

单词 麻烦事


麻烦的事情 n

nuisance n

See also:


put sb to trouble
trouble or bother sb

麻烦 n

hassle n
trial n
bother n

feel vexed
superfluous and confusing

External sources (not reviewed)

在高声压级现场,啸叫总是一 麻烦事 , 40 88能轻 易地应对这些挑战。
In high SPL events and when feedback [...]
is a concern, the 4088 will tackle these challenges with ease.
这些垃圾筒 很容易孳生大量苍蝇蚊虫,对居民 和清洁工来说都是个卫生方面麻 烦事。
Not only does it encourage flies and rats, it also a sanitary nuisance for both the residents and the waste collection workers.
那时,摄影还是个麻烦的事情;摄影师必须把感光 化学乳剂涂布在玻璃板的黑色区域,而且必须在乳剂干掉之前进行拍摄。
Photography was a cumbersome process; the photographer had to spread a chemical emulsion on a glass plate in a pitch-black area, and then capture the image before the emulsion dried.
然而在PDF中指定文字、图画、表格的位置是一件非 麻烦 的 事 情。
However, in the PDF specified in the text, pictures, forms the
[...] location is a very troublesome thing.
有网购纠纷、个人信息(姓名、地址、电话号 码、信用卡号、账号等)泄漏、因为访问网站而收到不明账单等各种各样 麻烦事 , 请 您在进行网 上付款和访问网站等时充分注意。
Due to the widespread of problems related to online shopping, leakage of personal information (full name, address, phone number, credit card number, account number, etc.), fraudulent fee request for website access, and various problems related to internet usage, please exercise caution when you access websites and transact online.
我们还麻烦您一件事(不 好意思):目前我们只能用英语交流。
We need to ask you a favor (sorry about this): for the moment we are able to communicate only in English.
为了避免任何透麻烦,应每日了解所有银行余额的水平,用一个 账户的盈余来填补另一个赤字账户,规划出账日期,如有必要则推迟出账。
To avoid any inadvertent
[...] overdraft, the level of all bank balances should [...]
be tracked daily, the surplus of one account should
be used to finance the deficit in another account and disbursement dates should be scheduled – and delayed if possible.
虽然这种做法在区域范围内对数目有限的法域或许行得通, 但在全球范围内可能证明无济于事,因为对于这些名称所谓何物并非所有法域 都有共同理解,若要包罗万象,相 麻烦 , 恐非 易 事。
While that approach might be possible for a limited number of jurisdictions in a regional context, it might not prove to be helpful in a global context, since not all jurisdictions share a common understanding of what those labels mean and it might prove cumbersome and difficult to achieve in a comprehensive manner.
提交人选择的离境方式表明,他估计不会遇到 当局制造麻烦。
The author’s chosen method of leaving the country suggests that he did not
[...] anticipate any trouble with the [...]
他/她将确定应跟进的事项和采取行动的需要,查明和应对各 种变化、问题事件,针对潜在 麻烦 点 作 出预警,提请组长注意相关事项并提 出采取适当行动的建议。
He or she will identify matters for follow-up and need for action, identify
and respond to
[...] changes, problems and incidents, providing early warning of potential trouble spots, and bringing [...]
to the attention
of the Team Leader relevant issues with recommendations for appropriate action.
麻烦的是 ,缺少关于机构 (校园、监狱、家庭护理的替代机构)内暴力的可靠数据,因为它是在国家以及 收集这些数据的提供者的权力范围之内 事 情。
The absence of reliable data on violence in institutions (schools, prisons, alternatives to home care) is especially troubling, as it is within the power of States and providers to collect it.
然而,登记证和车号牌中仍然普遍使用本国语言字母,从而给边境 口岸工作人员为车辆清关带来麻烦 , 也给交通警察造成了困难,而且在采 用了电子清关系统之后还会带来更多 麻烦。
This causes difficulties when border crossing officials attempt to clear vehicles for entry. It also causes difficulties for traffic police and will cause further difficulties when electronic clearance systems are introduced.
通过免提,您可以确切地选择:什么时候想要自己动手管理您的智能手机,什么时候想要快速轻松地访问电话、歌曲和多媒体;不用任何线缆,没有任 麻烦。
By going hands free, you choose exactly when you want to manage your smartphone hands-on and when you want quick and easy access to your calls, songs and media without any wires or hassle.
这样就形成了一麻烦 的先 例,造成了广泛的影响,致使在这种情况下接受审议国家的报告的义务以及 通过报告的有效性都不清楚。
