

单词 麻类

See also:

feel numb
surname Ma
have pins and needles or tingling
hemp or flax fiber for textile materials
(of materials) rough or coarse
generic name for hemp, flax etc

External sources (not reviewed)

就墨西哥而言,据报告麻、类阿片 、可卡因和苯丙胺类兴奋剂的使用有 所下降,同时报告说安定剂、幻觉剂和鼻吸剂呈现稳定趋势。
For Mexico, the use of cannabis, opioids, cocaine [...]
and amphetamine-type stimulants is reported as declining, while stable
trends have been reported for tranquillizers, hallucinogens and inhalants.
合成大麻素受体激动剂具有与麻类 似 的 药效,可在世界上大部分 区域获得。
Synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists with cannabis-like effects are [...]
also available in most regions of the world.
在北美洲,麻、类阿片和可卡因在治疗总需求中所占 份额相似。
In North America, cannabis, opioids and cocaine [...]
make up similar shares of total treatment demand.
自 2000 年以来,非洲越来越多的专家认为毒品使用是在增加而不是在减 少,尤其在麻和类阿片方面(见表 3)。
Since 2000, more experts in Africa have
perceived increases in drug use than have observed declines,
[...] especially with respect to cannabis and opioids (see table 3).
这样,就实现了如纤维乙醇、生物基丁醇、生物质天然气、低聚木糖,木糖及其它类糖、无碱造纸 麻类 脱 胶 、烟叶加工、白酒酿造、淀粉加工等制取过程中重要的预处理过程。
Thus, to achieve, such as cellulosic ethanol,
bio-butanol, biomass gas, XOS, xylose,
[...] and other types of sugar, alkali-free paper, hemp degumming, [...]
processing of tobacco, liquor
brewing, starch processing system to take important during the pretreatment process.
For example, marijuana (herb) and hashish (resin) are types in the cannabis class.
麻、苯丙胺类兴奋 剂(主要是甲基苯丙胺)和类阿片依然是东亚和东南 亚所使用的主要毒品。
Cannabis, amphetamine-type stimulants [...]
(primarily methamphetamine) and opioids continue to be the main drugs used in East and South-East Asia.
获得生产许可的基麻醉药品或类 如果在报告年份已 实际生产,请在 方框内标明
(c) The drugs or salts that were actually manufactured during the reporting year.
发言者还表示关切亚洲和非洲的苯丙 类 兴 奋 剂、 麻 和 可 卡因使 用有所上升,以及青少年和妇女吸毒现象有所增加。
Speakers also expressed concern at
the increase in the use of
[...] amphetamine-type stimulants, cannabis and cocaine in Asia [...]
and Africa and at the increase in the
use of drugs among youth and women.
(c) 加强对可用于制造苯丙类兴奋剂的 麻 黄 碱和 伪 麻 黄 碱 之 类 前 体 化 学品的制剂的进出口管制,包括必要时利用网上出口前通知系统; (d) 促进系统收集关于滥用苯丙胺类兴奋剂和转用前体及含苯丙胺类兴奋 剂的制剂的数据,并利用这些数据采取适当对策
(c) Strengthen controls, including through the Pre-Export Notification Online system, where required, for the import and export of preparations containing precursor chemicals, such as ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, which could be used in the manufacture of amphetamine-type stimulants
按照联合国监察员和调解事务办公室在报告中适用的国际监察员协会制订 的准则和问题类别,没有得到处理、可能给本组织或其成员带来法律风险(金钱 损失或处罚)的问题、关切麻烦属 于这 类 别。
In accordance with the guidelines and categories of issues set by the International Ombudsman Association, which the Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services applies in its reporting, questions, concerns or issues that may create
a legal risk (financial, sanction) for the
[...] Organization or its members if not addressed, fall under the above category.
澳大利亚和新西兰在非法药物使用方面的形态大 类 似 , 大 麻 是 使 用最广 的毒品,其次是苯丙胺类兴奋剂。
Broadly, Australia and New Zealand share similar patterns of
[...] illicit drug use, with cannabis being the most commonly [...]
used drug, followed
by amphetamine-type stimulants.
此外, 针对气候变化引起阿留申人社麻痹 性 贝 类 中 毒 问题,在 2006-2007 年期间开展 [...]
了两年期项目,其中指导阿留申人社区关注这个问题,并培训他们监测这些与气 候变化有关的毒素。
Also, undertook a two-year project in
the period 2006-2007 on climate
[...] change-induced paralytic shellfish poisoning in Aleut [...]
communities, in which the Aleut communities
were educated about the problem and trained to monitor for that toxin, which may be related to climate change.
应予监测的类障碍在提麻醉药 品委员会第五十四届会议的上述会议室文件中有全面描述。
Those impediments to be monitored have been extensively [...]
