



赛鸽 n

pigeon racing n

鸽舍 n

loft n

乳鸽 n

pigeon n

External sources (not reviewed)

持牌人亦必須確保其鴿子不會對鄰居和市民造成滋 擾,而至為重要的是,鴿子不得在鴿舍外作飛行練習或 比賽。
Most important of all, the pigeons are not allowed to fly outside their lofts for exercise or competition.
這定義將包括 鴿、鵪鶉、駝鳥及這類禽鳥的蛋,而該等禽蛋也有可能含禽流 感病毒及其他與蛋類有關的疾病。
This will include pigeons, quails, ostriches and their eggs, in which avian influenza virus and other egg-related diseases might also be found.
根據該條例的定義,“禽畜”指豬或家禽,而“家禽”則指雞、鴨、 鵝、鴿及鵪鶉。
The term “poultry” is further defined to mean chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons and quails.
政府審慎考慮後,決定讓漁護署署長根 據香港法例第 139F 章就賽鴿活動簽發展覽牌照。
After careful deliberation, the Administration decided that DAFC may, issue Exhibition Licenses under Cap. 139F to cover racing pigeon activities.
政府當局在回應法律事務部的查詢時,曾解釋給予飼養賽鴿 者展覽牌照的法律理據、其對向希望飼養20隻以上賽鴿的飼養賽鴿者 發出展覽牌照的政策、其對豁免某人根據《公眾衞生(動物及禽鳥)(禽 畜飼養的發牌)規例》(第 139章,附屬法例L)第 9條 持 有牌照的政策,並 解釋為何 不將展示 賽鴿視為屬於《公眾娛樂場 所 條例》(第 172章 )對 “娛 樂 ”一 詞所作詮釋的範圍。
In response to Legal Service Division’s enquiries, the Administration has explained the legal basis for granting an exhibition licence to racing pigeons keepers, its policy of granting an exhibition licence to racing pigeons keepers who wish to keep more than 20 racing pigeons, its policy of granting an exemption from holding a licence under section 9 of the Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Licensing of Livestock Keeping) Regulation (Cap. 139 sub. leg. L) and the reasons for not considering exhibitions of racing pigeons to be “entertainment” within the meaning of the term in the Places of Public Entertainment Ordinance (Cap. 172).
政府當局於為審議禁止散養家禽的附屬法例而成立的小組委 員會會議上,同意視乎個別情況,考慮是否為希望飼養賽鴿的人士發 出 “動物/禽鳥展覽牌照”。
At the subcommittee formed to scrutinise the subsidiary legislation to ban backyard poultry keeping, the Administration has agreed to consider on a case-by-case basis whether to issue “animal/birds exhibition licence” to owners who wish to keep racing pigeons.
巨型红杉、矮小的红铜栗子和灌木丛与一大堆在 鹃 花 和木兰花争抢空间。
Giant Sequoias, dwarf copper chestnuts and a bewildering array of shrubs jostle for
[...] space amongst azaleas, magnolia and [...]
為回應對牌照收費 偏 高的關 注 ,政府當局將會 修訂《公 眾衞生 (動物及 禽鳥)(展覽)規 例 》,為飼養小 量 賽鴿(即 20隻 或以下) 的人士另 訂牌照費用 。
To address the concern about the high fee charged for the licence, the Administration would amend the Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Exhibitions) Regulations to stipulate a separate licence fee for persons who kept a small number (i.e. 20 or less) of racing pigeons.
鴿場方面,由於有關的生物安全設施規模 相對較小,我們建議就每個鴿場額外劃一發放為數 15 萬元 的一筆過款項。
For pigeon farms, since these biosecurity facilities are of relatively smaller scale, we propose to set the lump sum payment at a flat rate of $150,000 per pigeon farm.
請從法律角度解釋當局怎樣透過把 賽鴿活動視為一種展覽形式,把它納入主體規例的範 圍內?
Would you explain, from a legal perspective, as to how you treat racing pigeon activity as a form of exhibition so as to be within the scope of the Principal Regulations?
經借鑑海外經驗, 並參考本港獸醫認為鴿羣爆發禽流感風險很低的評估結果後, 政府當局同意繼續容許持有按《規例》簽發牌照的人士飼養和展 覽賽鴿,惟申請人必須符合《規例》所有有關的法定要求。
Having regard to overseas experiences and our veterinary assessment that the risk of an avian influenza outbreak in pigeon is low, the Administration agreed to continue to allow the keeping and exhibiting of racing pigeons under a licence issued under the Regulations, provided that the applicant is able to satisfy all relevant statutory requirements under the Regulations.
(一 ) 有否研究現 時 烏鴉及 鴿子等 野 生 雀鳥在 境內的 繁殖情 況,以 及 這 些雀鳥對 環境 生 造 成的影響; 及
(a) whether it has studied the current breeding situation of wild birds such as crows and pigeons in the territory, as well as the impact of these wild birds on environmental hygiene; and (b) of the measures to reduce the nuisances caused by wild birds to the public?
在美國洛杉磯市,鴿子擁有人必須就養鴿領取許可 證,費用為 50 美元( 港幣 390 元 ) ,並必須保持鴿舍清潔  生,每星期清潔鴿舍三次,而鴿子可在戶外自由飛 行。
In the City of Los Angeles USA, pigeon owners must obtain a permit for keeping pigeons and the fee is USD$ 50 (HKD $390).
李華明議員補充, 為了讓希望飼養小 量 家 禽 (包括賽鴿)作寵物的人士可繼續飼養有 關寵物,政 府當局已同意修訂有 關 公告及修訂規例, 賦權漁農 自然護理 署署長 就飼養指 明 禽鳥批 出 豁免許可 證 。
Mr LI added that to enable persons who wished to continue to keep a small number of poultry (including racing pigeons) as pets, the Administration had agreed to amend the Notice and the Amendment Regulation to empower the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation to grant exemption permit in respect of the keeping of specified birds.
(一) 截至 2008 年 6 月,本港的活家禽業有 52 個家禽農戶(包括 50 個雞農和兩個鴿農)、71 個批發商、469 個零售商和約 250 個運 輸商,而受影響的工人大約有 2 550 人。