This had set a difficult precedent, with wide-ranging implications to the extent that the obligations of the report on the State under review and the validity of the adoption of the report in such circumstances were unclear.
如果长时间睡眠不足,您就会发现自己可能更容易生病,而且容易为一些平常 事 感 到 烦 心 或 沮丧。
After a long period of poor quality sleep,
you might also notice that you get sick easier, and you get
[...] sad or depressed by things that normally wouldn't [...]
bother you.
推荐进行多个备份的另一个理由:当开始恢复时,Seagate DiscWizard 会删除目标分区(或磁盘),所以如果只有一个备份,那么在进行恢复的计算机上 的系统分区被删除时,您就会面临很大风险 —
[...] 唯一的备份就是正在进行恢复的映像,如果该 映像被破坏,那么您麻烦就大了。
One more argument in favor of several backups: when starting recovery, Seagate DiscWizard deletes the target partition (or disc), so when you have just a single backup, the moment the system partition is deleted on the computer being recovered you
are at great risk - the only thing you have is the image being recovered and if it is
[...] corrupted you are in big trouble.
这是一个高度可靠的排屑器,可减 少屑片所引起的各麻烦。
This is a highly reliable chip conveyor that reduces various troubles caused by chips.
因此备份整个系统盘(创建磁盘映像)不仅能在计算机遭遇重大灾难时为您节约大 量宝贵时间,也可保护您免受其 麻烦。
So making a backup of your entire system disc (making a disc image) will save you a lot of valuable time in case of a disaster, as well as safeguard you against other possible problems.
所以,我干脆自己写了一个前后完全不相干的紊乱的 事 , 我被 弄 烦 了 ! 不想弄了,所以后来,内容比较奇怪,扯了很多无关痛痒,但是要继续下去的东西,似乎是关于西方人的:比如牛奶厂,和一个德国丈夫的关于奶汁品质的隐瞒,还有一个关于美国的前后历史背景。
But the things I wanted to carry on with seemed [...]
to be about westerners: for example, a dairy farm, a German husband’s cover-up
of dairy product quality issues, and something about the historical background in the USA.
在下列领域担任职位或从事活动的人士尤其不适合担任麻管局成 员:担任政府职务并为本国政府提供有酬服务或按本国政府指示行事的人士;代 表一国政府参加关于毒品方面问题的国家或国际论坛的人士; 事 可 能 妨害秉公 履麻管局职能的任何私人活动或公务活动、或所 事 的 活动 同 麻 管 局 职能有冲 突的人士。
Positions and activities of individuals in the following areas are, in particular, incompatible with membership of the Board: persons who hold government posts, are in the paid service of their Governments or are acting under instructions from their Governments; persons who represent a Government at national or international forums on
drug-related issues; and
[...] persons who are engaged in any activity, whether private or public, that might be liable to impair their impartiality in the exercise of their functions on the Board or whose activity is in conflict with the functions of the Board.
由于基本纳米微粒专利 与使用纳米微粒的工艺专利最终都可能具备 极其精微的特性,故谁能生产一种新奇材料 (如利用碳纳米管生产清洁饮用水的水过滤
[...] 系统),谁就有可能在专利主张的竞争和互相 重叠的专利方面面临无穷麻烦。
Patents on basic nanoparticles and processes using nanoparticles could end up being so finely and acutely propertized that the ability to create a novel material – for instance a water filtration system that uses carbon
nanotubes to produce clean drinking water – could
[...] face nearly unnavigable complexity [...]
in terms of competing and overlapping patent claims.
在 7 月 30 日第 43 次会议上,理事会审议了社会发展(项目 14(b))、预防 犯罪和事司法(项目 14(c))、麻醉药品(项目 14(d))、联合国难事务高 级专 员(项目 14(e))、《德班宣言和行动纲领》的全面执行(项目 14(f))、人权(项目 14(g))、土著问题常设论坛(项目 14(h))等问题。
At its 43rd meeting, on 30
[...] July, the Council considered the questions of social development (item 14 (b)), crime prevention and criminal justice (item 14 (c)), narcotic drugs (item 14 [...]
(d)), the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees (item 14 (e)), the comprehensive implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (item 14 (f)), human rights (item 14 (g)) and the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (item 14 (h)).
