单词 | 麪包 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 麪包 noun —bread nSee also:麪 n —noodles pl • flour n
電費、交通費和食物價格不 [...] 斷上升,最近,麪 粉成本價格上漲,導致他們必須食用 的麪 包,價錢也可能 有雙位數字的上升。 legco.gov.hk | Power tariff, transport expenses and food prices have been soaring all the time and the recent [...] rise in the cost of flour may well lead to a double-digit climb [...] in the price of bread which they consume [...]as a necessity. legco.gov.hk |
這類產品的例子有已分切的麪包和蛋 糕、已分切的芝士、乾蛋 麫等。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples of such products [...] are pre-sliced bread and cake, pre-sliced cheese, dried egg noodles, etc. cfs.gov.hk |
前來釣魚的人,可帶備 麪包,卻 不可以煮即食麪,否則可能觸犯法例。 legco.gov.hk | People who go fishing there [...] may bring some bread but they cannot cook instant noodles, otherwise, [...]they may violate the law. legco.gov.hk |
現在給回他們一些 “ 麪 包屑” ,已是仁至義盡了,他們應很高興才對。 legco.gov.hk | It is already very kind and generous of the Government to [...] give them some "breadcrumbs" in return, and [...]it would only be right that they should [...]be pleased with the Government's grace. legco.gov.hk |
如果議員認為有半個麪 包總較 沒有好,以為先把它吃掉,遲些便會有另 外半個麪 包,那我可以告訴大家,不要指望會有,是不會有的。 legco.gov.hk | If Members think that half a loaf of bread is better than none and if it is first eaten, the other half will be [...] given, then I can tell Members that [...]they should never hope like this. legco.gov.hk |
政 府便好像把一塊麪 包擲於 地上以作施捨般,這行為可稱為推動政黨政治的發 展嗎? legco.gov.hk | Can such an action be described as a measure to promote the development of party politics? legco.gov.hk |
麪 包亦因材料 來價上升,不少店鋪平均加價每個 0.5 元至 1 元。 legco.gov.hk | The rise in costs of bread ingredients has [...] also led many bakeries to raise the price of bread by $0.5 to $1 per piece on average. legco.gov.hk |
馮檢基議員: 主席,為穩定內地的糧食供應和價格,商務部由本月 1 日 起,對麪 粉等糧食製粉實行出口配額管制和徵收最高 25%關稅,以致本月初 本港的麪 [...] 粉供應緊張和價格急升,而以麪 粉作原材料的食品(例如麪 包和麪 條)的零售價亦隨之上升。 legco.gov.hk | MR FREDERICK FUNG (in Cantonese): President, to stabilize grain supply and prices on the Mainland, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) has imposed quota control and a tariff up to 25% on the export of grain flour (such as wheat flour) with effect from the 1st of this month, causing a short supply and soaring prices of flour in Hong Kong early this month [...] and, as a result, a rise in retail prices of foodstuffs of which the raw [...] material is flour (such as bread and noodles). legco.gov.hk |
主席,今天立法會開會的時候,外面有很多工會和基層的工友拿着 麪 包籃向 我們請願,要求我們為最低工資立法。 legco.gov.hk | President, today, when I came to the Legislative Council for this meeting, many [...] trade unionists and grassroots workers [...] carrying baskets of buns petitioned us outside [...]this building, asking us to enact legislation on minimum wage. legco.gov.hk |
可是,這並不是問 題的所在,整個問題的核心是政府在運用資源時,應選擇全城放煙 [...] 花,“一鋪過派錢”,還是細水長流地向有需要的人士 派麪 包,就如免 資產審查的交津計劃那樣呢? legco.gov.hk | The crux of the matter is when the Government is to use the resources, should it prefer to have a fireworks display and [...] literally burn everything away at one time [...] or should it give bread to the needy over [...]a long stretch of time, such as in the [...]case of a non-means-tested travel subsidy scheme? legco.gov.hk |
