

单词 黑落德

See also:

(loanword) hack (computing)

fall onto
write down
rest with
leave out
fall or drop
be missing
lag or fall behind
(of a tide) go out
leave behind or forget to bring
get or receive
(of the sun) set
decline or sink

External sources (not reviewed)

他们还提倡借助联合国迅速通过的适当文德 黑言和行动纲领》所述原则。
They had also advocated the implementation of the
[...] principles contained inthe Tehran Declaration and Programme [...]
of Action through the rapid adoption
of appropriate instruments by the United Nations.
这三个国家办事处是四国许多联合国发展援助框架的优先活动的积极伙伴,而教 科文组德黑事处领导了一个关于“便利科学和技术的转让”的联合国发展援助 框架的优先活动,教科文组织伊斯坦布尔办事处目前领导了一个关于教育的联合国国 家工作队,教科文组德黑事处在土库曼斯坦与儿童基金会共同实施了一个关于 教育问题的积极的联合项目制定计划。
The three Offices are active partners in many
[...] UNDAF priorities in the four countries and UNESCOTehran Officeleads an UNDAF priority on “Facilitating Transfer of Science and Technology”, UNESCO Islamabad Office currently leads the UNCT working group in education and UNESCO Tehran hasan active joint programming project in education [...]
in Turkmenistan implemented with UNICEF.
到了执行司法改革战略行动计划》方面所开展的许多活 动,2008 [...]
年下半 年的行动计划措 施执行报告正 在审议之中,特别是在加强 司法部 门的独立性和效率方 面 , 已 经采取了大 量 的 措 施 。
Montenegro referred tothe richness [...]
of activities in implementing the Action plan for the implementation of the Strategy
for the Reform of Judiciary with the Report on the Implementation of measures from the Action Plan for the second half of 2008 currently under consideration and the high level of measures completed, particularly in the field of strengthening the independence and efficiency of the judiciary.
此外,伊斯兰堡德黑两个 联络处和迪拜的后勤支助处也将继续开展业务活动。
In addition, the two Liaison Offices in
[...] Islamabadand Tehran willalso continue [...]
to operate, as will a logistics support office in Dubai.
经社会欢迎伊朗伊斯兰共和国政府发出的关于出席计划于 2012 年 11 月 11-14 日德黑办的第三次公私营伙伴关系促进基础设施发展部长级 会议的邀请,并鼓励所有成员国参加这次会议。
The Commission welcomed the invitation from the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the third Ministerial Conference on Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure Development in Asia and the Pacific, which would be hosted in Tehran from 11 to 14 November 2012, and encouraged all member States to participate in the Conference.
[...] 尔巴尼亚、安道尔、奥地利、孟加拉国、比利时、 巴西、保加利亚、中非共和国、乍得、科摩罗、塞 浦路斯、法国格林纳达、几内亚比绍、匈 牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、牙买加、日本、约旦瑙鲁、挪威、巴布亚新几内亚、葡萄牙、摩尔 多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、圣卢西亚、圣基茨和尼维 斯、萨摩亚、圣马力诺、斯洛文尼亚、所罗门群岛、 [...]
The following had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, the Central African
Republic, Chad, the
[...] Comoros, Cyprus, France,Germany,Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Montenegro, Nauru,Norway, Papua New [...]
Guinea, Portugal, the
Republic of Moldova, Romania, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Samoa, San Marino, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Spain, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan and Tuvalu.
这些是我们今天向安理会提出的问题,也是我们 在坚持不懈地追究对我国人民犯下的战争罪的责任 和为此伸张正义,包括报告 (A/HRC/12/48)过程中要继续提出的问题。
and that we will continue to ask as we persist in pursuit of accountability and justice, including in the follow-up of the Goldstone report (A/HRC/12/48), for the war crimes committed against our people.
[...] 联合国教科文组织多国办事处(阿拉木图,阿皮亚,曼谷,北京,德里,雅加达德黑的各国家委员会的成员和各自驻地主管举行了为期一天的多国会议,讨论计划制定和优先事 [...]