其㆗㆒個可行方法,就是簡化法律程序,令政府可以代表受助㆟行使「索償權」,以避 免事㆟因為怕麻煩而不追討賠償。
One of the feasible options is to simplify the legal procedures so that the Government can exercise
the right to claim damages on behalf of the applicants to prevent them from
[...] not pursuing their claims for fear of trouble.
最近,她在一次集会中,分享了有关童工、女孩面临的性别歧视以及部分学生在去学校的途中遭遇到 麻烦。
Standing before the State Assembly recently, she shared her concerns about child labour, discrimination faced by young girls and the troubles that some students encounter when they’re simply trying to attend school.
到 那时,我们期望已经克服了现时广泛存在于人们意识中的负面形象,建立起一个 民主制度,在这个制度下,人民自由地推选自己的政府,不用历 麻烦 就 能得到 政府的服务,过上免于恐惧和不容忍、有尊严的生活;每个公民都能获得社会公 正、环境保护、人权和平等机会;法治和良政蓬勃发展。
By that time, overcoming the prevailing negative images, we envision a democratic system where people choose their government freely and get services from it without hassle, enjoy freedom from fear and intolerance, live with dignity; where every citizen is assured of social justice, environmental protection, human rights and equal opportunities; and where the rule of law and good governance flourish.
如果被遣返,他将被押解在刚果民主共 和国机场降落,这种情况将更加容易使其陷入面对刚果当局 麻烦。
If he were to be sent back, he would arrive at the airport in the Democratic Republic of the Congo under a deportation order, a situation which would be much more likely to lead to problems with the Congolese authorities.
尽管这些可能麻烦问题 ,但对迄今的实际做法作 出了积极评估:政治干预有限,特别是尽管受影响国家竭力想获得第十六条推迟 调查或起诉,但安理会对援引第十六条作出明智的克制。
Despite these possible problematic issues, there was a positive assessment of actual practice to date: political interference had been limited and, in particular, the Council had exercised judicious restraint from making article 16 deferrals, despite the endeavours of affected States to obtain them.
他提及 2010 年 2 月 24 日安全理事会第 6277 次会议,安理会在这次会议上
[...] 专门审议了作为对国际和平与安全的威胁的贩毒问题,这名发言者指出这个问 题更应当由主管的多边论坛如大会、经济及社会 事 会 和 麻 醉 药 品委员会审 议。
Referring to the 6277th meeting of the Security Council, held on 24 February 2010, at which the Council considered the issue of drug trafficking as a threat to international peace and security, the speaker observed that the matter should be considered, rather, by competent
multilateral forums such as the General Assembly, the
[...] Economic and Social Council and the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
阿富汗政府、其发展伙伴和国际社会全体成员执行 2006 年 1 月 31 日和 2 月 1 日举行的阿富汗问题伦敦会议通过并由安全理事会在 2006 年 2 月 15 日核准的 《阿富汗契约》,其中规定持续大幅减少麻醉药品的生产和贩运,以期彻底根除 麻醉品,并认为打麻醉品是优事 项。
The Government of Afghanistan, its development partners and all members of the international community to implement the Afghanistan Compact, adopted at the London Conference on Afghanistan held on 31 January and 1 February 2006 and approved by the Security Council on 15 February 2006, which provides for a sustained and significant reduction in the production and trafficking of narcotic drugs with a view to their complete elimination and which considers counternarcotics to be a priority.
毒品和犯罪问题办公室完全遵照联合国大会、经济及社会 事 会 、 麻 醉 药 品 委员会、预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会以及联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署方 案协调委员会通过的有关宣言、决议和决定,在药物依赖治疗和危险行为与艾滋 病毒/艾滋病的联系方面向 90 多个国家提技术援助。
UNODC delivers technical assistance in the area of drug dependence treatment and the link to risky behaviour and HIV/AIDS in over 90 countries in full compliance with the relevant declarations, resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and the Programme Coordinating Board of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS.




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