单词 | 鼎助 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 鼎助 —thanks your help(honorific) your inestimable assistance鼎鼎 —very importantExamples:鼎力相助—We are most grateful for your valuable assistance. See also:鼎—Kangxi radical 206 • one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes • ancient cooking cauldron with two looped handles and three or four legs • pot (dialect) • enter upon a period of (classical)
我們得以及時完成條例草案的修訂 工作,全賴法律草擬專員努力不懈, 鼎 力 協 助。 legco.gov.hk | We would not have been able to accomplish the amendment exercise in time without the unfailing support and the hard work of the Law Draftsman. legco.gov.hk |
條例草案能得以 最 後 落 實 , 實 有賴各 委 員 和 劉慧卿議員鼎 力 協 助 。 legco.gov.hk | The advice from Bills Committee members and the Honourable Emily LAU has [...] been most helpful in bringing this legislative proposal to its final shape. legco.gov.hk |
1.4.1 本人在撰寫此研究報告期 間,承蒙所研究的司法管轄區的多 個 團 體及多位人 士鼎力協助,謹此致謝。 legco.gov.hk | 1.4.1 I would like to [...] acknowledge the valuable assistance offered by many bodies [...]and individuals in the jurisdictions studied in this research paper. legco.gov.hk |
同時,我亦衷心感謝㆗醫藥工作小組及 多位業內專家,包括㆗醫藥執業㆟士,在他 們 鼎 力 協 助 ㆘ , 我們才能踏出這果敢而明 智的第㆒步。 legco.gov.hk | My sincere thanks to the Working Party on Chinese Medicine and the many experts in the field, including TCM professionals, who have enabled us to take this bold but sensible first step. legco.gov.hk |
最後 ,主席女士,我 得 悉 香 港 建築 師 學 會及香 [...] 港 測 量 師 學 會發出 聲 明,願 意 鼎 力 協 助 房 委 會及房屋署 改革。 legco.gov.hk | Finally, Madam President, I know that the Hong Kong Institute of Architects and the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors [...] are about to issue statements to register [...] their willingness to assist in the reform of the [...]HA and the Housing Department. legco.gov.hk |
作为审计师的传统角色,我们可以清晰了解贵公司业务 , 鼎 力 协 助 贵 公 司确定战略与活动中的重大风险与机遇。 deloitte.com | Our traditional role as Auditors also puts us in an ideal position to build [...] up a clear understanding of your [...] business, enabling us to help you identify the [...]major risks and opportunities in your strategies and activities. deloitte.com |
47 資料研究及圖書館服務部在撰寫本研究報告期間,承蒙各界 人士鼎力協助,謹此致謝。 legco.gov.hk | References 47 We sincerely [...] acknowledge the kind assistance given by many people [...]in the preparation of this research report. legco.gov.hk |
但 主要责任在于该区域本身,他们必须在欧洲联盟和国 际社会其他成员鼎力相助的情 况下领导这场斗争。 daccess-ods.un.org | But the main burden is on the region’s shoulders; it must lead the fight, with the unfailing support of the European Union and the rest of the international community. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们感谢多米尼加共和国 的鼎力协助。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are grateful to the Dominican [...] Republic for its great assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此特別感謝怡安的保險業夥伴在怡安二十週年慶祝活動 中 鼎 力 捐 助 支 持 「怡安二十年慈善計劃」。 aon.com | Special thanks to donations from its insurance-related [...] partners on its 20th anniversary as part of the Aon 20 Charity Program. aon.com |
本次華語文測驗電腦試測圓滿成功,除了華測會與紐西蘭位台灣華夏協會的妥善統整外,還有紐西蘭華語文教學基金會、奧克蘭商學院(AI S) 的 鼎 力 贊 助 , 鳳 興書院資訊團隊的配合,以及許多華語文老師們的大力支持。 hwahsia.org.nz | The success of the first computerized TOCFL in New Zealand is indebted to the close cooperation of SC-TOP and Hwa Hsia Society, and also to the strong support of New Zealand Chinese Teaching Trust、AIS ST HELENS,and Feng-Xing Institute of Studies, and many local Chinese teachers. hwahsia.org.nz |
此次拍卖所得款项将全部捐献给国际绿十字会,豪雅通过品牌代言人莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo di Caprio)鼎力赞助该组织。 tagheuer.com | All proceeds from its sale will be donated to Green Cross International - an organisation closely supported by TAG Heuer through their brand ambassador Leonardo di Caprio. tagheuer.com |
