

单词 默不作声


默不作声的 adj

subdued adj

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

气候变化引发的灾难 往往鲜为人知,造成的受害人往 默不作声 , 这个问题十分特别,需要有一个独 立的授权机制予以特别的关注。
Climate change often
[...] involves silent disasters that create silent victims, [...]
and this issue is a special case requiring particular
attention by an independent mandate.
以色列和美国官默不作声,但 美国官员却 私下对媒体谈论了此事。
Israel and the United States
[...] remained officially silent, although American [...]
officials talked anonymously on the subject to the media.
[...] 为巴勒斯坦人民应享有人权、自由和尊严,不能对以 色列对整个巴勒斯坦国采取集体惩罚的行 默不作 声。
An international community that insists on the
enjoyment of human rights, freedom and dignity
[...] cannot remain silent about the collective [...]
punishment of an entire nation.
我们在某些员工的绩效考核期间观察到的典型反应包括否认、推诿责任、愤怒 默不作声 甚 至 流泪。
Typical reactions that we have
observed in some employees during appraisals include denial, laying blame, anger,
[...] withdrawing into silence and even tears.
记得那时,他们最开始只是自己一个 默不作声 , 但 是很快,他们便打破彼此间的陌生隔阂,变成一支非常紧密的队伍。
They stayed to themselves at first, but they quickly dropped those barriers and became a close team.
令人遗憾的是,《世界人权宣言》通过 60 多年后, 国际社会有默不作声的现 象引人注目,突出了作为 当今国际社会一大特征的一个缺陷:法律的理论价值 [...]
Regrettably, even more than 60 years after
the adoption of the Universal Declaration,
[...] the conspicuous silence in certain instances [...]
serves to accentuate a deficiency that
is characteristic of the international community today: the gap between the theoretical values of law and harsh reality.
85 国际上对法庭中止运作的反映是默不 作声”,86 引发了人们对该地区坚持法治的承诺的担 忧,这项承诺也正是那些正在决定是否放松对津巴 布韦制裁的国家和组织关注的核心问题。
Jacob Zuma took over the point role in the facilitation when he succeeded Mbeki as South Africa’s president in 2009.
阿拉伯有一句谚 语:“面不公保持沉默,等于无 声作 恶 ”
There is an Arabic proverb that says “Those who do not speak out against wrong are but a silent Satan”.
另一方面,对保留的沉默构成对保留的接受,惟有与条约的目的和宗旨相抵 触的保留不在此列;而对解释声明 的 沉 默 决 不 可 能 具有任何法律效力。
On the other hand, while silence against a reservation constituted acceptance with the sole exception of reservations incompatible with
the object and
[...] purpose of the treaty, silence against interpretative declaration [...]
could never give rise to any legal effects.
试图另 外建立一个制度,默认在解释声 明 中 发挥特 作 用 ,是无助于事的。
It would not be helpful to try to create a separate
[...] regime in which acquiescence could play a specific role in regard to interpretative declarations.
关于解释性声明,目前不存在关于 默作为 一种声明手 段的价值的通则,也不存在对这样一 声 明 作 出明确反应的普遍和正 当的期待。
Regarding interpretative declarations, there is no general rule on the value of silence as a declaratory mean, nor is there a [...]
general legitimate expectation of an express
reaction to such a declaration.
尽管在《不扩散核武器条约》(《不扩散条约》) 存在的 41 年中,它的进展是缓慢默默无声的 ,但 我们相信作为全球裁军不扩散 制度的基石,该《条 约》能够让我们实现无核武器世界的目标。
The Treaty has been open for signature for more than a decade.
为了获得合适的两线环路供电变送器系统设计,设计人员必须考虑许 不 同 的 系统要求,包括精度、功耗预算、诊断和采用HART时的默噪声限制
To have an appropriate 2-wire loop-powered transmitter system design, designers
must consider many
[...] different system requirements including accuracy, power budget, diagnostics, and silence noise restriction with HART.
但该条款没有确定有关“行为” 的定义,而且要事前确定一国或国际组织在哪 些情况下必须明作出反 对、以防止被认 默 认 解释 性 声 明 或 由此 声 明 形 成的 实践是极其困难、甚不可能991 的。
(8) However, this provision does not define the “conduct” in question, and it would seem extremely difficult, if not impossible, to determine in advance the circumstances in which a State or an organization is bound to protest expressly in
order to avoid being
[...] considered as having acquiesced to an interpretative declaration or to a practice that has been established on the basis of such a declaration.992 In other words, it is particularly difficult to determine when and in what specific circumstances inaction with respect to an interpretative declaration is tantamount to consent.
这些不 见的、静默无声的电缆是我们这个世界的真正构架和 神经系统,它以一个光纤网络,把我们各国连接起来。
Those unseen and unsung cables are the true skeleton and nervous system of our world, linking our countries in a fibre-optic web.
但 是,如果這情況持續惡化, 以 致 違 背 社 會 對 醫 療 水平和 素 質 的 訴 求 , 甚 或 危害病人的安全,醫生便 無 法 再默 不 語 , 不作出行動了。
But if the situation continues to worsen and doctors fail to meet the expectations of the community in terms of the standard and
quality of medical
[...] treatment, or it would even jeopardize patients' safety, doctors could no longer remain silent and we must take [...]
本文档含有特定的前瞻性声明,涉及公 不 可 控 的未知风险、延迟和不确定性,此等未知风险、延迟 不 确 定性可能导致公司的实际业绩、性能或成果与前瞻 声 明 中 默 示 的业绩、性能或预期有重大差异。
This document contains
[...] certain forward looking statements which involve known and unknown risks, delays, and uncertainties not under the corporations control which may cause actual results, performance or achievements of the [...]
corporation's to be
