

单词 黄不溜秋

External sources (not reviewed)

那充满红色、棕色黄色的秋季, 在拉普兰的荒野里特别漂亮,更被称为 “鲁什卡”  (ruska)。
This is the season known as
[...] ‘ruska’, when the autumnal reds, browns and yellows are [...]
especially beautiful on the fells of Lapland.
他“不溜手” 的答覆是他同意如果要令“可加可減”租金調整機制有效運作,便必須確立 [...]
He has agreed in his "slippery" reply that, [...]
for the rent adjustment mechanism to operate effectively, it is necessary to
identify a rent level that is considered appropriate and acceptable to the community as a new starting point.
市民已經是望穿秋水,所期求不是 做 市民那麼簡單,而是何時有自己的房屋?
What they are asking for is not just to be able to carry on as they are, but when they will have their own flats.
就此 ,政府 可否告 知 本 會,目 前當局 有 否 就 溜 冰 場 剷 冰 機 所產生的二 氧 化 氮含量作出規 管;若 有 , 本港各溜 冰 場 的 二 氧 化 氮 水 平 是 否 符合該等 標 準 ; 若溜 冰 場不符合標準 , 政 府有否 要求該 等 溜 冰 場 經 營 者 採取改善 措施, 以確保 二 氧 化 氮含量 符合標 準 ?
In this connection, will the Government inform this Council whether there is any stipulation on the maximum level of nitrogen dioxide emission by ice resurfacers in ice skating rinks; if so, whether the nitrogen dioxide concentration in ice-skating rinks in Hong Kong is within the stipulated standard; if there are ice-skating rinks not meeting the standard, whether the operators concerned have been required to take improvement measures to ensure that the nitrogen dioxide concentration is within the standard?
当安妮卡返回的宫殿,她的父母担心和过度保护,他们 溜 冰 以后 再 不 许 她
When Annika returns to the palace, her parents are so worried and
[...] overprotective they forbid her from skating ever again.
比较理想的是,在这 种情形下,原则上所规定的临时预算最高限额方面的早期(第一 秋 季 )协议对于执行局和 总干事的工不仅令 人满意而且极其有效,同时,从后勤和财政的观点看,具有只需单一预 算情形的额外好处,因此可以编制 C/5 号文件。
Ideally, in such a scenario, an early (autumn, year one) agreement in principle on the foreseen provisional budget ceiling would be not only be desirable but extremely useful for the work of both the Executive Board and the Director-General respectively, having the additional advantage from the logistical and financial point of view of requiring only a single budget scenario and therefore the draft C/5 document to be prepared.
接地线的标志是其绝缘层的外表面为绿色 (带不带黄色条纹)。
The wire with insulation having an outer surface that is green with or without yellow stripes is the grounding wire.
但是,这个版本的使不当的 解释,其标题和基督教的救世主,并最终打动犹太人本身在英语(见,例如,第贝内特,“重要谈话的授权版本,”伦敦, 1834年,塞利格纽曼,“加班Emendations的授权版本的催产素”伦敦,1839年,本杰明马库斯“(喷泉的生命)难易之旅:顺 溜 , 更 正和解释说:”都柏林,1854年)。
But the impropriety of the use of this version, with its Christian headings and its Messianic interpretations, did in the end impress itself upon the English Jews (see, for example, S. Bennett, "Critical Remarks on the Authorized Version," London, 1834; Seelig Newman, "Emendations of the Authorized Version of the OT" London, 1839; Benjamin Marcus, " (Fountain of Life): Mistranslations and Difficult Passages of the OT Corrected and Explained," Dublin, 1854).
Yellow Autumn
当决定 只批准正式供应商进入先前由一些小型供应商提供服务的区域时,政府尤其要确 保运营服务网络的实际上是贫困人民负担得起的另一组备选设施,而且在正式供 应商准备好接手之前,不会让人面临服务供应 黄不 接 的 局面。
In particular when granting exclusivity to formal providers extending into areas that have previously been served by small-scale providers, States have to ensure that the network actually constitutes an affordable alternative for poor people and that they are not lacking service provision until the formal provider is ready to fill the gap.