我想藉此機會特別感謝司法機構政務長辦公室團隊和政府當 局 鼎 力相 助,並將此記錄在案。 legco.gov.hk | I would like to take this opportunity to record special [...] thanks to the team from the Judiciary Administrator's office and the [...] Administration for their conscientious assistance. legco.gov.hk |
在经济领域,我们提供了鼎力相助于 我 们的客户的快捷有效的顾问成果,包括: 企业经营管理、金融、企业资源计划、工业运转和控制、公关创意、国际技术转让项目、医疗医药、化工、能源、农业、航海造船、汽车、电子、IT通讯领域等等。 dndchina.com | The economic sectors where we have provided fast and effective results for the benefit of our clients include: General Management; Finance; Enterprise Resource Planning; Industrial Operation & Control; PR and Creative; International Technology-Transfer Projects; Medical & Pharmaceutical; Chemical; Energy; Agri-Business; Marine; Automotive; Electronic; IT & Telecommunications Sectors etc. dndchina.com |
图里基先生的经验和能力众所周 知,备受尊重,今后一年我们一定鼎 立 相 助。 daccess-ods.un.org | His experience and abilities are well known and respected, and he has our full support in the coming year. daccess-ods.un.org |
CIC不能孤軍 作戰,這一切都需要業內其他人士的 鼎 力協 助。 hkca.com.hk | The CIC cannot do this work alone and will [...] need considerable assistance from others within [...]the industry. hkca.com.hk |
此外,承蒙警務處處長及其轄㆘投訴警察課㆟員,在過去㆒年來 鼎力合作和協助,我 亦要在此㆒併致謝。 legco.gov.hk | I would also like to thank the Commissioner of Police and his staff in CAPO for their co-operation during the year. legco.gov.hk |
教科文组织总部外办事 处鼎力协助联合 国海啸危机应急工作队,并在使印度参与筹备建立印度洋海啸预警系统方面 起了一定作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO field offices contributed significantly to the United Nations Task Force on Emergency Response to the tsunami crisis and were instrumental in leading to the inclusion of India in the preparations for the establishment of an Indian Ocean Tsunami Early Warning System. unesdoc.unesco.org |
高级时尚与奢侈品管理课程还得到了法国驻华大使馆的大力支持和巴黎工商会 的 鼎 力 相 助。 ifm-paris.com | HEC Paris is affiliated to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris, which serves the business interests of its constituency. ifm-paris.com |
此次拍賣所得款項將全部捐獻給國際綠十字會,豪雅通過品牌代言人里安納度·狄卡比奧(Leonardo di Caprio)鼎力贊助該組織。 tagheuer.com | All proceeds from its sale will be donated to Green Cross International - an organisation closely supported by TAG Heuer through their brand ambassador Leonardo di Caprio. tagheuer.com |
(d) 建議的項目已得到相關業界九個合作伙 伴 鼎 力 支 持和 贊 助。 legco.gov.hk | (d) the project proposal has received [...] significant contributions from nine relevant [...]industrial partners. legco.gov.hk |
2 是 次 補 選 得 [...] 蒙 以 下 政 府 決 策 局 和 部 門 鼎 力 支 持 , 提 供 協 助 : 政 制 及 內 地 事 務 局 、 民 [...]眾 安 全 服 務 隊 、 律 政 司 、 機 電 工 程 署 、 食 物 環 境 衞 生 [...]署 、 民 政 事 務 總 署 、 香 港 天 文 台 、 香 港 警 務 處 、 香 港 郵 政 、 房 屋 署 、 廉 政 公 署 、 政 府 新 聞 處 、 地 政 總 署 、 康 樂 及 文 化 事 務 署 、 政 府 資 訊 科 技 總 監 辦 公 室 、 公 務 員 事 務 局 法 定 語 文 事 務 部 及 政 府 物 流 服 務 署 , 選 管 會 謹 此 致 謝 。 legco.gov.hk | 8.2 The EAC would like to express its gratitude to the following government bureau [...] and departments for their [...] dedicated support and unfailing assistance: Constitutional and Mainland [...]Affairs Bureau, CAS, D of [...]J, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, HAD, Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong Police Force, Hongkong Post, Housing Department, ICAC, Information Services Department, Lands Department, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Office of the Government Chief Information Officers, Official Languages Division (of the Civil Service Bureau) and Government Logistics Department. legco.gov.hk |