described in the aforementioned conference room paper presented
during the fifty-fourth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
在适当考虑到麻风病患者及其家人的意愿并在他 们充分参与的情况下,国家还应制定、宣传和执行让这类场所的居民逐步融入社 区、逐步淘汰类麻风病 院和医院的计划。
With due regard to the wishes of the persons affected by leprosy and their family members, and with their full participation, States should also design, promote and implement plans for the gradual integration of the residents of such places in the community and for the gradual phasing out of such leprosariums and hospitals.
[...] 制造和使用限于医疗和科学目的所需之足够量,保证为 类 目 的提 供 麻 醉 品,防 止非法种植、生产和制造、非法贩运和使用麻醉品。
The Board, in cooperation with Governments, and subject to the terms of this Convention, shall endeavour to limit the cultivation, production, manufacture and use of drugs to an adequate amount required for medical
and scientific purposes, to ensure
[...] their availability for such purposes and to prevent [...]
illicit cultivation, production and
manufacture of, and illicit trafficking in and use of, drugs.
重点关注的是来自第二代或新一代(如 类 、 麻 风 树、荠蓝)生物物质 的生物燃料。
The focus is on biofuels sourced from second or new
[...] generation (e.g. algae, jatropha, camelina) [...]
本集团拥有有梭、小剑杆、苏州必佳乐大剑杆、比利时必佳乐喷气、日本丰田喷气、日本津田驹等各种织布设备,能够生产小提花类、牛仔布、大提花类、一般喷气类、高支高 类 生 产 各 类 纯 棉 、涤棉 麻 棉 以 及天丝、Modal、大豆纤维、竹纤维、丽赛、真丝棉混纺及各种新型纤维混纺或交织等3000余种面料,可以生产从47″至135″的任何幅宽、经纬密之和从90根至1000根的各种踏盘和小提花坯布,棉布重量范围从40g/㎡至650g/㎡,史陶比尔大提花织机85台,可以生产98″、105″、118″、120″,经纱密度173根/英寸左右的大提花品种,花围36至38厘米和72至74厘米两种规格,以及各种幅宽的染色布印花布等。
The Group owns shuttles, small rapier, Suzhou Bijiale large rapier, Belgium Picanol Air Injection, Japan Toyota, Japan Tsudakoma and other kinds of weaving equipments which can produce dobby series, jacquard, common
air injection
[...] series, denim, and high-density series cotton, polyester cotton, hemp [...]
cotton and tencel, modal, silk cotton
blend and all kinds of fabrics of more than 3000 sorts,and it can produce the width of 47″to 135″, density in warp and waft can be from 90 to 1000 grey fabric, and the weight of the cotton cloth can be from 40g/㎡ to 650g/㎡, There are 85 sets of Staubli Jacquard weaving machines,which can produce 98″, 105″, 118″, 120″,the density in warp and waft can be from 173t/inch jacquard series and two kinds of flowers width of 36 to 38cm and 72 to 74cm,and so on.
很多時候,他們都不能 找到正當的宣洩途徑和支援,便唯有借助藥物,甚至毒品 麻 醉 自 己。
Often enough they can find neither a proper way to vent
their feelings nor can they get any support; hence they would resort to
[...] drugs or even narcotics to intoxicate [...]
[...] 区域许多国家而言,类阿片据报告仍是治疗所针对的主要药物;不过,还报告 说针对苯丙类兴奋剂、麻及镇定剂和安定剂使用有大量治疗需求。
For many countries in the subregion, opioids remain the primary drug reported in treatment; however, substantial
demand for treatment for the use of
[...] amphetamine-type stimulants, cannabis and sedative and tranquillizers [...]
is also reported.
与毒品有关的死亡 死亡的主要原因是:(a)因使用类阿 片、 大 麻 、 可 卡因、其他兴奋剂、致幻剂或这些物质的组 [...]
合为基础的精神药物而引起的精神或行为紊乱,或(b)因使用麻醉药品或精神药物而引起的意外 的、有意的或未明确的中毒。
Death for which the underlying cause is (a) a mental or behavioural disorder caused
by the use of psychoactive substances
[...] based on opioids, cannabinoids, cocaine, other [...]
stimulants, hallucinogens or a combination
of those substances or (b) a poisoning that is accidental, intentional or of undetermined intent caused by the use of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.
又严重关切地注意到全球滥用和制造苯丙胺类兴奋剂活动有所增加,用于非 法制造麻醉药品和精神药物的化学前体扩散,而且有组织犯罪团伙的转用活动出 现了新办法,
确认近年来在世界一些地方出现了使用不受国际药物管制条约管制但可能 构成潜在公共健康风险的物质的情况,并注意到关于含有合成大麻素受体激动剂
[...] 的物质(最常见的是草药混合物)的生产活动的报道日益增加,此类物质具 类似 大麻所致的那种刺激精神作用
