

单词 黑白无常

See also:


impermanence (Sanskrit: anitya)
ghost taking away the soul after death
pass away

黑白 adj

bitonal adj

External sources (not reviewed)

最后一段,是一个被分隔的单独的拼贴,画幅中 黑白无常 的 鬼 的形象,有些许压抑和庸俗,雾气濛濛的;也有一段墨水印记和随意涂抹,意在和‘具象’产生呼应, 黑白无常 营 造更平面性质的效果,可以说这里是最‘传统戏剧性’的部分,而恰好被我割裂然后错落拼贴了。
It makes the irregular black and white seem even flatter. You could say that this section is the most “traditionally dramatic” part – and this is the part that I separated off and pieced together [...]
as a collage.
同时,如果观众仔细观察,里面的画幅是先被切割后,重新拼贴的 ( 如:最左段,有集体宿舍上下床铺一样的图纹,被中间 黑白无常 的 图 画所拦截)。
But if you look closely, the images in the middle have been cut out and pieced together (e.g. at the far left,
there is a pattern similar to bunk beds in a dormitory,
[...] intercepted by the various black and white images in the middle).
蓝色的物体和红色的物体会在胶片结构中的不同地方聚 焦无论胶片是黑白的还是彩色的。
Blue objects and red objects will focus in different places on a film
[...] frame, whether the film is black-and-white or color.
而且,不能创 建常的黑白影像 和滤色的黑白影像,因为滤色选项只能用于 Main window (主窗口)影像。
Also you
[...] cannot create a normal black and white image and a color dropped-out black and white image because [...]
the color drop-out
option is only available for the Main window image.
用於測試攝影機解析度的高解析度廣播級監視器 常 昂 貴 ,且只能在 在螢幕中央針黑白視訊 提供最高的解析度。
The DVR is going to limit the resolution of the recorded video, and the recorded video is what is going to be used for evidentiary purposes; not the raw output of the camera.
例如,如果您选黑白,您 将无法在 “文件类型”画面上选择 JPEG 输出。
For example, if you select Black and White, you cannot select [...]
JPEG output on the File Type screen.
另外据称,虽然这些做法和其 他一些做法常被统 称为减少危害措施,但重要的不是支持某一个特定术语, 而是应当对拟实施的方案和政策作出 白无 误 的 说明。
It was also stated that, although those and other
[...] practices were frequently lumped together as harm reduction measures, it was not support for a particular term that was important but rather that the programmes and policies to be undertaken be described clearly and precisely.
常驻代表团认为,美国代表团照会中的答复不仅 白无 力 , 难以令人满 意,而且更加深了古巴的关切。
Letter dated 8 April 2010 from the Permanent Representative of Cuba to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Committee
除非用户在扫描前更改这些默认值,否则,它们将会在 扫描文档时使用。如果您的公司常 将 黑白 文 档 扫描为 PDF 文件,您可 能想要将默认设置更改为扫描为:黑白。
If your organization typically scans black and white documents into PDF files, you may want to change the default settings to Scan As: Black and White.
在这个过程中,如果任何时候温度降到理想温度以下,哪怕只低几度,香蕉皮也会出 黑 斑 ,并 且 无 法 正 常 成 熟
If the temperature drops even a few degrees below the
ideal temperature at any time during this process, the banana
[...] skin will develop dark spots and will not ripen properly.
Acrobat Distiller在制作PDF文件时,对黑白图 像 没有使用压缩率更高的JBIG2编码,而是使用了CCITTFax编码;使用PDFLib制作PDF文件时,有时会在文件内产生很 无 用 对 象(这些对象从未被引用,所以也就是垃圾信息,在最极端的情况下,垃圾信息占用文件总尺寸的一半)。
Acrobat Distiller in the production of PDF
[...] documents, for the black and white images do not use a higher compression ratio JBIG2 encoding, but the use of coding CCITTFax; PDFLib making use of PDF documents, sometimes in the paper a lot of useless objects (these [...]
objects have never
been invoked, it is spam, in the most extreme cases, the spam files occupy half of the total size).
通过这黑白的三频录像,常正式 的严格视角和中立的空间在这些醉汉之间循环,维尔英成功的为这些人绘制了一幅客观的肖像,不带任何的评判或道德说教。
Through the black and white aesthetics of the three-channel [...]
video, the formal strictness of the chosen view and the neutrality
of the room, in which the drinkers are circulating, Wearing succeeds in drawing a mainly objective portrait of these people, without judging or moralising.
不 过,由于业务上的紧急性和难民署的动态性质, 常无 法 做 到既保持 218 个员额 职等分布不变,又不超过总付的总预算最高限额。
However, owing to operational exigencies and the dynamic nature of UNHCR, it was not always possible to keep
a static distribution of the 218 posts in
[...] terms of levels while adhering to the [...]
total budgetary ceiling for the lump sum.
