单词 | 鼎盛期 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 鼎盛期—golden ageflourishing age (of the ceremonial tripod)Examples:鼎盛时期—golden age flourishing period See also:鼎盛—a golden age at its peak 鼎盛adj—flourishingadj 鼎—ancient cooking cauldron with two looped handles and three or four legs Kangxi radical 206 enter upon a period of (classical) pot (dialect) one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes 盛—vigorous magnificent ladle extensively contain surname Sheng pick up with a utensil
传统观点认为,在报纸上看到一家公司的消息后才买入其股票可能为时已晚,原因是在主要媒体“发现”这家公司时,其鼎盛期可能已经过去。 old.youngchinabiz.com | Conventional wisdom says that people who buy stocks after reading about a company in the newspapers [...] have probably waited too late, since a company is probably [...] past its peak by the time it gets "discovered" by major media. old.youngchinabiz.com |
国家媒体进入鼎盛时期,迪拜是开展各种信息相关 活动的自由地带。 daccess-ods.un.org | The national media had been [...] experiencing a great flowering, and Dubai was [...]a free zone for the exercise of all kinds of information-related activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
在前全国保卫人民大会兵变鼎盛时期,专家组于 2012 年 4 月 13 日到北基 伍后勤基地,以查明武器和弹药的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the height of the ex-CNDP mutiny, the Group visited the logistics base in North Kivu on 13 April 2012 to establish the situation regarding arms and ammunition. daccess-ods.un.org |
这家雅致的品茶沙龙位于凌驾运河的大桥之上,桥下舢板穿梭往来,把人带回新加坡粮食贸易的鼎盛时期。 zh.marinabaysands.com | The elegant tea salon is situated on a wide bridge above a canal of gliding sampans, reminiscent of Singapore’s trading past in the finest foodstuffs. marinabaysands.com |
它还记录了处于鼎盛时期的英国经济扩张主义,并说明了英国的商业利益、殖民部和社会及福音活动人士之间的相互联系。 wdl.org | It also records British economic expansionism at its peak and illustrates the interconnections between British business interests, the Colonial Office, and social and evangelical activists. wdl.org |
玉门市在石油产业发展的鼎盛时期,城市人口达13万余人。 shanghaibiennale.org | In its heyday, Yumen’s population peaked [...] at over 130,000. shanghaibiennale.org |
然而,当前的问题是,梁振英可不是这样,梁振英没有“在吃饭 的地方拉屎”的习惯,他有一样便是......我要回忆一下,在西九的时 候,便是董建华官商勾结的高峰鼎盛期。 legco.gov.hk | The question before us is that LEUNG Chun-ying does not have the habit of "pooing in his dining place". legco.gov.hk |
我认为,在发现新的技术和产品领域,微软以行动缓慢而闻名,导致其进入的许多新领域要么已变得竞争激烈,要么就是已过了鼎盛期。 old.youngchinabiz.com | My point is that Microsoft is notoriously slow in discovering new technologies and product areas, with the result that many of the new areas it enters are already either highly competitive or simply passe by the time they're "discovered" by the world's largest software maker. old.youngchinabiz.com |
拉美文学的一个鼎盛时期是裸露的世纪,与狮子座(草461)结束。 mb-soft.com | The one vigorousperiod of Latinliterature [...] is the bare century which ends with Leo (d. 461). mb-soft.com |
10 ] 1934年费森尤斯博士把他 的化学制药公司迁到了巴德洪堡。图 片上是路易斯大街(Louisenstraße)上鼎盛时期的疗养院,后来毁于盟军 轰炸。 fresenius100.de | Seen in the photograph is Louisenstraße at the height of the old Kurhaus, which was later destroyed in Allied bombing raids. fresenius100.de |
(ii) 斯特凡·切尔·马蕾(艾蒂安·勒格朗)(1434--1504 年),1457 年登上了摩尔 多瓦王位,在其统治的五十年中,使该国的文化得到了巨大发展,因为当时是教 会大发展的鼎盛时期。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (ii) Stefan cel Mare (Stephen the Great) (1434-1504) who acceded to the throne of Moldavia in 1457 brought considerable cultural [...] development to the country throughout his fifty years’ [...] reign, as it was aperiod of greatecclesiastical building and endowment. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在结他手兼歌手及作曲家Graham Russell和主音歌手Russell Hitchcock的出色音乐造诣下,Air Supply这队已多次创下白金唱片销量纪录的组合在其80年代最鼎盛时期开始不断积极巡回世界各地演出及灌录唱片。 yp.mo | Led by the talents of guitarist and singer-songwriter Graham Russell and lead vocalist Russell Hitchcock, the multi-platinum recording group has been actively touring [...] and recording ever since [...] theirheyday ofthe 1980s, when hit songs like “All Out of Love," featuring Hitchcock's soaring tenorvoice andRussell's [...]simple yet majestic [...]music, created a unique sound that propelled them to international stardom. yp.mo |
