

单词 黄色书刊

See also:


yellow (color)

External sources (not reviewed)

欲指定除黄色 之外的其它衬套颜色, 请使用衬套颜色代 号替换订购号中的 OG。
For a sleeve color other than orange, replace OG in the ordering number with a sleeve color designator.
因此,给 4 个月大婴儿看书籍,以鲜黄色和鲜红色的、视觉反差大的、有图案的 较为吸引。
Therefore, by 4 months when
[...] they are given books, books that have bright yellow and red pictures [...]
with high visual contrasts and patterns are likely to be
more appealing to these children.
接地线的标志是其绝缘层的外表面为绿色 (带或不黄色条纹)。
The wire with insulation having an outer surface that is green
[...] with or without yellow stripes is the [...]
grounding wire.
青色吸收了红色并反射或透 过绿色和蓝色,品色吸收了绿色并反射或透过红色和 色 , 而 黄色 吸 收了蓝色并反射或透 过红色和绿色。
The cyan absorbs red and reflects or transmits green and blue, the magenta absorbs green and reflects or transmits red and blue, and the yellow absorbs blue and reflects or transmits red and green.
大众媒体,特别是小报黄色报刊往 往 突出耸人听闻 的事件,从而形成对儿童持偏见和成见,特别是弱势儿童或青少年,往往被描绘 [...]
Mass media, especially
[...] tabloids and the yellow press, tend to highlight [...]
shocking occurrences and as a result create a biased
and stereotyped image of children, in particular of disadvantaged children or adolescents, who are often portrayed as violent or delinquent just because they may behave or dress in a different way.
Keyhole的杂志为季刊印刷期刊和在线 刊 特 色 的 小 说,诗歌,作者访谈 书 评 , 小记者和文学的消息。
Keyhole Magazine is a quarterly print
journal and an online journal featuring
[...] fiction, poetry, author interviews, book reviews, and small press literary news.
会议向书处指 出,某些方案可继续保留,比如 C/5 批准本不刊载那 些列举参 与执行每项计划的合作伙伴的关系网图,而是在网上登载这些信息;此外,单独出版总干事 引言和每个重大计划的引言合订本可便于纵览(对各国决策者尤为如此)教科文组织一个年 [...]
It was indicated by the Secretariat that some options could be pursued, such as the non-publication in document C/5 [...]
Approved of the context
maps which list the partners involved in the execution of each programme and to place this information instead online; furthermore, the separate publication of the Director-General’s introduction and the introductions to each major programme combined could provide a handy overview on the essence of UNESCO’s priorities, orientations and actions for a biennial period, especially for national decision-makers.
增加用教科文组织的非正式语言出版 书刊 数 量 也进一步扩大教科文组织 出版物的知名度。
The rise in the number of titles published in languages that are not official languages of the Organization has also increased the visibility of UNESCO publications.
今后书刊文稿 的作者可以直接将包括 色 图 像在内的文稿信息用PDF文件在网上传输给编辑部或出版社,而不必像现在那样,在寄文稿的同时还要附寄该文稿的软盘及图片。
In future, the author of books and manuscripts can color images will include [...]
the presentation of information, including
PDF documents using the Internet and transmit them to the editorial or publishing house, rather than as now, in the mail at the same time, enclose the draft of the manuscript and the floppy disk pic.
活动包括学术会议、研讨会和专题讨论会;培 训方案;展览;出版和发行书、论 文、 刊 和 文 章;正式访问;以及备忘录 与合作。
Activities include academic conferences, seminars and symposiums; training
programmes; exhibitions; the
[...] publication and distribution of books, theses, journals and [...]
articles; official visits; and memorandums
of understanding and cooperation.
科学家发现,覆盆子富黄酮类 化合物和维生素C,具有激活和修复肌肤的作用。在娇韵诗专利化合物锁颜美白系统(Lock-Around System ™ HP)中,娇韵诗将覆盆子与抗坏血酸酸-2-葡萄糖苷相结合,获得了新一代的维生素C,这种维生素C可以不断地渗透到皮肤中,产生一种持久的抗自由基和抗 色 素 形 成的作用。
Scientists have found the Raspberry to have exceptional skin energizing and repairing properties thanks to its high content of flavonoids and Vitamin C. In its Lock-Around System ® HP, Clarins has combined it with Ascorbyl acid-2-glucoside, a new generation Vitamin C which continuously diffuses into the skin to provide a long-lasting, anti-free radical and anti-melanogenesis action.