有 6 台相同数码印刷机,可以每年印制近 7 200 万页;有 3 台黑白 Goss 型号印刷机, 可以印刷近 1.22 亿页;还有两台印刷机(海德堡:(双色)和罗兰:(单色 )) 通常 用于 图书出版,但需要时,也可用于印刷会议文件,可印刷 1.23 亿页。
There are six identical digital machines that can produce
nearly 72 million
[...] pages annually; three black-and-white Goss machines that together can produce nearly 122 million pages; and two machines (Heidelberg: two colours; and Roland: one colour) that are usually used for book [...]
production, but which
can also be used for parliamentary documents, if needed, and can produce 123 million pages.
咨询委员会还获悉,往往需要咨询人 为公务员制度委员会的研究提供在共同制度 常常无 法 获得的专门知识。
The Committee was further informed that consultants are often
required to provide the expertise for ICSC research and
[...] studies, which is often not available within the common system.
例如,自动图像控制传感技术能不断测量室内的环境光线,并对屏幕的输出光线进行相应的调节,从而确 无 论 白 天 还 是 黑 夜 , 也不论房间内是粉刷白墙还是壁纸贴墙,您都能获得最佳的观赏体验。
For example, the Automatic Picture Control sensor continuously measures the ambient light in the room and adjusts the light output from the screen accordingly, which ensures you get the best viewing experience whether day or night, or whether your walls are white or wallpapered.
典型的爱尔兰美食有苏打面包——这是一种美味的棕色面包,使用了苏打,而非发酵粉,如果在上面途上厚厚的黄油,加上烟薰鲑鱼,那将更加美 无 比 ! 黑 布 丁 、农家奶酪和手工制作的巧克力也同样 常 受 欢 迎,同时你会发现爱尔兰的猪肉、牛肉和羊肉的品质首屈一指、无与伦比。
For a start there’s soda bread – a delicious brown bread that uses soda instead of yeast.
这一点对于太空旅行至关重要,因为太空轨道中 无 所 谓 白 天 与 黑 夜 之 分的。
This was very important to space travel since day and night is irrelevant in orbit.
[...] 說的是事實,究竟特區政府跟中央政府是否一早已經“打同通”,以致曾司 長在(4 月)22 日說的一番話,只不過是劇本要他這樣說、只不過那場戲要黑臉、白臉 ─ 是由曾司長白臉的,而人常委 會則 扮 黑 臉 而 已,因 為司長仍要面對我們這 60 位的立法會議員。
It is all because a villain and a hero were
required in the play,
[...] and Chief Secretary Donald TSANG was playing hero and the NPCSC the villain, for the former still has to face [...]
these 60 Members
of the Legislative Council of us.
导航辅助&避免碰撞————红外夜视热像仪利用高清视频进一步保证了导航安全 无 论 白 天 还 是 黑 夜 ,您都可以看到天 然 的 或 人 为 的 危 险 事 物 ,例 如 浮 [...]
标 、漂 浮 物 、岩 石 、陆 地 、桥 台 及 其 它 船 只 。
Navigation & Collision
[...] Avoidance – Thermal night vision cameras make navigation safer with crystal-clear [...]
video that helps you
to see natural and man-made hazards like buoys, floating debris, rocks, land, bridge abutments, and other vessels night and day.
塞浦路斯完全清楚移民所涉的人道主义责任;也 白无 论 在 何种情况 下必须尊重和维护人的尊严。
Cyprus was fully aware of the human dimension of migration and the need to ensure that individuals, in whatever circumstances, receive respect and enjoy their dignity.
[...] 2000、有损压缩的JPG文件及采用JPEG/OJPEG算法压缩的TIFF文件,直接将原始数据流嵌入PDF文件,避免因为重新压缩而造成图像质量下降; 无 损 压缩的图像文件 黑白 图 像解码后压缩为JBig2(有损 无 损 ) 或CCITT G4,其它解码后压缩成ZIP数据流嵌入PDF文件。
FreePic2Pdf the image files (including TIFF, JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, JPEG 2000) merger, converted into PDF files, right harm / lossless compression of JPEG 2000, lossy compression of JPG files and the use of JPEG / OJPEG algorithm compressed TIFF files directly to the original data stream embedded in PDF documents, avoid
re-compression caused by image
[...] degradation; on lossless compression of image files, black and white images decoded compressed JBig2 (harmful or non-destructive) [...]
or CCITT G4, Other ZIP
compressed into the decoded data stream embedded in PDF files.
发表在《光化学与光生物学杂志》上的一项研究显示,与 白 晳 的 白 种 人 相比,亚洲人需要大约2倍以上的照射才能产生足够量的维生素D,而皮肤 常 黝 黑 的 人 则需要6倍以上的照射。
A study published in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology
showed that, when compared
[...] to the fairest Caucasians, Asian individuals required approximately two times more exposure to safely achieve sufficient vitamin D production, while very dark-skinned individuals [...]
required up to six times more.
阿富汗、阿尔巴尼亚、安哥拉、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆 白 俄 罗 斯、不丹、波 斯尼亚黑塞哥 维那、博茨瓦纳、文莱达鲁萨兰国、布基纳法索、布隆迪、中非 共和国、乍得、捷克共和国、多米尼加共和国、加蓬、冈比亚、格鲁吉亚、危地 [...]
