

单词 鼎鼎

鼎鼎 ()

very important

External sources (not reviewed)

Mercuria能源贸易有限公司昨日就7.55亿美元的一年期和三年期银团循环贷款与 29 家 鼎 力 支 持的国际银行签署协议。
A USD755 Million 1 & 3-year syndicated revolving credit facility for Mercuria Energy Trading Pte Ltd was signed yesterday with overwhelming support from 29 international banks.
国家媒体进鼎盛时 期,迪拜是开展各种信息相关 活动的自由地带。
The national media had been experiencing a great flowering, and Dubai was a free zone for the exercise of all kinds of information-related activities.
希望我們日後申請撥款時,各位議員能夠 鼎 力 支 持。
We hope that when we apply for funds later, Members will give us their staunch support again.
貸款額度A以南鼎迅的 土地使用權作為抵押,該土地使用權的賬面值為約人 [...]
Facility A is secured
[...] by Nanchang Dingxun’s land use [...]
rights at book value of approximately RMB134.2 million (equivalent
to approximately HK$167.3 million).
在前全国保卫人民大会兵鼎盛时 期,专家组于 2012 年 4 月 13 日到北基 伍后勤基地,以查明武器和弹药的情况。
At the height of the ex-CNDP mutiny, the Group visited the logistics base in North Kivu on 13 April 2012 to establish the situation regarding arms and ammunition.
該等陳述包括有關公司的預期:收購計劃將於二零一二年第四季度完成;這次收購 鼎 微 電 子公司 (Power Analog [...]
Microelectronics) 將可擴展Diodes的產品陣容,從而加強我們作為環球優質模擬產品供應商的地位,包括創新的『無濾波器』數碼音頻放大器、特殊應用功率管理集成電路,以及高性能LED驅動器與DC-DC轉換器;有關公司旗下各種業務相輔相成,將可即時為客戶提供效益,長遠來說更為股東及員工帶來價值;這次收購有助促進雙方的協作關係。
Such statements include statements regarding our expectation that: the acquisition is expected to close
in the fourth quarter of 2012; the
[...] acquisition of Power Analog Microelectronics [...]
will strengthen our position as a global
provider of high-quality analog products by expanding Diodes' product portfolio with innovative "filter-less" digital audio amplifiers, application-specific power management ICs, as well as high-performance LED drivers and DC-DC converters; the highly complementary nature of our businesses will provide immediate benefits to our customers, while generating long-term value for our shareholders and employees; and there are tremendous synergies to be leveraged through the acquisition.
2 是 次 補 選 得 蒙 以 下 政 府 決 策 局 和 部鼎 力 支 持 , 提 供 協 助 : 政 制 及 內 地 事 務 局 、 民 眾 安 全 服 務 隊 、 律 政 司 、 機 電 工 程 署 、 食 物 環 境 衞 生 署 、 民 政 事 務 總 署 、 香 港 天 文 台 、 香 港 警 務 處 、 香 港 郵 政 、 房 屋 署 、 廉 政 公 署 、 政 府 新 聞 處 、 地 政 總 署 、 康 樂 及 文 化 事 務 署 、 政 府 資 訊 科 技 總 監 辦 公 室 、 公 務 員 事 務 局 法 定 語 文 事 務 部 及 政 府 物 流 服 務 署 , 選 管 會 謹 此 致 謝 。
8.2 The EAC would like to express its gratitude to the following government bureau and departments for their dedicated support and unfailing assistance: Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, CAS, D of J, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, HAD, Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong Police Force, Hongkong Post, Housing Department, ICAC, Information Services Department, Lands Department, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Office of the Government Chief Information Officers, Official Languages Division (of the Civil Service Bureau) and Government Logistics Department.
在此背景之下,他们欢迎不结盟运 动从联合国大会第65/66号决议“召开联合国大会第四届专门讨论裁军问题的特 别会议”中获得鼎力支 持,他们敦促联合国秘书长提供所有必要的技术、财 务和人类资源以执行这一决议。
In this context, They welcomed the overwhelming support received by Non-Aligned Movement’s UNGA resolution 65/66 entitled “Convening of the fourth special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament” They urged the UN Secretary-General to make available all necessary technical, financial and human resources to implement the resolution.
Given the controversy over government industrial policy noted above, it is noteworthy that there is significant support for the science parks and business incubators currently in place.
(ii) 斯特凡·切尔·马蕾(艾蒂安·勒格朗)(1434--1504 年),1457 年登上了摩尔 多瓦王位,在其统治的五十年中,使该国的文化得到了巨大发展,因为当时是教 会大发展鼎盛时期。
(ii) Stefan cel Mare (Stephen the Great) (1434-1504) who acceded to the throne of Moldavia in 1457 brought considerable cultural development to the country throughout his fifty years’ reign, as it was a period of great ecclesiastical building and endowment.
正如约翰·戴利专员指出的那样,非传染性疾病 在人们尚处于人鼎盛阶 段时降低其工作能力。
