

单词 鸦片战争

See also:


opium (loanword)

争战 v

fight v



战争 n

warfare n

External sources (not reviewed)

Chinese authorities efforts to rid the country of the
[...] drug led to the two Opium Wars.
百年国耻”指的是从 1839 年英国对中国发动第一鸦 片战争直至 1949 年中华人民共和国成立的这段时期。
The “Century of Humiliation” is a description
of the period from 1839, when Britain
[...] launched the First Opium War against China, [...]
until 1949, when the People’s Republic of China was founded.
鸦片战争以后 ,上海被殖民主义者开辟为“通商”口岸。
After the opium wars, Shanghai gradually [...]
became one of these China’s major trading port opened by colonialists.
伊朗和中国都曾被殖民列强划分为势力范围-俄罗斯 和英国于 1907
[...] 年瓜分了伊朗,而中国在 1856-1860 年 的第二鸦片战争以后遭到了英国,法国,俄罗斯,美 [...]
Iran and China were both divided into spheres of influence by colonial powers – Iran by
Russia and the UK in 1907 and China by the UK, France, Russia, the U.S. and Japan
[...] after the Second Opium War in 1856-1860.
[...] 措成功地在其合作伙伴之间建立了相互信任,并促进了以情报为主导的行动, 通过这些行动缉获了海洛因鸦片、 吗 啡、大麻树脂和前体。
The initiatives were successful in building mutual trust and confidence among their partners and
prompted intelligence-led operations that resulted in
[...] seizures of heroin, opium, morphine, cannabis [...]
resin and precursors.
鸦片生产 不断增加的问题,除了与恐怖主义 的联系外,这一问题本身也是令人担忧的发展,葡萄 牙鼓励阿富汗政府继续执行国家反毒品政策,但也寻 求区域解决办法,包括分享信息、物资 战 略 ,以便 解决贩毒以及贩毒与其他形式的国际犯罪的联系带 来的跨边界问题。
As regards the growing opium production, in itself a very worrying development beyond its connection to terrorism, Portugal encourages the Government to pursue its national counter-drugs policy, but also to seek regional solutions, including by sharing information, material and strategies, to the cross-border [...]
issues raised
by drug trafficking and its link to other forms of international crime.
[...] 政府组织文化项目合作举办,采用了丰富多彩的艺术形式,其中包括由费希·史 蒂文斯导演的新纪片“反对战争的 战争 ” 的 片 断 , 展示了联合国维持和平人员 的成就和重要性以及他们在保护受害和弱势民众方面面临的巨大挑战。
Organized by the Department of Public Information and the Department of Peacekeeping Operations in collaboration with the non-governmental organization Culture Project, the concert employed a kaleidoscope
of art forms, including
[...] segments from a new documentary, “The War Against War”, directed by [...]
Fisher Stevens, who showcased
the achievements and importance of United Nations peacekeepers and the formidable challenges that they face in protecting victimized and vulnerable populations.
上合组 织在最近举行的首脑会议通过了 2011 年至 2016 年的 禁战略和战略实 施行动纲领,把打击阿富 鸦片方 面的合作作为优先事项。
At its recent summit, the SCO adopted a
[...] counter-narcotics strategy for the period 2011 to 2016, including a programme of action for its implementation that gives priority to cooperation on combating opiates from Afghanistan.
Jaba 村的村民醒来发现,清真寺着 火了,墙壁写着鸦“Ulpana 战争”、“战争已经 爆发”和“付出代价”,显然这 一恶劣行径出自曾多次损毁巴勒斯坦平民财产的定居者之手。
Villagers in Jaba awoke to find their mosque
ablaze and the desecration of its
[...] walls with graffiti declaring “Ulpana War”, “The war has begun” and [...]
“Pay the price”, clearly
indicating in this vile act the hand of settlers, who have repeatedly destroyed Palestinian civilian properties.
其中包括开发四个相互连接的反兴奋剂数据库 “ADDbase”项目;制作公益性公告,向普通公众宣传在体育运动中反兴奋剂的 争 ; 推 介包 括上届缔约方会议的画面资料“反兴奋 战 斗 ”记 录 片。
These included the ADDbase project, consisting of the development of four interlinked databases on anti-doping; the production of public service announcement to sensitize the general public to the fight against doping in
sport; and
[...] promotion of the documentary “The War on Doping”, which includes footage of the last session of the Conference [...]
