

单词 黄花岗七十二烈士

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External sources (not reviewed)

乌兹别克斯坦拥有丰富的自然资源,如天然气黄金、铀和花, 在土 耳其和其它国家的投资帮助下,该国的经济不断增长。
Rich in natural
[...] resources, including gas, gold, uranium and cotton, Uzbekistan's [...]
economy is growing, with investment from Turkey and other countries.
花崗七十二烈士之一 林覺民在參與起義前寫下 《與妻訣別書》,其中有這數句:“吾充吾愛汝之心,助天下人愛其 [...]
In A Letter of Farewell to My Wife written by LIN
[...] Juemin, one of the 72 martyrs of the Huanghuagang [...]
Uprising, before he left for
the uprising, he said (translation in a vernacular rendition): "I extend my love for you to help others love whom they love, that is why I dare to die before you without regard to you.
最著名的景点就是酒杯湾(Wineglass Bay),在粉色和灰花岗岩的 映衬下,白沙和蔚蓝的大海形成一个完美的曲线,这里被视为世 十 大 顶 级海滩之一。
The most famous is Wineglass Bay, a perfect
[...] curve of white sand and turquoise sea set against pink and grey granite peaks, considered one of the top ten beaches in the world.
依照世界 贸易组织协议进口便宜的农产品,例如美国政府补贴政策下进口的 花 、 麦 子、大豆 和烹调用油等,导致了 2005 年在国內最贫穷的地区失去了估 七十二 万 个工 作 岗 位。
Imports of cheap agricultural products, such as
[...] subsidized cotton, wheat, soybean and cooking oil from the USA, under the WTO agreement resulted in an estimated loss of 720,000 jobs in the poorest regions [...]
of the country in 2005.
本 署 就 将 一 九 九 八 年 至 二 零 零 零 年 的 黄
[...] 曲 霉 毒 素 监 察 结 果 作 分 析 , 在 这 段 期 间 总 共 抽 取 了 五二 十 六 个 食 物 样 本 来 检黄 曲 霉 毒 素 的 含 量 , 而 大 致 分 成 三 大 组 别 ,花 生 及 花 生 食 品 , 植 物 油 及 脂 肪 食 品 , 以 及 谷 类 及 谷 类 食 品 , 结 [...]
果 与 公 众 卫 生 及 市 政 条
例 ( 第 132 章 ) - 《 食 物 内 有 害 物 质 规 例 》 所 厘 定 的 法 定 标 准 作 一 对 比 , 发 现 其 中 一 个 在 一 九 九 八 年 抽 取 的 花 生 酱 样 本 含 高 出 法 定 标 准 , 而 整 体 不 符 规 定 比 率 为 0.19% 。
We evaluated the aflatoxin surveillance from 1998 to 2000 in this
report.  Throughout
[...] this period, a total of 526 food samples, under the three food groups namely peanuts and peanut products, vegetable oil and fat, cereals and cereal products, were taken for [...]
aflatoxin analysis
and the findings were compared against the statutory limits stipulated in the Harmful Substances in Food Regulations of Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap.132).
大会第 65/200 号决议二节强烈敦促 公约缔约国加速关于委员会经费筹措 问题的修正案的国内批准程序,并从速书面通知秘书长表示同意修正案;请秘书 长继续确保作出适当的财务安排和提供必要支助,包括由秘书处提供适量支助, 以确保委员会的运作,并使其能够应付日益增加的工作量;又请秘书长邀请拖欠 缴款的公约缔约国缴付欠款,并就此向大会第 十七 届 会 议提出报告。
In section II of its resolution 65/200, the General Assembly strongly urged States parties to the Convention to accelerate their domestic ratification procedures with regard to the amendment to the Convention concerning the financing of the Committee and to notify the Secretary-General expeditiously in writing of their agreement to the amendment; requested the Secretary-General to continue to ensure adequate financial arrangements and to provide the necessary support, including an adequate level of Secretariat assistance, in order to ensure the functioning of the Committee and to enable it to cope with its increasing amount of work; and also requested him to invite those States parties that were in arrears to pay the amounts in arrears, and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session.
