单词 | 麝香石竹 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 麝香石竹—carnationless common: clove pink grenadine Dianthus caryophyllus (botany) See also:麝香—musk 麝香adj—muskyadj 石竹—China pink Dianthus chinensis (botany)
中调:洋葵,肉桂,麝香石竹 aster.com.hk | MiddleNote : Geranium, Cinnamon, Carnation aster.com.hk |
香味以柑橘,洋葵,肉桂,麝香,石竹,雪松及檀香等组合而成。 aster.com.hk | Fresh scent come from Grapefruit, Geranium and Cedar... etc. aster.com.hk |
工务计划项目 4158CD 为港岛南部的薄扶林、华富、田湾、香港仔、黄竹坑及石澳建造雨水渠。 devb.gov.hk | PWP Item 4158 CD for the construction of stormwater drains in Pok Fu Lam, Wah Fu, Tin [...] Wan, Aberdeen, WongChuk Hang and ShekO of southern HongKong Island. devb.gov.hk |
我刚才提 过 的清拆 工、竹棚工、云石工及玻璃工 等 , 他 们 的工序 可 能 只需很 短 时 间 , 所以未必 适 合 实 [...] 行 长工制。 legco.gov.hk | As for others, such as the [...] demolition workers, bamboo scaffoldingworkers, marblemasons and glaziers [...]mentioned by me just [...]now, their work process may only last a very short period of time and so the long-term scheme may not necessarily be suitable to them. legco.gov.hk |
清新的柠檬香气加上薄荷,萦绕在熏衣草和茶叶上,外层再笼罩上一层麝香,激发出无限的活力。 hk.eternal.hk | A vibrant burstof bergamot andmint, entwine lavender and tea notes enveloped in acool muskthat lingers [...] on the skin. hk.eternal.hk |
因长期使用可会轻微刺激皮肤, 故此配方加入青瓜和麝香草精华, 以及Hyaluronic acid玻璃质酸。 lavedo.com | Long term use can cause slight irritation, thus this preparation is combined [...] with Cucumber,Thyme extract as well [...]as Hyaluronic Acid. lavedo.com |
花果麝香性的它包含了柚子、草莓叶、白牡丹、新鲜草莓、香草和麝香的气息。 hk.eternal.hk | A mouth-watering scent, just like the very juicy and sweet flesh of fresh strawberries and raspberries. hk.eternal.hk |
来自亚洲各地的商品种类繁多,有瓷罐和瓷花瓶、香料、纺织品(丝绸、亚麻织物和绵 [...] 布)、扇子、梳子、镶饰盒、挂毯、小地毯、手绢、橱柜、象牙雕像、药品(麝香、硼砂和 樟脑)等,这些商品被运送到马尼拉,并在那里被装上大型货船,亦称大帆船。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Merchandise from various parts of Asia such as porcelain jars and vases, spices, textiles (silk, linen, and cotton), fans, combs, inlaid boxes, [...] tapestries, rugs, handkerchiefs, chests, ivory [...] statues, “drugs”(musk,borax, and camphor), [...]among many others, were brought to Manila [...]where they were loaded aboard large ships called galleons. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(b) 把 139CD 号工程计划的 余下部分保留为乙级,改 称为「黄竹坑香叶道明渠 改善计划」。 legco.gov.hk | (b) the retention of the remainder of 139CD, re-titled “Improvement [...] of Staunton Creek nullahin WongChuk Hang” inCategory B. legco.gov.hk |
其香气是令人着迷的闪烁花香调,美味多汁的粉红番石榴及柑桔,瞬间迸发强烈吸引力,中段渗出晚香玉与莲花的细腻花香,最後以珍贵香木及清柔麝香,营造出一份缭绕不散的热情优雅。 sogo.com.hk | The fragrance is a sparkling addictive floral you are sure to fall in love with. There’s an instant attraction to the mouthwateringpink guava and mandarin, followed by a delicate mix oftuberose and lotus blossom. sogo.com.hk |
每天都有甜蜜而清爽的开始,让你为恋爱作好准备,打开 属於你的藏宝盒,淡淡的百合香,浅浅透着香草与麝香引导着我的味蕾,让这芳香成为专属於你的。 aster.com.hk | Every day, sweet and refreshing start to prepare you for the love, open are you in possession of [...] their treasures and a [...] touch of lilyincense,and the light trace of vanillaandmusk guidesmy taste [...]buds, so that the aroma as a post belongs to you. aster.com.hk |
我们须辟设必要的基础设施和政府、机构及社区设施,以配合在 大屿山竹篙湾进行的香港迪士尼乐园发展计划。 legco.gov.hk | institution and community (GIC) facilities to support the [...] development of Hong KongDisneyland (HKD) atPenny’s Bay on [...]Lantau Island. legco.gov.hk |
