

单词 麦迪逊花园广场

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External sources (not reviewed)

本周末埃弗顿将在迪逊公园主场迎 战 切尔西,他们期待在2012年结束时能有场大的胜利。
Everton try to end the calendar year with a big win as they
[...] host Chelsea at Goodison Park in their Premier League battle.
CAA Sports赢得了大家梦寐以求的业务--为新洋基体育场和即将翻新麦迪逊广场花园 销 售 重要的多年期公司合作伙伴关系,并且自进军体育业务以来已经完成了近20项这类交易。
CAA Sports won the highly-coveted assignments to sell major, multi-year corporate partnerships for the new Yankee Stadium and the soon-to-be renovated Madison Square Garden, and has since [...]
closed nearly 20 such deals.
报告中指出,周转空间预 算提供了将 2 773 名工作人员搬迁到麦迪逊大道 380 号、阿尔巴诺大 楼和联合国联邦信用合作社(联合国信用社)大楼租赁 场 外 周 转空间的 经费。
As indicated, the
[...] swing space budget provides for the relocation of 2,773 staff to the off-site swing spaces leased in the 380 Madison Avenue, Albano and United Nations [...]
Federal Credit Union (UNFCU) Buildings.
Quella 先生持有芝加哥大学/威斯康星大 麦迪逊 分 校的国际问题研究学士学位和芝加哥大学工商管理荣誉硕士学位。
Mr. Quella received a BA in International Studies from the University of Chicago/University of Wisconsin-Madison and an MBA with dean’s honors from the University of Chicago.
来自美国威斯康辛大麦迪逊分校 的Samuel Gellman及其同事尝试设计几种双亲化合物用于目的蛋白和生物膜的分离。
Samuel Gellman and colleagues from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) have tried to design alternative amphiphiles that can be used to extract target proteins from biological membranes.
在同年 获得瓦克有机硅研究奖的美国威斯康星大 麦迪逊 分 校 Robert West 教授属下做了一年博士后后, 他1993年以“硅和磷中的不寻常配位”为题的研究工作获得了教授资格。
After spending one year in Madison, Wisconsin (USA), as a postdoc under the tutelage of Prof. Robert West – who received the WACKER Silicone Award that same year – Prof. Drieß received his habilitation in 1993 with his postdoctoral thesis “Silicon and Phosphorus in Unusual Coordination”.
[...] 行动中心主任年会;联合国裁军研究金培训方案;约旦和詹姆 斯 · 麦迪逊 大 学 地 雷行动信息中心举办的地雷行动高级管理人员国际培训课程;日内瓦排雷中心、 [...]
Highlights included participation in the United Nations’ annual meeting of national mine action directors, in the United Nations’ Disarmament Fellowship Training Programme, in international training
courses for senior mine action managers which
[...] were organised by Jordan and by James Madison [...]
University’s Mine Action Information
Centre, in regional or special seminars organised by the GICHD, NATO and the Croatian-based Centre for Security Cooperation, and in seminars for new diplomats which were organized by the GICHD and the Geneva Forum.
早上9:00在到皇岗口岸3楼出境大厅集合,抵港后前往香港会展中心、金紫 广场 ( 约 30分钟),这里为香港回归祖国的见证,团友可于“永远盛开的紫 花 ” 及回归的纪念碑旁拍照留念,午餐后前往参观香港的风水宝地——浅水湾(约30分钟),浅水湾风光秀丽,是香港众多优美海滩之一,而后游览闻名世界的海洋 园 ( 包含门票RMB260元/人,约3个小时多),这里有世界最大的水族馆、鲨鱼馆及海洋剧场,有海豚、海狮、杀人鲸等精彩特技表演;还有各式各样惊险刺激的机动游乐设施,如过山车、摩天轮、海盗船等。
At 9:00 in the morning to the Huanggang port 3 building exit hall collection, after arrival to the Hongkong Convention and
Exhibition Centre,
[...] Golden Bauhinia Square ( about 30 minutes ), here for the return of Hongkong to the motherland testimony, you can in "forever blooming Bauhinia " and the return of memorial photo-taking, lunch to visit the Hongkong Feng Shui -- Repulse Bay ( about 30 minutes ), Repulse Bay scenery, Hongkong is one of the many beautiful beaches, then visit the world-famous Ocean Park (including tickets [...]
