

单词 麟角凤觜

External sources (not reviewed)

充分的补偿,针对受害人的需要,包括赔偿和复原的情况,实在 凤 毛 麟角 ,或者完全依赖于私人实体或公民社会组织的有限资源。
Adequate reparation, tailored to the needs of the
victim including compensation and
[...] rehabilitation, is rarely provided or entirely dependent [...]
on the limited resources of private
entities and civil society organizations.
污名化、仇视同性恋和恐 惧艾滋病的现象普遍存在,支助服务 凤 毛 麟角 ,艾滋病患者大体上被排除在对其生活造成影响的决策 之外。
Stigmatization, homophobia and fear of AIDS were widespread, support services rare, and people living with AIDS largely excluded from decisions that affect their own lives.
能称为艺术品的汽凤毛麟角,玛 莎拉蒂Quattroporte总裁系列精英版就属于此类精英之列”。
The Maserati Quattroporte deserves to be part of this elite”.
来自于全国委员会和非联合国伙伴 机构的资料也凤毛麟角。
Content from National Commissions and from non-United Nations partner agencies is rare
有资质颁发国际证书的咖啡凤毛 麟角 , 镇 宁路上的 Punk Coffee就是上海很少见的这一类。
There are few coffee shops in Shanghai qualified to give out a SCAE BARISTA international certificate, and Punk Coffee is one of them.
除了 報章㆖寥寥可數的幾篇評論文章和鳳 麟角 的 幾 個研討會之外,完全令㆟感覺不到有 這麼㆒個重要的文件正在進行諮詢。
Apart from a handful of press commentaries and a precious few seminars, one does not have the feeling at all that public consultation on such an important paper is going on.
鉴于在现有的国家计划/方案中的科学、文化、 传播和信息领域的内容中专门要求教科文组织作出贡献的项目已经 凤 毛 麟角 了 , 迎接这个 挑战就肯定是一项十分艰巨复杂的工程了。
The challenge is more complex still if one considers that at present very few country plans/programmes contain dedicated components seeking UNESCO contributions in the fields of the sciences, culture, and communication and information.
该审查有助益地突出了诸如生物武器、运 载工具、国家控制清单、获取有关材料和资助遭禁止 或非法的扩散活动等领域,而在这些领域中各国制定 的措施却凤毛麟角。
The review usefully highlighted areas — such as biological weapons, means of delivery, national control lists, access to related materials and financing of prohibited or illicit proliferation activities — in which States have adopted fewer measures.
不過 , 大 家 要 緊 記 一點, 便 是 在這麼 多 宗 投 訴個案中, 外界覺 得 能 得 到 適當處理的,以 及 有關投 訴 能確立的,只 是鳳麟 角 。
We should however bear in mind that the public would feel that among the many complaint cases, only a very few of them have been properly handled and that the complaints are upheld.
若提供文件服务,最好能够部署能够同时查杀Linux和Windows病毒的杀毒软件(仅仅是建议而已,目前市场上这样的杀毒软件可 凤 毛 麟角 )。
If the provision of documentation services, it is best to deploy Linux and Windows simultaneously killing virus, antivirus software (just a proposal only, the current anti-virus software on the market so easy to find).
首先由VP亲自坐阵的存储设备提供 商简直凤毛麟角,其实我们自己也能根据Nexsan的说明说自行调试,但 就从这一点足以证明Nexsan对客户的重视与尊重,他们提供的现场讲解对 我们将来根据需求调配设备有很大的帮助。
It’s unusual for someone of that standing to become involved in that way and we were able to establish the direction Nexsan is taking, which was very valuable to us, in terms of planning our own future needs.
認 為 電 費 和 煤 氣 費 水 平是過 低 的 更 是鳳麟 角 , 分 別 只 得 1.3%及 0.6%。
The proportion of those who thought that electricity and town gas tariffs are too low are extremely small, being just 1.3% and 0.6% respectively.
在獲得通過的動議當㆗,政府的態度是拒絕的多, 回應的少,落實執行的就更如鳳 麟角。
Towards the motions carried by this Council, the attitude displayed by the Government has been one of rejecting in the main.
世界 遗产名录》上增加了几个新的小岛屿发展中国家的名胜,其中包括基里巴斯凤 凰群 岛海洋保护区和马绍尔群岛的比基尼岛核试验基地。
Several new SIDS sites were added to the World Heritage list, including the Phoenix Islands marine protected area in Kiribati and the Bikini Atoll nuclear test site in the Marshall Islands.
哈利在魔法部的前出血,袭击发生后的第二个到最后一个场景以前的电影中,哈利·波特 凤 凰 令 的结果。
Harry is shown bleeding in front of the Ministry of Magic, as the result of an attack that took place after the second-to-last scene of the previous film, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
如阿德米拉尔、车兰、齐诺克、哥伦布斯/战斧/宙斯(CTZ)、加仑那、哈拉道马革努门、哈拉陶塔努 斯、哈拉道赫库力斯、麟丰绿 、马可波罗、马林卡、世纪、北酿、努革特、新西兰太平洋的根凤 凰、 林伍德之荣、Super Pride、塔革特、青岛大花、维多利亚、勇士。
GROUP III: Bitter hops/ High Alpha hops
[...] such as Admiral, Chelan, Chinook, Columbus/Tomahawk/Zeus (CTZ), Galena, Hallertau Magnum, Hallertau Merkur, Hallertau Taurus, Herkules, Kirin Flower, Marco [...]