of Parties.
各方 声称鸦片禁令不过是鸦片种植移到了掸邦其他地区罢了, 或者说,这些少数民族不过是将生产重点转移到了苯丙胺类毒 品的生产上面。
Various sources claim that the opium bans have simply resulted in opium cultivation being moved to other regions in Shan state or that these groups have merely moved into methamphetamine production.
这种立法为以下任何罪行或罪行组合规定了普遍管辖权: (a) 严重违反日内瓦四公约及其《第一附加议定书》的行为(主要是英联邦成员 国);(b) 1954 年《海牙公约》《第二号议定书》和《保护所有人免遭强迫失踪国 际公约》特别规定的犯罪(例如塞浦路斯、日本和荷兰);(c) 没有条约规定普遍 管辖权的其他违反国际人道主义法行为,如在非国际武装冲突中实施 战争罪 ( 比利时、加拿大、新西兰和菲律宾)以及违反禁止或管制使用某种武器的行为(南 非);(d) 《罗马规约》第 8 条所列战争罪(比 利时、加拿大、德国、新西兰和 联合王国)。
This legislation provides for universal jurisdiction over any or a combination of the following: (a) grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I thereto (primarily States members of the Commonwealth); (b) crimes specified under the Second Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention and the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (for example, Cyprus, Japan and the Netherlands); (c) other violations of international humanitarian law where no treaty
requires universal
[...] jurisdiction, such as war crimes committed in non-international armed conflict (Belgium, Canada, New Zealand and the Philippines) and violations of treaties that either prohibit or regulate the use of certain weapons (South Africa); (d) the war crimes list contained [...]
in article 8 of the
Rome Statute (Belgium, Canada, Germany, New Zealand and the United Kingdom).
在从结构方面预防冲突和 建设和平文化范围内编写了《非洲法语国家应用的历史教材一览:中小学教育实例》这份材
[...] 料提出了解除非洲历史教学武装的工作思路,做到课程设置进一步强调会聚融合的历史因素 而战争事实
Drawn up in the context of the structural prevention of conflicts and the construction of a culture of peace, the critical inventory of history textbooks in use in French-speaking Africa: primary and secondary education offers pointers for disarming the
teaching of history in Africa so that curricula place more emphasis on historical factors of
[...] convergence than on acts of war.
塔 吉克斯坦还报告说,该国正在筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其 战争 遗 留 爆炸 物受害者进行一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个有效的受害者信息系统, 该系统符合排雷行动信息管理系统的标准,将成为地区和州两个层面系统和可靠 的机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reported that it is preparing to conduct a needs assessment of landmine and other ERW victims in mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a systematic and reliable mechanism at the district and oblast level.
鸦片咨询委员会会员(2006-2008 年);起草:全国戒毒政策和南非国家 [...]
卫生部程序(2006 年);国际成瘾医学会创始成员之一(1999 年);Jullo 中心住院 初步康复方案的方案开发商和首席顾问,南非德班 Merebank(1995 年)。
Member of Opiate Advisory Board of [...]
South Africa (2006-2008); drafter: National Detoxification Policy and Procedure for National
Department of Health, South Africa (2006); founding member of the International Society of Addiction Medicine (1999); programme developer and Principal Counsellor, Jullo Centre In-patient Primary Rehabilitation Programme, Merebank, Durban, South Africa (1995).
它注意战争、恐怖主义和极端主义导致暴力和动荡,表示希望,除其他 外,阿富汗将在不远的将来有能力应对这些问题。
It noted that war, terrorism and extremism [...]
produced violence and insecurity and expressed the hope that, inter alia, Afghanistan
would be able to cope with these problems in the near future.
一位发言者指出,1998 年大会第二十届会议特别会议通过的《政治宣言》(大会 S-20/2
[...] 号决议,附件)所载的目标中有一些并没有充分实现,阿富汗原 鸦片 造成的威胁是个非常严重的问题。
One speaker noted that not all the objectives of the Political Declaration adopted by the General Assembly at its twentieth special session (General Assembly resolution S-20/2, annex),