materially different from the results, performance or expectation implied by these forward looking statements.
其后果与上述所提及的后果相似,再有就是歧视、教科文组织在国家一级的声 不佳,有能力的作人员 向联合国其他机构流动,以及教科文组织承担的巨大责 [...]
任,如第 182 EX/6 Part II 号文件第 82 段最后一个黑圆点提及的那样。
The consequences are similar to
those mentioned above, as
[...] well as discrimination, bad reputation for UNESCO at country levels, [...]
fluctuation of competent
staff to other United Nations agencies and an enormous liability for UNESCO as mentioned in the last bullet point of paragraph 82 of document 182 EX/6 Part II.
正因如此,不能认同法院对秘书长特别代表保持“ 默 ” 作 出 的 解释,这 等于确认独立宣言不是科 索沃临时自治机构议会的作为。
This being the case, I cannot endorse the Court’s interpretation of the “silence” of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, which supposedly [...]
confirms that the declaration of independence was not the work of the Assembly of the Provisional
Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo.
每 次當政 府 的 作為變 得十分過 分 , 或 推 行 甚 麼 運 動 , 或 開 槍殺人 時 , 這些沉 默 的 大多數看到 政 府採取高壓 手段便 默 不 作聲。
On every occasion when the Government had acted arbitrarily, or when it mounted certain campaigns or opened fire at the
people, this silent
[...] majority remained silent even though they had witnessed high-handedness on the part of [...]
the government.
鉴于前瞻性声明存在风险和不确定性,实际结果可能与本文明示 默 示 的 声 明 完 全 不 同 ,包括但不限于本公司呈交美国证券交易委员会的文件中所讨论的风险和不确定性。
Because forward-looking statements include risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied and include, but are not limited to, those discussed in filings by the Company with the SEC.
艾默生肩负多项职责:默生过程管不仅负 责为 Comperj 项目的过程自动化和系统集成提供构建服务和技术,而 作 为 该 项目的主要自动化承包商,还在整个设施建设和启用过程中管理着众多国际和本地供应商。
Emerson is handling multiple roles: Emerson Process Management is not only delivering engineering services and technologies for process automation and systems integration at Comperj, it’s serving as Main Automation Contractor and will manage multiple [...]
international and local
suppliers throughout construction and startup of the facility.
准则2.9.8 确立了一个一般框架,应与准则2.9.9 一起来谈,后者更具体地 处理了国家或国际组织对解释声明 保持 沉 默 可 起 的 作 用。
(1) Guideline 2.9.8 establishes a general framework and should be read in conjunction with guideline 2.9.9, which relates more specifically
to the role that may be
[...] played by the silence of a State or an international organization with regard to an interpretative [...]
虽然沉默在原则不等同于对解释 声 明 的 赞同或默认,但在某些情况 下,沉默的国家可被由于其在解释性声明上的行为或应有行为时 不 行 为 而被视默认了该声明。
XXV, p. 111, para. 3.9; see also the well-known separate opinion of Judge Alfaro in the Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia v. Thailand) case, I.C.J. Reports 1962, p. 40.
(……)最后,这个原则的法律效力始终如一:即缔约方凡通过承认、代表声明、行为或默坚持采取某种态度而这种态度公开违反其在国际法 声 称 拥 有之权利者不得要求这项权利(venirecontra factum proprium non valet)”(《1962 年国际法院案例汇编》, 第 40 页)。
... Finally, the legal effect of the principle is
always the same: the party which by
[...] its recognition, its representation, its declaration, its conduct or its silence has maintained an attitude manifestly contrary to the right it is claiming [...]
an international tribunal is precluded from claiming that right (venire contra factum proprium non valet)” (I.C.J. Reports 1962, p. 40).
鉴于这些来函作者数年来默不语 ,委 员会决定将其从委员会清单中注销。不言而喻, 如果作者认为必要,可以将新来函提交给委员会( 157 EX/3 PRIV.第 133 段 ) 。
The Committee decided to strike these communications from its list in view of the fact that their authors had provided no further information for several years, it being understood that new communications may be submitted to the Committee if the authors consider that it is necessary to do so (157 EX/3 PRIV., para. 133).
缔 约国通过这声明,默示地 承诺与委员会诚意 作 , 提供手段,以审议提交给它 的申诉,并且在这类审议之后,将意见通知缔约国和申诉人。
By making this declaration, States parties implicitly undertook to cooperate with the Committee in good faith by providing it with the means to examine the complaints submitted to it and, after such examination, to communicate its comments to the State party and the complainant.
可在勾选不可逆地抹除所选分区方框后单击继续,或者,如果格式化 默 认 操 作不 适合您,可单击选项,为被选定进行数据销毁的分区选择抹除后的操作。
You can click Proceed after selecting the Wipe the selected partitions irreversibly box or click Options to select the post-wiping action on the partitions selected for data destruction, if the default action, namely, Format does not suit you.
教科文组织办事处中缺乏具有专业知识的国际 作 人 员 ,在过去的计划实施中 落下缺乏连续性的声,在 众多的教科文组织小规模经常方案活动中吸收一小部分教科文组 织成员,所有这些并未使该国成为一个可进行大规模合作的合作伙伴。
The lack of professional
[...] international staff in the UNESCO office, its spotty reputation for programme delivery in the past, the absorption [...]
of its small
number of staff in numerous small UNESCO regular programme activities, did not make the country office a likely partner for larger-scale collaboration.




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