(a) As at June 2008, there are 52 poultry farmers (including 50 chicken farmers and two pigeon farmers), 71 wholesalers, 469 retailers and some 250 transporters in the live poultry trade of Hong Kong.
在鴿子遺產小徑(Pigeon Heritage Trail)上,了解原住民領袖和草莽英雄堅達木拉(Jandamurra),探索莫萬俊(Mowanjum)原住民社區的藝術。
Learn about Aboriginal leader and outlaw Jandamurra on the Pigeon Heritage Trail and discover the art of the Mowanjum Aboriginal Community.
在加拿大梅里特( Merritt) 市,鴿子擁有人亦必須為養 鴿領取許可證,而許可證費用為 10 加元( 港幣 70 元 ) 。
In the City of Merritt, Canada, pigeon owners must also obtain a permit for keeping pigeons and the permit fee is CAD$ 10 (HKD $70).
當我們探聽賽鴿飼養人對擬議 牌照安排 及其收費水平 的 意見時,大部分人 都 同 意 繳付費用以領 牌飼養其禽 鳥,但 亦有一些 人表示應調低牌費。
When we sounded out the racing pigeon keepers on the proposed licensing arrangement and its fee levels, the majority of them agreed to pay a fee for a licence to keep their birds, although some expressed that the licence fees should be lowered.
There are many benefits from investing in green space; much of which can only happen through creating and maintaining parks in cities.
切勿让幼犬接触有毒的植物,如猩猩木、 鹃 花 、 北美 鹃 花 、 黛粉叶、红豆杉、夹竹桃和常春藤等。
Never give her access to poisonous plants such as poinsettias, azaleas, rhododendrons, dumb can, Japanese yew, oleander and English ivy.
至於野鴿所 造 成的環境 生 滋擾,主要 是 糞便問題, 尤 其在市民 餵飼野鴿的地點 , 問題更 為 嚴 重。
As regards the environmental hygiene nuisances caused by feral pigeons, the problem is mainly droppings and it is more significant in locations which are popular spots of feeding by members of the public.
為 進 一 步 預 防 及 控 制 禽 流 感 爆 發 , 食 物 環 境 衞 生 署 與 國 家 質 量 監 督 檢 驗 檢 疫 總 局 就 落 實 進 口 活 家 禽 接 種 禽 流 感 疫 苗 的 措 施 達 成 協 議 : 由 2004 年 1 月 15 日 開 始 , 所 有 進 口 活 家 禽 ( 鴿 子 及 水 禽 除 外 ) , 必 須 接 種 農 業 部 批 准 生 產 和 使 用 的 H5 禽 流 感 滅 活 疫 苗 , 才 可 以 進 口 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 。
To strengthen the prevention and control against the outbreak of avian flu, FEHD and the State General Administration of the People's Republic of China for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine have agreed that with effect from 15 January 2004, all live poultry (except pigeons and waterfowls) must be vaccinated against H5 avian flu with deactivated vaccine authorized for production and use by the State Ministry of Agriculture before importing to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
开阔的的混合的林地,矮小的鹃花 灌丛,高山的牧场; 3500-4300米。
Open mixed woodlands, dwarf Rhododendron scrub, alpine pastures; 3500–4300 m. SW Sichuan, SE Xizang, NW Yunnan.
It was hard to imagine that this very space was once filled with passionate citizens calling for a seemingly revolutionary change in the current world of increasing privatization and decreasing levels of civic engagement and public discourse.
以 H5 的 禽流感為 例,他們曾 在 白 鴿 方面進行一些研究, 但 卻 沒 有在野 鴿 身 上 找 到 病菌。
Despite studies on pigeons, no traces of germs have been found on feral pigeons.
我們相信目前的規管架構可以 在保障公共健康和環境衛生和盡量照顧香港賽鴿活動的 需要當中取得平衡。
We believe that our prevailing regulatory regime can strike a balance between the need to protect public health and environmental hygiene, as well as to accommodate the need of pigeon racing activities in Hong Kong as far as possible.
在2008年 9月 24日該項計 劃的申請期屆滿時,政府當局共收到29名農戶(包括27名雞農及兩 名鴿農,佔農戶總數約56%)、50個批發商(佔批發商總數約70%)、 333個零售商( 佔零售商總數約72%)、 199個運輸商(佔運輸商總數 約 80%)及 835名受影響本地工人的申請。
By the deadline of application for the scheme on 24 September 2008, 29 applications were received from farmers (including 27 chicken and two pigeon farmers, representing about 56% of the total number of farmers), 50 applications from wholesalers (representing about 70% of the total number of wholesalers), 333 applications from retailers (representing about 72% of the total number of retailers), 199 applications from transporters (representing about 80% cent of the total number of transporters) and 835 applications from affected local workers.
都柏林格拉斯奈文(Glasnevin)的国家植物园(The National Botanic Gardens)颇受都柏林人的欢迎,其内部拥有众多来自世界各地的植物——包括来自东南亚的 鹃 花。
The National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin. Extremely popular with Dubliners, the National Botanic Gardens house plants from all over the world, among them a fine collection of vireyas, tender rhododendrons from Southeast Asia.
Where the subject is confined to Pekinese dogs and doves, the bottles may have been distributed as imperial gifts to officials based upon the symbolic meaning of the combination, quite apart from their appeal as imperial pets.




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