单词 | 麋鹿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 麋鹿noun—deernSee also:麋—moose surname Mi river bank 鹿n—deern 麀—doe female deer mother animal mother deer
Superclean系列除了白色骆驼皮制品外,还包括红、蓝和棕色的麋鹿麂皮版本。 think-silly.com | The Superclean seriesis composed [...] of white camel leather, as well as red, blue and brown suede. think-silly.com |
船上的游客希望一睹罕见的塞马环斑海豹,却遇到了一只游泳的麋鹿。 visitfinland.com | The group of tourists in the boat was hoping to catch a glimpse of the rare Saimaa ringed seal, but [...] instead met a swimmingelk. visitfinland.com |
一只年轻的雄性麋鹿(alces alces) 正在林南萨里 (Linnansaari) [...] 国家公园的豪基韦西湖 (Haukivesi) 游泳,然后在附近的一个岛屿上了岸。 visitfinland.com | A youngmaleelk (Alces alces) swims [...] in Haukivesi, at the Linnansaari National Park and then goes on shore at a nearby island. visitfinland.com |
在那些博物馆内,有的可让人随着卡拉OK引吭高歌,有的则可以射击数码麋鹿。 visitfinland.com | Some offer the opportunity to belt out a karaoke tune, others to [...] shoot adigitisedmoose. visitfinland.com |
麋鹿是芬兰最大的哺乳类动物。 visitfinland.com | Theelk is the largest mammal [...] living in Finland. visitfinland.com |
你见过麋鹿游泳吗? visitfinland.com | Have you ever seen an elkswimming? visitfinland.com |
麋鹿公园里面驯养了1000多只斑点鹿。 shangri-la.com | The deerpark features over 1,000 spotteddeer. shangri-la.com |
一只年轻的雄性麋鹿(alces alces) 正在林南萨里 (Linnansaari) [...] 国家公园的豪基韦西湖 (Haukivesi) 游泳。 visitfinland.com | A young male elk(Alcesalces) swimming [...] in Haukivesi, at the Linnansaari National Park. visitfinland.com |
的Mac拟订计划营救的朋友 - 随着他的互惠生麋鹿-从教室的壁橱里,但虚诚实的亚伯不太辜负他的名字命名时,他的缺点女士福斯特,并开始销售的朋友以盈利为目的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Mac hatches a plan to rescue the friend – along [...] with his au pair Moose–from the classroom [...]closet, but the imaginary Honest Abe [...]doesn’t quite live up to his namesake when he cons Madam Foster and starts selling the friends for profit. seekcartoon.com |
里穆斯基,9月27th,2010 / / NutrOcean的月27 [...] 2010th,在该地区的Pointe-AU-麋鹿里穆斯基镇(魁北克省)成立了新的海洋微藻生产厂。 zh-cn.mccarrisonsociety.org.uk | Rimouski, September 27th, 2010 // NutrOcean has inaugurated its new marine [...] microalgae production plant on the 27th of September 2010, in the [...] region of Pointe-au-Pèrein the town of Rimouski [...](Quebec). mccarrisonsociety.org.uk |
馆内的展览充满趣味,访客可随着卡拉OK高唱与森林有关的歌曲;又可玩电脑游戏射击麋鹿,从而认识不同类型的芬兰森林。 visitfinland.com | A state-run project, the museum gives visitors [...] the opportunity to perform karaoke songs about the [...] woods, huntvirtualmoose and learn about [...]different kinds of forests. visitfinland.com |
在芬兰,迎面而来的车向你闪灯,那可能代表前面有头被撞倒的麋鹿,或者您没有打开车灯。 visitfinland.com | If an oncoming vehicle flashes its high beams at you, [...] this may mean one of a few things in [...] Finland:there is a moose or an accident ahead, [...]or you do not have your headlights on. visitfinland.com |
麋鹿 visitfinland.com | Elk visitfinland.com |
自2000年6月开始,作者每月一次(7-10d)实地监测石首麋鹿保护区内、外的麋鹿种群动态。 actazool.org | Since June 2000, we have monitored the population trends of reintroduced Père David’s deerin Shishou Milu National Nature Reserve. actazool.org |
鹿和麋 鹿吞食西 部 红 柏 木 的 籽 苗 和 [...] 树苗,这是西部红柏再生的最大障碍 之一。 wrcea.cn | Deer and elkbrowse red cedar [...] seedlings and saplings, and this is one of the largest obstacles to regenerating red cedar. wrcea.org |
大丰保护区有大面积海滩,将圈养麋鹿释放到没有围栏的海滩,实现建立自然生境中的野生麋鹿种群的中国麋鹿保护战略目标。 actazool.org | Captive-bredPère david's deer canbe released into open coast area and to reestablish wild Père david's deer population, thus, to reduce grazing pressure by Pèredavid's deerin the paddocks. actazool.org |
你可以自由选择要追寻的猎物:白尾鹿、北美黑尾鹿、麋鹿、水牛、加拿大马鹿、灰熊、驼鹿、北美野山羊、美洲狮、棕熊。 hunting-unlimit...cn.uptodown.com | Track the quarry of your choice- White-tailed Deer, Mule Deer, Pronghorn, Buffalo, Elk, Grizzly, Moose, Mountain Goat, Mountain Lion and Wild Bear. hunting-unlimit...en.uptodown.com |
由于生境退化和人为干扰,当前石首麋鹿保护区内的麋鹿种群增长已开始出现密度制约迹象,亟待采取有效措施来改善麋鹿的生存繁衍条件 [动物学报53(6): 947 –952, 2007]。 actazool.org | However, there was no significant difference between the mean annual mortality rates between the Shishou and Dafeng populations. Due to habitat deterioration and human interference in the Shishou nature reserve, [...] some conservative [...] measures should be taken urgently to improve the living conditions of Milu becausethe growth of the population has started to show a density-dependent [...]pattern [Acta [...]Zoologica Sinica 53 (6): 947–952, 2007]. actazool.org |