在一个主 要捐助国于 2002 年初彻底停止提供资金后,如果捐助 界 没 有 鼎 力 相 助 , 并且如 果美元这一年来没有贬值的话,那么捐款收入减少的幅度肯定不止 8.2 百万美元 或 3.2%。 unfpa.org | The decrease of $8.2 million or 3.2 per cent would have been greater without the support of the donor community following the decision by a major donor to withdraw funding completely at the beginning of 2002, and had the US dollar not depreciated in value over the year. unfpa.org |
我们希 望国际社会鼎力相助,相 信国际社会将为我们提供我 们急需的援助,帮助我国加强救济和救援工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | We hope that the international community will come forward in all earnestness. daccess-ods.un.org |
選管會在這次選舉得到以下政府決策局及部 門 鼎 力支 持及協助,謹此致謝 legco.gov.hk | 15.2 The EAC would like to thank the following government [...] bureaux and departments for their support and assistance legco.gov.hk |
虽然面临严重的经济限制,但是工程处得 到了约旦、黎巴嫩和叙利亚等东道国以及 捐 助 方的 鼎力支持,继续提供关键援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Agency with vital support from the host countries of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria [...] and from the donor community, and despite serious financial constraints, had [...] continued to provide essential assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
AsiaSolar亚洲太阳能光伏工业展览会及论坛由全国工商联合新能源商会、中国国际贸易促进委员会联手举办,得到了国家相关部门、国内外行业组织 的 鼎 力 相 助 , 尤 其得到了国内外光伏企业的全力支持,使得AsiaSolar已经成为中国最权威、最专业、最高规格、最具国际影响的太阳能光伏工业的国际贸易和学术交流盛会。 gracesolar.com | AsiaSolar Asia Solar Photovoltaic Exhibition and Forum of Industry and Commerce jointly by the New Energy Chamber of Commerce, the China International Trade Promotion Committee jointly organized by the relevant state [...] departments, domestic and international [...] industry organizations, help, particularly in [...]the domestic and international PV companies [...]get the full support, the AsiaSolar has become the most authoritative, most professional, highest standard, the most international influence of the solar PV industry, international trade and academic exchange event. gracesolar.com |
最後,我謹代表委員會感謝警務處處長及其屬㆘㆟員,尤其是警察投訴課的全體 ㆟員的鼎力支持和協助。 legco.gov.hk | Mr President, finally, on behalf of the committee, I would like to place on record our thanks and appreciation of the co-operation given to the committee by the Commissioner of Police, and in particular, his officers in CAPO. legco.gov.hk |
家 長 的 鼎 力 支 持 和 協 助 也 是 該 校 順 利 推 行 普 教 中 的 重 要 元 素 , 如 邀 請 [...] 家 長 為 小 一 學 生 以 普 通 話 講 述 故 事 , 提 高 學 生 對 普 通 話 的 興 趣 。 legco.gov.hk | Active support and assistance from parents was another important [...] factor that contributed to the successful implementation [...]of PMIC in the school. Parents were invited to tell stories in PTH to P.1 students to enhance their interest in the subject. legco.gov.hk |
該等陳述包括有關公司的預期:收購計劃將於二零一二年第四季度完成;這次收購 龍 鼎 微 電 子公司 (Power Analog Microelectronics) 將可擴展Diodes的產品陣容,從而加強我們作為環球優質模擬產品供應商的地位,包括創新的『無濾波器』數碼音頻放大器、特殊應用功率管理集成電路,以及高性能LED驅動器與DC-DC轉換器;有關公司旗下各種業務相輔相成,將可即時為客戶提供效益,長遠來說更為股東及員工帶來價值;這次收購 有 助 促 進雙方的協作關係。 ipress.com.hk | Such statements include statements regarding our expectation that: the acquisition is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2012; the acquisition of Power Analog Microelectronics will strengthen our position as a global provider of high-quality analog products by expanding Diodes' product portfolio with innovative "filter-less" digital audio amplifiers, application-specific power management ICs, as well as high-performance LED drivers and DC-DC converters; the highly [...] complementary nature of our businesses [...]will provide immediate benefits to our customers, while generating long-term value for our shareholders and employees; and there are tremendous synergies to be leveraged through the acquisition. ipress.com.hk |