to RMB260 yuan / person,
about 3 hours ), here are the world's largest aquarium, aquarium and marine theater, dolphins, sea lions, the killer whale and other amazing stunts; and every kind of thrilling mobile amusement facility, such as a roller coaster, the pirate ship and so on, the Ferris wheel.
专利说明称:“该植物被发现长在南美 洲亚逊雨林的一个家花园里”
The patent description stated that the “plant was discovered
[...] growing in a domestic garden in the Amazon rain-forest of South [...]
上述广泛的 背景主要包括遗址的地形、地貌、水文和自然特征;其建成环境,不论是历 史上的还是当代的;其地上地下的基础设施;其空地 花园 、 其 土地使用模式和空间安排;感觉 和视觉联系;以及城市结构的所有其他要素。
This wider context includes notably the site’s topography, geomorphology, hydrology and natural features, its built environment, both historic and contemporary, its infrastructures above and below ground, its open spaces and gardens, its land use patterns [...]
and spatial organization,
perceptions and visual relationships, as well as all other elements of the urban structure.
呈现着包罗万象的景观,有美丽的芝加哥河和天际线,有热情洋溢的阳光海 花园广场 和 令 人流连忘返的河岸,300北拉萨尔是一个为新老商业领袖设立的地址。
Presenting sweeping views of the stunning Chicago River and
skyline, a welcoming
[...] sunlit waterfront garden plaza and an impressive [...]
river frontage, 300 North LaSalle is an address for both emerging and established business leaders.
[...] 也就是巨幕电影协会(GSCA)2013年电影博览会期间 ,在迪花园加尔 维斯顿(德克萨斯州)举办。
The industry premiere of “Penguins 3D” will be
hosted in March 2013 during the Giant Screen Cinema Association (GSCA) 2013
[...] Film Expo, at Moody Gardens in Galveston (TX).
监督厅在其对基本建设总计划更改单及相关流程的审计报告(AC2009/514/03, 2010 年 4 月 8 日)中分析了北草坪会议楼麦迪逊大道 380 号和东 46 街 305 号更 改单百分比偏高的原因。
OIOS analysed the reasons for the high percentage of change orders for the North Lawn Conference Building, 380 Madison Avenue and 305 East 46th Street in its audit report on capital master plan change orders and associated processes (AC2009/514/03 of 8 April 2010).
本法修改农业和兽用化学品法1994,;澳大利亚肉类和活牲畜工业政策理事会法1984,;澳大利亚酒类和白兰地公司修正法1980;澳大利亚羊毛研究和 广 组 织 法1993;生物控制法1984;外国动物疾病控制法1989; 场 家 庭 支持法1992;渔业管理法1991;渔业控制法19 91 ; 园 艺 政 策理事会法1987;国家废物调查管理法1992;主要工业和能源研究发展法1989;主要工业理事会法1991;农村工业研究法1985;农村工业研究(过渡条款和间接修正案)法1985;甘蔗征税法1987; 麦 市 场 法 1989;羊毛法(废除核间接条款)1993;以及羊毛税法(第3号)1964。
This Act amends the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994; Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Policy Council Act 1984; Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation Act
1980; Australian Wool
[...] Research and Promotion Organisation Act 1993; Biological Control Act 1984; Exotic Animal Disease Control Act 1989; Farm Household Support Act 1992; Fisheries Administration Act 1991; Fisheries Management Act 1991; Horticultural Policy Council Act 1987; National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992; Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989; Primary Industry Councils Act 1991; Rural Industries Research Act 1985; Rural Industries Research (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1985; Sugar Cane Levy Act 1987; Wheat Marketing Act 1989; [...]
