单词 | 黯 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 黯adjective—darkadj黯—dull (color) deep black Examples:黯然—dim 黯然adj—sadadj 黯淡adj—bleakadj dulladj graveadj
如果全民基础教育无法在农村地区实现或达到,实现千 年发展目标和全民教育的目标的前景则会比较黯淡。 unesdoc.unesco.org | If basic education for all cannot be realized or achieved in rural areas, the prospects of attaining the MDGs and EFA goals are rather dim. unesdoc.unesco.org |
英国经济的增长前景 仍然黯淡,虽然勞工市场已呈现活力,但欧元区 的狀况和消费信心疲弱,至少仍对当地经济产生 一定影响。 hsbc.com.tw | The prospects for growth in the UK remain subdued asthey are in part influenced by the situation in the eurozone and weak consumer confidence, although the labour market has proved to be resilient. hsbc.com.tw |
谁看不见岗位前景最黯淡的岗位,妇女数量最多。 unesdoc.unesco.org | How can one fail to see that the posts in which women are most numerous are also those in which career prospects are bleakest? unesdoc.unesco.org |
危机的发展影响有可能非常严重,长期存在, 而实现千年发展目标的前景已黯淡。 daccess-ods.un.org | The development consequences of the crisis were [...] likely to be severe and long lasting and the outlook for the achievement of the Millennium [...] Development Goals had worsened. daccess-ods.un.org |
由此造成的教育水平低下使得贫穷循环 往复,世代相袭,并使体面工作机会的前景黯然失色。 daccess-ods.un.org | The lower level of education thus attained perpetuates the cycle of poverty across generations and reduces prospectsof decent work opportunities. daccess-ods.un.org |
逗乐了,其他人不这样做,他喜欢叫他“令人难以置信的手表一个制表工匠”,提出在BRM陀飞轮2008年巴塞尔钟表展黯淡的 挑战。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Amused by the challenges, dimmed by those others do not, this craftsman of watchmaking with the one he likes to call his "incredible watch," presented at the BRM Tourbillon Basel Fair 2008. en.horloger-paris.com |
这些因素汇集起来致 使经济前景黯淡,导致投资和私人消费缩减。 daccess-ods.un.org | These factors combined with a downturn in economic expectations, which led to a fall in investment and private consumption. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而, Tacumbú 国家监狱存在的严重问题令这些条件的相对改善黯然失色,这些痼疾也许影响着巴拉圭的整个监狱系统。 daccess-ods.un.org | These relative improvements are greatly overshadowed, however, by the serious problems plaguing Tacumbú National Prison, in particular, and possibly Paraguay’s entire prison system. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中韩国大热的#2 Blueberry Ganache色号,上层淡黄色是用于眼周中和加光,均匀黯沉肤色,以及中和黑眼圈色素,提升光泽。 cosme-de.com | 2 Blueberry Ganache is the Korean hits, the color of pale yellow is used to neutralize and brightening, even dullness, reduce the pigment of dark circles and to brightening. cosme-de.com |
但鉴於澳大利亚矿产业前景黯淡、 大宗商品价格走软、围绕美国财政悬崖问题的忧虑、投资者在周末前进行头寸调整﹐澳元/美元上行空间受限。 htisec.com | But AUD/USD upside limited by bleak outlook for Australian mining industry; softer commodity prices; worries over the U.S. fiscal cliff; position adjustments before weekend. htisec.com |
我国代表团注意到去年年底通过了 2011 年预算, 并鼓励各方做出妥协,并侧重于从速通过 2012 年预 [...] 算,以使该国能够开始应对各种经济挑战,其中包括 增长前景黯淡和失业率高的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | My delegation has noted the adoption of the 2011 budget at the end of last year and encourages all parties to compromise and focus on adopting a budget for 2012 without delay, in order for [...] the country to be able to begin to respond to economic challenges, including poor [...] growth prospects and highunemployment. daccess-ods.un.org |
3 月 27 日,特别协调员罗伯特·塞里先生向安理 会通报了情况(见 S/PV.6742)。他报告说,直接谈判 的前景依然黯淡,而且由于没有政治前途,巴勒斯坦 权力机构的建国努力岌岌可危。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 27 March, Special Coordinator Robert Serry briefed the Council (see S/PV.6742), reporting that prospects for direct negotiations remainedslim,and that without a political horizon, the State-building efforts of the Palestinian Authority were at risk. daccess-ods.un.org |
不 过,令我们失望的是,这一富有勇气的举措前景黯淡,陷入僵局,看不到明确的进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, we were disheartened when that courageous undertaking faced a bleak impasse, with no clear sight of progress. daccess-ods.un.org |
借助于增强的聚氨酯,博纳油保养剂提供持久的保护,并使涂过油的黯淡地 板重新焕发光彩。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | Through reinforced polyurethane Bona Oil Refresher offers durable protection and gives new luster to dull oiled floors. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