利用生态工法建置的宏远生态公园,兴建的材料尽量采用回收建筑与渔业的废弃物,包括:运用回收老旧枕木搭建成木栈道便桥、回收竹管、蚵壳与碎石铺成步道、利用安装抽风机而切割下的废弃水泥墙面,铺设成具保水功能的渗透基地、以及采取燃煤锅炉所产生之煤渣所制成的ESM煤砖作为水池基石等等;此外,还在公园的中央规划景观贮集渗透水池,其透过种植上百种的水生植物、高低水位自然缓坡与由ESM煤砖、鹅卵石制成生态干床净水沟等设计,调节并净化雨水与生活废水的功能,回收再利用作为灌溉,生态公园里处处可见将『废弃物变食物』的精神化为实际行动的环保成果。 everest.com.tw | For example, old wooden sleepers were used to build a [...] temporary bridge on the [...] trail;recycled bambootubes, shells and brokenstones were used to floor [...]the trail; waste concrete [...]removed from the factory walls when fans were installed was used to build a permeation base with a water preservation function; and ESM cinder bricks made from cinder produced by burning coal in a furnace were used as the foundation stones of the pond. everest.com.tw |
竹篙湾其实是香港养殖鱼苗的优良天然场地,但在竹篙湾建造迪士尼後,米 奇老鼠等人造动物是增多了,但天然的鱼种却大量灭亡。 legco.gov.hk | The Penny's Bay is actually a good natural place to culture fishfry inHong Kong,but after [...] the Disneyland theme park has [...]been built, fake creatures such as Mickey mice have increased in number, whereas natural fish fry have been dying massively. legco.gov.hk |
动议将 [...] 21,200,000.00 港元(即入帐列为本公司一般储备户口的 1,200,000.00 港元及位於香港香港仔黄竹坑道A.I.L.151 地段土地中重新估价後盈余的 20,000,000.00 港元) 资本化, 及将该笔款项分配予於 [...]1977 年 7 月 11 日名列股 东名册之本公司股东,并根据其当日持有的普通股份比例代表该等股东用该 [...]款项缴足每股面值 10.00 港元之 2,120,000 新的普通股份,该入帐列爲已缴足 股本的新股份应根据上述比例配发予上述的普通股份持有人,为使本决议案 生效,董事有全权作出有关所需事情。 vitasoy.com | THAT it is desirable to capitalise the [...] sum of HK$21,200,000.00, [...] beingas to HK$1,200,000.00 the amount standing to the credit of the General Reserve andas to HK$20,000,000.00 [...]the surplus on re-valuation [...]of the piece of land situated at A.I.L. 151, Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong, and accordingly that such sum be set free for distribution amongst the holders of the Ordinary Shares of the Company on the Register of Members as at the 11th day of July 1977 in the proportion in which they hold such shares respectively on that date, on condition that the same be not paid in cash but be applied for by paying up in full at par 2,120,000 new Ordinary Shares of $10.00 each to be allotted and distributed credited as fully paid up to and amongst the said holders of Ordinary Shares in the proportion aforesaid and the directors shall give effect to this Resolution. vitasoy.com |
此外,象徵着女士感性一面的琥珀和令人温暖舒适的麝香,亦加强了香柏木和檀香木的天然芳香。 hk.eternal.hk | The base note of amber and musk mix with sandalwood and cedar for sensual but feminine undertones. hk.eternal.hk |
除了㆒些声称含有犀牛或老 虎成分的药品外,还发现㆗药所用的濒临绝种动物器官及衍生物,包括犀牛角及犀牛 皮、象皮、熊胆及熊胆汁、麝香囊及麝香粉末、海龟壳、以及据称是老虎器官或鳄鱼 肉的物品。 legco.gov.hk | Some parts and derivatives of endangered species of animals used in traditional medicine, including rhinoceros horn and hide, [...] elephant hide, bear gall [...] bladders andbile,musk pods and grains, sea turtle shells and articles claimed to be tiger parts or crocodile meat were found, in additionto medicines claiming [...]to contain ingredients from rhinoceroses or tigers. legco.gov.hk |
用一杯dirty martini和炒杏仁作为开场,接着上羊小排配草莓酱或者烤乳鸽伴黄油欧芹,最后一道则是克莱门氏小柑橘和麝香果冻。 ba-repsasia.com | Begin with a dirty martini and deviled almonds, enjoy lamb cutlets with Shrewsbury sauce or grilled Dover sole with parsley butter, and finish with Clementine and Muscat jelly. ba-repsasia.com |
当局须提供必要的基础设施和政府、机构及社区设施,以支援 在大屿山竹篙湾发展香港迪士尼乐园第一期,并须为日後发展香港迪 士尼乐园第二期提供土地。 legco.gov.hk | We need to provide the necessary infrastructure and government, institution and [...] community (GIC) facilities to support the [...] developmentof Hong Kong Disneyland (HKD) Phase 1 at Penny’s Bay on [...]Lantau Island. legco.gov.hk |
石竹属植物chinensis是栽培的和野生植物用中国描述的一非常易变的种。 flora.ac.cn | Dianthuschinensis is a very [...] variable species represented in China by both cultivated and wild plants. flora.ac.cn |
海岸松萃取精华和有机麝香玫瑰精油为肌肤充氧,增加光泽。 clarinsusa.com | Extract of Maritime [...] Pine andOrganic Musk Rose oilhelp [...]oxygenate the skin for increased radiance. clarinsusa.com |
