单词 | 鸭 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 鸭—male prostitute (slang)Examples:家鸭绿头鸭—duck (Anas platyrhyncha) mallard 烤鸭n—duckn 小鸭n—ducklingn
在这里,果然有许多不怕生的鸭子。 4tern.com | He is right, there are [...] many friendly duckshere. 4tern.com |
一乐食馆为中式烧味餐厅, 提供肥瘦适中且多汁的叉烧与烤鸭,是一值得推荐的中式餐厅。 ilovelkf.hk | The quintissential Chinese barbeque spot, Yat Lok specialises in juicy [...] char siu as wellas roast duck. ilovelkf.hk |
迷你版 Jewel's Bubble Bath 包括由浴袍及袜子所缝制的 [...] Jewel Sparkles、宠物小猫、沐浴用品及胶小鸭。priceless.com.hk | Mini Lalaloopsy Jewel's Bubble Bath comes with Jewel Sparkles [...] in a sew cute striped bathrobe and socks, her pet kitty with an adorable shower cap, a towel [...] and preciousrubberducky. priceless.com.hk |
例 如:荃湾区议会的公民教育工作小组曾主办有关「选举」的展览和摊位游戏;湾仔区 [...] 议会的公民教育工作小组曾为学生举行题为「认识选举的重要性」的研习班;循道卫 理联合教会鸭洲㆗心曾举办嘉年华会,提高市民对香港基本法和选举的认识;而香 [...]港明爱的㆗西区㆗心亦曾在区内推行㆒连串活动,让市民获得更多有关政制发展的知 识。 legco.gov.hk | To cite a few examples, the Working Group on Civic Education of the Tsuen Wan District Board has organized exhibition and stall games on "elections", the Working Group on Civic Education of the Wan Chai District Board has organized workshops for students on [...] "Understanding the Significance of Elections", [...] the Methodist Ap Lei Chau Centre [...]has organized a carnival to enhance public understanding [...]of the Basic Law and elections in Hong Kong, and the Central and Western Centre of Caritas-Hong Kong has launched a series of activities in the district to enhance public understanding of political development. legco.gov.hk |
编舞伊娜以驰骋国际舞坛的高能量肢体语汇,重构剧力万钧的易卜生经典作品《野鸭》。 ccdc.com.hk | Characterised by her choreography’s high energy physicality, choreographer Ina reinterprets the [...] compelling play "The Wild Duck" by Henrik Ibsen. ccdc.com.hk |
在等候经证实感染个案的调查结果期间,政府当局暂时 停止自内地输入活鸭及活鹅,以免H5N1病毒在本地饲养场、批发及零 [...] 售市场的活家禽之间相互传染。 legco.gov.hk | Pending the investigation outcome of the confirmed infection cases, the [...] import ofliveducks and geese from [...]the Mainland had been temporarily suspended [...]to avoid cross-infection of H5N1 among live poultry in local farms, wholesale and retail markets. legco.gov.hk |
2008年,AOC於中环鸭巴甸街延续它的历史。 think-silly.com | Comes 2008, AOC moved yet again to Aberdeen Street in Central. think-silly.com |
半胱氨酸可在高蛋白质食物中找到,包括软酪、白乾酪、酸乳酪、猪肉、香肠肉、鸡、火鸡、,鸭、午餐肉、小麦胚、格兰诺拉麦片和燕麦片。 vitagreen.com | Cysteine is also found in most high-protein foods including [...] ricotta, cottage cheese, yogurt, pork, sausage meat, [...] chicken, turkey, duck, luncheonmeat, wheat [...]germ, granola and oat flakes. vitagreen.com |
灵光一现的绝佳创意也呈现在利用褐色的斑点雕磨本壶一对游水的鸭子的眼睛;画鸭点睛的这种技法曾使莫士撝管这一群烟壶叫做“眼珠玛瑙烟壶群”(参见Moss 1971, 编号145~147与 Moss, Graham, and Tsang 1993, 编号120)。 e-yaji.com | Another stroke of genius which earned this bottle a starring place in the Eyeball Agate group and, in fact, was one of the main reasons the name was coined (Moss 1971, nos. 145-147, and Moss, Graham, and Tsang 1993, no. 120), is the use of darker markings to create the eyes of the two ducks swimming together on the less colourful main side. e-yaji.com |
