单词 | 黄豆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 黄豆 noun —soybean nless common: soy n • soya n 黄豆 —soya bean豆豆 noun —pigmentation nSee also:黄—pornographic • fall through • surname Huang or Hwang 豆 n—soy n • beans pl • bean n • pea n 豆—sacrificial vessel
Thomas Bouillonnec)携香港金像奖影帝刘青云、著名电影人钮承泽、杰出舞蹈艺术 家 黄豆豆 亲 临 现场,共同见证伯爵非凡制表历史上的又一崭新里程碑。 piaget.com.cn | Managing Director of Piaget China, Mr. Thomas Bouillonnec, together with Hong Kong Award–Winning Actor, Sean LAU, well-known [...] filmmaker Doze NIU, and acclaimed dancer and [...] choreographer HUANG Doudou, attended the [...]ceremony to celebrate the new milestone [...]in Piaget’s history of exceptional watch-making achievements. piaget.com |
果聚糖:朝鲜蓟、芦笋、甜菜根、蒲公英叶子、卷心菜、 烤 豆 子 、 黄豆 、 蒜 、韭菜、洋葱、小麦、黑麦、菊淀粉(纤维素添加剂 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Fructans: Artichokes, asparagus, beetroot, dandelion leaves, [...] cabbage, baked beans, soy beans, garlic, leek, [...]onion, wheat, rye, inulin (fiber additive) beijing.ufh.com.cn |
例如,在蔗糖、乙醇、黄豆和牛肉的出口上,巴西已跃居全球第一。 rolandberger.com.cn | For example, in exports of [...] sugar, ethanol, soy and beef, Brazil [...]is number one in the world. rolandberger.com.cn |
主要公司及其供应链应承诺避免购买会导致砍伐森林的产品,例如在巴西亚 马逊河流域砍伐森林后种植出来的 黄豆 或 牧 养的牛,在印度尼西亚砍伐森林后生 [...] 产的棕榈油,或世界各地非法出产的木材和木制品,从而减少因砍伐森林而排放 的碳。 daccess-ods.un.org | Deforestation emissions should be reduced by key corporations and their supply chains committing to avoid [...] the purchase of products that cause [...] deforestation, such as soy or cattle from deforested [...]lands in the Brazilian Amazon, palm [...]oil from deforested agricultural land in Indonesia or illegal wood and wood products throughout the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
美食爱好者在此必能享尽口福,品尝到无数独特佳肴,如lontong [...] balap(炖糯米糕、豆芽、豆腐、炸木薯及豇豆糕,淋上大蒜酱及辣虾膏)、rujak [...] cingur(这种沙拉包含牛嘴唇、热带水果、芜青、米糕、豆腐及煮熟的发 酵 黄豆 , 搅 拌在发酵虾酱和碎花生的黑色酱汁里,并淋上炸葱片和虾片)、semanggi(以绿叶蔬菜、豆芽、木薯来熬成的粥)以及Rawon [...] [...] setan(邪恶的Rawon是一种黑色的辣牛肉汤),正如其名字所暗喻,它只有在晚上才会登场。 meritushotels.com | Epicureans will relish the city’s numerous delicacies such as lontong balap (a stew of sticky rice cake, bean sprout, bean curd and fried cassava and cowpea cake dressed with garlic sauce and spicy shrimp paste), rujak cingur (a salad with cow [...] lips, tropical fruits, turnips, [...] rice cakes, bean curd, cooked fermented soy beans tossed in a black [...]sauce of fermented shrimp [...]paste and ground peanuts topped with fried shallots and shrimp crackers), semanggi (a porridge of leafy greens, bean sprouts and cassava), and even Rawon setan (Evil Rawon, a black spicy beef broth) which, as its name suggests, is only available in the evening. meritushotels.com |
我们尽量使用通过FSC(森林管理委员会)认证的纸张和再造纸印刷展会目录及观众指南,并于2010年起于香港使用环保油墨 (黄豆油墨/植物油墨/环保认证油墨) 作印刷。 ubmchina.com | The use of FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) paper and recycled paper is being increasingly used for Show Directories and Visitor Guides, along with the use of environmentally-friendly inks (soy/vegetable-based/environmentally-certified) which have been used in Hong Kong since 2010. ubmchina.com |
