

单词 黄花岗起义

See also:


yellow flowers (of various types)
(yellow) daylily
a young virgin (boy or girl)

花岗 n

granite n



External sources (not reviewed)

晚晴园是孙中山先生在南洋进行革命活动的基地,他九次到新加坡,一系列 义 中 的 黄岗起义 是 在晚晴园策划的。
The Memorial Hall traces Dr Sun Yat Sen’s revolutionary activities in Southeast Asia and highlights
[...] Singapore’s role in the 1911 Chinese Revolution.
黄鼠狼和他的客人起花一些 时间在加拿大萨斯喀彻温省。
Weasel and his guest spend some quality time together [...]
in Saskatchewan, Canada.
这些房屋都采用露起居设 计,以色彩斑斓的柚木为地板、以当地凹凸不平 花岗 岩 为 墙,加上打磨后的大理石。
Designed for al fresco living, the rooms incorporate contrasting teak floors, rugged local granite walls and polished marble.
Tencha叶,然后慢慢地上起来在传统 花岗 岩 石 ,磨床非常精细,滑石粉粉末状抹茶。
The Tencha leaves are then slowly ground up in traditional granite stone-grinders to a very fine, talc-like powder Matcha.
带着从儿起对于黄金时 代的印象,Olaf Hund将自己义为“后电子”艺术家。
With the memories of a boy from the old
[...] school who saw the end of the golden age, Olaf Hund defines himself as a Post-Electronic artist.
它由灰色芬花岗石建 造,上面覆盖红色瓦片,整座建筑洋溢著古雅气派,使它 起 来 象 几百年老楼房,谁知它是1902年建筑师翁尼•塔里扬内 (Onni Tarjanne) 的设计。
Constructed in grey Finnish granite and red roof tiles, the theatre looks as if it has been standing in the same spot for [...]
hundreds of years – even
though it was designed in 1902 by the architect Onni Tarjanne.
披针形的小穗,3-3.5毫米,无毛,渐尖; 颖片宽卵形,微糙的在脉上,渐尖的到骤尖; 更低的颖片1/2-2/3段小穗,5脉,在基部抱茎,被一节间分开; 上面颖片倍于小穗,7-9脉; 无义的下部的花,类 似于上面颖片,好锐尖的外稃,内稃发育不良; 上面花长圆形,3/4段小穗,黄的 或 橄榄绿色,发亮,钝。
Spikelets lanceolate, 3–3.5 mm, glabrous, acuminate; glumes broadly ovate, scaberulous on veins, acuminate to cuspidate; lower glume 1/2–2/3 length of spikelet, 5-veined, clasping at the base, separated by an internode; upper glume as
long as spikelet,
[...] 7–9-veined; lower floret barren, lemma similar to upper glume, finely acute, palea poorly developed; upper floret oblong, 3/4 length of spikelet, pale yellow or olive green, [...]
shiny, obtuse.
[...] 宽卵形的下部的颖片,1/3-1/2段小穗,5-7脉,锐尖,被一节间分开; 卵形的上面颖片,倍于小穗,9-11脉,横向脉宿存,锐尖; 更低的外稃类似于上面颖片,除了无 义 小 花 的 内 稃发育良好; 上面花椭圆形,黄,平滑,发亮。
Spikelets elliptic to obovate, somewhat plump, 2–2.5 mm, glabrous; lower glume broadly ovate, 1/3–1/2 length of spikelet, 5–7-veined, acute, separated by an internode; upper glume ovate, as long as spikelet, 9–11-veined, transverse veins present, acute;
lower lemma similar to upper
[...] glume, palea well developed but floret barren; upper floret elliptic, yellow, smooth, shiny.
乌兹别克斯坦拥有丰富的自然资源,如天然气黄金、铀和花, 在土 耳其和其它国家的投资帮助下,该国的经济不断增长。
Rich in natural
[...] resources, including gas, gold, uranium and cotton, Uzbekistan's [...]
economy is growing, with investment from Turkey and other countries.
在泰国, 极端民族义的黄衫军 借此大做文章,指责由总理 沙马·顺达卫领导的他信的代理政府卖国叛国。
In Thailand, the
[...] ultra-nationalist Yellow Shirts used it [...]
to argue that Thaksin’s proxy administration led by Prime Minister
Samak Sundaravej had sold out their motherland and committed treason.
然而,重要 的是应认识到,随着电信技术的不断发展演变,这些建议最后很可 能会成为昨黄花。
It is important to realize, however, that, as telecommunications technology evolves, these recommendations may become obsolete.
[...] 如建立全国紧急搜寻机制;成立法律技术委员会;改进调查策略;支助受害者家 属;要求拒绝重新审理失踪案件的检察官提供证明拒绝合理的声明;以及成立人 道义起诉事务科。
The Government referred to several measures currently undertaken to bring to justice those responsible for enforced disappearances, such as the nationwide urgent search mechanism; the establishment of technical legal committees; better investigative strategies; the provision of support for the families of victims; the request to prosecutors who refuse to reopen cases of disappearances to
provide a statement justifying the grounds for the refusal; and