采用燃油发电的鸭脷洲发电厂是公司的第三间发电厂,於1968年投产,并於1989年停止运作。 hkelectric.com | The oil-fired Ap LeiChau Power Station which was the third power station of the Company, was commissioned in 1968 and decommissioned in 1989. hkelectric.com |
香港仔及鸭脷洲分区计划大纲图上,黄竹坑工业区约 8.3 公顷的土地於 [...] 2001 年由 「工业」地带改划为「其他指定用途」注明「商贸」地带,涉及共约 45 幢工业 大厦。 devb.gov.hk | About 8.3 hectares of land on the [...] Aberdeen & Ap Lei ChauOutline [...]Zoning Plan in the industrial area of Wong Chuk Hang, covering [...]about 45 industrial buildings, was rezoned from “Industrial” to “Other Specified Uses (Business)” in 2001 to facilitate redevelopment of the industrial buildings to commercial uses including offices and hotels. devb.gov.hk |
如此看来,Gangnam Style如同间接的革命行为,骑马舞模仿上流社会最具特权的休闲活动,却进入了公园、广场与鸭子船上,全球民众对富人又羡又妒,看到骑马舞都相当兴奋,在每位中产阶级市民心里,都想跨越所在城市富裕区域树立的隔阂,而最简易的方式,莫过於模仿这支带有讽刺意味的骑马舞。 thisbigcity.net | Deep down inside every middle class city dweller, there’s a desire to rail against the divisions built into the Gangnam district of his or her own city, and what better way to do so than with a stingingly satirical horse dance? thisbigcity.net |
香港填鸭式教育至今仍在持续,而台湾过去几年在独派学者杜正胜掌教育部期间导致社会议论不断,都成为两地民对政府满意度较低的主要背景。 hkupop.hku.hk | That Hong Kong is still adhering to its examination-oriented education system, and that former Education Minister Tu Cheng-Sheng in Taiwan stirred up lots of criticisms and disputes during his leadership, are important background factors of the issue. hkupop.hku.hk |
当幼儿约7个月大时,可用鸭嘴杯训练,学习从奶嘴慢慢转换到吸管喝水。 combi.com.hk | When baby is around 7 months old, parents can let baby having transition smoothly. combi.com.hk |
鸭川の豊かな自然に囲まれた倾斜地に建つ平屋の住宅です。 chinese-architects.com | This single-story home sits on a sloped property enveloped in a rich natural setting. chinese-architects.com |
讲究环保及健康的食材选择,餐厅使用本地少有的无荷尔蒙猪全只制作主要的猪肉及意大利面菜式,包括:「Nose to Tail Bolo」猪肉酱、小牛与牛尾蕃茄酱,吉烈炸猪心以及意式慢烤猪脾及猪腩肉配辣椒芥辣酱Rotisserie Porchetta等;意大利面条和辣肉肠则由餐厅员工每天在开放式工作间内九小时不停制作;换上臭草、鸭蛋黄、虾乾酱等地道食材的菜式,连同配上七十二度热朱古力融和棉花糖雪糕和饼乾、苹果果酱批配苹果焦糖、有机甜薯奶油饼、乳酪意大利雪糕等的自制甜品,全都成为菜谱上的独特选择。 think-silly.com | Fused with local flavours such as fragrant grass, salt cured egg yoke and fried shrimp diavola, desserts include hot chocolate served in seventy-two degrees, mixed with candy floss ice cream and biscuit; and apple caramel, organic sweet potato cream, yogurt gelato. think-silly.com |
新世纪广场落座永昇街旧址,以前售卖咸鸭蛋着名,故别名「鸭蛋街」, 街上还有一家传统茶樓─得云茶樓。 procommons.org.hk | Many of them are intent upon “raising the intensity of land use through replacement of low by high quality and/or density houses to increase the total revenue. procommons.org.hk |
此类社区共通之处为充分操纵公私生活型态,首尔菁英阶级乐於让游客倘佯於广场,或是乘坐影片里的鸭子船,但不希望平民百姓踏入附近的高级马术俱乐部;另一项极端例子,则是去年在纽约「占领华尔街」抗争期间,大企业原本乐於开放祖克提公园(Zucotti Park)供民众使用,但发生企业领袖不乐见的全国抗议运动後,企业却迅速强调这座公园属私人所有,不愿让公园成为抗争集散地。 thisbigcity.net | Seoul’s elite are happy for throngs of visitors to enjoy public plazas, or the now famous duck boats of Hangham park seen in the Gangnam style video. thisbigcity.net |