有必要指出的是,法律支助工作人员的小组负责人离 开了法庭不得不在 2009 年秋由内部人员接替,这一离职和调任对从速进行诉 [...]
It should be noted that the team leader of the legal support staff left
the Tribunal and had to be replaced
[...] internally during the autumn of 2009, and this departure [...]
and reassignment has had some
impact on the expeditious conduct of the proceedings.
科特迪瓦人的头目 Julien Gouhan 在对
[...] 利比里亚国家警察的陈述中声称,他来纽约营地是为了开 黄 金 , 但 不 认识 Tailey Gladior(附件 8);Gladior 也在陈述中称,他对科特迪瓦人来他的营地 [...]
并不知情,他要他们第二天早上离开营地(附件 9)。
The leader of the Ivorians, Julien Gouhan, claimed in his statement to the
LNP that he had travelled to New
[...] York camp to mine gold but that he did not know Tailey Gladior [...]
(annex 8); Gladior also claimed
in his statement that the Ivorians had arrived at his camp without his knowledge, and that he requested that they leave the camp the following morning (annex 9).
學者 和學生必須能夠在容許不同意見的包容環境下進修、學習、教學、進 行研究和發表作品,無須擔心被人威嚇 秋 後 算帳 及 不 受 政 治干預。
Scholars and students must be able to study, learn, teach, research, and publish without fear of intimidation or reprisal and without political interference, in an environment tolerant and supportive of diverse opinions.
在過去兩年,我們在教育事務委員會與教資會的查史美倫女士一 起跟進,結果制訂了一個good practice,即良好處理方法的慣例,希 望 8間大學會有君子協議,表明會跟從這些建議行事,包括第一,但 凡有申訴時,要盡量適時盡快處理;第二,確 不 會 有 任何 秋 後算 帳 ”及報復性的行動;第三,在申訴的最終上訴階段,必須有校外人 士參與其事,以免讓投訴的員工覺得校方由“自己人”作決定,然後由 “自己人”作調查,令作出投訴的員工覺得不公道。
During the past two years, we in the Panel on Education and Mrs Laura CHA of the UGC have followed this up together and eventually formulated a good practice, setting out good handling approaches in the hope that the eight universities will reach a gentlemen's agreement and pledge compliance with these recommendations which include firstly, any complaint received must be dealt with in a timely and speedy manner as far as possible; secondly, efforts must be made to ensure that there is no reprisal or retaliation; and thirdly, external parties should be involved at the final stage of an appeal, so as not to give the complainant the feeling that a decision is made by the university's own people and then an investigation is also carried out by their own people, thus making the complainant feel that it is far from fair.
發出牌 照後,該處㆟員會定期視察有關舖位,確保圍封物能夠防止 溜 走 , 並依 照規定標準維修。
Thereafter, they are subject to regular inspections which ensure that the enclosures are escape-proof and maintained to the required standard.
科学家发现,覆盆子富黄酮类化合物和维生素C,具有激活和修复肌肤的作用。在娇韵诗专利化合物锁颜美白系统(Lock-Around System ™ HP)中,娇韵诗将覆盆子与抗坏血酸酸-2-葡萄糖苷相结合,获得了新一代的维生素C,这种维生素C可 不 断 地渗透到皮肤中,产生一种持久的抗自由基和抗黑色素形成的作用。
Scientists have found the Raspberry to have exceptional skin energizing and repairing properties thanks to its high content of flavonoids and Vitamin C. In its Lock-Around System ® HP, Clarins has combined it with Ascorbyl acid-2-glucoside, a new generation Vitamin C which continuously diffuses into the skin to provide a long-lasting, anti-free radical and anti-melanogenesis action.
(c) 如何監察蛇店,以確保蛇店採取適當措施,防止 溜 出 店 舖,對附 近居民造成滋擾?
(c) how snake shops are monitored to ensure that
appropriate measures are adopted by these shops to
[...] prevent snakes form sneaking out [...]
of shop premises and causing nuisance to the residents nearby?
其他裝置則由市內各商戶贊助展出。市中心亦設有戶 溜 冰 場 , 不 時 亦 噴出人造雪增添氣氛。
There is also a ice skating ring with man made snow blowing in the air.