in 1998, had been fully achieved and that the
[...] threat posed by opium originating in [...]
Afghanistan was a very serious issue.
会议结束时发表的 《巴黎声明》(S/2003/641,附件)形成了《巴黎公约》,通过该声明,部长们商
[...] 定,除其他外,各国应共同努力增强国家能力,发展区域伙伴关系,从而对付 由产自阿富汗鸦片和海 洛因的贩运构成的问题的所有各个方面,强调这种行 [...]
Through the Paris Statement (S/2003/641, annex), issued at the end of the Conference and which created the Paris Pact, Ministers agreed, inter alia, to combine their countries’ efforts to step up national capabilities, develop regional partnerships and hence
tackle all the aspects of the problem posed by
[...] the traffic of opium and heroin produced [...]
in Afghanistan, underlining that such
action was an international security imperative.
在阿富汗鸦片产量增加反映在麻醉品成瘾人数的增长率上:2005 年 至 2009 年,经常吸鸦片的人数从 150,000 人跃升至 230,000 人,海洛因使用 者的人数也从 50,000 人增至 120,000 人。
In Afghanistan,
[...] the increase in opium production has been reflected in the growth of rates of addiction to narcotics: between 2005 and 2009, the number of regular opium users jumped from [...]
150,000 to 230,000,
while the number of heroin users increased from 50,000 to 120,000.
由于产量锐减,收获季节的鸦片的 平 均农场交货价格急剧上涨,从 2009 年的每公斤 [...]
64 美元提高到 2010 年的每公斤 169 美元——提高了 164%。
In response to that sharp decline, the average
[...] farm-gate price of dry opium at harvest time [...]
rose sharply, from 64 United States dollars
per kilogram in 2009 to $169 per kilogram in 2010 — an increase of 164 per cent.
根据秘书长关于处理世界毒品问题的国际合作的 最近报告(A/65/93),邻国阿富汗生产了超过 6 900 吨鸦片,占 2009 年世界总产量的 89%,其中大部鸦 片都通过伊朗边境贩运。
According to the most recent report of the Secretary-General on international cooperation
against the world
[...] drug problem (A/65/93), more than 6,900 tons of opium — or 89 per cent of the world total in 2009 [...]
— were produced in neighbouring Afghanistan.
同时,需要开展农村发展项目,以使农村地区的人民 获得可替鸦片种植 的其他可行经济手段。
At the same time, rural development projects are needed so that people in rural areas have viable economic
[...] alternatives to the cultivation of opium.
大会在同一决议第五节第 11 段中请秘书长寻求更加有效战略, 及时填补 所有工作地点现有和未来的语文员额空缺,表示注意到秘书长关于会议时地分配 办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文 工作人员争性征 聘考试和 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时填补所有工作地点 现有和未来的语文员额空缺,并向大会第六十四届会议通报这方面的努力。
In section V, paragraph 11, of the same resolution, the General Assembly requested the
Secretary-General to seek a more
[...] effective strategy to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the competitive examinations for [...]
the recruitment of language
staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, and to inform the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard.
据估计鸦片产量从 2009 年的 11 吨增至 2010 年的 [...]
18 吨。
The estimated
[...] production of opium increased from [...]
11 tons in 2009 to 18 tons in 2010.
咨 询委员会就此获告,虽然加入联合国行动网的所有实体都在处理冲突中 性暴力问题的某些方面,但目前没有一个牵头的联合国实体专门侧重于 保护平民或协调和平与安全部门(政治事务部和维持和平行动部)的工
[...] 作,而这些机构更直接地参与防止将性暴力作为一 战争 手 段
In response, the Committee was informed that, while the member entities of the United Nations Action network were all working on some aspect of sexual violence in conflict, there was currently no lead United Nations entity focusing specifically on the protection of civilians or on the coordination of the work of peace and security actors (the Department of Political Affairs and the
Department of Peacekeeping Operations) that were more directly engaged in preventing sexual
[...] violence as a tactic of war.