由于资金不足,无法颁发第二十二届 汉密尔顿·谢利·阿梅拉辛格研究金,而且,没有邀请有关 士 申 请 第 二十 三 届和 第十四届研究金。
Owing to insufficient funding,
the twenty-second
[...] Hamilton Shirley Amerasinghe Fellowship could not be implemented, and applications for the twentythird and twenty-fourth awards [...]
were not solicited.
大会第六十六届会议烈谴责基于宗教或信仰原因的一切形式的不容忍和歧 视以及侵犯思想、良心、宗教或信仰自由的行为,并请人权理事会宗教或信仰自由 问题特别报告员向大会第十七届会 议提交一份临时报告(第 66/168 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the
[...] General Assembly strongly condemned all forms of intolerance and of discrimination based on religion or belief, as well as violations of freedom of thought, conscience and religion or belief, and requested the Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council on freedom of religion or belief to submit an interim report to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session (resolution [...]
公寓及别墅:北京水木兰亭、SEVENTH STREET区岳各庄高级公寓、中海海洋花园,以及碧水庄园四期、深圳金地格林小镇、哈尔滨国际会展新城、山水文园、北京 士 一 品 花 园 和 北京第三使馆区外交公寓等 在办公楼的设计方面,北京东方梅地亚中心、大连沿海国际大厦、连 岗 商 务区公检法办公大厦、成都东大街国际金融办公中心、江苏软件园办公楼、丰盛科技园项目、郑州联盟新城、北京图书大厦,北京首信技术中心,深圳贵州大厦、北京文化创意大厦、北京财源中心室内设计等。
Flat and
[...] villa: Beijing water muran kiosk, the seventh street Qiugezhuang service flat, Zhonghai sea garden, Blue water park, Shenzhen Jindi Greekn Townlet, Harbin international Convention and Exhibition [...]
new city, hill
water and culture garden, Beijing Shengshiyipin garden and Beijing the third Embassy Area diplomacy flat,ect.
二,我強烈要求兩項信貸保證計劃延長多1年,因為這涉及24萬 至 25萬名中小企士的“ 飯碗”,而計劃的限期快要屆滿了。
Second, I strongly urge that the two loan guarantee schemes be extended for one year because this involves the livelihood of 240 [...]
000 to 250 000 people
engaged in SME businesses, and the schemes are about to expire.
[...] Porzellan Manufaktur 柏林)是普士國王腓特烈二世國 王於1751年設立、 1763年正式成為國王所擁有、變成作為皇家御用的瓷器窯的皇家柏林陶瓷所。
KPM Berlin (Königliche Porzellan
Manufaktur Berlin) was founded by
[...] King Frederick II, King of Prussia in 1751, officially [...]
became a possession of the King
in 1763 to purvey to the Royal Household, and became the Berlin Royal porcelain manufacturer.
以上八味,陈皮提取挥发油,药渣备用;其余 黄 芪 等 七 味 加 水煎 二 次 , 第一次2小时,第二次煎煮时加入上述陈皮药渣,滤过,合并滤液,静置,取上清液浓缩至相对密度为1.16~1.19(20℃)的清膏,加蔗糖粉446.7g及适量的糊精,制成颗粒,干燥,喷入陈皮挥发油,混匀,制成3000g;或清膏加适量的糊精制成颗粒,干燥,喷入陈皮挥发油,混匀,制成1000g,即得。
Citrus extract volatile oil, dregs spare; rest
material boiling water twice,
[...] the first two hours, when second boiling add the residue dried [...]
tangerine peel, filtration,
combined filtrate, the supernatant was concentrated to the relative density of 1.16 ~ 1.19 (20 ℃) of clear paste, add 446.7g sugar powder and the amount of dextrin, made of particles, dried, sprayed into the Citrus essential oil, mix, made 3000g; or clear paste made of particles increases the amount of dextrin, dried, sprayed into the Citrus essential oil, mix, made 1000g.