Wool Legislation (Repeals
and Consequential Provisions) Act 1993; and Wool Tax Act (No. 3) 1964".
在出版了《绿色伙伴指南》之后,费尔蒙又推出了名为“绿色行动”(going green)的手册,在旗下酒店及业界其他酒店 广 泛 使用,书中提出了一系列环保措施,包括回收和转化酒店厨房的有机垃圾、“生态会议”(Eco-Meet)计划、修建屋顶药 花园 、 成立养蜂基地、将可继续使用的物品和食物分发给有需要的人群等。
In addition to publishing "The Green Partnership Guide", a "going green" handbook used by its hotels and others in the hospitality industry, initiatives
include recycling and organic waste
[...] diversion in hotel kitchens, a green conferencing solution dubbed Eco-Meet, creating rooftop herb gardens and bee apiaries at properties, and redistributing gently used goods and food to those in need.
2001 年《土地法》第 15 条指出,“凡是有自然本源的财产,如森林、 可 航 行 或 可
漂浮水道、自然湖、 可 航 行 或 可
[...] 漂浮河流的 河岸以及 海岸;凡 是 专 门 为 公 共 用 途 开 发的财 产 , 如 码头、 港口、 铁 路 、 火车站 和场;凡 是供公众使用 的 财 产 ,不管是处 于自然状态 还 是 开 发 之 后,如 公 路 、 小 路 、 牛车路 、 小 径花 园 、公园 和保留 地 ; 凡 是 为 提供公众服 务 专 门 划 出 的 财 产 , 如 公立学校或教育机 构、行政办 [...]
公 楼 和 所 有公立医院; 凡 是构成受法律保护的自然
保护区 财 产;考 古 、文化和历史 遗 产;不动产 都是王国的财 产 , 而 不是皇 室 的 私 人 财 产 。
Article 15 of the land laws in 2001 states that, “Any property that has a natural origin, such as forests, courses of navigable or floatable water, natural lakes, banks of navigable and floatable rivers and seashores. Any
property that is
[...] specially developed for general use, such as quays, harbours, railways, railway stations and airports; Any property that is made available, either in its natural state or after development, for [...]
public use, such
as roads, tracks, oxcart ways, pathways, gardens and public parks, and reserved land; Any property that is allocated to render a public service, such as public schools or educational institutions, administrative buildings and all public hospitals; Any property that constitutes a natural reserve protected by the law.
其 他报告的倡议旨在说明和制订可 持续发展教育具体⽅面或领域的相关行动,允许学校实 验诸如“特别主题⽇”,在
[...] 森林中停留⼀周,学校俱乐部 (注重野外生活,学花园或农场) , ⼩型科学项⽬以及 在学校课程中纳入当地知识这样的活动。
Other reported initiatives aim to give meaning to, and develop actions around, specific aspects or dimensions of ESD, allowing school experiments such as “Special Theme Days”, a week-long stay in
the forest, school clubs (focusing on
[...] wild life, school gardens or farming), small [...]
science projects, and including local
knowledge in school curricula.
多伦多广岛日联盟于 2008 和 2009 年 8 月份,在多伦多市政厅的和花园 前面举行广岛和 长崎原子弹爆炸年度纪念活动,强调永远不能再使用这种武器。
The Toronto Hiroshima Day Coalition held its annual
commemoration of the atomic bombings
[...] of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in front of the Peace Garden at Toronto City [...]
Hall in August of 2008
and 2009, emphasizing that such weapons must never be used again.
随着非索特派团支助办业务的扩展,在威 逊 机 场 的 航 空和空运调度办公室 以及在内罗毕联合国内罗毕办事处(内罗毕办事处)综合建筑群外 Spring Valley 的广播设施产生了大量安保需求。
As UNSOA operations expand, substantial security requirements have arisen at the aviation and air transport/movement control office at Wilson Airport and the broadcasting facility at Spring Valley in Nairobi outside the United Nations Office at Nairobi complex.
