单词 | 鼎铛玉石 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 鼎铛玉石 —casting pearls before swinelit. use a sacred tripod as cooking pot and jade as ordinary |
一言以蔽之,便是現在曾蔭權的政府是採用一種所謂親疏厚薄、寧 願玉 石俱焚而不對民間讓步的政策。 legco.gov.hk | In a word, it is because Donald TSANG's government has adopted a policy which is premised on affinity, a policy which prefers to destroy everything, rather than giving way to the wish of the people. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 动画片“小铃铛和失 落的宝藏”的全球首映是在总部放映的,在哥本哈 根联合国气候变化会议之前向青年观众着重介绍了环境问题 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) The world premiere of the [...] animated film “Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure” [...]was screened at Headquarters to highlight [...]environmental issues for young audiences in the lead up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference held at Copenhagen daccess-ods.un.org |
由于索马里的局势,即 使有许多海盗锒铛入监,还会有其他人会取而代之。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even if many pirates are jailed, others will pop up because of the situation in Somalia. daccess-ods.un.org |
此阶段的小孩几乎什么东西都用嘴去碰,故他们玩 [...] 的玩偶或填充玩具一般不宜有钮扣、胡子、 铃 铛 、 丝 带、纱线做的假发或诸如此类的特征。 cpsc.gov | These children tend to mouth most [...] objects, so dolls or stuffed toys with [...] buttons, whiskers, bells, ribbons, yarn [...]wigs, or other such features are generally not appropriate. cpsc.gov |
但是,国际社会在2007年严惩缅甸,要求珠宝业的从业者抵制购买缅甸宝石,尤其是红宝石、蓝 宝 石 和 玉石。 piaget.com.cn | However, in 2007, the international community strongly condemned Myanmar, [...] asking the jewellery industry to [...] boycott precious stones exported by this country, in particular rubies, sapphires and jade. en.piaget.com |
位於雲咸街的古董店兼畫廊Artemis收藏了大量不同朝代 由 玉石 製 成 的雕塑, 店內亦有出售古董家具。 ilovelkf.hk | A gallery and antiques store on Wyndham [...] Street, Artemis contains a large collection of beautiful [...] sculptures made from jade and stone from a variety [...]of dynasties. ilovelkf.hk |
据一个非政府组织说,非洲裔辍学的男人有 66% 的可能会锒铛入狱 或受到刑事司法系统的处置。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to one NGO, males of African descent who drop out of school have a 66 per cent chance of ending up in jail or being processed by the criminal justice system. daccess-ods.un.org |
該等陳述包括有關公司的預期:收購計劃將於二零一二年第四季度完成;這次收購 龍 鼎 微 電 子公司 (Power Analog [...] Microelectronics) 將可擴展Diodes的產品陣容,從而加強我們作為環球優質模擬產品供應商的地位,包括創新的『無濾波器』數碼音頻放大器、特殊應用功率管理集成電路,以及高性能LED驅動器與DC-DC轉換器;有關公司旗下各種業務相輔相成,將可即時為客戶提供效益,長遠來說更為股東及員工帶來價值;這次收購有助促進雙方的協作關係。 ipress.com.hk | Such statements include statements regarding our expectation that: the acquisition is expected to close [...] in the fourth quarter of 2012; the [...] acquisition of Power Analog Microelectronics [...]will strengthen our position as a global [...]provider of high-quality analog products by expanding Diodes' product portfolio with innovative "filter-less" digital audio amplifiers, application-specific power management ICs, as well as high-performance LED drivers and DC-DC converters; the highly complementary nature of our businesses will provide immediate benefits to our customers, while generating long-term value for our shareholders and employees; and there are tremendous synergies to be leveraged through the acquisition. ipress.com.hk |
因果关系以简单(如一摇即响的铃铛 ) 为 宜,而感官要素则不宜太响、太亮、太突 然或太激烈。 cpsc.gov | Cause-and-effect relationships are simple (for example, a rattle makes a noise when shaken), and sensory elements are not too loud, too bright, too sudden, or otherwise extreme. cpsc.gov |