Following the introduction of the Representative of the Director-General, the Assistant Director-General for Strategic Planning (ADG/BSP), and some preliminary comments by participants, members of the National Commissions of the seven
UNESCO clusters (Almaty, Apia,
[...] Bangkok, Beijing, Delhi, Jakartaand Tehran) andthe respective [...]
field office directors/heads
met for a day in cluster meetings to discuss programming issues and priorities as well as other aspects raised in the questionnaire.
The Qur'anic
[...] verses andthe passagesof hadith are written in vocalizedNaskh and Thuluthscripts in black ink.
在国家一级举办了下列与特殊疾病有关的一些会议和研讨会:与地中海贫血 病国际联合会合办的地中海贫血病患者的牙病问题会议(2008 年 6 月德黑)、肺癌治疗新发现(2008 年 6 月德黑)、糖尿病治疗新发现(2008 年 4 月德黑)、管理特殊疾病患者的治疗费用(2007 年 11 月德黑)、糖尿病研讨会(2007 年 4 月德黑)、诊断和治疗特殊疾病新发现(2006 年 11 月德黑)、糖尿病 中的心脑血管疾病(2008 年 8 月德黑),以及遗传病高级诊断国际讲习班(2007 年 3 月德黑)。
Some conferences and seminars held at the national level related to special diseases are as follows: Dentistry Problems of Thalassaemia Patients, in cooperation with the Thalassaemia International Federation(Tehran, March 2008), New Findings in Treatment of Lung Cancer (Tehran, June 2008), New Findings on Treatment of Diabetes (Tehran, April 2008), Management of Treatment Costs of Patients with Special Disease (Tehran, November 2007), Seminar on Diabetes (Tehran, April 2007), New Findings in Diagnosis and Treatment of Special Diseases (Tehran, November 2006), Cardio-vascular Diseases in Diabetes (Tehran, August 2008), and International Workshop on Advanced Diagnosis on Genetic Diseases (Tehran, March 2007).
要不是出于商业和财政考虑,而是因为必须镇压 世界各地的动乱……若非如此,新世界的权杖迟 早中”。
... If not done so, the sceptre of the new world would sooner or later [have]
[...] fallen into the hands of the blacks.
(d) 联合德黑闻中心同伊朗伊斯兰共和国足球联合会协作,在两家很 [...]
受欢迎的足球队在阿扎迪体育场比赛之前举行了一次站起来活动,有 15 000 名 粉丝参与。
(d) The United Nations
[...] Information Centre inTehran workedwith the [...]
Football Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran
to hold a Stand Up event before a match between two popular soccer teams at the Azadi Stadium, involving 15,000 fans.
秘书长曾说,普遍定期审议是一个具有 “在 世界和保护 人权的很大潜力”的机制。
The Secretary-General has described the
UPR as a mechanism which has “great potential to promote and protect human
[...] rights inthe darkest corners of theworld”.
根据大会第 32 届会议通过的《教科文组织反对种族主义、歧视、仇外及相关的不宽容 行为的综合战略》(32 C/13)的要求,反对歧视和种族主义科参加关于种族 主义、种族歧视、排外即相关的不宽容行为的世界会议”(2001 年)后续活动机制。
In accordance with the UNESCO Integrated Strategy to Combat Racism, Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (32 C/13), which was adopted by the General Conference at its 32nd session, the Section to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination has participated in the mechanism of follow-up to the World Conference on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban (2001).
德黑究堆、钼碘氙设施和 原子能机构获准接触的其他设施而言,原子能机构能够确认伊朗没有正在进行中 的后处理相关活动。
It is only with respect to TRR, the MIX Facility and the other facilities to which the Agency has access that the Agency can confirm that there are no ongoing reprocessing related activities in Iran.
It is likewise noteworthy that in the first two
chapters of Berakot the
[...] sections of the Talmudictext on some of the paragraphsare designated [...]
in the editions by the word
"pisḳa" (section), a term found occasionally also in other portions of the text of Yerushalmi.
[...] 所通过决议和决定的订正细节的报告(A/64/353)中 指出与有言和行动纲领》政府间工作 组有关的活动将视为长期活动,因此拟议 [...]
2010-2011 两年期方案预算中也考虑到了:第 2 章(“大会和经
济及社会理事会事务以及会议管理”)和关于会议服 务的第 28E 章[(日内瓦)办事处]。