安全理事会将通过的关于停止对加沙的侵略战争的决 议必须重申,必须在真正和有效的国际监 [...]
督下继续推动政治进程,以确保将在 1967 年边界内 建立以圣城为首都的独立巴勒斯坦国,根据 1948 年大会第 194(III)号决议找到巴勒斯坦难民问题
的公正和商定解决办法,并释放所有被关押者和囚 犯。
The resolution to be adopted by the Security Council on the cessation of
[...] aggression and war against Gaza must [...]
reiterate the need for the political process
to continue under genuine and effective international supervision in order to ensure that an independent Palestinian State will be created within the 1967 borders and with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital; that a just and agreed solution will be found to the issue of Palestinian refugees in accordance with General Assembly resolution 194 (III) of 1948; and that all detainees and prisoners will be released.
[...] 亚还指出,它面临的主要困难是未爆弹药,这一事实反映出《公约》在确保受影 响国家不仅处理地雷还要处理其 战争 遗 留 爆炸物方面意义非凡。
Nigeria also noted that the fact that the main challenge faced by Nigeria concerned unexploded ordnance points to how valuable this Convention is in ensuring
that not only landmines are dealt with by affected countries, but that all other
[...] explosive remnants of war are dealt with.
组织法》在序言中 宣告:战争起源于人之思想,故务须于人之思想中筑起保卫和平之屏障”,并在其第 [...]
I 条 中为本组织确定了如下宗旨:“……通过教育、科学及文化来促进各国间之合作,对和平与 安全做出贡献,以增进对正义、法制及联合国宪章所确认之世界人民不分种族、性别、语言
The Preamble to the UNESCO Constitution
[...] declares that “since wars begin in the minds [...]
of men, it is in the minds of men that
the defences of peace must be constructed” and sets in Article I the following purpose for the Organization: “… to contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among the nations through education, science and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion, by the Charter of the United Nations”.
为“大自由:实现人人共享的发展、安全和人权”的报告(A/59/2005)向冲突 地区和冲突后地区的千百万妇女和女孩提出了一些至关重要的倡议,包括:设立
[...] 建设和平委员会;加强对预防冲突的重视;负责保护民众免遭灭绝种族罪 战争 罪、 族裔清洗和危害人类罪;更加有效地保护人权以及加强法治。
Furthermore, the report of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change (A/59/565) and the report of the Secretary-General “In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all” (A/59/2005) proposed a number of initiatives of vital importance to millions of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict areas, including: the creation of a Peacebuilding Commission; increased focus on conflict
prevention; the responsibility to protect populations
[...] from genocide, war crimes, ethnic [...]
cleansing and crimes against humanity; more
effective protection of human rights; and enhanced rule of law.
全球可卡因和海洛因市场最近的若干发展情况令人鼓舞:2009 年全球罂粟 种植面积减至 181,400 公顷,自
[...] 2007 年以来减幅为 23%;全鸦片产量自 2007 年的 8,890 吨减至 [...]
2009 年的 7,754 吨(13%),海洛因潜在产量从 2007 年的 757
吨减至 2009 年的 657 吨;2009 年全球古柯树种植面积减至 158,800 公顷,自 2007 年以来减幅为 13%,自 2000 年以来减幅为 28%;全球可卡因估计产量从 2007 年的 1,024 吨减至 2008 年的 865 吨(16%)。
There have been a number of encouraging developments in global cocaine and heroin markets recently: the global area under opium poppy cultivation declined to 181,400 hectares
(ha) in 2009, that is, by 23 per cent
[...] since 2007; global opium production fell [...]
from 8,890 tons in 2007 to 7,754 tons in
2009 (13 per cent), and potential heroin production declined from 757 tons in 2007 to 657 tons in 2009; the global area under coca bush cultivation declined to 158,800 ha in 2009 that is, by 13 per cent since 2007 or by 28 per cent since 2000; and estimated global cocaine production fell from 1,024 tons in 2007 to 865 tons in 2008 (16 per cent).




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