单词 | 鼓手 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 鼓手 noun —drummers pldancer nSee also:鼓 n—drum n • drums pl 鼓—bulge • swell • rouse
高中畢業後正式任職鼓手,曾加入40大Cover樂隊作公開表演。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Joins the top 40 cover band and played at clubs in US and Canada. tomleemusic.com.hk |
Thomas Lang 曾經在許多鼓樂雜誌中說過,我是其中一位對他有重大影響 的 鼓手。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Thomas Lang has said in various drum magazines that I’m one of his biggest influences. tomleemusic.com.hk |
在这方面,鼓是特别重要的,将在非洲和美 洲 鼓手 会 议 上着重讨论鼓 的问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Drums have been particularly important in that regard and could be highlighted in a meeting of drummers from Africa [...] and the Americas. unesdoc.unesco.org |
讓人印象最深刻的是Pink Floyd鼓手Nick Mason及Eric Clapton的對談,兩人分享了關於個人的Ferrari經驗及看法。 think-silly.com | The conversation [...] between Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason and [...]Eric Clapton, on Ferrari, is particularly impressive. think-silly.com |
由原本主唱Xavier、結他手Médéric、低音結 他 手 P e d ro 和 鼓手 S y l vain組成,到現在的六人組合, Tahiti 80 一如以往繼續為樂迷獻上最精彩的音樂。 frenchmay.com | Tahiti 80 initially formed by multi instrumentalists: Xavier Boyer, Médéric Gontier, Sylvain Marchand & Pedro Resende, is now a six-piece unit. frenchmay.com |
原来Adam是电子工程毕业的,Marci是个 鼓手 , Lu cy来Methven为了学跳伞。 4tern.com | Adam graduated from electrical [...] engineering, Marci is a drummer, Lucy is here [...]for the sky diving lesson. 4tern.com |
2003年,他和来自“波尔罗格和克罗姆希尔”乐队(Ballrogg- and Chrome Hill)的贝斯提琴手安特曾和来自“克里斯特•克努森”乐队(Christer Knutsen)的鼓手豪克 森在位于奥斯陆的挪威音乐学院共同成立了“乡村之声”乐队。 norway.org.cn | He formed In The Country with Ballrogg- and Chrome Hill bass player Roger Arntzen and Christer Knutsen drummer Pål Hausken at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo in 2003. norway.cn |
乍一看,爱马仕手表散发出的那种平和宁静:外壳是和谐,没有大张 旗 鼓手 镯 , 精确的动作。 zh.horloger-paris.com | At first [...] glance, Hermes watches exude a sort of serene placidity: housings are harmonious, bracelets without fanfare, precise movements. en.horloger-paris.com |
来到中国!当代世界最卓越的两位爵士音乐家,林肯中心爵士乐团常任小号演奏家Ryan Kis or 和 鼓手 W i l li e Jones III,无论在音乐上还是技术上都以能力精湛而闻名,他们的音乐受到世界各地爵士音乐家和观众的共同喜爱。 yugongyishan.com | Described as two of the world’s most outstanding jazz musicians today, [...] the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra trumpeter [...] Ryan Kisor and drummer Willie Jones [...]III are both consummate artists known for [...]their rare musical and technical ability, and their music has been the favorite among jazz musicians and audience worldwide. yugongyishan.com |
四款設計別致的胡桃夾子,分別以聖誕老人(或稱聖誕爸爸)、皇帝、軍官 和 鼓手 為 題 ,為今年的冬日聖誕郵件增添繽紛色彩與幽默趣味。 hongkongpoststamps.hk | Four eye-catching nutcracker designs - [...] Santa (or "Father Christmas"), a king, a [...] captain, and a drummer - add colorful, [...]humourous touches to winter holiday correspondence in 2008. hongkongpoststamps.hk |
这乐队以其醉人而富想像力的流行乐曲而著名,两位乐队中心人物:歌手杰西卡•拉波 (Jessika Rapo) 和鼓手亨利 •奥贾拉更是合作无间。 visitfinland.com | Distinguished by its hypnotic and fanciful pop sound, Burning Hearts is a collaboration between singer Jessika Rapo and drummer Henry Ojala; Rapo has sung with Le Futur Pompiste and the acclaimed Magenta Skycode, while Ojala has played with indie phenom Cats on Fire. visitfinland.com |
Mount Zoomer 並非真的是一座名為Zoomer的山,而是樂 隊 鼓手 A r l en Thompson所擁有的一間錄音室的名字,也是這張大碟最後混音製作的地方。 think-silly.com | Mount Zoomer is the name of Arlen Thompson’s (the band’s drummer) studio, as opposed to a real mountain. think-silly.com |