正如有些議員談 到,高地價政策是“麪 包與麪 粉 ” 的問題,既然是高地價政策,以後地 價一定會維持於高水平,對整體社會都有影響。 legco.gov.hk | Since there is the high land premium policy, land prices will remain at a high level and that will have an impact on society. legco.gov.hk |
正如我剛才回答馮議員的主體質詢時說,有 關麪 包的價格,消費者委員 會其實也提過,個別麪 包店可能以麪 粉升價為理由,將上升了的價錢轉嫁消 費者。 legco.gov.hk | As I said in my reply [...] to Mr FUNG's main question just now, the Consumer Council has also mentioned the price of bread. legco.gov.hk |
香港人以勤力見稱 ⎯⎯ 我們立法會議員昨晚也開會至今天早 上,再由今天早上開會至下午,我亦沒有一句怨言 ⎯⎯ [...] 很多人均願意 在放工後(特別是剛畢業的人士)吃個麪 包,便往上課進修,希望可以學 以致用。 legco.gov.hk | Hong Kong people are known for their industriousness ― we Legislative Council Members attended this meeting from last night to this morning, and from this morning until this afternoon, without a word of complaint ― many people, especially new graduates, [...] are willing to attend courses after [...] work, just eating some buns before class, in the [...]hope that they can apply what they have learnt. legco.gov.hk |
如果大家逛街, 便知道我們有很多麪 包店, 它們每一間的成本及經營手法也不同。 legco.gov.hk | Take a walk in the street and we will see that there are a lot of bakeries of different cost structures and business practices. legco.gov.hk |
在街上,我們只 會偶然遇到靠拾紙皮幫補生計的婆婆,或為了充飢而 偷麪 包的失業人 士。 legco.gov.hk | We occasionally come across old ladies on the [...] street picking up carton boxes to help make ends meet, or unemployed [...] people stealing bread to fill their empty [...]stomach. legco.gov.hk |
我看到有傳媒報道指,麪 包加價 0.5 元甚至 1 元,在比例上而 言,這是很高的。 legco.gov.hk | According to media [...] reports, the price of bread has increased [...]within the range of $0.5 to $1, which is very high in proportion. legco.gov.hk |
較常食用的食物,包括米飯、麪、 麪包 糕 點 和麪粉 漿類食品,以煎炸、烘烤及燒烤方式烹調,其丙烯酰胺含量一般少於每 [...] 千克 60 微克。 cfs.gov.hk | The acrylamide levels in the more commonly consumed food [...] items in the food groups rice and rice [...] products, noodles, bakery and batter-based [...]products which were subject to frying, [...]baking and grilling were generally less than 60 Pg/kg. cfs.gov.hk |
第二點有關金額方面的是,局長今年在諮詢不足的情況下撥出 2%也罷 了,我們聽到,所有物價,不論是肉、蔬菜、大米等的價格現時也增加了, 麪 包加了價,而交通工具方面,我相信政府在短期內也要讓它們加價。 legco.gov.hk | Another point concerning the amount of CSSA is that, even if we disregard the fact that the Secretary has merely offered an increase of 2% this year without adequate consultation, we can still hear that there have been increases in the prices of everything from meat, vegetables, rice to bread. legco.gov.hk |
代理主席,我關注到近期部分麪 包店以麪 粉短缺導致加價作為其麪 包大 幅加價的藉口,現時既然內地已經豁免輸港麪 粉徵收 25%的出口關稅,我呼 籲有關店鋪盡量把價格下調,減輕市民日常生活的經濟負擔。 legco.gov.hk | Now that the Mainland has exempted the flour supplied to Hong Kong from the 25% export tariff, I call upon the bakeries concerned to lower their prices, so as to relieve people's financial burden in daily living. legco.gov.hk |