如果变压器/分接选择器的油温高于切换开关的油温,并且两种温度之间的差值 高于设定的最大值,则出黄色事件
If the transformer/tap selector oil temperature is higher than the diverter switch oil temperature and if, at the
same time, the difference between the two temperatures is greater than the set
[...] maximum value, then a yellow event occurs.
[...] 的帮助下,挪威政府为亚历山大图书馆提供了一个“言论自由灯塔”数据库,收录了有书 刊和报纸新闻审查的书目信息以及关于言论自由历史与现状的文献。
With assistance from the Organization, the Norwegian Government provided the Bibliotheca Alexandrina with a “Beacon for Freedom of Expression” database, containing
bibliographical information on the
[...] censorship of books and newspapers, and literature [...]
on freedom of expression past and present.
拟编列经费 341 400
[...] 美元,用于支付以下费用:订阅各种杂志 书 籍 、 学报、刊,刊登在线对外广告(261 400 美元);根据大会第 65/311 [...]
号决议把网页内容 上载到维和网站并译成联合国六种正式语文(60 000 美元);安装图片展览亭,印
制小册子,以及制作其他材料,向外部受众宣传维和工作和外勤支助活动(20 000 美元)。
The amount of $341,400 is proposed for subscriptions to
[...] various magazines, books, journals and periodicals and for online [...]
external advertising ($261,400);
the uploading of web content for the peacekeeping website and translation into the six United Nations languages pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/311 ($60,000); and the installation of booths for photo exhibits, the printing of brochures and other production to promote to external audiences the work of peacekeeping and field support ($20,000).
使黄色选择 框进行更改时,“选定的影像”窗格 中将立即显示生成的影像。
When you make a
[...] change using the yellow selection frame [...]
the resultant image will be displayed immediately in the Selected Images pane.
在图中,地方医院标为绿色,综合医院标黄 色,中 心医院标为桔色,地区医院标为红色。
In the Figure local hospitals are marked in green, general hospitals in yellow, central hospitals in orange, and regional hospitals in red.
[...] 路对应 FTS 的两个引脚 (A 或 B 加热区是色 和黄色,软管是红色和紫色)。
To verify heater control module is not causing the problem, use
a wire to short-circuit the two pins corresponding to
[...] the FTS (red and yellow for A or B zone, [...]
red and purple for hose).
文化宣传的途径包括:刊书籍、国内 49 个文化站、媒体的文化节目、独 立的以及官方组织的宣传活动以及 193 家公共图书馆。
Culture is disseminated by means of publications, 49 cultural centres around the country, cultural programmes in the media, independent and State organizations, and 193 public libraries.
影視處既然是負責執色情刊物條 例以及遊戲機 ㆗心條例的部門,希望該處盡力確保切實執行通過的新法例,保障社會的秩序,尤其 是治安及青少年方面的問題。
As the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority is the department responsible for enforcing the Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance and the Amusement Game Centres Ordinance, I hope that the Authority can do its best to ensure that the newly passed Ordinance is fully enforced in order to protect our social order, especially where problems concerning law and order and adolescents exist.
如广为流传的黄金书屋》 光盘及中国大百科全书出版社出版的《中国大百科全书·光盘版》都是采用PDF进行光盘出版物制作,是较为成功的例子。
Such as the widely circulated "Golden House" CD-ROM and [...]
the Chinese Encyclopedia Publishing House of the "China Encyclopedia
CD-ROM" and are based on PDF for the production of CD-ROM publication is the more successful examples.
肾上腺皮质癌,肿瘤体积一般较大,常在100g以上,偶可达1000g以上,呈侵袭性生长,境界不清,切面呈 黄色 或 多 色性,质较软,常有出血、坏死及囊性变。
Adrenocortical carcinomas usually have bigger sizes, which are often above 100 g. Some can reach more than 1000 g. They
aggressively grow, have blur
[...] boundary, with brown yellow or multi-color section, soft [...]
nature, and often cause bleeding, necrosis,
as well as cystis degeneration.
色列促请秘书长表达国际社会明确无误的期望,立刻释放 Shalit 上士, 及时纠正这一违反最基本的人权标准的严重情况。
Israel urges the Secretary-General to express [...]
the unequivocal expectation of the international community for the immediate