清鸡汤以有机「走地鸡」及其它天然的材料制成,不含基因改造成份,采用的鲜鸡均以天然的植物饲料 如 黄豆 喂 饲 ,不含抗生素、生长激素和其它动物饲料添加剂,令产品绝对安全之余亦营养丰富。 sfgourmet.com | Chickens used in Pacific Chicken Broth are raised free-range and fed by natrual vegetarian ingredients, do not contain antibiotic, hormones and animal feed additives. sfgourmet.com |
香港电影金像奖影帝刘青云、著名电影人钮承泽和杰出舞蹈艺术 家 黄豆豆 也 亲临现场,分享他们的人生历程,讲述奋斗路上执着追求,突破自我,最终成就非凡人生的感悟。 piaget.com.cn | Hong Kong Award–Winning Actor Sean LAU, well-known [...] filmmaker Doze NIU, and acclaimed dancer and [...] choreographer HUANG Doudou, attended the [...]launch event, and through their own stories [...]of innovation and self-transformation, shared the secrets to an extraordinary life. piaget.com |
可能与棕榈蓟马混淆的三个常见的古北区种(分布也更广)是黄蓟马(T. flavus)、豆黄 蓟马(T. nigropilosus [...] Uzel)和烟蓟马(T. tabaci Lindeman ippc.int | Three common Palearctic species (but also [...] with wider distributions) that may be confused with T. [...] palmi are T. flavus, T. nigropilosus [...]Uzel and T. tabaci Lindeman. ippc.int |
这里重点介绍的该粮农组织技术论文也显示,尽管在未来十年 鱼粉和可能的鱼油可获得性不是主要限制因素,其他饲料配料和投入品供应需要 [...] 同速扩大,如果要支持这类增长,这些投入物将来自其他来源(例如 大 豆 、 玉米 和动物副产品提取物)。 fao.org | FAO technical paper highlighted here also indicates that, although the availability of fishmeal and probably fish oil over the next ten years may not be a major constraining factor, other feed ingredient and input supplies will need to expand at a similar rate if this growth is to be [...] sustained, and these inputs will have to come from [...] other sources (e.g. soybean, corn, and rendered [...]animal by-products). fao.org |
根据贸易统计数据,专家组在 2011 年的最后报告中估计,2010 年,仅通 过乌干达就可能有近 3 [...] 吨以违规方式交易的刚果民主共和国 产 黄 金 进 入阿拉伯联 合酋长国的合法供应链(见 [...]S/2011/738,第 553 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the basis of trade statistics, the Group in its final report of 2011 [...] estimated that in 2010 almost 3 tons of [...] fraudulently traded gold from the Democratic [...]Republic of the Congo may have entered [...]the legal supply chain of the United Arab Emirates through Uganda alone (see S/2011/738, para. 553). daccess-ods.un.org |
海水养殖的其他鱼类包括鰤鱼、鲻鱼、鲷鱼、 鲈鱼、黄鱼、 石斑鱼、石首鱼、大菱鲆和其他比目鱼、笛鲷、军曹鱼、鲳鲹、鳕 鱼、河鲀和金枪鱼。 fao.org | Other finfish species cultured in marine water include amberjacks, seabreams, seabasses, croakers, grouper, drums, mullets, turbot and other flatfishes, snappers, cobia, pompano, cods, puffers and tunas. fao.org |
安全理事会第 2021(2011)号决议第 7 段鼓励所有国家,特别是该区域各 [...] 国,继续提高对联合国专家组尽职调查准则的认识,尤其是 在 黄 金 业 ,以此作为 更广泛努力的一部分,减轻进一步资助刚果(金)武装力量内的武装团体和犯罪网 [...]络的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | By paragraph 7 of resolution 2021 (2011), the Security Council encouraged all States, particularly those in the region, to continue to raise awareness of the United Nations Group [...] of Experts due diligence guidelines, in [...] particular in the gold sector as part [...]of broader efforts to mitigate the risk of [...]further financing armed groups and criminal networks within FARDC. daccess-ods.un.org |
科学家发现,覆盆子富含黄酮类 化合物和维生素C,具有激活和修复肌肤的作用。在娇韵诗专利化合物锁颜美白系统(Lock-Around System ™ HP)中,娇韵诗将覆盆子与抗坏血酸酸-2-葡萄糖苷相结合,获得了新一代的维生素C,这种维生素C可以不断地渗透到皮肤中,产生一种持久的抗自由基和抗黑色素形成的作用。 clarinsusa.com | Scientists have found the Raspberry to have exceptional skin energizing and repairing properties thanks to its high content of flavonoids and Vitamin C. In its Lock-Around System ® HP, Clarins has combined it with Ascorbyl acid-2-glucoside, a new generation Vitamin C which continuously diffuses into the skin to provide a long-lasting, anti-free radical and anti-melanogenesis action. clarinsusa.com |