It was indicated, in the report of the Secretary-General on the revised estimates resulting from resolutions and decisions adopted by the Human Rights Council (A/64/353), that the activities related to the
Intergovernmental Working Group
[...] on the Effective Implementationofthe DurbanDeclaration [...]
and Programme of Action were considered
of a “perennial nature”, and as such provisions had already been made for them also in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 under sections 2, General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management and 28E, Administration, Geneva, for conference servicing requirements.
德国大使也德黑动荡局势中起 到重要作用。
The Ambassadorof Germany hadalso played a significant role in the unrest in Teheran.
Nestled between the Romsdal Mountains and southern Norway’s
[...] coastline, Molde is known as [...]
the ‘Town of Roses’ due to the number of large
gardens and flowers that adorn the city’s predominantly wooden architecture.
提交人进一步认为,两份要求他德黑命法院出庭的传票没有争议, 而他在这两张传票发出之后没有在革命法院出庭这一事实本身就证实了,如果返 [...]
回伊朗伊斯兰共和国,他将会有被逮捕和遭受酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人 格的待遇或处罚的风险。
3.3 The complainant further maintains that the
two summons to appear before the
[...] Revolutionary Court inTehran are uncontested, [...]
and the fact that he did not appear before
the Revolutionary Court following those summons, in and of itself substantiates the risk that he will be arrested and subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, if he is returned to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
正因为如此,她才鼓励各会员国为消除这些 弊端展开新的努力,在国家层言》 和《行动纲领》的内容。
She thus invited States to give new momentum to
the struggle against those scourges and
[...] to implement the DurbanDeclaration and [...]
Programme of Action at the national level.
The Prophet performed Tawaf of the Ka'ba on his arrival (at
[...] Mecca); hetouched the (Black Stone)cornerfirst [...]
of all and then did Ramal (fast walking
with moving of the shoulders) during the first three rounds round the Ka'ba, and during the last four rounds he walked.
The supernova
[...] then devolvesinto a black hole, where Arrow driftsoverboard [...]
and is lost, for which Jim blames himself for
failing to secure the lifelines, while in fact Arrow’s line was cut by a ruthless insectoid crew member named Scroop (Michael Wincott).
在 2008 年 5 月 6 日和 7 日德 黑行的第二次三方部长级会议上,达成如下一致意见:(a)在各边界的商定 具体地点建立试点边界联络处;(b)在尊重国家主权基础上尽快开始基于情报的 联合行动,并在 12 个月内至少开始一次行动;(c)制订根据《阿富汗和巴基斯坦 之间阿富汗过境贸易协定》和 1975 年阿富汗和伊朗伊斯兰共和国之间《关于国 际公路货运通行证制度下国际货运海关公约》3 对贸易实行管制的准则;(d)建立 一个联合情报规划机构,德黑行动总部,能够为联合行动提供支助并在 离行动最近的各地设点。
At a second triangular ministerial
[...] conference held in Tehran on 6 and 7 May 2008, it was agreed: (a) to create pilot border liaison offices at agreed specific locations along each of the borders; (b) to commence intelligence-based joint operations, respecting national sovereignty, as soon as possible and to start at least one operation within 12 months; (c) to formulate guidelines for controlling trade under the Afghan Transit Trade Agreement between Afghanistan and Pakistan and the 1975 Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets3 between Afghanistan and Iran (Islamic Republic of); and (d) to establish a joint intelligence planningcell in Tehran with operational [...]
headquarters, capable
of supporting joint operations and located in those areas closest to action.




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