As Commissioner John Dalli pointed out, NCDs reduce people’s ability to work while they are still in the prime of life.
主要用于机动车领域的散热器、冷凝器、换热器及其组件的生产设备龙头制造商) 鼎 力 支 持下,创建于2006年1月的Gefit Livernois Engineering进一步扩大了在美国这个重要市场乃至世界的市场占有率。
With the important contribution of the US Company Livernois Eng. of Livonia, Detroit, leader manufacturer of machines for the production of automotive radiators, condensers, heat exchangers  and  their components, has Gefit Livernois Engineering, acting since January 2006, further enlarged its active presence on the important US market as well as on the world markets.
然而,假若欠缺效率卓著之強大管 理隊鼎力支 持,以及竭誠盡力之專業人才默 默貢獻,本集團決不能取得如此佳績。
However, this would not be possible without the support of a strong and effective management team and contribution of all the devoted and enthusiastic talents in the Group.
本次華語文測驗電腦試測圓滿成功,除了華測會與紐西蘭位台灣華夏協會的妥善統整外,還有紐西蘭華語文教學基金會、奧克蘭商學院(AI S) 的 鼎 力 贊 助,鳳興書院資訊團隊的配合,以及許多華語文老師們的大力支持。
The success of the first computerized TOCFL in New Zealand is indebted to the close cooperation of SC-TOP and Hwa Hsia Society, and also to the strong support of New Zealand Chinese Teaching Trust、AIS ST HELENS,and Feng-Xing Institute of Studies, and many local Chinese teachers.
董事會謹此對其往來銀行、供應商、客戶及股東一直以來對本集團 鼎 力 支持衷心致謝,董 事會亦希望就本集團之管理層及員工協助本集團業務達成重大進展,以及彼等為改善本集 團財務表現之貢獻及努力致以謝意。
The Board also wishes to thank the Group’s management and staff for achieving major progress in the Group’s business and their dedication and commitment for improving the Group’s financial performance.
作为审计师的传统角色,我们可以清晰了解贵公司业务 鼎 力 协助贵公司确定战略与活动中的重大风险与机遇。
Our traditional role as Auditors also puts us in an ideal position to build up a clear understanding of your business, enabling us to help you identify the major risks and opportunities in your strategies and activities.
此 外 , 本 人亦為 本 公 司 各 位 股 東 及 投 資 者 以 及 客 戶 一鼎 力 支 持 致 以 由 衷 謝 意 。
In addition, I would like to thank all our shareholders and investors for their support and our customers for the patronage.
本中心用戶張烈錚博士及科學研究組崔 鼎 博 士 與國際研究團隊共同合作,發表了在「量子自旋冰」(quantum spin ice)的材料Yb2Ti2O7中,觀察到的第一個實驗證據,描述從不穩定磁單極在其中移動的磁性庫侖液體態,到磁單極凝聚而成的鐵磁體的希格斯相變(Higgs transition)。
NSRRC user Dr. Lieh-Jeng Chang and staff Dr. Tsuei and an international research team published the first experimental evidence of a Higgs transition of the emergent magnetic monopoles from a magnetic Coulomb liquid to a ferromagnet in a material Yb2Ti2O7 known as the "quantum spin ice".
Grimble然后牺牲自己,让猫头鹰飞走寻求“大树的Ga'Hoole”关于纯 鼎 “ 计 划对他们发出警告神秘的守护者,他们所看到的东西。
Grimble then sacrifices himself to allow the owls to fly away seeking the ‘Great Tree of Ga’Hoole’ to warn the mythical Guardians about the Pure Ones’ plan against them, and what they saw.
卸任之际,我要衷心感谢全体第53届、54届董事会成员以及秘书处职员,和我并肩完成了这四年的工作,大家辛苦了!同时,真诚感谢各位国家领导对总商会的信任;感谢各外交使节、政府机构、社会团体和商业伙伴的积极协助;感谢各行各业的商家和商团会员 鼎 力 支 持。
As I prepare to pass on the baton of leadership, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all members of the 53rd and 54th Councils, and the Secretariat staff, who have worked tirelessly in helping me to fulfil these four years of service.  At the same time, I am very grateful for the trust bestowed on the Chamber by our national leaders; the friendship and cooperation of the diplomatic corps, government agencies, civic organisations and business partners; and for the strong and unwavering support of our corporate members and trade association members.
本人謹藉此機會感謝包括股東及業務夥伴在內的所有權益持有人,以及本集團員工 鼎 力 支 持,為本集團續創輝煌成 績。
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all stakeholders, including shareholders, business partners, and our devoted employees for their support, which has been fundamental to the Group’s continued success.
對於深圳市社會科學院在過 去多鼎力支 持香港和深圳有關創業的研究,並與中大攜手取得豐碩的成果,我深感欣慰。
It is my great pleasure to witness that the study of entrepreneurship in Hong Kong and Shenzhen has been intensively supported by the Shenzhen Academy of Social Sciences through a very fruitful cooperation with CUHK extending over many years.
InnoRobust航太國防版是鼎國際 為了符合軍規與航太等特殊環境應用所發展而來,在此版本中的每一個功能都滿足軍規與航太特殊環境對耐震、堅固與穩定的要求。