特、拉脱维亚、利比里亚、列支敦士登、马拉维、马来西亚、马里、毛里塔尼 亚、摩纳哥、缅甸、尼泊尔、尼日尔、阿曼、巴拿马、秘鲁、卡塔尔、卢旺达、 沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、塞拉利昂、新加坡、斯洛伐克、斯里兰卡、阿拉伯叙利 亚共和国、乌克兰、乌拉圭和津巴布韦。
[...] Albania, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, [...]
Botswana, Brunei Darussalam,
Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Monaco, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Oman, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Syrian Arab Republic, Ukraine, Uruguay, and Zimbabwe.
无常设机 构,但教科文组织在推动联合国国家工作队联合优先事项方面却发挥了 重要作用,这些优先事项的重点是:灾害风险管理、开发国家发展信息数据库和制订教育、 健康、农业、水和卫生等关键活动领域的全部门战略。
Although a non-resident agency, UNESCO played a major role in advancing the UNCT joint priorities which are focused on disaster risk management, the development of a national development information database, and the formulation of sector-wide strategies for key intervention areas, namely education, health, agriculture, water and sanitation.
大赦国际指出,来自科索沃的人依然被定为国内流离失所者,而不是难民, 而其中许多在 2003 年以后来黑山的人尚无法开 始登记为国内流离失所者的进程。
It noted that persons originating from Kosovo continue to be defined as IDPs rather than refugees, and that many of those who arrived after 2003 have not been granted access to a process whereby they may be registered as IDPs.
波 斯尼亚和 黑 塞哥维那、加拿 大、克罗地 亚 、 格鲁吉 亚 、 印 度尼西亚、 肯 尼亚、前南 斯拉夫 的 马 其 顿 共和国、巴 基 斯坦和大不 列 颠 及 北 爱 尔 兰 联合王 国 等 国或是提供情报,或是对某 一个人进行初步拿 获,然
后 将 其 转移到 阿 富汗、 埃 及、埃塞俄比亚 、 约 旦 、 巴 基 斯坦、 摩洛哥、 沙 特 阿拉 伯、也门、叙利 亚、
[...] 泰国、乌兹别克斯坦境内的(大多数秘密不宣的)拘留中心或中 央情报局的某个秘密拘留中心(通 常称为“黑点”)。
States such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Georgia, Indonesia, Kenya, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Pakistan and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland have provided intelligence or have conducted the initial seizure of an individual before he was transferred to (mostly unacknowledged) detention centres in Afghanistan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Jordan, Pakistan, Morocco, Saudi
Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Thailand, Uzbekistan, or to one of the CIA covert
[...] detention centres, often referred to as “black sites”.
对35(-40)米高的乔木; 树干直径达1.5米;宽的树冠金字塔,紧密; 长小枝浅黄或光红棕色,白霜, 最初浅的带褐色的酒店escent,转动或者在第2年内 黑 棕 色 的 无 毛 和 淡灰棕色; 短小枝承担鳞片剩余的戒指; 叶垫疏生柔毛。
Trees to 35(-40) m tall; trunk to 1.5 m d.b.h.; crown broadly pyramidal, dense; long branchlets
light yellow or light
[...] reddish brown, glaucous, initially pale brownish pub-escent, turning glabrous and grayish brown or blackish brown in 2nd year; [...]
short branchlets
bearing rings of scale remnants; leaf cushions sparsely pilose.
我买了一个奇迹的现代美容atiperspirant“右卫队冷冲击”抗菌银离子))),并预计他超强的保护和气味 无白 点 的 黑 色 和 黄色一个白色的好,为表示在广告中,一个结果,我得到的答案:1)太可怕了​​,体弱多病的气味,好像是我洗碗,擦的凝胶。
I bought myself a marvel of modern cosmetology atiperspirant "Right Guard Cool Impact" with antibacterial silver ions))) and expected him superstrong protection against
odor, no white spots on the
[...] black and yellow on a white (well, as stated in the advertisement), [...]
a result that I got: 1)
horrible, sickly smell, as if I rubbed the gel for washing dishes. 2) natural about any protection from sweat out of the question (then why there silver ions?) 3) on the black jacket he can paint as a can of white paint Bottom line: this is another sell in the hope that people snap up the goods after the colorful advertising.
圣刘汉铨和圣奥古斯丁在其美丽的诗篇作品,而spiritualize,或说教,比allegorize,他们的想象力和对事件的解释主要是,行为,数量等,但几乎所有的寓言的解释是如此的武断,这么多的依赖对释经反 无常 , 这 是难以调解与崇敬他们,但是一会他折服于它的多的美的。
St. Ambrose and St. Augustine in their beautiful works on the Psalms rather spiritualize, or moralize, than allegorize, and their imaginative interpretations are chiefly of events, actions, numbers, etc. But almost all allegorical interpretation is so arbitrary and depends so much on the caprice of the exegete that it is difficult to conciliate it with reverence, however one may he dazzled by the beauty of much of it.




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