会议 建议 粮农 组 织与 成员 国共 同致 力 于提 高对 粮食 不安 全 和营 养不 足人 群 的饮食尤为重要的作物的生产率,其中包括淀粉类主食 、 豆 类 、粗粮、蔬菜、园艺 作物和油料作物。 fao.org | The Conference recommended that FAO work with member countries to increase productivity of crops that are of particular relevance to the diets of food- and nutritionally-insecure people, including starchy staples, pulses, coarse grains, vegetables, horticultural crops and oil crops. fao.org |
美国 – 美国标准检测评估委员会2006年6月批准FOSS Infratec [...] 1241谷物分析仪用于官方测定长粒糙米、中粒糙米、 大 豆 、 高 粱、硬质小麦、硬白麦、软白麦、软红冬麦、硬红春麦、硬红冬麦、燕麦、玉米、大麦的水分、蛋白质和脂肪含量分析。 foss.cn | USA - NTEP In June 2006 the U.S. National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) has approved the FOSS Infratec 1241 Grain Analyser, for official determination of moisture, protein & oil [...] content in Long Grain Rough Rice, Medium [...] Grain Rough Rice, Soy beans, Grain Sorghum or Milo, [...]Durum Wheat, Hard White Wheat, Soft [...]White Wheat, Soft Red Winter Wheat, Hard Red Spring Wheat, Hard Red Winter Wheat, Oats, Corn, Two-Row Barley, Six-Row Barley. foss.nl |
提供给总统府办公室的其他非官方资金主要来自以下各方:科特迪瓦海关 [...] 署以“回扣”形式提供的在科特迪瓦海港阿比让和圣佩德罗港获得的关税“折扣”, 国家官方彩票机构,科特迪瓦炼油公司( Société ivoirienne de [...] raffinage)以 及科特迪瓦咖啡可可豆业管 理委员会(Comité de Gestion [...]de la Filière Café Cacao)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other unofficial funds supplied to the office of the Presidency were derived mainly from the Ivorian customs agency in the form of “kickbacks” from customs tax “discounts” at the seaports of Abidjan and San Pedro, the official national lottery, the Ivorian oil refinery company (Société [...] ivoirienne de raffinage), and the Ivorian [...] management agency for cocoa and coffee (Comité [...]de gestion de la filière café cacao). daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织北京办事处该工作重点下开展了数项活动,其中有:2002 年 10 月中国人与 [...] 生物圈计划全国委员会在中国四川省九寨沟 和 黄 龙 生 物圈保留地举行了“中国自然保护区生 [...] 态旅游管理”会议;在锡林郭勒生物圈保留地举办了以当地社区(包括该生物圈保留地管理 [...] 者在内)为对象的一系列研讨会,在北京也举办了由捐助机构、政府和学术机构参加的一系 列研讨会;中国人与生物圈计划全国委员会牵头进行了一项题为“建立自然保护区,推动锡 林郭勒地区退化草原的恢复和可持续管理”的可行性调查(2002 年 7-12 月);举行了“维 护中国环境的生态研究”(ERSEC)项目(德国信托基金)的第二次指导委员会和项目协调 员会议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The UNESCO Beijing Office carried out several activities under this main line of action including a conference on Ecotourism Management of China’s Nature Reserves organized by the Chinese National [...] Committee for MAB in October 2002 at the [...] Juizhaigou and Huanglong Biosphere Reserve, [...]Sichuan Province, China; a series of [...]seminars in Xilingol Biosphere Reserve, targeted at the local community including the biosphere reserve manager and in Beijing for donor agencies and governmental and academic institutions; a feasibility survey on the establishment of nature reserves promoting the rehabilitation and the sustainable management of degraded grassland landscapes in Xilingol region (July-December 2002), conducted by the Chinese National Committee for MAB; the second Steering Committee and Project Coordinators’ Meeting of the Ecological Research for Sustaining the Environment in China (ERSEC) project (FIT Germany). unesdoc.unesco.org |