政府當局認為,若 發生地烈度表七度的 地震,根據現行標準興建的樓宇應該仍 然安全,不會受到嚴重損毀。
In the event of an
[...] earthquake of MMS Intensity VII, the Administration [...]
reckons that buildings constructed according to the
current standards should be safe and suffer no serious damage.
[...] 展目标各项指标的五年计划,把这作为朝着使孟加拉 国到 2021 年我国独立十年黄金年 时成为一个中等 收入国家和数字化国家方向迈出的一步。
During our present tenure, we have set a five-year plan to achieve the MDG targets as a step towards making
Bangladesh a middle-income country and establishing a digital
[...] Bangladesh by 2021, the golden jubilee year of [...]
our independence.
从 Marlan®、合成的矿物填充脂中浇注而成,具 花岗 石 硬度的外壳喷射 七 层 瓷 漆,并手动磨光,直到与玻璃一样光滑。
Moulded from Marlan®, a synthetic, mineral filled
[...] resin, this granite-hard enclosure is sprayed with seven coats of lacquer [...]
and polished by hand
until it's as smooth as glass.
第八屆視障士按摩培訓七名學員 於 二 零 零三 年 十 一 月畢業,課程包括中西醫學基礎、解剖學、病理學、生理學、按摩理論及技巧訓練和為期三個月僱員再培訓局資助的指導實習期。
Seven trainees graduated, completing a comprehensive syllabus of basic Chinese [...]
and western medicine, anatomy, pathology,
physiology, massage techniques, and a three-month supervised field practicum which was financed by the Employees Retraining Board.
指挥 所的位置和二级警卫岗的通 话联系见附件 II。
The location of the post and the acoustic links with the secondary guard posts (GP) are shown in Annex II.
大厦的 14 层为世服宏图专署,为您提供大型和小型的服务式办公室 花岗 岩 台 面的奢华董事会议室、小型会议室、宽敞的接待区、及可眺望到东京塔的商务休息室,环境 十 分 优 越。
Gorgeous panoramic view. From the fourteenth floor of the building, our clients enjoy an exceptional panoramic view over the city with Tokyo Tower and Hibiya Park in the scene.
植株不强烈芳香; 狭窄的叶1-3回羽状或羽状多回复出,末回裂片宽的或,超过1毫米宽花瓣白 色,略带紫色,带绿色白色,不 烈黄 的 乳白色或,pusple(除之外在Silaum 黄)。
Plants not strongly aromatic; leaves 1–3-pinnate or pinnately decompound, ultimate segments
broad or narrow, more
[...] than 1 mm wide; petals white, purplish, purple, creamy white or greenish white, not strongly yellow (except [...]
yellow in Silaum).
[...] II,8,12)的一部分,因为他们是LXX,其中奥古斯丁认为是灵感的一部分,因为它们包含许多精彩 烈士 的 故 ( C G 十 八 , 42) 。
The eleven books of the Apocrypha are also part of the canon (CD II, 8, 12) because they were part of the
LXX, which Augustine believed to be inspired, and because they
[...] contain many wonderful stories of martyrs (CG XVIII, 42).
Dubai is the quintessential home of sun, sand and sea.
然而,重要 的是应认识到,随着电信技术的不断发展演变,这些建议最后很可 能会成为昨黄花。
It is important to realize, however, that, as telecommunications technology evolves, these recommendations may become obsolete.