In particular, the industrial embedded flash memory and DRAM products from Innodisk incorporating the InnoRobust® feature set are specially designed for aerospace and defense applications.
至於當選的陳富明,雖然得到前區議員民建聯成員苗華 鼎 力 支持,但基於各種原因,其選舉工程中並沒有打出民建聯的旗號。
As for the winner Chan Fu-ming, even though the former-councilor Miu Wah-chang, a DAB member, supported him, due to various reasons, he did not enthusiastically make use of the support of DAB in his election engineering.
由香港大學聯同中華文化交流基金會合辦的Crimson Summer Exchange (CSE) 2011暑期學術文化交流課程,在各方 鼎 力 支持下完滿結束。
Co-organized by the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and Crimson China Cultural Exchange Foundation Limited (CCCEF), Crimson Summer Exchange (CSE) 2011 ends with resounding success with tremendous support from various parties.
現任新華通訊社亞太總分社和新華通訊社香港特別行政區分社的總經理,亦為 鼎 ( 集 團)有限公司(Golden Tripod (Holdings) Limited)及鼎科技有限公司(Golden Tripod Technology Limited)的董事長,鼎科技 有限公司為新華通訊社的間接全資附屬公司,並為在美國納斯特克(NASDAQ)上市的CDC [...]
Mr. Mao is currently the general manager of Xinhua News Agency Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau and Xinhua
News Agency Hong Kong
[...] Special Administrative Region Branch and the chairman of Golden Tripod (Holdings) Limited and Golden Tripod Technology Limited, which is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary [...]
of Xinhua News Agency
and a substantial shareholder of CDC Corporation, a company listed on the NASDAQ stock market principally engaged in providing enterprise software, online games, mobile services and applications, and internet and media services across North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region.
鼎微電子公司 (PAM) 主席兼行政總監Johnston C. Chen補充:「由於Diodes及鼎微電 子公司 (PAM) 均致力開發高效率、節省空間的模擬集成電路產品,因此這次收購有助促進雙方的協作關係,從而為新一代產品設計帶來顯著優勢,包括擴展產品陣容,進一步擴大客戶群,甚至提升應用技術。
Johnston C. Chen, President and CEO of Power Analog Microelectronics added, "With both companies focused on high-efficiency, [...]
analog IC products, there are tremendous synergies to be leveraged through the acquisition. The resulting expansion of product portfolios and access to a larger customer base and even greater application expertise are clear advantages to next generation product design.
有賴香港及法國的藝術家和畫廊鼎 力 支 持,賓客們能夠欣賞Bernar Venet(De Sarthe Gallery)和 Nathalie Decoster,朱德群和謝磊(FEAST Projects)的雕塑繪畫,以及一幅抽象派大師畢加索的“母與子”(Edouard Malingue Gallery)。
With the valuable help from artists and French galleries in Hong Kong, guests had the wonderful surprise to find themselves surrounded by sculptures by Bernar Venet (de Sarthe Gallery) and Nathalie Decoster, paintings by Chu Teh-Chun and Xie Lei (FEAST Projects), and a magnificent painting by Pablo Picasso: Mother and Child (Edouard Malingue Gallery).
[...] 集團有限公司、世紀城市國際控股有限公司、中國鎳資源控股有限公司、 鼎 集 團控股有限 公司、安寧控股有限公司、第一天然食品有限公司(已委任臨時清盤人)、福記食品服務控股 [...]
控股有限公司、百利保控股有限公司、富豪酒店國際控股有限公司及冠捷科技有限公司之獨 立非執行董事兼審核委員會成員,該等公司均於聯交所上市。
He is also an independent nonexecutive director and a member of the audit
committee of Asia Orient Holdings Limited,
[...] Asia Standard International Group Limited, [...]
Century City International Holdings Limited,
China Nickel Resources Holdings Company Limited, China Ting Group Holdings Limited, ENM Holdings Limited, First Natural Foods Holdings Limited (provisional liquidators appointed), FU JI Food and Catering Services Holdings Limited (provisional liquidators appointed), Golden Eagle Retail Group Limited, Ngai Lik Industrial Holdings Limited, PacMOS Technologies Holdings Limited, Paliburg Holdings Limited, Regal Hotels International Holdings Limited and TPV Technology Limited, all of these companies are listed on the Stock Exchange.
为更好地服务于新市场,在新投资者 鼎 力 支 持下,IPDiA 团队创建了这家独立的公司,并以开拓新业务和保留现有客户作为新公司战略。
With the support of new investors, the IPDiA team created this independent company to serve new markets, following a completely new strategy designed to win new business as well as retain existing customers.




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