release of Staff Sergeant Shalit, and for prompt rectification of this grave situation which is contrary to the most fundamental standards of human rights.
要抗色情刊物泛 濫對兒童的傷害,當局應 貫徹執行已通過的法例,並且加強教育和輔導,使兒童獲得正確的性觀念和家庭生活 [...]
To counteract the damage done by the
[...] proliferation of pornography, the Government [...]
should thoroughly enforce the existing
legislation while stepping up education and counselling services such that children will be given family life education and taught the right attitude to take towards sex.
在别的情形中,为服务于本国懂英语或法语但买不起进 书刊 的 人口,就必需获得许 可来翻印工业化国家的原版书籍。
The implementation of international copyright standards in the developing world must be undertaken with a proper appreciation of the continuing high level of need for improving the availability of these products, and their crucial importance for social and economic development.
由于PDF是跨平台的文件格式,故凡 书刊 中 所包含的文字、数学公式、插图、照片等信息及版面设计信息均可用此文件格式在网上传输及在任何电脑屏上阅览。
Because PDF is a cross-platform
[...] file format, so any books that are included [...]
in the text, mathematical formulas, illustrations,
photographs and other information and layout information may use this file format in the online transmission and viewed on any computer screen.
作为全民教育国际协调和宣传方面的负责机构,教科文组织将继续担负 书 处 的角 色,并为筹备全民教育工作组和全民教育高级小组会议承担主要工作。
Responsible for the international coordination and
advocacy of EFA, UNESCO will continue
[...] to assume the role of secretariat and undertake [...]
essential preparatory work for the meetings
of the EFA Working Group and the EFA High-Level Group.
[...] 层倡导项⽬、政策指导⽅针,以及包括“减灾教 育资黄金图书馆”在内的具体⼯具和⽅法,已经陆续 [...]
开发、实施,指导教育政策的制定者将减灾纳入国家教 育议程、学校课程设置和高等教育,同时融入学校安全 项⽬的实施过程。
High level advocacy initiatives, policy guidelines
as well as specific tools and
[...] methodologies including a Golden Library on Disaster [...]
Risk Education Materials have been developed
to guide education policy-makers in integrating disaster risk reduction into the national education agenda, school curricula and higher education, and in implementing school safety initiatives.
即 使 父母現時響 應 某 些 團體的 呼籲, 罷 買 有 風 月 版 的 報章、抵色情刊 物 , 又 或不把風 月 版帶回 家,但 是 , 如果父 母 每 天 在 家 示範暴 力 行為, 甚 至 性 侵 犯 行為, 那 麼 , 即 使我們禁 制所色情 刊 物 , 這 問題仍 然 會 存 在。
While parents may respond actively to the appeals of some organizations to
stop buying newspapers
[...] with soft porn supplements, to boycott pornographic magazines or to not bring home the soft porn supplements, so long as there are parents demonstrating at home acts of violence or even sexual violence, the problem would remain unresolved even after all pornographic materials have [...]
been banned.
Meanwhile, parents should also bear the responsibility to impart their children correct sexual concepts, while the public and the media should take the irresponsible publishers of pornographic publications to task.
印刷电子技术印刷电路板(硬质·软质)、显示器产品(有机TFT、有机/无机EL、液晶显示器、电子纸、佩戴式显示器、3D显示器、POP显示器等)、下一代照明、AC电子发光、调光控制薄膜、电气迁移、化合物系太阳电池 色 素 增 刊 型 、有机薄膜系太阳电池、燃料电池、电容器、挠性扬声器、挠性驱动器、天线模块、RFID、印刷存储器、印刷标注、智能标签、有机设备、光电路·光通信设备、电磁波屏蔽薄膜、陶瓷电容器、薄膜晶体管、有机晶体管、传感器模块等。
Printed electronics substrate (rigid and flexible), display products (organic TFT, organic/inorganic EL, LCD, electronic papers, wearable displays, 3D displays, POP displays, etc.), next-generation lighting, AC EL lighting, light control film, electrophoresis, chemical compound solar cells, die sensitization solar cells, organic film solar cells, fuel cells, capacitors, flexible speakers, flexible actuators, antenna modules, RFID, printed memory, printed tags, smart labels, organic devices, light circuit/light communication devices, electromagnetic wave shielding film, ceramic capacitors, thin-film transistors, organic transistors, sensor modules, etc.




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