[...] the creation of Prosecution Services for Humanitarian Affairs.
虽然刚果(金)武装部队情报官员告诉专家组说,Mitondeke 先生在协助筹 备在戈马举行一起义,但 促进刚果自由和主权爱国联盟代表辩称,该议员因在 [...]
2011 年选举前退出卡比拉总统的政党并加入了反对党而成为报复的对象。
While FARDC intelligence officers told the
Group that Mr. Mitondeke was supporting
[...] preparations for an uprising in Goma, APCLS [...]
representatives defended the position that
the Deputy was targeted in retaliation for leaving President Kabila’s party and joining the opposition prior to elections in 2011.
一个现代化厨房,颜色及形状清新不俗、与众不同、极具感染力,而且最重要的是它选用了极为“坚实”且质感浑厚的材料:经过锈迹效果加工处理(镀铜金属)、消光处理 花岗 岩 台 面)或通过其他处理, 给人带来一种天然、本色的印象,时刻提醒我们烹饪是一个古老的仪式。
A contemporary kitchen with fresh appeal, distinctive in its colour and shapes, but above all in its choice of very “concrete”, tactile materials: processed and treated with a rusted
effect (the bronze-finish metals), with a
[...] mat finish (the granite work-tops) or [...]
put through procedures that give a raw, earthy
impression, and remind us that cooking is an ancient rite.
它们或许基础雄厚、结构严谨、备受尊重,并且曾在过去几个 世纪中产生了杰出的研究成果,但是现在它们已是“昨 黄花 ”。 研究趋势起有落 ,恰当地说,某些国家的研究趋势可能要 比其它国家更显得突出一些。
Although they may be very well grounded, highly structured and highly regarded research disciplines that have produced outstanding research outcomes over the last few hundred years, they may have “gone out of fashion.
起来好 玩又轻松——正如你希望看到的那样,在这样一个设计浸泡的城市里,就像是一个平台,汇集了许多芬兰当代艺术家和设计师的杰作,赫尔辛基刚又获得 了“2012年世界设计之都”的大奖,你可以看到,这里到处都有设计:从奇亚斯玛现代艺术画廊的咖啡厅内专门为孩子设计的古怪高椅,到伊利尔•沙里宁那儿 花岗 岩 雕 刻的提灯巨人静静守卫着的中央魔法火车站(第一部《蝙蝠侠》中,哥谭市(Gotham City)的灵感便来源于此)。
There’s good design everywhere in Helsinki, from quirky high chairs for cultured nippers in the cafe at the Kiasmamodern art gallery to Eliel Saarinen’s magical central train station, which is guarded by lamp-bearing giants carved from granite that inspired Gotham City in the first Batman film.
例如、不锈钢卡套 管不得黄铜接头一起使用
For example, stainless steel tubing should not be used with brass fittings.
由于开展了上述工作和其他工作,人道主义伙伴对人道主义协调领导职能的 期望越来越明确,也越来越一致;人道主义协调领导人履行人道主义协调职能的 能力得到提高;人道义协调领导岗 位 的 潜在候选人人才库扩大,从而增加了可 供挑选的候选人。
As a result of those and other efforts, expectations from humanitarian partners of the humanitarian coordination leadership function have become clearer and more convergent; humanitarian coordination leaders became better equipped to perform humanitarian coordination functions; and the pool of potential candidates for humanitarian coordination leadership positions has become larger, allowing for greater choice in the selection of candidates.
投资必须持续至少5年(对于中小企业为3年), 每一个新增就岗位从创建起必须 维持5年时间 ( 对 于 中 小 企 业 [...]
为 3 年 )。
The investment has to be maintained for at least 5 years from the date of its
completion (3 years in the case of SMEs),
[...] and each newly created job has to be maintained [...]
for a period of at least 5 years from
the date of its creation (3 years in case of SMEs).
人道协调厅还确起了人道主义协 调员 上 岗 导 训 体制,对现任和今后可能就 任的人道主义协调员进行培训,并建立了这方面(包括非政府组织代表在内)的人才 [...]
144. OCHA has
[...] also institutionalized an HC induction event with current and potential [...]
HCs and has established a pool of
them (including NGO representatives), who will undergo “a four-phase briefing and learning system that spans a one-year period”.90 145.
Mofokeng 女士提到,很多国家普遍缺乏体面的工作,国际建筑及林木工人
[...] 联合会作为一个全球工会运动组织,努力提倡合理的薪资、体面的工作条件、有 前途、有义的工作岗位、 良好的工作环境、持续的人力资源发展以及有保障的 [...]
Ms. Mofokeng mentioned that the issue of the lack of decent work exists in various countries where BWI works as a global union movement to
promote decent pay and decent working
[...] conditions, a meaningful job with prospects, a [...]
good working environment, continuous