西班牙在近几十年来将很多适于用音乐表达的抒情作品搬上了歌剧舞台, 使得西班牙歌剧达到了鼎盛时期,这就是西班牙歌剧的真实现状。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Spanish opera boom of recent decades can be termed truly phenomenal, with a proliferating number of performance venues, making it possible to see operas in many parts of the country, and under excellent conditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
瑞应寺鼎盛时期设有四大学院(扎仓),其中医药学院藏语译名为曼巴扎仓,起始于康熙四十一年(1702年)修建的药师佛庙,在曼巴扎仓出现后的300年间,名医辈出,一直是东北地区蒙医药学的一个人才培养和研究中心,享誉藏蒙医学界,在蒙医药学的整个历史发展中有着重要影响。 chinatibetology.org | In its prosperous era, Ruiying Monastery was consistedof 4 colleges, in which the medicine college was called Man Ba Zha Cang (in Tibetan language). chinatibetology.org |
正如约翰·戴利专员指出的那样,非传染性疾病 在人们尚处于人生鼎盛阶段时降低其工作能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | As Commissioner John Dalli pointed out, NCDs reduce people’s ability to work while they are still in the prime of life. daccess-ods.un.org |
维斯比城市证明了它的中世纪全盛时期通过Hanseatic港口作为欧洲主要国家的贸易伙伴。 msccruises.com.cn | The city pays testament [...] to its medieval heyday when this Hanseatic [...]port was a trading partner to the great capitals of mainland Europe. msccruises.com.au |
我们期待这些盛会,它们可以让我们与您分享我们的愿景,让您更深入地 了解我们如何能共同创造无限的可能性。 glenraven.com | We look forward to these events that will allow [...] us to share our vision with you and learn more about how we can create endless possibilities together. glenraven.com |
该等陈述包括有关公司的预期:收购计划将於二零一二年第四季度完成;这次收购龙鼎微电子公司 (Power Analog Microelectronics) 将可扩展Diodes的产品阵容,从而加强我们作为环球优质模拟产品供应商的地位,包括创新的『无滤波器』数码音频放大器、特殊应用功率管理集成电路,以及高性能LED驱动器与DC-DC转换器;有关公司旗下各种业务相辅相成,将可即时为客户提供效益,长远来说更为股东及员工带来价值;这次收购有助促进双方的协作关系。 ipress.com.hk | Such statements include [...] statements regardingourexpectation that: the acquisition is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2012; the acquisition of Power Analog Microelectronics [...]will strengthen [...]our position as a global provider of high-quality analog products by expanding Diodes' product portfolio with innovative "filter-less" digital audio amplifiers, application-specific power management ICs, as well as high-performance LED drivers and DC-DC converters; the highly complementary nature of our businesses will provide immediate benefits to our customers, while generating long-term value for our shareholders and employees; and there are tremendous synergies to be leveraged through the acquisition. ipress.com.hk |
我们期望地区人士鼎力支持综合社区中心的服务,接纳这 些中心在社区中设立,让精神病康复者和居民得到便捷 和全面的精神健康服务和支援。 legco.gov.hk | We call upon district leaders and residents to show support to the services of ICCMWs and setting up of these centres in the community so that comprehensive and accessible mental health services and support will be provided for ex-mentally ill persons and local residents. legco.gov.hk |
最近,我读到《亚洲周刊》一位很资深的军事和情报评论员平可夫先生 的文章,由於他非常熟悉全世界的军事情报 ─ 据我所知,他和马鼎盛也相当熟悉这方面的资料 ─ 他的结论是,如果我们单看这次判词,如果程 翔可以这样被判处间谍罪,那麽,在美国或欧洲每天最少可以拘捕一百数十 名华人中国间谍。 legco.gov.hk | Since he is well versed in global military intelligence ― as far as I know, he and MA Ding-sheng are both well versed in information in this area ― his conclusion is that if we merely look at the judgement of this case, if CHING Cheong could be convicted of espionage charges in this way, then it would be possible to arrest at least over a hundred Chinese spies in the United States or Europe each day. legco.gov.hk |
此外,来自世界两大造船强国的日本舶用工业会(JSMEA)及韩国国际贸易协会(KITA)也会在展览会上显示实力,令展商阵容更加鼎盛。 ipress.com.hk | The VDMA-German Marine and Offshore Equipment Industries will be demonstrating another strong presence with its members, following its successful presentation at the previous event. ipress.com.hk |
近期流感盛行,多种 传 染 病 亦可能 在 港 爆 发,鉴於儿童及长者 为 高 危 组 羣 ,有关 传 染 病 对他们的健康 [...] 影 响 亦较严重, 本 会 促 请政府加强传 染 病 防控工 作 , 扩 大传染 病 防 疫 注 射 范围, [...]包括为 所 有长者 提 供 免 费 流感疫 苗 注 射 , 并 检 讨儿童免疫 接 种 计 划 , 因 应 传 染 病 和 疫 苗 的发 展,研 究 引 入 新 的 疫 苗 , 减少市民 受 传 染 病 感 染 的 危 机 。 legco.gov.hk | That, asinfluenzahas beenprevalentrecently andthere is also a [...] possibility that a number of communicable diseases may [...]break out in Hong Kong, and given that children and the elderly are high-risk groups whose health may be more seriously affected by these communicable diseases, this Council urges the Government to strengthen the prevention and control of communicable diseases, expand the coverage of immunisation against such diseases, including providing free influenza vaccination for all elderly people, as well as reviewing the Childhood Immunisation Programme and studying the introduction of new vaccines in the light of the development of communicable diseases and vaccines, so as to reduce the risk of the public being infected with communicable diseases. legco.gov.hk |
