耳宽、面颊皮褶、头面高指数值呈线性上升规律。
With age increases, the head breadth, minimum frontal breadth, face breadth, interocular breadth, external biocular breadth, lip height, thickness of lips, head circumference, auricular height, length- breadth index of head, length-height index of head and lip indices’
values of Han in Southern China appeared
[...] a linear decline, Nose breadth, mouth breadth, [...]
morphological facial height, upper
lip height, physiognomic ear length, physiognomic ear breadth, visor skin-fold and vertical head-facial indices’ values increased in a linear fashion as age increased.




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