Love Passport A Bloom「爱的喜悦」沐浴露 以清新的樱桃叶子、葡萄柚、西西里佛手柑、柠檬、黑加伦子、粉红牡丹、木兰花、紫丁香、铃兰、桃、萍果为主,配以紫罗兰、檀香、白麝、琥珀。 aster.com.hk | Love Passport A Bloom Shower Gel blends cherry leaves, grapefruit, sicilian bergamot, [...] lemon, blackcurent, pink [...] peony, magnolia, lilac,liliy ofthevalley, apricot, peach, apple with violet flowers, sandalwood, [...]white musks, amber. aster.com.hk |
精炼而清新的花香,加上麝香、爽身粉和大米气味,此香水成为情感的汇集。 aster.com.hk | A fine, powdery scent, light and sensual with a flowery wake, iridescent and muskywith talc and rice. aster.com.hk |
鉴於本地的石油产品价格经常加快减慢及各油商调整价格 的步伐趋於一致,而石油产品零售价格往往又未能真确地反 映入口成本价,本会促请政府积极考虑在石油行业引入公平 竞争法及其他有效措施,包括要求竞争政策谘询委员会关注 本港石油市场可能出现的不公平竞争模式,并委托该委员会 就有关情况作出监察和研究,以增加石油行业的竞争性和提 高产品价格的透明度,从而避免寡头垄断,促进公平竞争和 保障商户及市民免受高油价之苦。 legco.gov.hk | That, as the adjustments oflocal oil product [...] prices are always quick in going up but slow in coming down and the pace of price adjustments by various oil companies tends to be synchronized, whileoil product pump prices often fail to truly reflect import costs, this Council urges the Government to actively consider introducing a fair competition law and other effective measures for the oil industries, including requesting the Competition Policy Advisory Group to take heed of any unfair mode of competition [...]that may emerge in the local oil market, and entrusting the Group [...]to monitor and study the situation, with a view to increasing competition in the oil industries and enhancing the transparency of product prices, thereby avoiding oligopoly, promoting fair competition and safeguarding commercial clients and the public against high oil prices. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 制订新法例,进㆒步减低空气、噪音和水污染,包括:管制手提撞击式破碎机; [...] 增加空气污染罪行的刑罚和简化有关发出消减空气污染滋扰通知书的手续;管制石棉的使用;管制废物处理装置的使用和维修,并订立条文规定楼宇业主将 [...]废物排放入公共污水渠;设立㆒项收费制度,就处理工业污水,使之符合标准 [...]而徵收费用,以及立例管制化学废物的处理,并徵收费用。 legco.gov.hk | They cover controls of hand held percussion breakers; increases in penalties and improvements in the procedure for abatement [...] notices to air pollution offences; controls [...] on theuse of asbestos; controls on [...]the use and maintenance of waste treatment [...]plants, provision to direct property owners to discharge wastes into public sewers; for a system of charging for treating of industrial effluent to specified quality and regulations to control the disposal of chemical waste and charge for it. legco.gov.hk |
除举办大型群展和专题展览外,奥沙画廊亦为一些最具代表性的亚洲艺术家举办个展,当中包括來 [...] 自中国的孙原和彭禹、沈少民、蒋志,以及其他亚洲艺术家,如石家豪(香港),Nipan Oranniwesna(泰国)和蔡佳葳(台湾)。 osagegallery.com | In addition to organising major group and thematic exhibitions, Osage Gallery has organised solo exhibitions by some of the most significant artists in Asia, such as Sun Yuan and Peng Yu, Shen Shaomin and Jiang Zhi from [...] China, as well as other Asian artists such [...] as Wilson Shieh (Hong Kong), Nipan Oranniwesna [...](Thailand) and Charwei Tsai (Taiwan). osagegallery.com |
其中以白麝香葡萄(Muscat blanc à petits grains)最有名,被视为古老而高贵的品种,世界各地都有栽种,法国为主要产地,常用于酿制加烈甜酒,也可用于酿制白葡萄酒及起泡葡萄酒,如意大利着名起泡葡萄酒Asti等。 devofast.com | Muscat blanc à petits grains is the most famous variety treated as an ancient noble one, is planted throughout the world, in particular in France, and is commonly used to brew fortified sweet wine or white and sparkling wine, e.g. Italy's famous sparkling wine Asti. devofast.com |
以绿茶为基质,前味散 发清新悦人的芳香,含有柠檬、佛手柑与葛缕子;中味散发振奋心灵的芳香,含有薄荷茉莉与康乃馨;後味散发温暖心灵的芳香,含有琥珀、麝香与橡树苔。 aster.com.hk | Used green [...] tea as a base, former distributed fresh pleasant smell aromatic, contains lemon, bergamotand carum. aster.com.hk |