當然,局長聽我這樣說可能還會微微笑說,無須擔心,我透過演辭已經 [...] 對你說出,那些甚麼水、牛油、雞蛋、發粉 ,麪 包是還原不了的,由於還原 不了,所以我不會怕你的。 legco.gov.hk | Of course, on hearing me say so, the Secretary may smile and say, "Do not worry, I have already told [...] you in my speech that the water, butter, [...] eggs, baking powder and flour cannot be [...]reverted to their original states and since [...]they cannot be reverted, I do not have to be afraid of you. legco.gov.hk |
a) 發酵穀物類食品(包括麪包和餅乾) b) 豆類食品(發酵大豆食品) c) 醃製/乾製蔬菜 [...] d) 肉類製品(發酵豬肉製品) e) 發酵乳類製品 f) 發酵魚類製品 g) 調味料及醬料 h) 不含酒精飲品 i) 酒精飲品 cfs.gov.hk | a) fermented cereals and grains [...] products (bread/rolls/buns & crackers) b) [...]legumes (fermented soy products) c) preserved/dried [...]vegetables d) meat products (fermented pork products) e) fermented dairy products f) fermented fish products g) condiments and sauces h) non-alcoholic beverages i) alcoholic beverages cfs.gov.hk |
在整個製造麪 包的過程中 ─ 馮議員剛才特別提到麪 包 ─ 一袋 50 磅的麪 粉其實可以製造很多麪 包,因此,從整體成本來說,麪 粉價錢不是最 重要的部分。 legco.gov.hk | In the whole process of bread making ― Mr FUNG mentioned bread in particular ― a sack of 50 lb of flour can in fact make a lot of bread. legco.gov.hk |
在研究涵蓋的食物類別中,“酒精飲品”是市民從 [...] 膳食攝入氨基甲酸乙酯的主要來源,其次是“發酵穀物類食 品 ( 包 括 麪包 和 餅乾)”及“豆類 食品(發酵大豆食品)”。 cfs.gov.hk | Among the food groups covered in the study, the food group “alcoholic beverages” was identified as the main dietary source of EC, [...] followed by the “fermented cereals and grains [...] products (bread/rolls/buns and crackers)” [...]and “legumes (fermented soy products)”. cfs.gov.hk |
雖然即食杯麪產品種類繁多,但包裝 物 料主要是聚苯乙 烯、聚乙烯塗層紙及聚丙烯,而容器封蓋則以聚苯乙烯/聚乙烯共聚物薄膜製成。 cfs.gov.hk | Although there were many [...] varieties of instant noodle products, the packaging materials were mainly [...]of polystyrene (PS), polyethylene [...](PE) coated paper, polypropylene whereas lids of containers were made from PS / PE copolymers film. cfs.gov.hk |
另一方面,市民在沖泡即食杯麪時應遵從有關指 示,切勿把沸水注入破損或變形的容器沖 泡 麪 條。 cfs.gov.hk | On the other hand, the public should follow the [...] instruction when preparing [...] the noodle for consumption and should not fill up damaged or distorted container with boiling water to prepare the noodle. cfs.gov.hk |
這類產品的例子有獨立包裝的 雪條、不能重新封口的罐裝汽 水、杯麪等。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples of such products are [...] individually packed ice-cream bars, soft drinks packed in cans which cannot be resealed, cup noodles, etc. cfs.gov.hk |
至於其他物質(例如添加劑、雜質、反應產物和分解 產物),亦可能從即食杯麪容器 的食物接觸層或非食物接觸層遷移到食物。 cfs.gov.hk | Other substances such as additives, impurities, reaction product and [...] decomposed product might also be migrated from the contact or non-contact surface [...] of instant noodle cup container to food. cfs.gov.hk |
他補充說,測試 的即食杯麪容器來自多個國家。 cfs.gov.hk | He added that the containers tested came from a number of countries. cfs.gov.hk |
不過,業界應向 遵守優良製造規範的製造商採購容器,選擇安全和適合作指定用途的容器,並 在 包 裝上 清楚列出沖泡麪條指示和警告字句。 cfs.gov.hk | Nevertheless, the trade was advised to purchase containers from manufacturers adopting good manufacturing practice, select safe and suitable [...] containers for the function and describe clearly the instruction of [...] preparing the noodle for consumption on package and warnings. cfs.gov.hk |