日星期六从华盛顿的杜勒斯机场起飞,然后作了四天的“环行”飞, 期间在六个不同的外国领土上――捷克共和国、乌兹别克斯坦、阿富汗、波兰、 [...] 罗马尼亚和摩洛哥――以及古巴关塔那摩湾起降。 daccess-ods.un.org | The aircraft took off from [...] Dulles Airport in Washington, D.C. onSaturday [...]20 September 2003, and undertook a four-day flight [...]“circuit”, during which it landed in and departed from six different foreign territories - the Czech Republic, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Poland, Romania and Morocco - as well as Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. daccess-ods.un.org |
於最後可行日期,丰盛融资、广东恒益及天基评估各自并无拥有本集团任何成员公司 之 [...] 股 权 或 认 购 或 提 名 他人认 购 本 集 团 任 何 成 员 公 司 证 券 之任何 权 利(不 论 是 否 可 强 制 执 行),且於二零一一年九月三十日(即本集团最近期刊发经审核财务报表之编制日期)以来於 [...]本集团各成员公司所购入、出售或租赁或建议购入、出售或租赁之任何资产中概无拥有任何 直接或间接权益。 cre8ir.com | As at the [...] Latest Practicable Date, each of Ample Capital, [...]GFE and GA Valuation did not have any shareholding in any member [...]of the Group or the right (whether legally enforceable or not) to subscribe for or to nominate persons to subscribe for securities in any member of the Group, or any interests, directly or indirectly, in any assets which have been, since 30 September 2011, being the date to which the latest published audited financial statements of the Group were made up, acquired, disposed of or leased to any member of the Group, or were proposed to be acquired, disposed of or leased to any member of the Group. cre8ir.com |
将传播促进发展(C4D)纳入整个联合国系统的战略和活动以及加强对传播促进发展 [...] 各项活动的监测和评价的必要性,在教科文组织协办、世界银行和联合国开发计划署主办的 第 11 次联合国传播促进发展机构间圆桌会议(华盛顿特区,2009 年 2 月)期间得到强调。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The need to position communication for development (C4D) in the strategies and activities of the entire United Nations system and strengthen monitoring and evaluation of C4D activities was highlighted during the 11th United Nations [...] Inter-Agency Round Table on [...] Communication for Development (WashingtonDC,February 2009), co-organized [...]by UNESCO and hosted by the World Bank and UNDP. unesdoc.unesco.org |
政府还告知特别报告员,他 2010 年 2 月访问缅甸期间在永盛监狱里见到的 由于开小差而被定罪,在监狱服刑 7 年的 Myo Win 由于当局确定,他在被征募入 伍时尚未成年,被无条件赦免,并于 [...] 2010 年 6 月 30 日将其交给父母。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur was also informed by the [...] Government that Myo Win, [...] whom he metin Insein prison during hisFebruary 2010 mission to Myanmar, who hadbeen [...]convicted for desertion [...]from military service and sentenced to seven years in prison, was granted unconditional amnesty after authorities ascertained that he had been underage when enlisted in the military in the first place, and handed over to his parents on 30 June 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
香港运动员在东亚运的成绩固然叫人欣喜,但东亚运的成 [...] 功举行,当中实有赖全民参与,以及不同界别的人士和团体在运 动会的筹备及进行期间的鼎力支持。 legco.gov.hk | While the achievements of Hong Kong athletes in the EAG was remarkable, the success of the EAG hinged on the participation of the whole [...] community and the staunch support from different sectors and organisations in the [...] preparation and staging of the Games. legco.gov.hk |
其实,香港的外贸历史悠久,人才鼎盛,各项金融贸易政策、运输基础 配套齐全,可以作为内地最大的转口和贸易口岸。 legco.gov.hk | Given its long foreign trade history, Hong Kong has large numbers of people of talent, financial and trade policies and comprehensive transport infrastructure to make it become the biggest re-export and trading port of the Mainland. legco.gov.hk |
其他讲者还包括相关政府官员, 本地及海外着名大学的教授,來自本港各行业大型机构的资讯科技主管,各研究及发展中心 的权威人物,及资讯科技公司创业者,等等,阵容如此鼎盛,必定能带來更多的启发及新构 思,推动香港资讯及通讯科技的发展。 hkcs.org.hk | Other speakers include relevant Government officials, professors from famous local and overseas universities, ICT Chief Officers from local large organizations, authority figures from research and development centers, ICT enterprises founders and so on. hkcs.org.hk |