

单词 鼓气

鼓气 ()

swell up
blow air into sth
puff up
(fig.) encourage

气鼓鼓 ()




take courage


in a spurt of energy

See also:


drum n
drums pl


External sources (not reviewed)

(i) 鼓励气候变化和减灾机构、联络点以及专家与发展政策制定者及实施 [...]
者进行系统对话、信息交流和联合工作,应加强气候变化适应界与灾 害风险管理界之间的协作(德爱基金会)。
(i) Systematic dialogue, information exchange and joint
[...] working between climate change and [...]
disaster reduction bodies, focal points and experts,
in collaboration with development policy-makers and practitioners should be encouraged, and there should be increased collaboration between the climate change adaptation and disaster risk management communities (Tearfund).
无极灯——作为新型光源的重要代表,在国内外都引起了强烈的市场反响,正当宏源准备 鼓 作 气 、 乘 势而上之时,欧司朗觊觎宏源无极灯的广泛市场前景和潜力,对宏源无极灯的知识产权提出了无端的侵犯。
As Hongyuan was in a favorable situation, OSRAM cast greedy eyes on the induction lamp’s broad market possibilities and potential and infringed upon the intellectual property right of Hongyuan induction lamps.
他们鼓起勇气开始 对话,现在必须保持取得进展的 勇气,并且要以智慧和政治家风范,领导各自的政府 和人民达成和平协定。
Having summoned the courage to begin, they must now sustain the courage to progress and find the wisdom and statesmanship to lead their Governments and peoples to a peace agreement.
经过一番考虑和一点鼓舞士气的话 ,他奶奶的鬼,诺曼衬托对Prenderghast检索书的住所。
After some consideration and a little pep-talk from his grandmother’s ghost, Norman sets off to Prenderghast’s residence to retrieve the book.
我们欢迎新的和正在形成的与森林有关的筹资举措 鼓 励 在 气 候 变 化与 可持续森林管理活动之间促成协同增效作用,注意到可持续森林管理包括一项实 现森林价值的综合方法。
We welcome new and emerging forest-related financing
[...] initiatives and encourage the promotion of synergies between climate change and [...]
sustainable forest management
activities, noting that sustainable forest management encompasses a comprehensive approach to forest values.
(r) 将信息发送给《气候公约》进程之外的主体, 鼓 励 与 气 候 变 化相关 的积极倡议。
(r) Messages should be sent to actors outside the
[...] UNFCCC process to encourage positive climate [...]
change related initiatives.
因此,科特迪瓦的政治领导人鼓起 勇 气 , 克 服狭隘的党派性并超越个人 目标,将国家利益置于首位,在调解人的主持下参与真诚的对话,以解决他们之 [...]
The Ivorian political leaders should
[...] therefore summon the courage to overcome narrow [...]
partisan and personal goals, put national
interest first, and engage in genuine dialogue, under the auspices of the Facilitator, to resolve their differences.
在第三次会议上,与会者讨论了如 鼓 励 媒 体撰 气 候 变 化问题的报道, 并举行了一次小型培训班,以补充私营通讯公司所作的介绍。
At the third session, participants
[...] discussed ways to encourage the media to write about climate change issues, [...]
and a small training
session was held to complement the presentation made by a private communications company.
马尔达夫在过去一年的表现令鼓舞 , 虽然天 气 进口价格陡增,且向传统市场的红酒出口受到干扰,减缓了增长、刺激了通货膨胀并对银 行系统带来威胁。
Moldova’s performance
[...] last year has been encouraging, despite sharp increases in natural gas import prices [...]
and disruptions in
wine exports to traditional markets, which have slowed growth, fuelled inflation, and posed risks to the banking system.
该小组汇集了约 16 个联 合国机构和国际移民组织的负责人,旨在促进国际社会在移徙政策上的协调一致,它将鼓 励应对气候变 化和环境退化对移徙、流离失所和安置政策的影响。
The Group, which brings together heads of some 16 United Nations agencies and IOM to promote more coherence within the international community on migration policies, will be stimulated to address the impact of climate change and environmental degradation on migration, displacement and resettlement policies.
压力表读数以英寸水柱表示,并且通过一条塑料 软管连接到位鼓风机进气管上 的静态传感器上。
The gauge reads in inches of water column and is connected by poly tubing to a static sensor tip mounted in the blower influent air pipe.
福斯太平洋区总经理Paul Slupecki 说:“ 福斯主要客户与福斯公司的专家们聚集一堂在令 鼓 舞 的 气 氛 中 进行了建设性的对话,特别强调了使用福斯仪器取得的创造性工作。
FOSS Pacific general manager Paul Slupecki said: “Gathering key customers together with FOSS specialists creates a real positive and inspiring atmosphere, with plenty of robust and constructive dialogue.
新成立的气候问题工作组将协调鼓 励 天 基 气 候 监 测领域的 机构间活动。
The newly formed Working Group on Climate will
[...] coordinate and encourage inter-agency activities in the area of space-based climate monitoring.
下列政 策性干预措施很重要,应成为对性别问题有敏感认识的措施:㈠ 平等获得土地、 资源和保有权;㈡
对相关农业研究和推广进行公共投资;㈢ 建立确保人人获得 负担得起的食物的分配制度;㈣ 扩建和改善农村基础设施;㈤