食用前, 把鸭肝酱由雪柜拿出约15分钟, 令它接近室温, 更能散发其香味. sfgourmet.com | Before eating DuckFoie Gras, take out [...] from the refrigerator and wait for about 15 minutes to make it close to room temperature. sfgourmet.com |
简介: 已烹煮好的鸭肝, 令您可以轻松享受它的美妙滋味。 sfgourmet.com | Description: CookedDuck Foie Gras with Truffle, [...] you can easily enjoy its wonderful taste. sfgourmet.com |
香港非一般工商业区范围包括 : [...] 住宅、公共屋村、学校、医院、非工商业大厦、东涌、机场、数码港、鸭利洲、跑马地、半山区、西贡、科学园、将军澳、6-9号货柜码头、昂船洲东涌...等,详情可与我们的客户服务主任查询。 communilink.net | Non-commercial and non-industrial areas include: residential, estate, school, hospital, non-commercial and [...] non-industrial buildings, Tung Chung, [...] airport, Cyberport, Ap Lei Chau, Happy [...]Valley, Mid-levels, Sai Kung, Science Park, [...]Tseung Kwan O, No. 6-9 Container Terminals, Stonecutters Island, etc. For more details, please contact our customer service officers. communilink.net |
收集的食物样本包括米、奶、牛肉、猪肉、 猪只肝脏、鸡、鸭、白菜、菜心、香蕉、荔枝、甘蔗及柑橘。 weather.gov.hk | Foodstuffs collected include rice, milk, beef, pork, [...] pig's liver, chicken, duck, pak choi,choi sum, [...]banana, lychee, sugar cane and mandarin orange. weather.gov.hk |
揭幕仪式於下午三时在鸭涌河变电站举行,主礼嘉宾包括澳门特区政府运输工务司司长刘仕尧、中华人民共和国外交部驻澳公署副特派员宋彦斌、中央人民政府驻澳联络办公室经济部副部长助理高尚德、能源业发展办公室主任山礼度、中国南方电网副总经理王久玲、广东电网公司副总经理于俊岭、电力客户谘询委员会主席崔世平、澳电董事会主席马兆麟及行政总裁魏立民等。 cem-macau.com | The ceremony started at 3:00in the afternoon and it was officiated by the Secretary for Transport and Public Works of MSAR, Lau Si Io, Deputy Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the MSAR, Song Yan Bin, Assistant to Deputy Director of Economic Affairs Department of Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Macau SAR, Gao Shang De, Director of Office for the Development of Energy Sector of MSAR, Arnaldo Santos, Deputy General Manager of China Southern Power Grid, Wang Jiuling, Deputy General Manager of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Yu Junling, President of CEM Customer Liaison Committee José Chui, CEM Chairman of Board of Directors Vaz Marcelino and CEM Chief Executive Officer Franklin Willemyns. cem-macau.com |
他说,面包在这里很管用,因为你可以用来喂鸭子、天鹅和鳝鱼。 4tern.com | He told us, bread is very useful here, you [...] can feed the ducks, swans and eels. 4tern.com |
香港尚礼坊水果礼盒由8种水果组成, 包括美国苹果,火龙果,水晶梨,香梨/鸭梨,菠萝/禄柚/哈密瓜,奇异果,桃/布琳,美国大橙/西柚,石榴/红榴等, 漂亮礼盒大方得体. givegift.com.hk | Hong Kong Give Gift Boutique fruit gift box is made of 8 types of fresh fruits, including USA apples, dragon fruits, crystal pear, pear, pineapple/oriental pomelo/melon, kiwi fruits, peach/plum, USA orange/pomelo, guava fruit, in good looking gift box. givegift.com.hk |
位於君品酒店六楼的Le Bar 汉堡派对过去12个月推出了超过60款的美味汉堡,有令人大吃一惊的火山爆发汉堡、土石流汉堡、相扑汉堡;有食材混搭、丰盛的牛排鸭肝汉堡、阿拉斯加蟹肉牛肉汉堡、火龙汉堡;有讲究搭配酱汁、费工的黎巴嫩汉堡、印度鸡肉汉堡、枫糖火鸡汉堡、茄汁墨西哥辣椒汉堡等等汉堡种类 份份美味。 taiwanfun.com | Located in the sixth floor of PALAIS de CHINE HOTEL, Le Bar has offered over 60 hamburgers, including Volcano Burger, Landslides Burger, Sumo Burger, Foie Gras Steak Burger, Alaskan Crab Beef Burger, Fire Dragon Burger, Lebanese Burger, Indian Chicken Burger, Maple Syrup Turkey Burger, and Mexican Spicy Salsa Burger. taiwanfun.com |