that the use of substances that are not controlled under the international drug control treaties and that may pose potential public-health risks has emerged in recent years in several regions of the world, and noting the increasing number of reports about the production of substances, most commonly herbal mixtures,
containing synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists that have psychoactive
[...] effects similar to those produced by cannabis
[...] 络,以与世界上等离子物理学最著名的中心开展合作,如俄罗斯联邦的 MITP 和 IHED、美 国麻省理 工学院和斯坦福大学、英国的剑桥大学、南非的约翰内斯堡大学、意大利的比萨 [...]
CERN 和俄罗斯联邦杜布纳的联合核研究 所(JINR)。
The project is focused on the development of an international plasma research and education centre for developing countries in the Asian and African regions, and of a network of benchmark scientific-educational laboratories in developing countries for cooperation with world centres of excellence in plasma physics
such as MITP and IHED in the Russian
[...] Federation, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology [...]
(MIT) and Stanford University
in the United States of America, Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, Johannesburg University in South Africa, Pisa University in Italy, and international research centres, such as CERN in Geneva (Switzerland) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna (Russian Federation).
(17) 經營所有或任何涉及以任何方式預備、紡織、編織、梳理、沖刷、裁切、漂 白、著色、染色、印刷及整理或製造棉、羊毛、絲、 麻 、 麻 、 亞 麻 布 、黃 麻、皮 革、合成纖維及其他纖維或紡織品(不論屬任何狀態下之動物、植物 或礦物纖維及不論是否類似上述物質),及處理及使用及買賣任何來自任何該 等業務(不論由本公司或其他人士進行)之廢料之行業或業務,亦生產硫酸 鹽及漂白及染整物料以及買入及賣出及買賣上述所有或任何物質。
(17) To carry on all or any of the trades or business of preparing, spinning, knitting, doubling, weaving, combing, scouring, sizing, bleaching, colouring, dyeing, printing and finishing, working or manufacturing in any way whatever, cotton, wool, silk, flax, hemp, linen, jute, leather, synthetic fibres and other fibrous or textile substances, whether animal, vegetable or mineral in any state and whether similar to the foregoing substances or not and to treat and utilise and deal in any waste arising from any such operations, whether carried out by the Company or otherwise, and also of makers of vitriol and of bleaching, dyeing, and finishing materials, and the buying and selling of and dealing in all or any of the aforesaid substances.
最不发达国家在人的能力发展方面的努力受到以下各方面的影响:贫穷率 高、失业现象严重、人口增长率高、卫生和营养结果差(反映于妇幼发病率和死 亡率高),以及营养不良的沉重负担;传染性疾病的流行,包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、 疟疾、结核病和小麻痹症 ,以及日益沉重的非传染性疾病负担。
Efforts at development of human capacities in least developed countries have been affected by high incidence of poverty, mass unemployment, high population growth rates, poor health and nutrition outcomes, as evidenced by high child and maternal morbidity and mortality rates and the high burden of undernutrition, the prevalence of communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and polio, and the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.
(b) 進行下列全部或任何業務,即:棉紡及併條; 麻 、 大 麻 及 粗 麻 紡 紗; 亞 麻 布 生 產; 麻、 大麻、粗麻及毛 料紡紗;紡紗商務;絨料生產;漂染及生產硫酸鹽及漂染物料;以及購買、 梳織、製作、紡織、染製及交易麻 、 大 麻 、 粗 麻 、 毛 料、棉質、絲質及其他纖維物質;以 及編織或以其他方式生產、買賣及交易 麻 布 、 布匹及其他貨品及布料(不論是織布、絨 布、夾層布或起圈布);以及供電。
(b) To carry on all or any of the businesses following: Namely, cotton spinners and doublers, flax, hemp, and jute spinners, linen manufacturers, flax, hemp, jute, and woollen
spinners, yarn merchants, worsted stuff
[...] manufacturers, bleachers and dyers, and makers of vitriol, bleaching and dyeing materials, and to purchase, comb, prepare, spin, dye, and deal in flax, hemp, jute, wool, cotton, silk, and other fibrous substances, and to weave or otherwise manufacture, buy and sell and deal in linen, cloth, and other goods and fabrics, whether textile, felted, netted, or looped, and to supply power.




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