[...] 管理投入和产出 价格,以减少波动性;㈥ 实现金融惠普,为所有农民提供利率可承担的贷款和 保险;㈦ 采取特别干预措施鼓励和促进气 候 变 化的适应。
The following policy interventions are important and should be made gender-sensitive: (i) equal access to land, resources and tenure; (ii) public investment in relevant agricultural research and extension; (iii) distribution systems ensuring access to affordable food for all; (iv) expansion and improvement of rural infrastructure; (v) management of input and output prices to reduce volatility; (vi) financial inclusion and provision of credit and
insurance to all farmers at viable rates; (vii) special
[...] interventions to encourage and facilitate adaptation to climate change
这项战略是以采取干预行动的四大支柱为基础的:加强民间团体 鼓 励 人 们有气维护 自己的信仰,促进外国人融入社会,并针对肇事者及其环境采取措施。
That was based on four pillars of
intervention thus:
[...] strengthening civil society, encouraging people to have the courage to stand up [...]
for their convictions, promoting
the integration of foreigners, and implementing measures directed at perpetrators and their environment.
澳门是奖励有卓越表现人员的理想目的地,他们既可以选择在豪华的度假村内享受写意一刻,或是到处寻找娱乐,挑战充满刺激的冒险,又或参与一些令人振奋的团队建设活动 鼓 励 士 气。
Macau is an ideal incentive destination to reward the very best achievers, whether they want to be pampered at luxurious resorts, be entertained, engage in high adventure or to be part of an exhilarating team building programme.
此外,南非还对”E3+3”伊朗核问题六国集团 与伊朗最近会谈出现积气氛感到鼓 舞。
Furthermore, South Africa is encouraged by the positive atmosphere that appears to have characterized the recent talks between the E3+3 and Iran.
我希望在征集各部门以及公众的意见之后,波兰将会有一套可鼓励页岩气开发 的法律,从而在长期上将页岩气投资者、国家财 [...]
Hopefully, the consultation process among Ministries, and then
with the public, will allow Poland to
[...] develop a law that encourages the development [...]
of the shale gas industry and, in the
long-term, maximizes revenue for shale gas investors, the State Treasury and Poland.
国公委 2011 年年度报告
[...] (A/66/30) 提出一种新的框架,提倡一种“赞赏 气 ” , 鼓 励 工 作人 员承认同事的出色工作或行为。
The ICSC 2011 Annual Report (A/66/30) proposed a new
framework promoting “a ‘culture of
[...] appreciation’ that would encourage staff members to [...]
recognize colleagues for outstanding work or behaviour.
钢铁企业将采用来自鼓风炉 废能的干熄焦发电技术,改造所鼓 风 炉 煤 气发 电,并实施转炉煤气回收。
Iron and steel enterprises will apply coke dry quenching and power generation from the waste energy from blast furnaces, renovate all blast furnace gas power generation, and implement converter gas recovery.
我们强调,体育可以促进和平与发展,有利于创造包容和谅解 气 氛 。鼓励在 大会进行讨论,以拟订体育与发展行动计划的提案。
We underline that sports can foster peace and development and can contribute
to an atmosphere of tolerance and
[...] understanding, and we encourage discussions in the [...]
General Assembly for proposals leading
to a plan of action on sport and development.
鼓励《联合气候变 化框架公约》9 缔约方会议和《联合国气候变化框 架公约京都议定书》10 各缔约方继续根据《公约》的各项规定,应对气候变化的 不利影响,尤其是对特别脆弱的发展中国家的不利影响, 鼓 励 政府 间 气 候 变 化 专门委员会继续评估气候变化对发展中国家的社会经济系统和减少自然灾害系 统的不利影响
Encourages the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the parties to the Kyoto Protocol9to the United Nations Framewor k Convention on Climate Change10 to continue to address the adverse effects of climate change, especially in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, and also encourages the Intergovernmental [...]
Panel on Climate Change to continue to assess
the adverse effects of climate change on the socio-economic and natural disaster reduction systems of developing countries
这座快乐的城市由许多色彩缤纷气 球 组成 , 鼓 励 参 观者在这16,000平方英尺的巨大操场上积极探索。
This happy city is made up of intensely colored
[...] balloon pieces and encourages visitors to be active [...]
and explore the giant 16,000 square foot playground.
(d) 在有针对性的社会研究的基础上,制定气候变化宣传战略,以促进行 为变化,鼓励关于气候变 化的积极宣传,特别是在危机的情况下或在关键的时 刻
(d) Develop communication strategies on climate change on the basis of targeted
social research in order to create
[...] behavioural changes, and encourage active communication [...]
on climate change, in particular in
the case of a crisis or at key moments (e.g. negotiation outcomes, public scepticism, financial crisis)
[...] 我们的水资源和集水区、保护海洋和水产资源、防止气污染、鼓励土壤养护、引进新的创新性农业方法、 促进可再生能源、提倡环保工业、建设健康城镇和住 [...]
房计划、发展爱护环境的运输系统、执行废物管理系 统、使我国适应环境变化以及提高文化认识和教育。