human resource development and secure employment.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南,起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要花 好 几 天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
独联体维持和平部队撤出后,出于安全和后勤原因,观察团撤回了它同前独 联体在祖格迪迪地区东北角的维持和 岗 哨 设在 一 起 的 临时观察哨,以前曾用该 观察哨监测通往科多里河谷上游道路上的情况。
Following the withdrawal of the CIS peacekeeping force, the Mission withdrew its temporary observation post, which was co-located, for security and logistics reasons, with the former CIS peacekeeping post in the north-eastern corner of the Zugdidi sector, and which had monitored the movement on the road to the upper Kodori Valley.
据几名在事发前被拘留的和平高级理事会成员说,在布卡 起义 后,“增援的卢旺达国防部队将从卢旺达的尚古古/ [...]
Rusizi 出发,借口是前来援 助据称将成为示威运动迫害对象或目标的讲卢旺达语人口或卢旺达公民”(见图 14)。
According to several CONSUP members detained before it could take
[...] action, following the uprising in Bukavu, “reinforcements [...]
from the RDF were to come from
Cyangugu/Rusizi in Rwanda on the pretext of coming to assist the Rwandophone population or Rwandan citizens supposedly the victims of persecutions or targeted by the manifestation” (see image 14).
委员会向联大提议,从 2005 年一起,通过将岗位调整结起来 一 并考虑的正常作法, 即在一个不亏不盈的基础上,把联合国专业及更高职类人员的基薪/底薪增加 1.88%。
The Commission recommended to the General Assembly that the current United Nations base/floor salary scale for Professional and higher category staff should be increased by 1.88% on 1 January 2005 through the normal process of consolidation of post adjustment, that is, on a no-loss/no-gain basis.
然而,保证不再发生这种补救形式可以使国家切实承 起义 务 , 考虑妇女在 过去短、中期遭受的暴力行为,更具体而言,可使国家采取措施,避免产生新的 [...]
However, the type of guarantees of non-repetition can
[...] ground practical obligations on the part of [...]
the State to take into account the foreseeable
short- and medium-term legacies of its violent past for women and, more specifically, adopt measures to avoid the exploitation of new forms of vulnerability.
两年后,极端民主义的黄衫军倒戈先前的盟友,开始在政府大楼外抗议,指责阿 [...]
披实在同柬埔寨就柏威夏寺边境领土的争端中未能 保卫“泰国领土”。
Two years later, the
[...] ultra-nationalist Yellow Shirts have apparently [...]
split from their former allies and are protesting outside
Government House against Abhisit’s alleged failure to defend “Thai territory” in the Preah Vihear border dispute with Cambodia.
面对这些令人不安的情况,我们签名人以真主、穆斯林和基督徒的 义 , “众 城花”、 圣城耶路撒冷的人民,急请阁下立即制止亵渎这一墓地,派遣代表团 [...]
调查情况,按照人权理事会第 2010 号决议,向以色列政府施压。
In the face of these troubling developments,
we the undersigned, in the name of our steadfast Muslim and Christian Arab people in the Holy Land and the Holy
[...] City of Jerusalem, the “Flower of Cities”, appeal urgently [...]
for you to intervene
immediately in order to stop the desecration of this cemetery by sending a delegation to investigate the situation and putting pressure on the Government of Israel, in accordance with the Human Rights Council resolution of 2010.
这个宽敞的一楼公寓由一个开放的居住面积与享受阳光明媚的天井,时髦的意大利安 花岗 岩 台面,2个明亮的卧室,逐次淋浴房和家庭浴室。
This spacious ground floor apartment comprises of an open plan living area with access to the sunny patio, stylish Italian fitted kitchen with granite worktops, 2 bright bedrooms, en suite shower room and family bathroom.
从最常见家庭装修中墙面油漆打磨的手工砂纸和切割门窗、瓷砖的树脂切割片,到桥梁建设中直径超过1米的超大型金刚石激光焊接锯片,以及切割钢筋混凝土和各种石材(大理石 花岗 石 )专 用的组合圆盘锯,我们的产品覆盖了整个建筑工业的每个应用市场。
Our products, from sanding paper (for wall paint sanding) and resin bond cut-off wheels (for cutting door and window) used in interior decoration to large diameter laser welded diamond blades (diameter >1m) used for building bridges and circular saw
used for cutting reinforced concrete and
[...] stones (marble and granite), cover almost [...]
every market in the building and construction industries.




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