鉴于黯淡的 宏观经济和汽车业前景以及烧钱状况预期持续,福特的现有债务以大打折扣的价格成交。 china.blackstone.com | Due to thebleak macroeconomic and automotive outlook as well as expectations of continued cash burn, Ford’s existing debt traded at severely discounted prices. blackstone.com |
第二次世界大战以后,由于与战争 结果相关的政治原因,亚太区域的区域主 义的前景十分黯淡。 regionalcommissions.org | After the Second World War, the prospects for regionalism were extremely narrow in the Asia-Pacific region because of political reasons related to the outcomes of the war. regionalcommissions.org |
本地消费者对经济、就业与固定收入不甚乐观 并对生活质素前景感到黯淡 mastercard.com | Local consumers less optimistic in Economy, Employment, and Regular Income; with a gloomy outlook towards Quality of Life mastercard.com |
小武器泛滥、地方不满情绪、经济前景黯淡以 及抢匪 的存在会形成一个巨大的隐患。 daccess-ods.un.org | The abundance of small arms, local dissatisfaction, a lack of economic prospects and the presence of spoilers can form a dangerous constellation. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组成员指出,气候变化辩论使一个可能更大的全球性问题――水 和清洁饮水途径问题――黯然失色,这一问题需要对相关基础设施进行大量投 资,这尤其是为了更加高效地利用水资源 daccess-ods.un.org | Panellists said that the climate change debate overshadowed a potentially even bigger global issue, water and access to clean water, which would require significant investment in relevant infrastructure, especially with a view to more efficient use of water daccess-ods.un.org |
有一天,汲黯对武帝说,陛下使用群臣,跟码劈柴一样,是"后来者居上"啊! chinesestoryonline.com | One day, he took occasion of reporting to the Emperor to express his discontent, complaining that the Emperor used his ministers in the same way as a man piling up firewoods, that was, the latecomers surpassed the old-timers. chinesestoryonline.com |
成语"后来居上",往往指后起的可以胜过先前的.和汲黯说这话的原意,大不相同。 chinesestoryonline.com | The idiom of "The Latecomers Surpass The Old-timers--Hou Lai Ju Shang" is now used to indicate that successors can excel the predecessors, which is quite different from the original idea of Ji An. chinesestoryonline.com |
经过培训的医务人员 [...] 或是移居国外或是不愿意在农村地区工作,因为农村地区的私人诊所前景黯淡。daccess-ods.un.org | Trained medical staff have either emigrated or are unwilling to work in rural areas where the [...] prospects for private practices [...]are low. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有的蓝宝石水晶零件皆由一位深黯该材质的专家Stettler 先生,在 瑞士Lyss完成。 wthejournal.com | All the components made from sapphire crystal were machined by the world specialists in this material, Stettler, located in Lyss, Switzerland. wthejournal.com |
因此,虽不过八年之久,Facebook 却令麦当劳、卡特彼勒、波音、美国运通以及亚马逊等历史悠久的美国品牌黯然失 色,且定价时预计估值高于戴尔、惠普和 Adobe 三者之和。 china.blackstone.com | As such, Facebook, at eight years old, has eclipsed the valuation of such venerable U.S. brands as McDonald’s, Caterpillar, Boeing, American Express, and Amazon, and at pricing is expected to have a valuation higher than Dell, HP, and Adobe, combined. blackstone.com |
有报告指出,“全民教育议程”滞后不前,实现千年发展目标2和3(普及 初等教育和两性平等 ) 的前景也十分黯淡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reports indicate that the EFA agenda is falling behind, and the prospects of achieving Millennium Development Goals 2 and 3 on universal primary education and gender equality, respectively, arealso bleak. daccess-ods.un.org |
香奈儿最近取消其流动的艺术展览、重新定位投资战略并削减200个工作职位的决定标志着即使是昔日光芒闪耀的奢侈品行业也由于这次危机而显得黯淡起来。 labbrand.com | Chanel decision to call off its mobile art exhibition to refocus on strategic investment and to cut 200 jobs are the latest sign that even the shine of the luxury industry risks to wear off due to this crisis. labbrand.com |
托叶披针形,5-7毫米; 叶柄5-10毫米,被绒毛; 叶片椭圆形的或椭圆状披针形, 8-32 * 2-8.5 厘米, 厚纸质或者薄革质,无毛,干燥时黯淡棕 色,基部宽楔形,钝,或稍心形,边缘具圆齿状细锯齿或圆具,先端渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Stipules lanceolate, 5-7 mm; petiole 5-10 mm, tomentose; leaf blade elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, 8-32 × 2-8.5 cm, thickly papery or thinly leathery, glabrous, drying dull brown, base broadly cuneate, obtuse, or slightly cordate, margin crenate-serrulate or crenate, apex acuminate. flora.ac.cn |
尽管社区选举真正具有包容性,并有 24 个政党和 5 名独立候选人参加,但 由于广大反对党派质疑选举结果,使选举进程的继续黯然失色。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the commune elections were truly inclusive, with the participation of 24 political parties and 5 independent candidates, the challenging of the results by a broad range of opposition parties tarnished the continuation ofthe electoral process. daccess-ods.un.org |