This intervention includes coherent activities to protect our water resources and catchment areas,
protect the oceans and aquatic
[...] resources, prevent air pollution, encourage soil conservation, [...]
introduce innovative new methods
for agriculture, promote renewable energy resources, promote eco-friendly industries, build healthy towns and housing schemes, develop an environmentally friendly transport system, implement waste management systems, prepare the country for environmental change and promote cultural awareness and education.
在能源领域执行的各项政策重点关注以下问题:(a) 向所有人,特别是农村 和偏远地区的人民提供现代能源服务和物资;(b) 对能源设施进行经济管理,包 括审查当前的收费情况;(c) 鼓励对钻井和生产石油和天气以及 使用较清洁技 术领域进行投资;(d) 推动区域和区域间层面的电力和天 气 网 络 项目; ( e) 鼓 励私 营部门参与建立和管理能源设施;(f) 提高能源利用效率,同时更多使用较 清洁燃料和可再生能源技术;(g) 倡导使用公共交通和铁路,同时支持修建区域 和次区域公路网络,为贸易和运输提供便利。
In the area of energy, the policies that are pursued focus on the following: (a) providing modern energy services and supplies to the whole population and, in particular, in rural and remote regions; (b) economic management of energy facilities,
including the review of
[...] current tariffs; (c) encouraging investment in the fields of drilling for and producing oil and gas and the use of cleaner technology; (d) promoting projects for electricity and natural gas networks at the regional and interregional levels; (e) encouraging the participation of [...]
the private sector in
the establishment and management of energy facilities; (f) improving energy efficiency while expanding the use of cleaner fuel and renewable energy technology; (g) promoting the use of public transport and railways while supporting the construction of regional and subregional road networks in order to facilitate trade and transport.
黎巴嫩目前相对平静气氛令我感 鼓 舞 ,不过我呼 吁黎巴嫩领导人力行克制,特别是在竞选活动中,并且确保在没有暴力、恐吓和 [...]
While I am encouraged by the climate of relative calm [...]
that currently prevails in Lebanon, I call upon all Lebanese leaders
to exercise restraint, particularly in the context of the campaign, and ensure that the elections are conducted in a free and fair manner and in an environment free of violence, intimidation and incitement.
近年来,已经制定了一系列计划来解决低能源效 率的问题,比如,提倡 10 项节能行动、列出能耗 排名前 1000 位的企业、淘汰低效率发电站和工 厂、依据能效对发电站实行关停并转、需求侧能源 效率管理、清洁煤炭倡议、利用煤层 气 和 废煤 炭鼓励绿 色照明,提高交通运输的能源效率,对 城市和农村进行环境管理,能效标签和认证。
They were triggered when elevated international prices started stimulating large investments in energy-intensive industries, particularly copper, aluminium, and steel. stations and industrial plants, power generation dispatch scheduling based on energy efficiency, demand-side energy efficiency management, clean coal initiative, use of coal-bed methane and waste coal, green light stimulation, energy efficiency in transportation, urban and rural environment management, and energy-efficient labelling and certification.
为了进行更加全面的保护鼓励各 国根据国际法采取各种适当的措施与其他有关国家进行合 作,以便确立有关的司法管辖权,并对那些犯有或下令犯有上述行为(VII.个人的刑事责任)并在 [...]
For the purposes of more comprehensive
[...] protection, each State is encouraged to take all appropriate [...]
measures, in accordance with international
law, to cooperate with other States concerned with a view to establishing jurisdiction over, and providing effective criminal sanctions against, those persons who have committed or have ordered to be committed acts referred to above (VII – Individual criminal responsibility) and who are found present on its territory, regardless of their nationality and the place where such act occurred.
關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家;
[...] 支,以便把節省下來的款項重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效,例 鼓 勵 藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 [...]
Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the operation of arts programmes so that the savings could be re-allocated to the use of arts development; (e) examine the effectiveness of the current
funding policy in achieving the
[...] policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced [...]
development of arts and culture;
and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.




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