Polo, Marynka, Millennium,
Northern Brewer, Nugget, NZ Pacific Gem, Phoenix, Pride of Ringwood, Super Pride, Target, Tsingdao Flower, Victoria, Warrior.
在教育方面,本地學生參加會考或高考,都是採用本地課程和本地考試 的標準,所以少數族裔能在中學會考後成功升上預科,或透過高考入讀大學 的,真的是鳳麟角。
As regards education, since the local curriculum and examination standards are adopted for local students attending the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) and Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE), very few ethnic minority students manage to attend matriculation courses after sitting the HKCEE or study in the universities by passing the HKALE.
美国亚利桑凤凰城 的霍尼韦尔公司(Honeywell)将为CSeries客机提供惯性参考系统以及辅助动力设备(APU)。
Honeywell of Phoenix, Arizona, USA will provide the inertial reference system (IRS) and the auxiliary power unit (APU) for the CSeries aircraft.
今時今日,我們在環境最好和交通最方便的地方,只會看到越來 越多一些我們普羅市民無法負擔的天價豪宅,而新建的公屋卻有如鳳麟角。
Nowadays, at locations with the best environment and the most convenient transport, we can only find more and more luxury flats sold at sky-high prices, which are unaffordable to us, members of the general public, while the number of newly-developed public rental housing (PRH) estates is extremely small.
事實㆖,區內之合適㆞方早已鳳 麟角。
As a matter of fact, no more suitable places in the district can be located.
香港在國際㆖產生了很多超級富豪,但在藝術㆖ 能培養出達國際級的㆟才卻如鳳 麟角 , 這 是經濟和文明的不平衡,必須逐步調整。
This imbalance between economic development and cultural development must be gradually corrected.
第 二 ,工程 計劃的 設計及 施 工 進度, 往往涉 及一些專門 的 範 疇,例 如 工 程 方 面,但 現 時有機會 參 與 區 議會工作 的工程 師,可 謂 鳳麟 角 , 區 議會在這方 面 很 難 提 出 具 體 的 意見。
Second, the design and construction programme of the projects often involve professional aspects, such as engineering. But at present, engineers rarely have the chance to participate in the work of the DCs, so it is very difficult for the DCs to give substantive views in this respect.
雖然財政司司長知道情況十分嚴峻,但是財政預算中,對基層勞工的支 援可謂鳳麟角。
Despite the Financial Secretary's awareness of the tough situation, he does not show much support for the workers at the grassroots.
以往,傳統的鄉村不 容許女性出任村長,雖然在 2006 年,我們初次看見有女性成功當選村長, 但仍然屬於極少數,而躋身鄉議局的女性更是鳳 麟角。
In the past, women in traditional villages were forbidden to serve as village representatives. Then, in 2006, there were female village representatives for the first time, but they were still in the minority, and very few of them have managed to enter the Heung Yee Kuk.
你們要明白,今天可以升讀大專的少數族裔,是鳳 麟角 , 主 席,你找 一些鳳毛麟角給我看看,你可能也能夠找得到,但你走到大學,真的 找不到這些學生的。
President, you may find something extremely rare, but you may not be able to find these ethnic minority students at the university campus.
本刊今期發表的民意資料,雖只是鳳 麟角 , 及集中在本港市民的一點情意反射,但對於日後研究鄧小平的功過,及中國國運的發展,或多或少會有一定的作用。
If our survey data only reflects some very superficial reaction of the Hong Kong people, which only forms one tiny speck of evidence pertinent to the appraisal of the great Chinese leader, it would nevertheless be an important piece of information which historians would find useful, at some point in time.
然 而 ,有市民就 一 些 事宜表示關 注
[...] ,包括受影響設施( 例 如麟趾康復中 心 、 堅尼地城游泳池、 [...]
正 街街市西座 和 休憩用地) 的 重 置 ;通 風井對山道的 居 民 、 般咸道 的學生和居 民可能 造成的不良影響; 擬議車
站入口 位 置 ;以及科士街 樹牆的 保 育事宜。
However, there are concerns over the
reprovisioning of the affected facilities
[...] (such as David Trench Rehabilitation [...]
Centre, Kennedy Town Swimming Pool, Centre
Street Market West Block and open spaces); the possible adverse effect of ventilation shafts to the residents at Hill Road and to students and residents at Bonham Road; the proposed locations of station entrances and the preservation of tree walls at Forbes Street etc.
不過,商業發 展 的 代 價 並不輕 : 香 港 的 綠 化 工 作 備 受 忽 視 ,森林面 積 有減無 增 ; 更 大 的 問 題 是,早 前 的 城 市 規劃缺乏園境 和 綠 化 空 間 ,
導 致 現時的 傳 統商業區 , 如中 環、尖沙咀;新 興
[...] 商業區,如 北 角、 魚 涌,以 及 旅 遊 區,如 旺 角、銅鑼灣, 無論園 境 和 樹 木 都 偏 少;舊 工業區如長 沙 灣 、 觀 塘 的 樹 木 更 是鳳麟 角 。
There are even less trees in such old industrial areas as Cheung Sha Wan and Kwun Tong.




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