保险超人乐队是一只由法国人张思安为主唱的乐队,乐队中还有中 国 鼓手 毛 毛 和来自荷兰贝斯手麦克(Maikel)。 yugongyishan.com | The Amazing Insurance Salesmen is a band lead by French man Zhang Si’an, with ZIYO drummer Maomao from China and bass player Maikel from Holland. yugongyishan.com |
这次活动由来自喀麦隆国家芭蕾舞团的传 统鼓 手们拉 开序幕,并有以下方面的演出:马里的Khaira [...] Arby、赤道几内亚的一个表 演艺术团、洪都拉斯的一名Garifuna艺术家、美利坚合众国的Melba Moore、美国 的Randy Weston五重奏乐队和牙买加的摩根传统组织。 daccess-ods.un.org | The event opened [...] with traditional drummers from the National [...]Ballet of Cameroon, and also featured Khaira Arby of Mali; [...]a performing arts ensemble from Equatorial Guinea; Aurelio Martinez, a Garifuna artist from Honduras; Melba Moore of the United States of America; the Randy Weston Quintet of the United States; and Morgan Heritage of Jamaica. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们听说过中国很多事情,我们的 鼓手 和 他 另外的乐队SS20和the 4 Sivits去过中国好几次。 genjingrecords.com | We’ve heard a lot about touring [...] in China—our drummer was touring there [...]a couple of times with his bands SS20 and the 4 Sivits. genjingrecords.com |
日本鼓手大輔 Inu 第一次開始創建無字條目",他想不出什麼,並將他的實驗。 karaokeklub-golosa.g-sochi.ru | Japanese drummer Daisuke Inu [...] first started creating entries without words ", and he could not think what would his experiments. g-sochi.ru |
Anthony Fernandes是本港最著名的錄音及流行曲演唱 會 鼓手 之 一。 hkphil.org | Anthony Fernandes, one of the most popular drum players for recording session and concerts in Hong Kong, has performed for more than 75 Canto Pop Artists [...] from Hong Kong and Taiwan and has played for [...] more than 700 live Canto Pop Concerts (not counting [...]the jazz, latin etc,). hkphil.org |
全部节奏花样和重音来自音乐家( 鼓手 、 打击乐手、程序员)的演奏,为不同风格的音乐保留 了自然和可信的成分。 midicontroller.com | All the rhythmic models as well as the accents (see below) were captured by musicians playing, (drummers, percussionists, programmers) to maintain the natural and authentic element of the different styles of music. midicontroller.com |
本次活动还包括鼓手James Lovell和Afri-Garifuna的表演,他们演绎了中美洲沿海的加里富纳人的传统音乐。 un.org | The event also included a [...] performance by James Lovell and the Afri-Garifuna Drummers, performing [...]traditional music of the [...]Garifuna people of coastal Central America. un.org |
這個三人樂隊由尼古拉(鼓手/主音 )、西蒙(吉他/鍵盤)和羅曼(鼓機)組成,所以隊名包含了他們的名字的第一個字母N、S及R。 frenchmay.com | Formed by Nicolas (drums/vocals), Simon [...] (guitar/keyboards) and Romain (machines) whose initials N, S and R are incorporated [...]in their filigree, the trio NASSER delivers a memorable series of strong muscial uppercuts. frenchmay.com |
作为挪威最具创新精神的鼓手之一 ,他参与了40多张音乐出版,参与乐队包括与Bobo [...] Stenson等合作的Parish乐队(ECM),与Staale Storloekken合作的Humcrush乐队和与Iain Ballamy合作的Food乐队。 norway.org.cn | As one of Norway’s [...] most innovative drummers, he has participated [...]in more than 40 publications with bands like Parish (ECM, [...]with Bobo Stenson and more), Humcrush (with Staale Storloekken) and Food (with Iain Ballamy). norway.cn |
若要炫耀國家軟實力,奧運再適合不過,1936年柏林奧運,獨裁者希特勒氣勢正旺,試圖藉以彰顯亞里安人體能優越未果;1992年巴塞隆納奧運,西班牙急欲向世人證明,該國能擺脫獨裁者法蘭科的陰影;2008年北京奧運,中國斥資400億美元,宣布自己成為世界強權(我最喜愛的場景莫過於20 08 名 鼓手 整 齊 劃一演出,幾乎明白宣告:「我們很富有、很有秩序、人很多」)。 thisbigcity.net | (My favorite moment: the 2,008 drummers in perfect synchronization which seemed to say through a very thin veil: “we’re rich, we’re organized, and there’s a lot of us. thisbigcity.net |