現在,香港㆟只試圖表達支持的聲音,換來的卻是惡言恐嚇,經濟坦克 , 玉石 俱焚 ,目的是要阻止我們對民主的要求。 legco.gov.hk | The present attempt by Hong Kong people to voice their support for the reform proposals is met with vicious intimidation and economic tanks to blast us economically to smithereens, all for the purpose of stemming our quest for democracy. legco.gov.hk |
接近 4 个月时,婴儿懂得抓小手鼓、手 持式拨浪鼓、铃铛和音乐钟。 cpsc.gov | As they approach 4 months of age, infants can grasp small-scale tambourines, [...] hand-held rattles, bells, and chimes. cpsc.gov |
2 是 次 補 選 得 蒙 以 下 政 府 決 策 局 和 部 門 鼎 力 支 持 , 提 供 協 助 : 政 制 及 內 地 事 務 局 、 民 眾 安 全 服 務 隊 、 律 政 司 、 機 電 工 程 署 、 食 物 環 境 衞 生 署 、 民 政 事 務 總 署 、 香 港 天 文 台 、 香 港 警 務 處 、 香 港 郵 政 、 房 屋 署 、 廉 政 公 署 、 政 府 新 聞 處 、 地 政 總 署 、 康 樂 及 文 化 事 務 署 、 政 府 資 訊 科 技 總 監 辦 公 室 、 公 務 員 事 務 局 法 定 語 文 事 務 部 及 政 府 物 流 服 務 署 , 選 管 會 謹 此 致 謝 。 legco.gov.hk | 8.2 The EAC would like to express its gratitude to the following government bureau and departments for their dedicated support and unfailing assistance: Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, CAS, D of J, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, HAD, Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong Police Force, Hongkong Post, Housing Department, ICAC, Information Services Department, Lands Department, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Office of the Government Chief Information Officers, Official Languages Division (of the Civil Service Bureau) and Government Logistics Department. legco.gov.hk |
希望我們日後申請撥款時,各位議員能夠 再 鼎 力 支 持。 legco.gov.hk | We hope that when we apply for funds later, Members will give us their staunch support again. legco.gov.hk |
在前全国保卫人民大会兵变鼎盛时 期,专家组于 2012 年 4 月 13 日到北基 伍后勤基地,以查明武器和弹药的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the height of the ex-CNDP mutiny, the Group visited the logistics base in North Kivu on 13 April 2012 to establish the situation regarding arms and ammunition. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些图案都会刻在玉石、石头、木头、塑料上等等。 4tern.com | These symbols are engrave on jade, stones, wood, plastic [...] and other materials. 4tern.com |
目前,國際上雖然並沒有針對寶石貿易的相關法規,但是國際社會在2007年嚴懲緬甸,要求珠寶業的從業者抵制購買緬甸寶石,尤其是紅寶石、藍 寶 石 和 玉石。 piaget.com.hk | However, in 2007, the international community strongly condemned Myanmar, [...] asking the jewellery industry to boycott precious stones exported by this country, in [...] particular rubies, sapphires and jade. en.piaget.com |
和田玉因產地而得名,明代《天工開物》中有記載:"凡玉貴重者盡出於闐",於闐意為 " 產 玉石 的 地 方",古於闐就是現在的新疆和田。 hongkongpoststamps.hk | Exploitation of the Works of Nature, written in the Ming Dynasty, says, [...] "All precious jade is from Yutian. hongkongpoststamps.hk |
玉石中央 是坐在王座上的提比略和他的母亲利维亚 (Livia),他正在主持一个隆重的仪式。 wdl.org | The center of the gem is reserved [...] for Tiberius, sitting on his throne with his mother Livia. wdl.org |
在此背景之下,他们欢迎不结盟运 动从联合国大会第65/66号决议“召开联合国大会第四届专门讨论裁军问题的特 别会议”中获得的鼎力支 持,他们敦促联合国秘书长提供所有必要的技术、财 务和人类资源以执行这一决议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context, They welcomed the overwhelming support received by Non-Aligned Movement’s UNGA resolution 65/66 entitled “Convening of the fourth special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament” They urged the UN Secretary-General to make available all necessary technical, financial and human resources to implement the resolution. daccess-ods.un.org |