二、除非根据第六十七条或七十二 条 存在一项具有约束力的排他性法院选 择协议,承运人或海运履约方提起的诉讼寻求一项不承担赔偿责任声明的,或提 起的其他任何诉讼将剥夺一人根据第六十六条或第六十八条选择诉讼地的权利 的,该承运人或海运履约方应在被告已选择根据第六十六条或第六十八条(两者 以适用者为准)所指定的法院的情况下,根据被告的要求撤回该诉讼,然后可以 在该法院重新提起诉讼。
2. Except when there is an exclusive choice of court agreement that is binding pursuant to article 67 or 72, a carrier or a maritime performing party that institutes an action seeking a declaration of non-liability or any other action that would deprive a person of its right to select the forum pursuant to article 66 or 68 shall, at the request of the defendant, withdraw that action once the defendant has chosen a court designated pursuant to article 66 or 68, whichever is applicable, where the action may be recommenced.
Treats in twelve treatises of [...]
the ordinances of cleanness and of purifications.
例如一名居住天水圍、在中環上班的小文員,單是車 費、飯錢每天最少花六七十元, 一個月就是千 二 千 元 ,綜援受助人實際 獲得的額外收入,每月僅僅數百元,“雞碎”那麼多錢,如何吸引人自力更 生?
To take a clerk living in Tin Shui Wai
and working in Central
[...] as an example, it is necessary to spend at least $60 to $70 daily on transport [...]
fares and meals alone
and the sum will be some $1,000 or $2,000 a month, so the actual additional income earned by a CSSA recipient amounts to only several hundred dollars monthly.
这幅地图被装帧在一个大的画框中,画框左侧标 黄 道 十二 星 座,右侧则标示各地的气候特征。
The map is enclosed in a large frame that presents the signs of the zodiac along the left side and the climates along the right.
工作组回顾,根据其多年期工作计划,它将在 2013 年与成员国和政府间国 际组织举行一个讲习班,为举办该讲习班所作的安排与其在 2010 年小组委员会 第十七届会 议期间举行的会议的报告中所述安排相同(A/AC.105/958,附二,第 10 段)。
The Working Group recalled that, in accordance with its multi-year workplan, it would hold in 2013 a workshop with member States and international intergovernmental organizations and that the workshop would be organized with the same
arrangements as set out in the
[...] report on its meeting held during the fortyseventh session of the Subcommittee, in 2010 (A/AC.105/958, annex II, para. 10).
大会第六十二届会议通过了专门讨论落实儿童问题特别会议成果后续行动 的高级别全体纪念会议的宣言(第 62/88
[...] 号决议),参加会议的各国代表在决议中 再次承诺全面执行关于儿童问题的大会 二十七 届 特 别会问题为“适合儿童生长 的世界”的成果文件中的《宣言》和《行动计划》(S-27/2 [...]
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the commemorative high-level plenary meeting devoted to the follow-up to the outcome of the special session on children (resolution 62/88), in which the representatives of States gathered at the meeting reaffirmed their commitment to the full implementation of the Declaration and Plan
of Action contained in the outcome
[...] document of the twenty-seventh special session [...]
of the General Assembly on children,
entitled “A world fit for children” (resolution S-27/2, annex).
同樣,收生條件也直接影響畢業生的升學和前途,院 校是要負責的,例如有院校取錄了當年會考語文不合格的學生,即使他們完 成副學士課程畢業,應徵工作時也被降職;有院校則取錄了由 七 跳 升 至副士二年級 的學生,但他們報考大學資助學位時卻被拒諸門外。
For example, some years ago, some institutions admitted students who failed in the language subjects of the HKCEE. Even if these students can graduate from associate degree programmes, they may be offered poorer terms in job interviews, whereas some institutions enrolled students who were allowed to vault from matriculation to year two of associate degree programmes, but they were turned down when they apply for subsidized degree places in universities.
这个宽敞的一楼公寓由一个开放的居住面积与享受阳光明媚的天井,时髦的意大利安 花岗 岩 台面,2个明亮的卧室,逐次淋浴房和家庭浴室。
This spacious ground floor apartment comprises of an open plan living area with access to the sunny patio, stylish Italian fitted kitchen with granite worktops, 2 bright bedrooms, en suite shower room and family bathroom.




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