甚至连最著名的巴黎春天百货 Printemps [...] 也加入了欢庆的阵营!首先是引人入胜的舞狮表演,舞者 和 鼓手在 P rintemps 美容用品区以最地道的方式迎接蛇年新春的到来。 parischerie.com | Beginning with a spectacular lion dance, [...] dancers and drummers fittingly welcomed [...]the year of the elegant and mysterious [...]water snake at Le Printemps Beauté. parischerie.com |
由於改變公 眾的習慣並非易事,因此公共衞生教育應從學校和家庭的幼童 著 手 , 鼓 勵 他 們培養良 好的衞生習慣。 cheu.gov.hk | As it is not easy to change people’s behaviour, public health education should start at a young age in schools and within the family to promote good habits of hygiene practices. cheu.gov.hk |
2013年2月24日,在大分全日空酒店的绿洲大厦,举办了 [2013年大分TRINITA教练 选 手鼓 励 动 员会 ]。 j-lease.jp | It is held that Oita Trinita pep rally for team manager and players 2013 at Oita Oasis Tower Hotel on Feb 24th, 2013. j-lease.jp |
发动机刚熄火 汽车就被4个拿着铜 锣 手鼓和笛 子的载歌载舞的乐手围住 陇木洞村今天很冷 湿气穿透了每一个人 的外套 很不舒适 然而 没有什么能阻 止中国湖南省武陵山区这个小村庄的乐手 们奏起传统音乐陪伴客人们来到村里的广 场 广场上早已架起了一面红色大鼓 一 位老人正在用硕大的鼓锤敲奏出舞龙的节 奏 6名男子抬着鲜艳的龙头 后面拖着5 米长红黄相间的龙身 图3-38 netzhammerbreiholz.de | Today, in the village of Longmudong with its 96 families, much of what has always been there has been conserved: music and dances, pipes and home-grown tobacco and, of course, the typical large, dark-brown, slate-roofed houses which, from afar, look as if they were nestling up to each other. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
她向委 [...] 員保證,發展局會藉着更新行動提供的誘因,繼續 與民政事務局攜手鼓勵業主成立法團,並於稍後向 樓宇安全及相關事宜小組委員會匯報進度。 legco.gov.hk | She assured members that DEVB would, riding on the incentives [...] offered by the Operation, continue to [...] collaborate with HAB to encourage the establishment [...]of OCs, and report the progress to the [...]Subcommittee on Building Safety and Related Issues in due course. legco.gov.hk |
其實,我一直建議政府應盡 [...] 快簡化轉變工廠大廈用途的手續和審批程序,以及在城市規劃方面着 手,鼓勵創意工業的發展,包括利用舊工廈作為創業城,為創業者提供 [...] 協助;還有利用新市鎮的空置土地,發展創意商業項目,包括跳蚤市場、 特賣場、本土美食街及平民大牌檔等。 legco.gov.hk | Actually, I have all along been suggesting that the Government should [...] expeditiously streamline the procedures and approval processes for using factory buildings for [...] other purposes and encourage the development of [...]creative industries [...]through town planning, including using old factory buildings as entrepreneur cities to provide assistance to entrepreneurs; using vacant land in new towns to develop creative commercial projects, including flea markets, bazaars, local gourmet streets and "dai pai dongs" in the communities. legco.gov.hk |
安理会在谈话中指出,达尔富尔混 合行动正在与苏丹警方合作,寻找凶 手 , 鼓 励 苏 丹政府确保将他们迅速捉拿归案, 并强调绝不能再让攻击维和人员者逍遥法外。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the statement, the Council noted that UNAMID [...] was working with the Sudanese [...] police to find the perpetrators, encouraged the Government of [...]the Sudan to ensure that the perpetrators [...]were swiftly brought to justice and stressed that there must be an end to impunity for those who attack peacekeepers. daccess-ods.un.org |
香港總商會及香港商界環保大聯盟,與大珠三角商務委員會、中國 [...] 國際貿易促進委員會廣東省分會和廣東省環保產業協會 聯 手 , 鼓勵 粵 港兩地企業自發地遵行《清新空氣約章》。 cleanair.hk | The HKGCC and the HKBCE have joined forces with the Greater Pearl River Delta Business Council, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade – Guangdong Sub-Council and the [...] Guangdong Association of Environmental [...] Protection Industry to encourage Hong Kong and Guangdong [...]companies to collaborate and implement [...]the Clean Air Charter on a voluntary basis. cleanair.hk |