圣诞老公公随身碟、圣誔树随身碟、雪人随身碟、麋鹿随身碟齐来欢度Christmas了。 en.xebe.com | There are a lot of designs for [...] Christmas USB sticks, the Santa Claus USB sticks, [...] snowman USBsticks,reindeer USB sticksand Christmas [...]tree USB sticks. en.xebe.com |
即使在今天,像驯鹿和麋鹿那样的大的哺乳类动物,野生乌类如松鸡,各种产于海洋或江河的鱼类,也是芬兰人乐于采用的食物材料,吃的时候也伴以土豆或蔬菜,还有新鲜浆果。 visitfinland.com | Big mammals likereindeer and elk, game birds such [...] as wood grouse and hazelhen, and various salt- and freshwater fish have been delicacies for ages. visitfinland.com |
1996至1998年夏天,我们在北京麋鹿苑观察麋鹿发情交配行为以分析导致这些行为差异的原因。 actazool.org | From the summer of 1996 to the summer of 1998, we conducted behavioral observations in the BeijingMilu Park to investigate the mechanism underlying the phenomenon. actazool.org |
亚马尔土地使用变化 的问题可以分为几个方面,即(a) 由于自然资源的产业开发发生的土地使用变 化;(b) [...] 牧民在一年的迁移周期中所使用土地的不同法律地位;(c) 驯鹿牧民的 组织状态所附带的土地权利的差异。 daccess-ods.un.org | The problem of land use change in Yamal might be divided into several dimensions, namely (a) land use change owing to industrial development of natural resources; (b) different legal status of lands used by herders in the one-year cycle of [...] their migration; and (c) the discrepancies in the rights to land attached to the [...] organizational status ofreindeer herders. daccess-ods.un.org |
全球统一制度专家小组委员会还继续与管理某些涉及化学安全具体方面的 国际公约的条约机构开展了合作,通过有关公约促进《全球统一制度》的实施, 例如《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》、《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙 特利尔议定书》、《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》、《关于在国际贸易 中对某些危险化学品和农药采用事先知情同意程序的鹿特丹公约》;《工业事故跨 界影响公约》(另见下文第 46 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System has also continued its cooperation with treaty bodies that administer certain international conventions dealing with specific aspects of chemical safety in order to facilitate the implementation of the Globally Harmonized System through such conventions (Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal; Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer; Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants; Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade; and Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents (see also para. 46 below)). daccess-ods.un.org |
此次活动提出的建议包括:(a) 迫切需要在国内和地 [...] [...] 方法律制度中执行关于土着人民权利的国际法律,确保不仅在形式上、也要在实 践中实现土着人民土地、领土和资源权利的平等;(b) 需要研究土地使用的变化 和气候变化对土着驯鹿牧民的经济和土地管理的影响;(c) 在公营或私营产业开 发的谈判中,必须增强驯鹿牧民对竞争牧场土地的开发商的谈判能力,并为他们 提供免费法律咨询;(d) 需要增加有关土地利用和资源勘探开采的决策透明度。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recommendations from the side event included (a) an urgent need to implement international laws on the rights of indigenous peoples in domestic and local legal systems, and to ensure not only formal equality but also equality in practice of indigenous peoples’ rights to lands, territories and resources; (b) a need to undertake a study on the impacts [...] of land-use change [...] and climate change on indigenousreindeer herders’ economies and land management; (c) a need to increase reindeer herders’ capacity in negotiating [...]with developers [...]competing for their grazing land in public or private industrial development and having access to free legal advice; and (d) a need to increase the transparency in decision-making concerning land use and resource exploration and exploitation. daccess-ods.un.org |
在介绍了秘书长关于这一专题的报告(E/CN.17/2011/5)之后,以下小组成员作了 [...] 发言:联合国开发计划署(开发署)《蒙特利尔议定书》与化学品股高级化学品技 术顾问 Klaus [...] Tyrkko;《斯德哥尔摩公约》执行秘书兼《鹿特丹公约》秘书处共 同执行秘书 Donald [...]Cooper;壳牌化学品公司负责健康、安全、安保以及环境与 可持续发展问题总经理 Paul Sykes。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the introduction of the report of the Secretary-General on the theme (E/CN.17/2011/5), presentations were made by the following panellists: Klaus Tyrkko, Senior Technical Adviser on Chemicals, Montreal Protocol and Chemicals Unit, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); Donald Cooper, Executive Secretary, Stockholm [...] Convention and co-Executive Secretary, [...] secretariatof theRotterdam Convention; and [...]Paul Sykes, General Manager for Health, [...]Safety, Security and Environment and Sustainable Development for Shell Chemicals. daccess-ods.un.org |