当我准备走下美国驻华大使的位置,我离开这个国家时比以往任何时候都更加肯定,世界上没有任何关系象这个关系一样如此充满潜力,如果我们集中我们的精力,就有潜力发挥好的作用,如果我们让这一机 溜 走 , 就有潜力带来损害。
As I prepare to step down as U.S. Ambassador to China, I leave this country more certain than ever before that there is no relationship anywhere in the world, that is so full of potential as this one- potential to do good if we focus our energies, potential to do harm if we let this opportunity pass us by.
這款精心設計的相機機殼是以塑膠打造,外圍還附有止滑橡膠,即使在進行運動、潛水、滑雪或其他戶外活動時,仍可牢牢掌 不 滑 溜。
This well-designed camera is housed in a plastic body with a rubber
[...] grip finish to avoid any slipping away during sports, [...]
underwater, winter, or other outdoor activities.
高剛性與高韌性同時要求的零件,如 腳踏車剎車把手溜冰鞋底座、腳踏 車輪框。
For example, brake lever of bicycle, road roller frame, wheel frame, etc.
溫水煮蛙,自由不同的裂縫溜走 , 而這些制度上的裂縫是由 當局鑿出來的。
Freedom is slipping away unnoticeably by the slow-boiled [...]
frog approach. These cracks in the systems are made by the authorities.
[...] 楚所有这些损失和破坏是由谁造成的,现在似乎却要 他人来支付账单,肇事者溜之大吉 , 不 需 要 承担任 何责任。
It seems strange, however, from the perspective of a layman, for
someone else to be footing the bill,
[...] so to speak, when it is clear who the perpetrator [...]
was that caused all that damage
and destruction and got off scot-free.
肾上腺皮质癌,肿瘤体积一般较大,常在100g以上,偶可达1000g以上,呈侵袭性生长,境 不 清 , 切面呈 黄 色 或 多色性,质较软,常有出血、坏死及囊性变。
Adrenocortical carcinomas usually have bigger sizes, which are often above 100 g. Some can reach more than
1000 g. They aggressively grow, have
[...] blur boundary, with brown yellow or multi-color section, [...]
soft nature, and often cause
bleeding, necrosis, as well as cystis degeneration.
當然,我不是秋後算 帳,對於容許僱員自選強積金計劃,自由黨當年 其實是最反對的,但自由黨的成員去年卻提出議案,推翻他們以前提出的意 見,要求容許僱員自選強積金計劃。
Actually, the Liberal Party raised the strongest opposition to allowing employees to choose their own MPF schemes at that time. However, Members of the Liberal Party introduced a motion last year and repudiated their previous views by requesting the Government to allow employees to choose their MPF schemes.
2004 年 下半年,在执行秋季届 会之后,还将举行一轮多国磋商,并寻求具有更大的参与性,包括 [...]
教科文组织全国委员会和各国利益相关单位的参与,确定多国层面的优先需求,以供写进 33 C/5 文件。
The organization of a further round of cluster consultations later in
[...] 2004, following the autumn session of the Executive [...]
Board, will seek to introduce a
more participatory process, including the involvement of National Commissions and stakeholders at the national level, in the identification of priority needs at the cluster level, proposed to be included in document 33 C/5.
我们 过去和现在都非常清楚地意识到,即使经过 20 多年的自我节俭,2008 年秋季仍 不是请 求相应增设员额的最佳时间,2009 年也不是最容易核准这些员额的时间。
We were and remain quite conscious that, even after more than 20 years of self-restraint, the fall of 2008 was not the best time to request the corresponding additional posts and the year 2009 the easiest time to grant them.
去年我們已知道九巴在九㆕年內將會有 這 17 億元的進帳,不過有關物業是九巴在公開市場購入的,政 府沒有給予任何優惠, 而法例㆖亦沒有要求九巴於出售物業時,要撥出部分收益補貼票價,因此,現時要打 這 17 億元的主意,在法理㆖是不過去 的,亦 秋 後 算 帳之嫌。
Therefore, the idea of making use of these $1.7 billion is legally unreasonable and such act smacks of squaring accounts with KMB after it has reaped the profit.




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