适合的 乐器包括宜于他们手抓的手持式拨浪鼓、 铃 铛 、 音乐钟和小手鼓等。 cpsc.gov | Musical instruments that are appropriate [...] for infants of this age range include [...] hand-held rattles, bells, chimes, and small [...]tambourines that will fit appropriately in infants’ grasps. cpsc.gov |
凤钿装饰珠翠玉石的钿 花9块、满钿8块、半钿5块,每块钿花又由5至10件配件组合而成。 sypm.org.cn | Fung-Tin-Tin of [...] decorative pearls and jade jade flower-Tin 8 [...]9 blocks, full blocks and half-Tin 5 blocks, each Tin flowers [...]from 5 to 10 parts combine to form. sypm.org.cn |
出席本次课程有FNC董事长兼总经理兼发言者的叶克强先生、培训经 理 石玉 英 先生、当地各组织及部级的各位女领导、同塔省劳动联合会会长范式眷女士、同塔省劳动联合会副会长林和盛先生、属于行业工会,职员工会,工业区及经济区工会,各市社工会之单位工会及属于省级劳动联合会之单位工会及驻该省的中央工会等单位之逾800位工会员。 fnc.com.vn | In this occasion, there was an attendance of Lecturer – Chairman of Board – [...] President of FNC – Mr. Diep Khac Cuong, Training [...] Manager – Mr. Thach Ngoc Anh, delegates [...]who are former female leaders of local [...]Departments, Divisions, Fields, Reunions; Mrs. Phan Thi Quyen – President of Provincial Confederation of Labor and Mr. Lam Hoa Thanh – Vice President of Provincial Confederation of Labor and especially participation of more than 800 trade union members are working at basic Trade Unions under Provincial Confederation of Labor; Central Trade Union of Branches located at provincial region. fnc.com.vn |
这里的特色菜为盛在雕刻精美玉石碗 中 的皇帝汤和在清朝非常盛行的一种鱼翅配方“Zu-Yan” 。 zh.marinabaysands.com | Their signature dishes are Emperor Soup served in [...] beautifully-carved jade bowls and “Zu-Yan”, [...]a shark’s fin recipe that was enjoyed during the Qing Dynasty. marinabaysands.com |
鄭子固是七十年代中香港玉石樂隊 (Jade)歌手,與大AL(張孝武)同時 任 玉石 樂 隊 主音歌手。 hifitrack.com | Kenny Zh [...] was the lead singer of the Hong Kong based band Jade from the mid 70's. Kenny Zh is a bandleader [...]and music arranger working in Beijing. hifitrack.com |
1922年,該商行在香港收購了一家屬於瑞士公民 E.Kern [...] 的小型貿易行,正式進駐香港市場,該貿易行專門從瑞士進口紡織品與刺繡,並出口 以 玉石 及 象牙裝飾品為主的中國手工藝品。 dksh.hk | The firm entered Hong Kong in 1922 through the acquisition of a small trading house belonging to a Swiss national named E. Kern, who specialized in the import [...] of textiles and embroidery from Switzerland, and in the export of Chinese [...] handicrafts, mainly jade and ivory ornaments. dksh.hk |
佐渡民家的房门口以及设施入口处等,到处都能看到的赤石被称为 赤 玉石 ( AK ADAMAISHI),被选为日本三大铭石( 岐阜县的菊花石、北海道的神居古潭石,佐渡的 赤 玉石 ) 之 一。 sado-biyori.com | The red stones which can be seen at various places such as the entrances of private houses and facilities are [...] called [...] "Akadama-ishi," and recognized as one of Japan's three greatest noted stones (the chrysanthemum stone of Gifu, the kamuikotan of Hokkaido and the Akadama-ishi of Sado). sado-biyori.com |
帶康熙、雍正款的玉石品不 多,所以辨別這三朝的製品並不容易,把所有宮廷風格的煙壺歸并在一起,說是乾隆時期的作品,或許會不覺察到雍正甚至於康熙時期的雕品。 e-yaji.com | By doing this we will, doubtless, be correct most of the time, but there will be exceptions when what appears to be a Qianlong imperial hardstone carving without a mark may date from the Yongzheng period, or possibly even the Kangxi period. e-yaji.com |
有的玻璃和玉石例子具有特別寬闊的壺口,我們認為這大概是清朝中 葉 玉石 煙 壺的特徵,因為寬口常常是跟從乾隆末葉到道光時期常見的掏膛徹底情況有關的。 e-yaji.com | Some of the glass and stone examples have unusually wide mouths, which we have suggested is probably a feature on hardstone bottles of [...] the mid-Qing period, from [...]the latter part of the Qianlong reign into the Daoguang period, since it is often found with the virtuoso hollowing associated with the same sort of period. e-yaji.com |