APOPO 国际、地面除雷组织、克兰菲尔德大学复原中 心、国际和平研究所、国际排雷和援助地雷受害者信托基金、利比亚排雷协会、 詹姆斯·麦迪逊大学 地雷行动信息中心、防雷宣传信托基金、奥斯陆和平研究所 和扶轮社排雷行动。
In accordance with article 12, paragraph 3, of the Convention and rule 1, paragraph 4, of the rules of procedure, the following other organizations attended the conference as observers: APOPO International, Cleared Ground Demining, Cranfield University Resilience Centre, International Peace Research Institute (PRIO), International Trust Fund for Demining and Mine Victims Assistance (ITF), Libyan Demining Association, Mine Action Information Center (James Madison University), Mines Awareness Trust (MAT), Peace Research Institute of Oslo, and Rotary Demining Operation.
秘书长在进展报告第 7 段指出,本组织于 2007 年 7 月签订了使用阿尔巴诺 大楼(东 46 街 305 号)的租约,并于 2008 年 8 月签订了使用联合国存款互助会(互 助会)大楼(长岛市)和麦迪逊大道 380 号大楼的租约,作为周转办公空间。
As the Secretary-General indicated in paragraph 7 of the progress report, the Organization entered into leases for office swing space at the Albano Building (305 East 46th Street) in July 2007 and at the United Nations Federal Credit Union (UNFCU) Building (Long Island City) and at 380 Madison Avenue in August 2008.
美国建国早期,带头高举自由派民主路线的总 麦迪逊 ( Ja mes Madison)是这样界定「共和国」(republic)的:政府所有的权力直接、间接都来自人民,交由公职人员按照人民的喜好,在有限的任期内和行为良好的期间内代为管理。
James Madison, who is the original American spokesman for liberal democracy defined a republic as a government that derives all its power directly or indirectly from the people, and is administered by people holding office at their pleasure, for a limited period, and during good behavior.
二等奖奖金为5,000欧元,两名得主分别是来自美国威斯康辛大 麦迪逊 分 校 的哥伦比亚人Juan P.Hernández-Ortiz,W.来自英国剑桥大学的德国人Jan K.W.Sandler。
The winners of these awards, with a prize of EUR 5 000 each, were Juan P. Hernández-Ortiz of Colombia, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, and Jan K. W. Sandler of Germany, at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
您可以加入我们的城市游,一同了解更多关于阿 迪 尔 的 历史,我们将带您来到老城的心脏地带——卡斯巴,这里有耐人寻味的街道 广场 和 趣 味十足的精品店,相信您一定可以在这里买到称心如意的假期纪念品。
Learn more about the
[...] history of Agadir with our city tour, which will take you to the heart of the remaining old town - the ‘Kasbah’ - with its attractive streets, squares and intriguing [...]
boutiques, where you are
sure to pick up great holiday souvenirs.
芝加哥旅馆位于非常靠近历史中心,大教堂教堂,教堂香格里拉Compania,阿拉米达公园,Elejido公园,Itchimb ia 公 园 , 圣 布拉 广场 , 旧金 山 广场 , 广 场 格 兰德广场,不同的博物馆和艺术美术馆在老城区。
Chicago Hostel is located very close to the Historic Center, Basilica church, La Compania church, Alameda Park, Elejido park, Itchimbia park, San Blas square, San Francisco square, Plaza Grande square, different museums and art galeries in the Old Town.
[...] Lounge)贯通打造成一个两层的伯爵奇 花园 , 场 内 铺 满数千朵特意从世界各地空运而至的紫红色伊夫•伯爵玫瑰。
To induce a ritzy atmosphere for this distinguished
occasion, a wondrous Piaget floral
[...] garden, extending two floors from the hotel’s [...]
lobby area to the Clipper Lounge on the
mezzanine level, was filled with thousands of fuchsia-coloured Yves Piaget roses specially flown in from across the world.




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